Buy 8InfAttack Baltic Fleet with Sub transport and fighters
Move all from Russia to Karelia, all but 1Inf from Caucasus to Karelia
Leave 1 Inf In soviet far east stack Novo with all inf that can reach + 1 Armor.
Place all in Karelia
Why only attack the navy?
Fig from France can reach Can tran, so why waste a bomber? Just go fo Egypt with 4 inf and 1 tankGermany
Build InfantrySend any remaining ships plus all air that can reach to kill brit fleet.
If possible use bomber to kill Canadian transport.
Take Egypt and if feeling ballzy take Transjordan with 2Inf and BB in Seurope.
Move everything in Europe east, leave the 2 infantry in france.
Place 2 Inf in SEurope, the rest in Ger.
Option 1 is better than option 2. IC in India is just stretching the game… Get Africa back. If you have to sacrifice your bomber so be it! Optional imo is the kwangbang, but Dert didn’t mention Russia attacking manch. Get a fig and save rest is my preferred buy to get a better naval buy on UK2.UK
Option 1
Purchase 1 AC and 1 TransportOption 2
Purchase 1 IC and saveFly fighters to Karelia
Bomb Germany
If option 1 place AC and wait for US fighters
If Option 2 Place IC in India (reinforce from Australia earlier)
Buy 2 Transports and 3 Infantry
If UK built AC take just enough to kill the ships in Hawaii
If no Brit AC hit Pearl heavy
Start pulling infantry from Islands to Kwang and ManchuriaTake Soviet far east Lightly in hope of drawing russains out.
If UK builds IC in India push heavy into French indo China
Kill US fighter in China
Place all in Japan, because there’s no where else to put it.
Just go heavy after the US fleet in Hawaii. Get inf from islands and take China heavy! If Russia and UK took Manch and Kwangtung its kinda over already…
Buy transports and infantry
If UK built AC move troops from East US to UK, move 2 fighters EUS, WUS to AC
If UK Built IC invade Africa and counter pearl if Japan took it light. 3ftrs, 1 bmb 1bb etc.
Start moving troops to East Canada to Set up Shuck, if you don’t know the shuck do a search.
Move all remaining Pacific ship toward Panama, use transport to screen BB if your worried.
Place builds in east US
I am more of a favorite of going all inf build and maybe a fig on US1. Why? It easier for your shuck shuck… You walk inf to Can and only need 4 trans!
2nd ed without a bid is not really fair… We all agreed on that I think…