New proof that Global Warming is a myth!

  • She’s probably married to shrek;)

  • @MechanizedWarfare:


    If it were just one topic, you would be correct Mech.

    But it is EVERY topic.

    Sometimes you just got to let it go, and let the person that you beleive is wrong, to continue being wrong and just hope he/she realizes that they are.  :wink:

    But for some people (i’m one of them ans switch surely is too), seeing lies and half truths getting spread all around is really annoying. In fact, i don’t care if Jen doesn’t change it’s mind (and principallu her way to “debate” and to bring “proofs”), I just find it SAD to see taht much bullshit beeing spread. Worst thing is too many people (thoses who aren’t well informed and those who absolutely need something to beleive in) are buying bullshit.

  • '18 '17 '16 '11 Moderator


    And exactly HOW do you plan to compress THAT much gas without using energy (causing heat) to do the compression?  AND, how do you offset the thermodynamic law that compression of a gas heats the gas (independent of the energy needed to compress it)?

    You can;t use HALF of the laws of thermodynamics to support your hypothesis and not the other half relating to compression heating.

    As for a space reflector…  We can’t keep bolts from floating away while attaching a small solar panel on the space station, and you want to place a reflective mesh tens of thousands of square miles in size in orbit?

    Not to deflate your hopes, but we could fill cannisters in space and bring them down.  The added gravity would put them under more pressure and we could release the gas.  Woolah!  No heat absorbed!  No added expense, we just fill em as part of our currently scheduled misions and let the gravity of the world pressurize them for free upon reentry.

    Gee, why am I the only person on the planet that seems to figure this out?  Oh wait, I’m not, just that when people come up with rational ways to “effect” the planet’s atmosphere you say it’s unfeasible because it wont do enough or try to pick holes in the logic.

    Come up with a better plan that doesn’t involve punishing only US Citizens like Kyoto.

  • Gas has weight, so you need to haul it into orbit to compress it.  Unless you want to build a ram scoop in orbit large enough to collect the gas in space.  Of course right now under current technology, it would be easier to just build a big exhaust pipe up out of the atmosphere and discharge the extra CO2 into space through a 200 mile high tailpipe.

    A couple of O2 bottles that can fit on the Shuttle are not going to cut it either, you are talking scores of cubic miles of atmoshpere to be cooled…

    And you have done nothing to address teh cause of the warming.

  • The Kyoto Protocol is a fine thing to have.  However, I don’t know what you mean by “punishing” US citizens.  We have the highest emissions of any country, hands down, and our emissions per person is nearly at the top as well.  The countries that would have to do the most work obviously don’t want to do that.  Pretty selfish.

  • @Jennifer:

    Not to deflate your hopes, but we could fill cannisters in space and bring them down.  The added gravity would put them under more pressure and we could release the gas.  Woolah!  No heat absorbed!  No added expense, we just fill em as part of our currently scheduled misions and let the gravity of the world pressurize them for free upon reentry.

    Gee, why am I the only person on the planet that seems to figure this out?  Oh wait, I’m not, just that when people come up with rational ways to “effect” the planet’s atmosphere you say it’s unfeasible because it wont do enough or try to pick holes in the logic.

    Come up with a better plan that doesn’t involve punishing only US Citizens like Kyoto.

    I hope you are not talking seriously…
    If yes, it’s a pity.

  • 2007 AAR League

    the earth will adapt.  With or without our current co2 emmissions.  we just may have way more thunderstorms to help out.

  • Yes, the Earth will be fine. The Earth’s inhabitants on the other hand will likely have a tougher time of it. @OLver:


    Not to deflate your hopes, but we could fill cannisters in space and bring them down.  The added gravity would put them under more pressure and we could release the gas.  Woolah!  No heat absorbed!  No added expense, we just fill em as part of our currently scheduled misions and let the gravity of the world pressurize them for free upon reentry.

    Gee, why am I the only person on the planet that seems to figure this out?  Oh wait, I’m not, just that when people come up with rational ways to “effect” the planet’s atmosphere you say it’s unfeasible because it wont do enough or try to pick holes in the logic.

    Come up with a better plan that doesn’t involve punishing only US Citizens like Kyoto.

    I hope you are not talking seriously…
    If yes, it’s a pity.

    I add my own hopes here as well.

  • How is that utterly feasable?  I assume you don’t want to increase funding to NASA so the extremely limited space on the shuttle will be taken up with canisters.  How effective do  you think a single shuttle will be when it comes to cooling A PLANET anyway???  Sorry to poke holes in your logic but perhaps a plan without GAPING holes will have more support.

  • '18 '17 '16 '11 Moderator


    How is that utterly feasable?  I assume you don’t want to increase funding to NASA so the extremely limited space on the shuttle will be taken up with canisters.  How effective do  you think a single shuttle will be when it comes to cooling A PLANET anyway???  Sorry to poke holes in your logic but perhaps a plan without GAPING holes will have more support.

    Hey, I’d be for discontinuing the welfare program or the social security program or the paying politicians a salary program to put up that net. :P  Common, put up your program for the good of the planet, or stop trying to convince us you seriously think global warming is an issue.  It’s been 25+ years and we’ve yet to see any significant data that the humans on this planet are doing anything to effect or deter global warming.

    Personally, I don’t think there is anything we CAN do.  Not when our orbit is currently falling towards the sun and the sun is showing above average activity.  In a few hundred years they’ll be complaining of global cooling since the planet will be moving away from the sun.

  • You know, I think the shuttle is a bad idea as far as trying to cure Global Warming anyway.

    I mean, the exhaust of the shuttle when it launches… how many billions of BTU’s of heat is that?


  • The best way to prevent global warming is for guys to not wear tight pants.

  • '18 '17 '16 '11 Moderator


    The best way to prevent global warming is for guys to not wear tight pants.

    How much heat is involved in all the sex going on?  That’s gotta be a lot of friction!  Stop all sex!  Now, we can cut down on methane production by liquidating elderly people before they reach the age of 60.  Hmm, what else can we do?  Oh yea!  Teh human body puts out lotsa BTUs all the time, if we nuked China flat, maybe hit some of the collar countries, we could reduce a massive amount of BTUs into the atmosphere!

    Then we could make it illegal to run the “clean” cycle on your stove and prevent the sale of heaters…how much heat do 151 million heaters produce every day anyway?  That’s gotta have a big impact on the global temperature!

  • Where are you getting this above average activity for the sun? No one contends that it is anything other than the CO2 we are putting into the atmosphere.

    But I suppose this is really something that you will look at and go “Hey wait a second maybe I should pay attention to this.” Or, “Those silly tree huggers trying to put Hard Working Americans out of work. Scaring folks with their silly theories.”

  • '18 '17 '16 '11 Moderator


    Where are you getting this above average activity for the sun? No one contends that it is anything other than the CO2 we are putting into the atmosphere.
    Discovery Magazine
    Popular Science Magazine
    Time Magazine
    Physical Science Class I
    Physical Science Class II
    Astrology I

    Just about any scientist that has the facts will tell ya that the sun’s been running overtime since the 1980’s resulting in more flares then normal, more sun spots then normal and thus more radiation then normal.

    Discovery Magazine
    Popular Science Magazine
    Time Magazine
    Physical Science Class I
    Physical Science Class II
    Astrology I

    thats the worst “works cited” page ive ever seen. the purpose of a works cited is to let the reader be able to locate the exact spot you found your information. unfortunately, the works cited was ungraded, but presenting it in such a grossly incorrect form shows contempt for the teacher/assignment/both. thats going to drop you to a D. your going to have to work to bring your average up this semester.

  • Astrology I

    i didnt even catch that last time…so was it the sign of Aquarius or Capricorn that told you this info? were the planets aligned?

  • Here is a hard link and hard data.

    Jen is actually correct on this one (and this is also seen as the cause of the Global Warming on Mars, but not on Earth)

    (Charts and graphs did not transfer)

    One quote:

    The recent trend of a .05 percent per decade increase in Total Solar Irradiance (TSI) in watts per meter squared, or the amount of solar energy that falls upon a square meter outside the Earths atmosphere. The trend was measured between successive solar minima that occur approximately every 11 years. At the bottom, the timeline of the many different datasets that contributed to this finding, from 1978 to present.

    Entire Article (sans photo captions and charts)

    Sun’s Output Increasing in Possible Trend Fueling Global Warming
    By Robert Roy Britt
    Senior Science Writer
    posted: 02:30 pm ET
    20 March 2003

    In what could be the simplest explanation for one component of global warming, a new study shows the Sun’s radiation has increased by .05 percent per decade since the late 1970s.

    The increase would only be significant to Earth’s climate if it has been going on for a century or more, said study leader Richard Willson, a Columbia University researcher also affiliated with NASA’s Goddard Institute for Space Studies.

    The Sun’s increasing output has only been monitored with precision since satellite technology allowed necessary observations. Willson is not sure if the trend extends further back in time, but other studies suggest it does.

    “This trend is important because, if sustained over many decades, it could cause significant climate change,” Willson said.

    In a NASA-funded study recently published in Geophysical Research Letters, Willson and his colleagues speculate on the possible history of the trend based on data collected in the pre-satellite era.

    “Solar activity has apparently been going upward for a century or more,” Willson told today.

    Significant component

    Further satellite observations may eventually show the trend to be short-term. But if the change has indeed persisted at the present rate through the 20th Century, “it would have provided a significant component of the global warming the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change reports to have occurred over the past 100 years,” he said.

    That does not mean industrial pollution has not been a significant factor, Willson cautioned.

    Scientists, industry leaders and environmentalists have argued for years whether humans have contributed to global warming, and to what extent. The average surface temperature around the globe has risen by about 1 degree Fahrenheit since 1880. Some scientists say the increase could be part of natural climate cycles. Others argue that greenhouse gases produced by automobiles and industry are largely to blame.

    Willson said the Sun’s possible influence has been largely ignored because it is so difficult to quantify over long periods.

    Confounding efforts to determine the Sun’s role is the fact that its energy output waxes and wanes every 11 years. This solar cycle, as it is called, reached maximum in the middle of 2000 and achieved a second peak in 2002. It is now ramping down toward a solar minimum that will arrive in about three years.


    Changes in the solar cycle – and solar output – are known to cause short-term climate change on Earth. At solar max, Earth’s thin upper atmosphere can see a doubling of temperature. It swells, and denser air can puff up to the region of space where the International Space Station orbits, causing increased drag on the ship and forcing more frequent boosts from space shuttles.
    Changing Sun
    In 1996, near the last solar minimum, the Sun is nearly featureless. By 1999, approaching maximum, it is dotted by sunspots and fiery hot gas trapped in magnetic loops.
    SOURCE: ESA/NASA/SOHO/US Naval Research Laboratory

    Sun Cams: See the Sun Now

    Long-term: A previous study showed that changes in the Sun’s output appear to be related to temperatures on Earth, based on studies of tree rings, sunspots and other data. Learn More

    Solar max has also been tied to a 2 percent increase in clouds over much of the United States.

    It might seem logical to assume tie climate to solar output, but firm connections are few. Other studies looking further back in time have suggested a connection between longer variations in solar activity and temperatures on Earth.

    Examinations of ancient tree rings and other data show temperatures declined starting in the 13th Century, bottomed out at 2 degrees below the long-term average during the 17th Century, and did not climb back to previous levels until the late 19th Century. Separate records of sunspots, auroral activity (the Northern Lights) and terrestrial deposits of certain substances generated in atmospheric reactions triggered by solar output, suggest the Sun was persistently active prior to the onset of this Little Ice Age, as scientists call the event.

    Solar activity was lowest during the 17th Century, when Earth was most frigid.

    Large-scale ocean and climate variations on Earth can also mask long-term trends and can make it difficult to sort out what is normal, what is unusual, and which effects might or might not result from shifts in solar radiation.

    To get above all this, scientists rely on measurements of total solar energy, at all wavelengths, outside Earth’s atmosphere. The figure they derive is called Total Solar Irradiance (TSI).

    Heating up

    The new study shows that the TSI has increased by about 0.1 percent over 24 years. That is not enough to cause notable climate change, Willson and his colleagues say, unless the rate of change were maintained for a century or more.

    On time scales as short as several days, the TSI can vary by 0.2 percent due to the number and size of sunspots crossing the face of the Sun. That shift, said to be insignificant to weather, is however equal to the total amount of energy used by humans, globally, for a year, the researchers estimate.

    The study analyzed data from six satellites orbiting Earth at different times over the 24 years. Willson ferreted out errors in one of the datasets that had prevented previous studies from discovering the trend.

    A separate recent study of Sun-induced magnetic activity near Earth, going back to 1868, provides compelling evidence that the Sun’s current increase in output goes back more than a century, Willson said.

    He said firm conclusions about whether the present changes involve a long-term trend or a relatively brief aberration should come with continued monitoring into the next solar minimum, expected around 2006.

  • Except that the answer lies in teh first paragraph of that second article you posted…

    Researchers traced changes in our parent star’s energy output back to the 17th century and found that solar cycles, peaking nearly every 11 years, did not play a significant role in contributing to global warming.

    The article I posted was not refering to the 11 year cycle, but a net overall increase independent of that 11 year cycle.

    Note teh quote from the article I psoted…

    The trend was measured between successive solar minima that occur approximately every 11 years.

    Your article says the 11 year cycle is nto responsible for global warming.  Mine says that an increase independent of that cycle is occuring.  One does not preclude the other.

  • '18 '17 '16 '11 Moderator

    On time scales as short as several days, the TSI can vary by 0.2 percent due to the number and size of sunspots crossing the face of the Sun. That shift, said to be insignificant to weather, is however equal to the total amount of energy used by humans, globally, for a year, the researchers estimate.

    Assuming that’s true, then how are we causing global warming?  If that 0.2% activity is equal to ALL the energy used by humans, globally, for an ENTIRE YEAR?

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