Allied Playbook - G40 Collection of Essays - Compiled by jacobgeo24 Nov 18-19 2023

  • 2024 2023 '22 '19 '18

    My friends who play are around the Hartford area. Joe and Todd.

  • @crockett36 Oh that’s great, I haven’t seen to many people in CT who play Axis and Allies besides my local area, nice to know that there are other folks playing the game!

  • @jacobgeo24

    You’re welcome!

  • @jacobgeo24

    Looking forward to it!

  • Hello everyone! We just finished our first game of the tournament, with me and a friend taking the Allies vs the Axis. We finished up to the beginning of Round 4 when our opponent threw in the towel when the situation was becoming hopeless which I know is not typically a long game, but we got a bit distracted at times, we took longer than we needed to on our turns, and got sidetracked with debating about politics, not something most high schoolers do lol! And we had to watch Diehard. But I had a really great time and I feel like we learned so much about the game and what to do. Now I will give a round by round summary of how it went. Side note, our opponent had never played alone as the Axis, he lost a bet and that is why he was playing the Axis, he is a much better allied player.

    Round 1 - Germany went land heavy on round 1, purchasing all tanks. The battle into Paris went extremely well, the dice seemed to be very angry with the allies and Germany escaped losing only 4 infantries without even sending a maximum number of forces to Paris. The British Navies in 110 and 111 were not attacked Southern France was taken. However, his U Boats had tremendous success in the Atlantic sinking boats. Other than that, Germany moved a bunch of stuff East along the Russian border and activating Bulgaria. Russia, as per my friends planning and against my wishes, purchased 6 tanks and consolidated in Western Ukraine and Novgorod, while putting its mechanized forces of tanks and mechs in Smolensk (I argued for Bryansk which I though was a better option for positioning, but I digress). The 18 troops in the east consolidated in Buryatia. Japan didn’t do a J1, rather pushing into China with a costly attack in Yunnan. They built masses of infantry for the home islands because they feared a KJF which crushed Japan in one of our recent games. The US didn’t do much, mainly just building ships to get a navy going. China reopened Burma Road and built in Yunnan, going for a southern defense strategy. UK with its navy consolidated in 109 due to Luftwaffe presence, made a defensive posture in Egypt, sent the Indian troops to Burma, and built a factory in Cairo. They evacuated the Med and got reinforcements from Indian Ocean Navy. Italy spread its navy to get the bonus which they got, through costly battles, they also shipped stuffed to Africa. ANZAC picked up Java and built transport and inf to get DNG next. France didn’t do much, just moved its naval assets.

  • Round 2 - Germany remained neutral with USSR. Mainly engaged in non conbat moves. They had a new strategy which I had never seen before, creating an early Atlantic Wall with planes, infantry, mechs, tanks, and arty which survived in Western Europe. They moved more to the east and went tank heavy again. USSR bought all infantry and continued its defensive buildup, moved the 6 tanks to Smolensk for the “armored reserve.” Japan continued to war with China, stripped all of its planes off carriers and used them in land wars. They bought factories in China. US just built up and bought all in Atlantic. Built up modest fleet and transports to support Britain in Atlantic. China stacked in Yunnan again. UK reentered med to destroy Italian ships, (Transjordan wasn’t taken) and activated Greece. Also attacked Iraq with Persian forces. Continued to stack in Burma, including men from Malaya. Italy reeled from loss of Navy, bought destroyers and attacked Britian with remaining Navy (mostly taranto ships and planes). Both lost all things in the battle in SZ 98. ANZAC grabbed DNG and Sumatra with transports. French just watched.

  • @jacobgeo24 Nice !

    Glad you guys had a Fun Game ! Learning it new, is so much Fun !

    Some paragraph breaks will make for easier reading of your future Game Reports. :)

    Let us know how the next one goes :)

  • Round 3 - Germany attacks USSR. Actually Germany had great success in the USSR, and assaulted all 3 border territories and had good reserves to back it up. Things are looking ok for Germany. However, continued to build up Atlantic wall and buy all tanks. The resources on Atlantic wall may have been needed in Russia. Russia launched counteroffensive in Baltic states, a miscalculation by the Commies, as it depleted their armored contingent, easy Germany sweep round 4. Bought all infantry. Things not looking so good for Japan this time around. They engaged in war with China again, pushing deep in the north and center, but stopped at Yunnan in the south. They were beginning to produce in factories, but was still not enough to compensate for Japan’s abysmal performance, especially navally. Russians moved back to Amur to cause a huge headache for Japan. US continued to build up, specifically in Pacific. US declares war on Axis. China builds up in Yunnan. UK and Anzac declare war on Japan, UK moves giant stack into Yunnan which was terrible for Japan. UK activates Yugoslavia and walks into Bulgaria. Still standoff in North Africa, Alexandria is a dead zone. UK Navy from SZ 110 and 111 arrives in Gibraltar to end Italy after disposing of U Boats in Round 2. Factory in Egypt produces tanks. Italy uses remaining transports and ground troops in Norther Italy and Albania to wipe of Yugoslavia and Bulgaria. Battles prove to be costly for Italy, but they collect a bit of cash. ANZAC moves to Celebes, and declares war on Japan to collect bonus. France does nothing besides play with their cruiser.

