cool stuff but half hour is a bit much for me. Be nice if you could summarize in a paragraph or two :)
Looking to add nations to rev addtion using A@A europe and pacific pieces
Looking for input for using pacific and euope A@A pieces to ad a nation, and 1991 aA@A pieces also. Looking for help in which pieces to use and to which countries to ad Italy,france,china or some other nation.
Can you be more specific? Are you looking at a scenario for 1939? or some free for all just adding units for France, etc…
secondly, are you asking for some framework to utilize the 2nd edition pieces in revised?
we have many such ideas…
Not sure yet, looking for suggestions on countries. And which pieces i should use. And rules for ste up and ipc’ etc.
OK goto thrasher’s forums and check out xeno’s rules for world at war or his 1939 scenario. If you find those ideas lacking come back and ill find others.
Is there a link for thrashers forums. As far as a year it would be the standard time frame 1941-1945. Is there a way to get markers for a Italy or France. Or a easy way to make them. I saw the xeno website the world at war looks like a good game have you played it yourself? I own all 4 axis and allie games just looking to make good use of the pieces.
Look up google and thrashers axis and allies site. It is not that hard.
Under AARHE we are making those icons for italy, France and China… you will just have to buy a 8.5x11 decal and print off a copy. Then you stick it on the chips… magic!
Ill work on them soon dont worry.
germany was not built in a day.
I saw your site, your maps and pieces rock. I saw you had blue pieces on one map what country was that. And is there a good site to buy extra pieces?
You paint them! buy a can of french blue or a pale blue and have at it. I would repaint some of your american soldiers.
I think i am leaning towad Italy as the new country. To even out the sides 3 on 3. But maybe in the future my on friend says make it 4 on 4 ad a coalition of allie and axis powers. The allied coalition would be countires france,belgium,dutch,canada . Axis would be some smaller countried combined in pieces and ipc etc. I cannot remember what smaller countires would be axis allie to germany offhand would have to do research.
It could be weird to have 2 new players controlling all the minor-allies and minor-axis nations.
Like they would collaborate with superpowers but not really among themselves.