Thanks for clarifying! I did not notice that. Yeah, a different background would definitely help.
Global 40 Expansion Boxes
I even remembered how todo it lol
@VictoryFirst Kickass D-Day Looks just like the Captains. Since were in UK tho, wdyt about going maybe a heavy brown ? Sets it off enough to distinguish, but not to aggressive.
D-Day only happens once a game. Actually, i’ve never done it other than testing :)
Heres latest
Forgot to document in notes. 1.691 is it tho lol
Gonna roll on some xml work next. Add the new Icons, connections etc … @Black_Elk if you still up for it, you can run your ElkStar relief :)
@VictoryFirst you up for doing the names ? Need a few tokens for timetable too. I’ve never done em, but I might try and hack something as I go as I find it easier to work with :) Names that is :)
P Out
@VictoryFirst just gonna roll with this
Gonna lighten it up a bit more. Usually won’t even see it lol
There ya go. I would consider changing the Hex color for changer to something more midrange so it’s more in line with the value of the other National Hex colors. That way your bleed on the boxes will look more consistent. Right now it’s the same for all, but the Changer color is considerably brighter than the others, so you’ll notice that more. I’d try just dialing down the brightness for that color till you have something you like.
You can paste over any graphic for deadspots. Not sure what you want. I just used a quick placeholder…
When you know what you need for icon graphics and where you want them to go and I can try to make you something for that and the labels. For the labels I’d rescale or abbreviate them so you don’t strike across the line with those. I’m not familiar enough with the game to know what you’d need, so you’ll have to let me know.
Reworking your units graphics will take longer. That’s a more ambitious project, but I think you could bring them all in line and it wouldn’t be too hard. Just need to remove your dropshadows and correct some of your tints. Colors/shapes for some your unit icons or the LMs etc. Anyhow, for another night. Just wanted to get you something a bit tidier for now :)
@black_elk Sweet ! I Dig it :)
I’ll play around with Changer. He’s the same color as Neutral. Yea the LMs I just hacked something so I’d know how they place.
Yea all the boxes are basically there own little TTys. They can’t be conquered except for the two overflow boxes, Bessarabia and W UKR. Idky I can’t get the third one ,SZ 113 to show up as a sea tile.
I looked at the xml again, but still don’t see anything wrong. I thought I could add it like an island to 113. I will try again. Idk if it’s really needed or will play that good anyway. Regular overflow should work.
Might just dust it and add a couple more LM spots if I can’t figure it out.
I’ll post the Names in a bit since it sounds like maybe you’re up for it ? If not, me n Victory can roll with it. :)
Thanks again :grin:
@black_elk hmm … well I changed it from d to e at start. e8ba7c now. Seems a little darker but borders still brighter. Idk. I really don’t know how todo this stuff. If you just wanna roll with what you think looks best it’s cool with me :)
Yea Idk if it did anything. here’s f
Well just gonna let it ride for now.I think names are ok. Bessarabia and pripet marshes spill over anyway, as well as a few others.
@Black_Elk Here’s the names needed.
heres the list of Names. I think I’ll change UK TG to UK Tank.1st Desert
3rd Panzer
3rd Waffen
Army Group South
Army Group Centre
Army Group North
1st Waffen
1st Panzer
2nd Waffen
4th Waffen
2nd Panzer
1st Corps
1st Tank
2nd Corps
2nd Tank
3rd Corps1st Army Group
2nd Army Group
UK Desert
USA Desert
1st USA Tank
2nd USA Tank
USA Army GroupI think most should fit fine. I left the middle empty or last so the dudes won’t overplace on em. Or tried to anyways lol
@Black_Elk and here’s icons. Idk if @VictoryFirst is currently working on any.
The Landmines
Actually theres yellow and red too, but not needed currently. This is to distinguish which border the LM is defending. There is a non colored LM as well. I automatically place it to the west TTy, so if not listed, it shouldn’t be too hard to figure out. Hopefully :)
Fyi, Blue is North, Red South, Orange SW and NE, Green NW and SE and Yellow East. Some Borders hard to tell, so boxes for that. The high use areas. This is all experimental :)
The other needed icons are in the timetable.