  • @barnee I will let you all know how the next one goes, and sorry about lack of paragraph breaks, I am just throwing this together right now and it is past midnight lol. I am not functioning very well, Axis and Allies is mentally taxing, but fun!

  • @jacobgeo24 no worries brother :)

    Rock On

    Rock On !!!.png

  • Round 4 - German army group north launches devastating counterattack into Baltic Startes with minimal casualties. Bolsters E poland and Bessarabia. Atlantic wall continues to be built and all tank purchases. Novgorod is under serious threat. Russia builds all infantry and reels from their defeat. They abandon Novgorod and advance to Finland. They consolidate a huge force in Ukraine and prepare for defensive war near Moscow. The stack in Amur invades Korea. Japan now at war with all of the Western allies, struggles to capitalize. They invade China, but Yunnan is untouchable. They invade Borneo and Kwangtung, Shan state and French Indo, but that is all. Their navy was not up to the task, especially since the carriers were stripped of their planes. US invaded Carolines and moved to 91, invests in Pacific to crush Japan. China holds in Yunnan. UK enters Alexandria to prepare for clash with Italians. Begins to send aid to USSR via Egypt and Persian factory built in turn 2. Reinforces Yunnan but collects considerably less. Italy abandons Africa, and builds defenses for Rome and the soft underbelly. ANZAC joins US in Carolines and collects insane amounts of money. France does nothing.

    It was at this point, with the dire state of Japan and Italy, our opponents surrender. They had said that the knew they weren’t going to win, but wanted to see how long they would hold out. And to be honest, Germany was actually doing very well. It was impressive play for a new time Axis player. We all learned many things about the game and may play one tomorrow, well actually today since its 12:30 AM, where I’ll be Axis vs my friends who will be allies. They hope to beat me for the first time.

    I had such a great time, I learned so much, and I have to say that all of the feedback from great people on this site and in the thread, along with the guys on YouTube have helped a lot. Thank you all!

  • 2024 2023 '22


    Very fun game report! As a high schooler I like to talk politics too (mostly with adults).

    I’m curious about you saying Japan wasn’t doing well navally on J3. How? It wasn’t at war with the West yet on J3 and I cannot imagine even the worst player losing to China navally.

    I’m glad you won but also a bit sad that the Axis lost (I weirdly root for the Axis to win in every game).

    Past midnight… no comment (no offense 😉).

    Can’t wait for the next game!

  • @SuperbattleshipYamato Thanks, yeah Japan was having a rough time, it was the first time our opponent commanded Japan alone, so he was in for a rough time. He didn’t really know how to use the Japanese navy to it’s advantage and didn’t go after China to its fullest. That is why he stripped the planes off the carriers, but it also disabled Japan from making any meaningful attacks to money islands and Philippines.

  • 2024 2023 '22


    Agreed. Honestly that infantry buy early on I find is not very good. There’s enough ground forces on the home islands to defend against attack early on, and infantry should only be built to defend the capital if you see a potential attack. It’s hard for a fleet that can amphibious assault enough ground forces to defeat 10 infantry to be a surprise.

    Not even going into more complex moves like blockers.

    From my experience Japan is always the toughest power to play.

  • B barnee referenced this topic on

  • I just had an example of why a tight Allied playbook is almost impossible. Bear with me and I’ll try and lay out what just happened playing A3.

    I was messing around and was going to go all in on Middle Earth UK with almost 100% USA build for KJF. This was my strategy going in, 100% committed to this because I wanted to see what it looked like with UK dumping all it’s resources into the ME and USA building huge Navy.

    Russia, I was going to turtle in Moscow and potentially bring some of the Far East force to Moscow if it looked like they could make it after a few rounds.

    UK, keep the absolute minimum that I thought that I had to in England to prevent Sea Lion, and everything else in the Middle East.

    US, minimum in the Atlantic, carrier fleet builds in the Pacific.

    DOW on Russia.
    2 subs to Canada.
    BB and 2 subs to the Channel with an air force that could one shot the scrambling fighters so I held them back.
    1 sub to the North Atlantic

    2 subs in Canada sunk the Canadian fleet with no losses.
    Channel force 1 shot the British fleet, but the fleet hit on every shot and sunk the 2 subs and hit the BB.

