@VictoryFirst I’m gonna be out of town for a few days this weekend, not sure if i’ll be able to play.
When you need a topic to use the Dicebot, do it here
1d6: 1
For game 2023-6-9-World-War-I-1914.
Due to using low luck, the attack does not need to be rolled.
France forgot to attack 1 German infantry in Alsace and is committing 1 infantry and 1 artillery to attack.
Rolling for the one defending German infantry:
[dice 1d6]
1d6: 2
For game 2023-7-1-World-War-II-Global-1940-Balanced-Mod3.
Forgot to use American jet fighters from a carrier in sea zone 26 to attack a Japanese destroyer in sea zone 16.
Americans have a guaranteed hit. Using low luck. Since the Americans have a power of 8, they’re rolling an additional dice hitting at 2.
[dice 1d6]
1d6: 3
Japanese destroyer rolling on defence, hitting at 2, defending against American jet fighters coming from sea zone 26 in sea zone 16, same battle as the immediately preceding post.
[dice 1d6]
1d6: 3
For game 2023-7-1-World-War-II-Global-1940-Balanced-Mod3.
Forgot to attack the German West Germany major industrial complex with a US strategic bomber from Leningrad.
Playing with low luck.
Due to how the dice works, a dice will be rolled that would only hit on a “1” and a “2”. Pretend “1” is “5” and “2” is “6”.
[dice 1d2]
1d2: 1
In the above strategic bombing raid the raid was actually against the German major industrial complex in the territory Germany, not West Germany.
Rolling for German anti-aircraft defences against an American strategic bombing raid (1 strategic bomber from Leningrad) against a German major industrial complex in the territory Germany.
[dice 1d6]
1d6: 1
So no change overall.
This battle was US turn 7.
This battle was US turn 5.
For game 2023-7-1-World-War-II-Global-1940-Balanced-Mod3, US Turn 7.
Forgot to use 2 American jet fighters from a carrier in sea zone 26 to attack a Japanese destroyer in sea zone 16.
Americans have a guaranteed hit. Using low luck. Since the Americans have a power of 8, they’re rolling an additional dice hitting at 2.
Japanese destroyer rolling on defence, hitting at 2.
[dice 1d6]
[dice 1d6]
1d6: 3
1d6: 2 -
For game 2023-7-1-World-War-II-Global-1940-Balanced-Mod3, US Turn 11.
Forgot to use 3 American destroyers from sea zone 26 to attack a Japanese destroyer in sea zone 16.
Americans have a guaranteed hit. Using low luck.
Japanese destroyer rolling on defence, hitting at 2.
[dice 1d6]
1d6: 1
[dice 1d6]
[dice 1d6<2]