You should be able to see a macos.dmg file to download there. The forum requires at least version 2.6 to use the play by forum or play by email.
3d6: 5, 2, 2
1d6: 3
I was a bit too quick and accidentally fired off the battle, but we can roll it with the dice roller and edit back the results.
I will roll for the EPol combat by hand. I attack with my entire AGS so we can assume I get two hits. Rolling for your defending units:
Russian guard at 3
[dice 1d6]
Russian infantry at 2
[dice 1d6]
1d6: 1
1d6: 2
I will take 2 shots at the Paras and the other at the Planes. You might want to dicebot the whole thing and ignore the triplea outcome.
hmm … Idk if you can do the AA fire in edit or not. it’ll jack it up if triplea rolls twice and they both hit.
well, you’re a smart guy, you’ll figure it out :)
Yeah I’ll just roll the entire battle with my friend dicebot.
AA shooting two dice at paras (Waffen and normal)
[dice 2d6]
and one die at planes (fighter and bomber)
[dice 1d6]
2d6: 4, 1
1d6: 6
normal Para dies.
Germans fire:
Bomber at 4
[dice 1d6]
Fighter and Waffen para at 3
[dice 2d6]
Russians fire
Defending para at 3
[dice 1d6]
1d6: 1
2d6: 6, 6
1d6: 6
Russian AA dies.
Round 2
Germans fire:
Bomber at 4
[dice 1d6]
Fighter and Waffen para at 3
[dice 2d6]
Russians fire:
Para at 2
[dice 1d6]
1d6: 1
2d6: 2, 2
1d6: 4
Russian para dies, no more losses for the Germans.
Game History
Round: 14
Research Technology - Germans
Purchase Units - Germans
Trigger Wolfpack at112 SeaZones: Germans has 1 Wolfpack placed in 112 Sea Zone
Germans buy 1 German_Hvy_Bmbr, 1 Hvy_Ind_2, 1 King_Tiger, 2 Repair_Hvy_Tanks, 11 TotalWar_Infs, 1 elite and 3 german_paras; Remaining resources: 0 PUs;
Place Units - Germans
Units in Western Germany being upgraded or consumed: 1 factory_major
1 Hvy_Ind_2 placed in Western Germany
2 Repair_Hvy_Tanks placed in Western Ukraine
Combat Move - Germans
Trigger RailMovementAutoPlaceGermans: Germans has 2 Rails placed in Germany
2 units repaired.
2 Waffen_HvyTnk_Dmgds owned by the Germans removed in Western Ukraine
2 Waffen_Hvy_Tanks owned by the Germans added in Western Ukraine
Turning on Edit Mode
EDIT: Turning off Edit Mode
Turning on Edit Mode
EDIT: Turning off Edit Mode
Turning on Edit Mode
EDIT: Turning off Edit Mode
Turning on Edit Mode
EDIT: Turning off Edit Mode
Turning on Edit Mode
EDIT: Turning off Edit Mode
Trigger Germans RemoveRepair Hvy Tank: has removed 2 Repair_Hvy_Tanks owned by Germans in Western Ukraine
4 Me_262s moved from Western Germany to Holland Belgium
2 infantry moved from Finland to Karelia
1 fighter moved from Finland to Karelia
EDIT: 2 waffen_infantrys moved from Army Group South to Ukraine
2 infantry moved from Poland to Baltic States
1 fighter moved from Poland to Baltic States
EDIT: 1 Waffen_Para moved from Western Ukraine to Rostov
EDIT: 1 Waffen_Para moved from Western Ukraine to Belarus
1 bomber moved from Romania to Rostov
1 bomber moved from Romania to Belarus
1 fighter moved from Bessarabia to Belarus
1 fighter moved from Poland to Baltic States
EDIT: 1 german_para moved from Poland to Belarus
2 Waffen_Hvy_Tanks moved from Western Ukraine to Eastern Poland
1 ArmyGroupSouth moved from Western Ukraine to Eastern Poland
1 4thWaffenArmy moved from Western Ukraine to Eastern Poland
1 tactical_bomber moved from Romania to Ukraine
1 infantry moved from Egypt to Alexandria
1 Me_262 moved from Egypt to Alexandria
1 Me_262 moved from Egypt to Alexandria
1 infantry moved from Egypt to Trans-Jordan
1 Me_262 moved from Egypt to Trans-Jordan
1 infantry moved from Egypt to Anglo Egyptian Sudan
1 LuftwaffeAce moved from Egypt to Anglo Egyptian Sudan
1 elite moved from Poland to Baltic States
1 infantry moved from Poland to Eastern Poland
1 elite moved from Romania to Eastern Poland
3 infantry moved from Western Germany to Holland Belgium
1 elite moved from Normandy Bordeaux to Holland Belgium
EDIT: 1 waffen_infantry moved from 4th Waffen to Western Ukraine
1 infantry moved from Romania to Eastern Poland
Combat - Germans
Trigger Wolfpack at112 SeaZones: Germans has 1 Wolfpack placed in 112 Sea Zone
Turning on Edit Mode
EDIT: Removing units owned by Changer from Western Ukraine: 2 R_mine_WUKR_EPOLs
EDIT: Changing unit hit damage for these Germans owned units to: Waffen_Hvy_Tank = 1, Waffen_Hvy_Tank = 1
EDIT: Turning off Edit Mode
Battle in Ukraine
Germans attack with 1 tactical_bomber and 2 waffen_infantrys; Changer loiter and taunt
Changer defend; Russians defend with 1 infantry and 1 russian_minor
Germans roll dice for 1 tactical_bomber and 2 waffen_infantrys in Ukraine, round 2 : 0/3 hits, 1.17 expected hits
Russians roll dice for 1 infantry in Ukraine, round 2 : 1/1 hits, 0.33 expected hits
1 waffen_infantry owned by the Germans lost in Ukraine
Germans roll dice for 1 tactical_bomber and 1 waffen_infantry in Ukraine, round 3 : 1/2 hits, 0.83 expected hits
Russians roll dice for 1 infantry in Ukraine, round 3 : 1/1 hits, 0.33 expected hits
1 waffen_infantry owned by the Germans lost in Ukraine
1 infantry owned by the Russians lost in Ukraine
Germans win with 1 tactical_bomber remaining. Battle score for attacker is -5
Casualties for Germans: 2 waffen_infantrys
Casualties for Russians: 1 infantry
Battle in Karelia
Germans attack with 1 fighter and 2 infantry
Russians defend with 1 infantry
Germans roll dice for 1 fighter and 2 infantry in Karelia, round 2 : 0/3 hits, 0.83 expected hits
Russians roll dice for 1 infantry in Karelia, round 2 : 0/1 hits, 0.33 expected hits
Germans roll dice for 1 fighter and 2 infantry in Karelia, round 3 : 1/3 hits, 0.83 expected hits
Russians roll dice for 1 infantry in Karelia, round 3 : 0/1 hits, 0.33 expected hits
1 infantry owned by the Russians lost in Karelia
Germans win, taking Karelia from Russians with 1 fighter and 2 infantry remaining. Battle score for attacker is 3
Casualties for Russians: 1 infantry
Battle in Anglo Egyptian Sudan
Germans attack with 1 LuftwaffeAce and 1 infantry
British defend with 1 infantry
Germans roll dice for 1 LuftwaffeAce and 1 infantry in Anglo Egyptian Sudan, round 2 : 1/3 hits, 1.17 expected hits
British roll dice for 1 infantry in Anglo Egyptian Sudan, round 2 : 0/1 hits, 0.33 expected hits
1 infantry owned by the British lost in Anglo Egyptian Sudan
Germans win, taking Anglo Egyptian Sudan from British with 1 LuftwaffeAce and 1 infantry remaining. Battle score for attacker is 3
Casualties for British: 1 infantry
Battle in Rostov
Germans attack with 1 Waffen_Para and 1 bomber; Changer loiter and taunt
Changer defend; Russians defend with 1 infantry
Germans roll dice for 1 Waffen_Para and 1 bomber in Rostov, round 2 : 2/2 hits, 1.17 expected hits
Russians roll dice for 1 infantry in Rostov, round 2 : 1/1 hits, 0.33 expected hits
1 Waffen_Para owned by the Germans lost in Rostov
1 infantry owned by the Russians lost in Rostov
Germans win with 1 bomber remaining. Battle score for attacker is -3
Casualties for Germans: 1 Waffen_Para
Casualties for Russians: 1 infantry
Battle in Baltic States
Germans attack with 1 elite, 2 fighters and 2 infantry
Russians defend with 1 guard_infantry and 1 infantry
Germans roll dice for 1 elite, 2 fighters and 2 infantry in Baltic States, round 2 : 2/6 hits, 1.67 expected hits
Russians roll dice for 1 guard_infantry and 1 infantry in Baltic States, round 2 : 1/2 hits, 0.83 expected hits
1 infantry owned by the Germans lost in Baltic States
1 infantry owned by the Russians and 1 guard_infantry owned by the Russians lost in Baltic States
Germans win, taking Baltic States from Russians with 1 elite, 2 fighters and 1 infantry remaining. Battle score for attacker is 4
Casualties for Germans: 1 infantry
Casualties for Russians: 1 guard_infantry and 1 infantry
Battle in Belarus
Germans attack with 1 Waffen_Para, 1 bomber, 1 fighter and 1 german_para; Changer loiter and taunt
Changer defend; Russians defend with 1 aaGun, 1 russian_para and 1 russian_paraBoost
Russians roll AA dice in Belarus : 0/2 hits, 0.33 expected hits
Germans roll dice for 1 Waffen_Para, 1 bomber, 1 fighter and 1 german_para in Belarus, round 2 : 1/4 hits, 1.83 expected hits
Russians roll dice for 1 aaGun, 1 russian_para and 1 russian_paraBoost in Belarus, round 2 : 1/1 hits, 0.50 expected hits
1 german_para owned by the Germans lost in Belarus
1 aaGun owned by the Russians lost in Belarus
1 russian_paraBoost owned by the Russians lost in Belarus
Germans roll dice for 1 Waffen_Para, 1 bomber and 1 fighter in Belarus, round 3 : 0/3 hits, 1.67 expected hits
Russians roll dice for 1 russian_para in Belarus, round 3 : 1/1 hits, 0.33 expected hits
1 Waffen_Para owned by the Germans lost in Belarus
Germans roll dice for 1 bomber and 1 fighter in Belarus, round 4 : 1/2 hits, 1.17 expected hits
Russians roll dice for 1 russian_para in Belarus, round 4 : 1/1 hits, 0.33 expected hits
1 fighter owned by the Germans lost in Belarus
1 russian_para owned by the Russians lost in Belarus
Germans win with 1 bomber remaining. Battle score for attacker is -10
Casualties for Germans: 1 Waffen_Para, 1 fighter and 1 german_para
Casualties for Russians: 1 aaGun, 1 russian_para and 1 russian_paraBoost
Battle in Holland Belgium
Germans attack with 4 Me_262s, 1 elite and 3 infantry
British defend with 4 uk_paras and 1 uk_paraBoost
Germans roll dice for 4 Me_262s, 1 elite and 3 infantry in Holland Belgium, round 2 : 6/9 hits, 3.50 expected hits
British roll dice for 4 uk_paras and 1 uk_paraBoost in Holland Belgium, round 2 : 1/4 hits, 2.00 expected hits
1 infantry owned by the Germans lost in Holland Belgium
4 uk_paras owned by the British lost in Holland Belgium
1 uk_paraBoost owned by the British lost in Holland Belgium
Germans win, taking Holland Belgium from British with 4 Me_262s, 1 elite and 2 infantry remaining. Battle score for attacker is 13
Casualties for Germans: 1 infantry
Casualties for British: 4 uk_paras and 1 uk_paraBoost
Battle in Alexandria
Germans attack with 2 Me_262s and 1 infantry
Americans defend with 1 elite
Germans roll dice for 2 Me_262s and 1 infantry in Alexandria, round 2 : 1/3 hits, 1.50 expected hits
British roll dice for 1 elite in Alexandria, round 2 : 0/2 hits, 0.67 expected hits
1 elite owned by the Americans lost in Alexandria
Germans win, taking Alexandria from British with 2 Me_262s and 1 infantry remaining. Battle score for attacker is 3
Casualties for Americans: 1 elite
Battle in Trans-Jordan
Germans attack with 1 Me_262 and 1 infantry
British defend with 1 infantry
Germans roll dice for 1 Me_262 and 1 infantry in Trans-Jordan, round 2 : 1/2 hits, 0.83 expected hits
British roll dice for 1 infantry in Trans-Jordan, round 2 : 0/1 hits, 0.33 expected hits
1 infantry owned by the British lost in Trans-Jordan
Germans win, taking Trans-Jordan from British with 1 Me_262 and 1 infantry remaining. Battle score for attacker is 3
Casualties for British: 1 infantry
Turning on Edit Mode
EDIT: Removing units owned by Russians from Eastern Poland: 1 guard_infantry and 1 infantry
EDIT: Removing units owned by Germans from Eastern Poland: 2 infantry
EDIT: Turning off Edit Mode
Battle in Eastern Poland
Germans attack with 1 4thWaffenArmy, 1 ArmyGroupSouth, 2 Waffen_Hvy_Tanks and 1 elite
2 Waffen_Hvy_Tanks owned by the Germans transformed into 2 Waffen_HvyTnk_Dmgds owned by the Germans in Eastern Poland
Germans win, taking Eastern Poland from Russians with 1 4thWaffenArmy, 1 ArmyGroupSouth, 2 Waffen_HvyTnk_Dmgds and 1 elite remaining. Battle score for attacker is -16
Casualties for Germans: 2 Waffen_Hvy_Tanks
Non Combat Move - Germans
Turning on Edit Mode
EDIT: Adding units owned by Germans to Belarus: 1 Waffen_Para and 1 fighter
EDIT: Changing ownership of Belarus from Russians to Germans
EDIT: Turning off Edit Mode
Turning on Edit Mode
EDIT: Turning off Edit Mode
Trigger RailMovementAutoPlaceRemoveGermansItalyTakeover: has removed 1 Rail owned by Germans in Romania
Trigger RailMovementAutoPlaceRemoveGermansItalyTakeover: has removed 1 Rail owned by Germans in Germany
Trigger Remove All Wolfpack: has removed 3 Wolfpacks owned by Germans in 112 Sea Zone
Trigger Urals Tank Unit: Russians has 1 armour placed in Urals
1 fighter moved from Belarus to Romania
1 tactical_bomber moved from Ukraine to Romania
1 bomber moved from Rostov to Romania
1 bomber moved from Belarus to Western Germany
2 fighters moved from Baltic States to Romania
1 fighter moved from Karelia to Finland
2 german_paras moved from Germany to Eastern Poland
2 Me_262s moved from Alexandria to Egypt
1 LuftwaffeAce moved from Anglo Egyptian Sudan to Egypt
1 Me_262 moved from Trans-Jordan to Egypt
4 Me_262s moved from Holland Belgium to Western Germany
3 G_air_transports moved from Finland to Western Germany
1 Rail and 1 elite moved from Germany to Romania
1 elite moved from Western Germany to France
EDIT: 1 4thWaffenArmy moved from Eastern Poland to 4th Waffen
EDIT: 1 Waffen_Arty and 1 waffen_panzer moved from 4th Waffen to Army Group South
EDIT: 1 Waffen_Oberst moved from 4th Waffen to Eastern Poland
3 Me_262s moved from Egypt to Southern Italy
Place Units - Germans
1 German_Hvy_Bmbr, 1 King_Tiger, 1 elite and 3 german_paras placed in Germany
11 TotalWar_Infs placed in Western Germany
Trigger GermansTotalWarInfPlaceWesternGermany: has removed 11 TotalWar_Infs owned by Germans in Western Germany
Trigger GermansTotalWarInfPlaceWesternGermany: Germans has 11 infantry placed in Western Germany
Turn Complete - Germans
Trigger Wolfpack at112 SeaZones: Germans has 1 Wolfpack placed in 112 Sea Zone
Total Cost from Convoy Blockades: 6
Rolling for Convoy Blockade Damage in 97 Sea Zone. Rolls: 2,3
Rolling for Convoy Blockade Damage in 98 Sea Zone. Rolls: 1,1
Rolling for Convoy Blockade Damage in 105 Sea Zone. Rolls: 3,3
Germans collect 44 PUs (6 lost to blockades); end with 44 PUs
Trigger Germans 4 Presence In Egypt: Germans met a national objective for an additional 5 PUs; end with 49 PUs
Trigger Germans AdvancedProduction: Germans met a national objective for an additional 12 PUs; end with 61 PUs
Trigger Germans 5 Swedish Iron Ore: Germans met a national objective for an additional 5 PUs; end with 66 PUs
Combat Hit Differential Summary :
Russians regular : 3.33
Germans regular : -1.17
Russians AA : -0.33
British regular : -2.33
Game History
Round: 14
Purchase Units - Russians
Russians buy 3 Mass_Tankss, 3 Russian_Rocketss, 3 TotalWar_Tank_2s, 1 elite, 3 guard_infantrys and 1 infantry; Remaining resources: 0 PUs; 0 AirLendLease; 0 TankLendLease;
Combat Move - Russians
Trigger RailMovementAutoPlaceRussians: Russians has 1 Europe_Rail and 2 Rails placed in Russia
Turning on Edit Mode
EDIT: Russians takes Poland from Germans
EDIT: Changing ownership of Poland from Russians to Germans
EDIT: Turning off Edit Mode
EDIT: 1 2ndCorps moved from Urals to 2nd Corps
EDIT: 1 Soviet_Commisar_3 and 3 armour moved from 2nd Corps to Timguska
2 armour moved from Urals to Timguska
6 Russian_Rocketss moved from Russia to Novosibirsk
4 armour moved from Urals to Novosibirsk
2 armour and 1 guard_infantry moved from Caucasus to Tsinghai
1 fighter moved from Caucasus to Tsinghai
1 tactical_bomber moved from Caucasus to Novosibirsk
1 fighter moved from Bryansk to Western Ukraine
2 fighters and 1 tactical_bomber moved from Smolensk to Western Ukraine
1 armour moved from Russia to Western Ukraine
1 guard_infantry and 1 infantry moved from Bryansk to Western Ukraine
1 infantry moved from Novgorod to Belarus
1 armour moved from Novgorod to Belarus
2 armour moved from Russia to Belarus
6 armour moved from Bryansk to Belarus
1 3rdCorps moved from Bryansk to Belarus
1 1stSovietAG moved from Bryansk to Belarus
1 FighterAce moved from Volgograd to Belarus
Combat - Russians
Battle in Belarus
Changer loiter and taunt; Russians attack with 1 1stSovietAG, 1 3rdCorps, 1 FighterAce, 9 armour and 1 infantry
Germans defend with 1 Waffen_Para; Changer defend
Russians roll dice for 1 1stSovietAG, 1 3rdCorps, 1 FighterAce, 9 armour and 1 infantry in Belarus, round 2 : 8/12 hits, 5.67 expected hits
Germans roll dice for 1 Waffen_Para in Belarus, round 2 : 0/1 hits, 0.67 expected hits
1 Waffen_Para owned by the Germans lost in Belarus
Russians win, taking Belarus from Germans with 1 1stSovietAG, 1 3rdCorps, 1 FighterAce, 9 armour and 1 infantry remaining. Battle score for attacker is 6
Casualties for Germans: 1 Waffen_Para
Battle in Western Ukraine
Changer loiter and taunt; Russians attack with 1 armour, 3 fighters, 1 guard_infantry, 1 infantry and 1 tactical_bomber
Germans defend with 1 waffen_infantry; Changer defend
Russians roll dice for 1 armour, 3 fighters, 1 guard_infantry, 1 infantry and 1 tactical_bomber in Western Ukraine, round 2 : 2/7 hits, 3.17 expected hits
Germans roll dice for 1 waffen_infantry in Western Ukraine, round 2 : 1/1 hits, 0.67 expected hits
1 infantry owned by the Russians lost in Western Ukraine
1 waffen_infantry owned by the Germans lost in Western Ukraine
Russians win, taking Western Ukraine from Germans with 1 armour, 3 fighters, 1 guard_infantry and 1 tactical_bomber remaining. Battle score for attacker is 1
Casualties for Russians: 1 infantry
Casualties for Germans: 1 waffen_infantry
Battle in Tsinghai
Russians attack with 2 armour, 1 fighter and 1 guard_infantry
Japanese defend with 1 armour
Russians roll dice for 2 armour, 1 fighter and 1 guard_infantry in Tsinghai, round 2 : 2/4 hits, 1.83 expected hits
Japanese roll dice for 1 armour in Tsinghai, round 2 : 1/1 hits, 0.50 expected hits
1 guard_infantry owned by the Russians lost in Tsinghai
1 armour owned by the Japanese lost in Tsinghai
Russians win, taking Tsinghai from Japanese with 2 armour and 1 fighter remaining. Battle score for attacker is 1
Casualties for Russians: 1 guard_infantry
Casualties for Japanese: 1 armour
Battle in Novosibirsk
Russians attack with 6 Russian_Rocketss, 4 armour and 1 tactical_bomber
Japanese defend with 1 armour and 1 mech_infantry
Russians roll dice for 6 Russian_Rocketss in Novosibirsk, round 2 : 1/6 hits, 2.00 expected hits
1 mech_infantry owned by the Japanese lost in Novosibirsk
6 Russian_Rocketss owned by the Russians lost in Novosibirsk
Russians roll dice for 4 armour and 1 tactical_bomber in Novosibirsk, round 2 : 4/5 hits, 2.67 expected hits
Japanese roll dice for 1 armour in Novosibirsk, round 2 : 0/1 hits, 0.50 expected hits
1 armour owned by the Japanese lost in Novosibirsk
Russians win, taking Novosibirsk from Japanese with 4 armour and 1 tactical_bomber remaining. Battle score for attacker is 3
Casualties for Japanese: 1 armour and 1 mech_infantry
Casualties for Russians: 6 Russian_Rocketss
Battle in Timguska
Russians attack with 1 Soviet_Commisar_3 and 5 armour
Japanese defend with 2 armour
Russians roll dice for 1 Soviet_Commisar_3 and 5 armour in Timguska, round 2 : 4/8 hits, 3.67 expected hits
Japanese roll dice for 2 armour in Timguska, round 2 : 0/2 hits, 1.00 expected hits
2 armour owned by the Japanese lost in Timguska
Russians win, taking Timguska from Japanese with 1 Soviet_Commisar_3 and 5 armour remaining. Battle score for attacker is 10
Casualties for Japanese: 2 armour
Trigger Remove All Wolfpack: has removed 1 Wolfpack owned by Germans in 112 Sea Zone
Non Combat Move - Russians
Trigger Wolfpack at112 SeaZones: Germans has 1 Wolfpack placed in 112 Sea Zone
Trigger RailMovementAutoPlaceRemoveRussians: has removed 1 Europe_Rail and 1 Rail owned by Russians in Russia
Trigger RailMovementAutoPlaceRemoveRussians: has removed 1 Rail owned by Russians in Ukraine
1 tactical_bomber moved from Novosibirsk to Caucasus
1 elite moved from Volgograd to Kazakhstan
1 fighter moved from Tsinghai to Caucasus
1 aaGun and 2 infantry moved from Northwest Persia to Caucasus
1 russian_para moved from Russia to Caucasus
1 russian_para moved from Bryansk to Caucasus
1 armour moved from Bryansk to Caucasus
1 infantry moved from Volgograd to Rostov
1 Rail and 1 elite moved from Russia to Ukraine
2 armour moved from Bryansk to Ukraine
1 tactical_bomber moved from Western Ukraine to Russia
3 fighters moved from Western Ukraine to Russia
1 guard_infantry moved from Bryansk to Ukraine
1 aaGun moved from Bryansk to Belarus
1 guard_infantry moved from Bryansk to Ukraine
1 Russian_Engineer moved from Bryansk to Belarus
1 FighterAce moved from Belarus to Smolensk
3 armour moved from Russia to Belarus
Place Units - Russians
1 infantry placed in Ukraine
3 Mass_Tankss, 3 Russian_Rocketss, 3 TotalWar_Tank_2s, 1 elite and 3 guard_infantrys placed in Russia
Turning on Edit Mode
EDIT: Removing units owned by Russians from Volgograd: 1 artillery
EDIT: Adding units owned by Russians to Bryansk: 1 artillery
EDIT: Turning off Edit Mode
Trigger MassTanksPlace3: has removed 3 Mass_Tankss owned by Russians in Russia
Trigger RussiansTotalWarTankPlaceRussia6: has removed 3 TotalWar_Tank_2s owned by Russians in Russia
Trigger MassTanksPlace3: Russians has 3 armour placed in Russia
Trigger RussiansTotalWarTankPlaceRussia6: Russians has 3 armour placed in Russia
Turn Complete - Russians
Russians collect 30 PUs; end with 30 PUs
Trigger Russians 1 Lend Lease: Russians met a national objective for an additional 5 PUs; end with 35 PUs
Objective Russians 2 Spread Of Communism: Russians met a national objective for an additional 3 PUs; end with 38 PUs
Combat Hit Differential Summary :
Japanese regular : -1.00
Germans regular : -0.33
Russians regular : 2.00
Forgot the stalingrad Arty. He woulda railed to Bryansk, hence the two space edit :)
Damn forgot to tell you. You got five extra PUs again for controlling Archangel, but there were British infantry in some Russian territories. Wanted to tell you after German turn, but I was so busy with Belarus that I forgot about it lol :)
oops yea I didn’t look. I’ll remove the Inf and 2 Rockets and deduct 5
I wonder if you can place Total War Fighters directly on Carriers because the engine does not allow me to.
I thought I fixed that. Can you place the CVs and then the Total War Ftrs ?