@ButterSurge IMG_6928.jpg
Europe 1861
Nice. I might take them out for a spin one day (note to self).
I am already thinking that UK are too strong against Italy. I’m thinking of two changes.
Anyone have any comments based on what is on paper? The ease with which Britain can activate North and West Africa from France is so high it seems that they will become unstoppable, providing a Middle East IC is placed UK2.
One more thing, the rule for mechs and tanks activating French territories, should it happen when you pass through the territory? In a game I have going now, I’ve landed a Mech on Algeria and it will want to attack Libya next round. Such an attack should be legal. What happens when you pass through Tunisia? Easiest option is to just allow it to be activated which is not consistent with what happens with Friendly Neutrals. Otherwise, I’m strongly inclined to allow that.
@simon33 said in Global 1940 French Rebalance:
I can now announce version 2 of the French Rebalance (renamed from Parisian Rebalance)
- All French territories become capturable by USA/UK/Anzac if they don’t go Vichy.
- Sub in sz62
- French troop in French Indo China
- One infantry in Siam upgraded to an artillery
- Chinese Burma Road objective restored to 6PUs
- Several BM changes now turned off by default (Guerrillas, objectives for Carolines, NW Africa for USA, Okinawa&Iwo Jima for Japan and the UK objective requiring 2 of Sardinia, Sicily, Greece, Rome, USSR bonus for provoking a Japanese DOW on it)
- Anzac declaring war on Japan doesn’t put Britain at war with Japan
I would think it likely now that Vichy is activated by the Axis nearly always but UK fights them for it.
Version 3 is
Also contains 1 bug fix - North Africa objective not disabled, never had an option!
Just played a test game using version 3:
French:Vichy Rebalance version 3 Game 1.tsvg
While the Axis still won, it was undoubtedly closer than a regular Global 1940 game, and more fun than Balanced Mod.
Here’s a “base” version of the game (I tried to add as many of the modifications as possible and had to use edit mode for the rest, let me know if you want details on which specific changes were added):
@SuperbattleshipYamato You should be able to just hit upgrade on the Download maps screen to get version 3 rather than apply the changes by edit to version 1. Indeed, I’m pretty sure you should be prompted, now that the version number has finally been moved on.
Upgrade? That’s never happened before.
Also, the file shows up in my savedGames folder, not my DownloadedMaps folder. Is that intentional? Should I try to move it there? Thank you!
@SuperbattleshipYamato Hmm, I’m not sure to be honest. Sounds strange. I don’t think it would be picked up from savedGames
@SuperbattleshipYamato There was quite a while when the upgrade functionality didn’t work at all but they fixed it at some point. Pretty sure you should be automatically prompted when the version number is moved on.
Didn’t happen, even with 2.7.