    Germanay is left with 2 subs off Canada
    BB in the Channel.
    CV and C w/ transport, in the North Sea or Baltic, I don’t remember.
    Air Force in Belgium, maybe some in W Germany.

    bought a Tac to tag up with my 2nd fighter for long range counter strikes and then all INF and maybe an ART if the IPCs come out right.
    Pulled back from FE.
    Setup to turtle with a strike force ready to take advantage of an over-reach .
    Put the whole Air Force in Leningrad, 2 fighter and 2 tacs in Leningrad, plus the C and Sub at port.

    J1, DOW and attack US in the Phillipines, not USSR though. I won’t go into details as much into the Pacific unless someone wants those (they’ll be fuzzier, especially the China part).

    Purchased a DD in the Atlantic to deal with the German subs off Canada and in the North Atlantic. I sent the Bomber to Hawaii.
    The trans to Brazil to grab the Inf, IPCs and flee the German subs.
    I kept the C in the Atlantic to help the DD in case the UK couldn’t destroy the German subs off Canada. I wanted the Atlantic battle over with as soon as possible so that I didn’t have to deal with the hassle of it.

    I was all in on for dominating the Med if I could hold it round 1. Buys, Minor for Egypt, 1 Tank and 2 Mechs for South Africa.
    India, 1 Tac again for counter strikes. I wasn’t sure what I was going to do with their Air Force. Keep it in SE Asia or send it to the ME.

    This is where decisions we make and dice rolls can totally change what we had planned going into the game.

    I passed on Taranto to take care of the Atlantic.

    I sent the British Isle DD to Canada to face the 2 subs. I also sent a fighter and the bomber from UK with it, I didn’t want a lucky 1 end up making the battle for the Atlantic last 1 or 2 more rounds than it had to.
    I sent the North Sea fleet with 2 fighters to take care of the BB.
    I sent the Gib Cruiser and Malta fighter to take care of the DD and Trans around the island.

    The German subs off Canada were sunk with 1 roll with no return hit.
    The BB in the Channel was sunk and missed on it’s return fire.
    The Italian Destroyer was sunk and missed on it’s return fire.

    Setup for UK at the end of the round.

    Off Canada, a DD with a Fighter in Ottawa and the Bomber in the E USA.
    Gibralter fighter, I didn’t send it into combat, I wanted to see if I needed it in the Med or UK. (My thinking and I’d like to know guys opinions if it was smart to not us it in battle and save it for where it was needed. My thought, I had enough to 1 shot the BB and enough to 1 shot the DD, send the Fighter for whichever direction needed the reinforcements if the Axis hit in the Channel or Med). Since there were no hits, I sent it to the UK so that I could have a 3 plane scramble against potential German raid on the British Fleet in the Channel.
    Cruiser off Malta
    I kept the Med fleet off Egypt to prevent from an Axis Landing (in hindsight I should have moved a DD blocker)
    I sent the Med Tran w/ an Inf and Art to Persia.
    I sent the India Tran to Sumatra (don’t know if that’s a good play or if I should sent it to Java, Persia, Iraq or Africa. I went with money that was close by).
    South Africa DD to Persia to protect the Trans, I don’t know if Bomber could have hit it, but I didn’t want to give it away for free. My other thought was to put it in the Red Sea.
    1 Inf in Alexandria, should I pull it back to Eqypt with everything else?
    1 Inf in Sudan, should I pull it back to Eqypt? I left it there to defend or counter attack Italy in Ethiopia.
    Moved SA inf up.
    Placed India Tact and Fight in Transjordan to counter attack Italian fleet if it hits Eqypt. Placed West India Fighter India.
    The India C and DD offf Somalia
    The Malaya BB to India.

    Placed Minor in Eqypt and mobile forces in SA.

    My concern, they’d throw everything at the Fleet of Eqypt, win, land and keep the Minor. I’m reeling if they get it and hold it. (I should have put the DD off Greece.)

    Italy was faced with ships in 3 spots in the Med. The went conservative with their fleet and aggressive with their planes.

    The whole fleet to sink the French fleet.
    The 2 fighters to the C at Malta.
    I don’t remember what they did with the Bomber, I know that it ended up in North Africa.

    This is where lucky dice continues to change things.
    Both French ships hit, Italian BB is hit and sub sunk.
    C is sunk, but it hits a Fighter.

    Italy ends with fleet off France down a sub and a hit BB. Fighter and Bomber in Tobruk with a split army, small one going West, larger one with the Air Force in Tobruk.

  • 2023 '20

    The most crucial aspect of allied play is missing from the PDF -

    Don’t drink and TripleA kids - the consequences are severe!

  • 2023 '22 '21 '20 '19 '18

    @mainah no drinks on the table. Same as pool :)

  • Couple of questions.
    1 G1 DOW on russia and you bought a CV eg a carrier?
    2 J1 DOW but you let the BB of malaya live?

  • 2023 '20

    Who is this question to?

  • @mainah It regards a previous post by Lousy Lions

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