I’ll add those in a minute. Something whacking out here lol
@Black_Elk @VictoryFirst Heres timetable
We need in no particular order:
Hmm … might’ve missed a couple but w/e lol :sunglasses:
So the “T” ones are gonna be the date for the timetable.
etc… The red one I’m gonna trigger so the current turn it’ll show and the rest will be white or w/eAnyway, I think that’s it. Probably zoned something lol. Once again Idk if @VictoryFirst doing any icon work right now. He busted these kick ass Army/Corps … things out :)
heh heh
Anyway, if you wanna do Names and icons , some or none, it’s all cool Brother :) We wouldn’t be here without ya :grin:
OutLooks like some first grader drew that stuff up above lol
@VictoryFirst updated to latest git with ElkStar Relief
For Boxes only. Our game all good :)
Great progress! It looks very good already. Just a heads up - what should I be doing exactly at the moment? I know I should bust out some names, but what about the icons?
No worries, I will get all of this down at the end of this week :) I am having four days off so I can really go hardcore mode lol.
@victoryfirst Awesome ! I would suggest contacting Elkstar and finding out what he’s interested in doing and you can work out a plan together. maybe he goes Names and you icons ? Idk Just a thought. The LMs obviously need redone but the color tuned down as well. I just went with full on color mode :)
But yea, I’d coordinate with him
Alright, I will do that then.
Just realized I used the expression ‘heads up’ wrong xD. Thought it meant something else lol :)
@victoryfirst heh heh I knew what ya meant :). Just curious, isEnglish your native language ?
I am happy you still understood me, despite that I said some complete nonsense lol. :grin:
No, English is not my native language - that is Dutch (I am from the Netherlands).
English is my secondary language, meine Tertiärsprache ist Deutsch, et ma langue quaternaire est le français :)
We in the Netherlands have to be very keen on languages in order to do stuff abroad since Dutch is a hard language for foreigners - it is rare when an Englishman or Frenchman speaks Dutch fluently :) - so we just have to adapt and be able to speak their language :muscle:
Still, that doesn’t mean I don’t make mistakes, unfortunately! I hope I am still intelligible to you lol.
I warn you! What should I do now? Lol that makes no sense at all xD
@victoryfirst hee hee its those gutturals that are had to master lol :) I know some mexican but thats about it. A few phrases in Deutsche.
Sorry I thought you were in England for some reason. Heck, you can’t to be far from The Captain. Should hit that tournament coming up :)
@VictoryFirst hey cornelius from the game thread is up for a game. I’m gonna set up a thread in a bit so we can talk there. I know you got a couple other games going and work besides, but the three of us could take it on if you’re interested.
Idk how much triplea experience he has but we’ll find out. Just a heads up. I mean, if you wanna do a support role for him or something. This only the second game ever played so … Actually I remember Captain saying some dudes used triplea to learn the ropes before they came over for ftf game :)
Anyway, however it works out. It’s all about having fun :)
Bet he’ll dig the new Elkstar map lol
I am interested and would very much like to play a game with you two guys.
Don’t mind which side I take, I let you guys decide that. Just want to know if Cornelis likes it too. He might want to do just a 1v1.In case we can do 2v1, I guess one guy will play Germany, one Japan, and the other the Allies?
Everything that has to do with this game is a lot of fun IMO, so I am fine with anything :) As long as we are not going to be playing Ludo, I really hate that stupid game lol.
@victoryfirst ludo ? Low luck ? If so, I don’t like it either :)
Yea haven’t heard back from him yet. He did upvote the game thread, so he’s aware :)
Idk how much experience he has with triplea. Also, I think he’s probably closer to where you’re from than me :). Maybe you guys could team if he wants ? If not, if he is new to triplea, maybe you could help and advise ?
However it works is cool. We got a new member is even more cool :sunglasses: