Global 1940 & 1943 Expansions Game Reports

  • @The-Captain
    The Russians placed 8 mines in Belarus.

    Also Germany placed 2 mines in the coast of Holland, Danmark and Norway.

    Army board pictures are underway. Thursday I will post the pictures of the armyboard

    Yes i think the Allies already toke the upperhand in round 4, I already told Beserker, butt he disagree. He has a special plan, ready to execute

  • @Cornelis-Post

    We’ll look forward to your next Game Report - especially to see what Strategic Plan Berserker reveals.

    Great game !

  • Global 1940, No. 1 Game Report:

    At the start of Late 1943 (round 8)
    This is the second post of this game.

    Ipc Income.
    Axis: 109
    Allies: 160

    Axis: Beserker
    Allies: Cornelis Post


    The Germans are heavily fighting in Europe the last 3 rounds.

    They lost Danmark in the last round, including a panzer army, also a lot of units.

    The British takes out the German fleet.

    Germany has built back a massive heavy battleship (bismarck ) and a carrier to take care of the upcoming threat. The Can opener💪🏻. 🥫🥫

    Germany is also producing all waffen ss units on a massive scale to, to scale up the waffen army’s as fast as possible.
    Germany also bought 4 fighter planes with the total war rule.

    Army conscription has arrived at the front.
    The Sovjets are now in their peak.

    They will push hard deep into German territories. With the Fist👊🏻
    Last rounds Russia has their bonus alive from seazone 127 and Russia did take A pro axis country.💵💰
    The Russians do also a great job on the Japanese and are fighting everywhere now.

    Army group north units:

    Infantry: 39
    Sovjet guard: 3
    2 army corpse.
    3 tanks
    1 fighter.


    Japan launched a massive attack on the whole pacific.
    After this the US attacked their main fleet. Which led to heavy losses on both sides.
    Only 2 heavy battleships survived and 1 battleship. (From Japan)

    China. Is doing great. Desperately needs airsupport.🛩🛩

    The US.

    The floating bridge is almost ready to use💪🏻
    Every round the US pounds in Norway, and Danmark. To take out as much damage as they can.

    Also The Us takes out almost the whole Japanese Navy…

    The Us has lost this battle butt…

    they are already mass producing a heavy navy in the pacific. This wil be build up massively in the upcoming rounds.

    The US is mass producing units on a massive scale with the total war rule.


    The Uk attacks the German fleet and takes out all ships.
    They also sent a panzer general to Afrika to support al alemein against Rommel.
    The Uk has retreated on multiply positions because of the take over threat.


    Is only fighting in de Middle East. They are doing great.
    Als Italian para troopers are doing a great job.
    The take over is a card for the axis what is a pain in the ass strat.

    The sub marines from the UK and the US are doing great at convoy raiding into Italian convoy’s

    Anzac is producing submarines and bombers on a massive scale💪🏻

    Attacked all Japanese transports and Japanese conquered islands. In the pacific.
    Also Anzac whole fleet attacked the remaining Japanese battleships.

    Anzac is now preparing with two strategic bombers together with massive submarines to deal with any Japanese navy on a solo campaign in the pacific.

    Anzac units: 1 escort, 1 destroyer 1 cruiser , 3 subs and a bomber where not able to take out the remaining ships.

    Pictures below will show the military situation:11B7A557-CE30-45B0-91CB-E1C481987C3E.jpeg 2C65C059-A2BB-4E58-83E0-C2FD2ADB2C56.jpeg 32AA812D-43B1-4E9E-B835-346CB83A895C.jpeg 0656258C-BA0C-4F18-931F-02D2EFD17B4A.jpeg 8073E86F-7E4C-4495-8439-15D9C15DFB0A.jpeg 3CCCD711-833C-428D-BAA1-2EF60F917CE3.jpeg 84063DAB-9F76-47FC-AF39-736A78B9E563.jpeg E423AB7E-51A3-4AC7-8B40-8A7D7FCA55A0.jpeg

  • Global 1940 House Rule Expansion Game Report
    via TripleA

    This is our 4th game.

    Axis: barnee
    Allies: VictoryFirst

    Link to our game thread:

    Save file: exp-game-4-victory-f5.tsvg

    Round: Early 1942 (Round 5)

    Eastern Front:
    Axis units attacked along the whole front. Novgorod was captured and AG Center was formed in Belarus.
    The Russian counter-attack was limited in scale. They went for a defense-in-depth - so they placed most of their armies in Samara so that they can reach all territories on the frontline.
    One Russian partisan was placed in an empty Bessarabia. When the Italians tried to suppress this partisan, it actually rolled a ‘1’ and killed an Italian tank in the process 😂

    Still no lend-lease units have arrived from the UK or the US, so the Russians are in a tough spot.

    The UK gathered all their aircraft to attempt to kill the Italian fleet. It was a somewhat risky move as the odds were ~70%, but fortunately, the attack was successful and the Regia Marina is now part of the bottom of the sea. Still, the Italians are putting a lot of pressure on Egypt.

    The Germans now have a total of 18 U-boats operating in the Atlantic. Seeing this, the Americans reinforced their Atlantic fleet with a SHB and an Aircraft Carrier, ready to take on the fight.
    The British Paratroopers made landings in empty Holland/Belgium and Southern France, although SF was recaptured immediately by Italian troops.

    Heavy fighting is taking place between Japanese and Allied troops. The Japanese continue to march through Siberia, and in China, there is a back-and-forth battle. China is getting low on units but still tries to keep up the fight.

    A large victory for the Americans in the Pacific. Due to an oversight by the Japanese Naval Commanders, the American fleet was able to attack SZ 6 with a 100% chance of victory. Miraculously, they rolled extremely well too (+10 hits more than on average), the best rolling I’ve ever seen. However, this was not to their advantage. The plan was to retreat from combat after having dealt enough damage, but because of this incredible rolling, they actually managed to destroy all Japanese units. Now, a large part of the American fleet is stuck in SZ6 and there is more than enough stuff for the Japanese to counter-attack. There is more American fleet coming but it is uncertain if this fleet will be strong enough to face the Japanese reinforcements.

    Australian subs continue to be annoying in the Pacific. Formosa was recaptured by Japan, although ANZAC now invaded the Marianas.

    Income Totals:
    Germany: 44 / 66
    Japan: 39 / 47
    Italy: 21 / 33

    USSR: 23 / 28
    US: 52 / 91
    China: 6 / 12
    UK: 56 / 62
    ANZAC: 21 / 31

    Axis: 104 / 146
    Allies: 158 / 224

    IMG_0001.JPG IMG_0002.JPG IMG_0003.JPG !

  • @VictoryFirst

    Looks like a great game 💪🏻
    Did the Russians get army conscription?

    The Us is doing great in the pacific.
    18 u boats in the Atlantic is concerning though.
    Looking forward to you’re next game report.

  • @Cornelis-Post

    Yes, Russia had 51 IPCs, so they built 25 conscription units and a partisan.

    Yeah I would’ve gone fully on Japan if those U-boats weren’t there. I felt I had to do something against them. The Atlantic is heating up for sure though. The Pacific is already on fire lol.

  • @VictoryFirst

    heh heh it’s pretty cool seeing it on the real board. Especially one as nice as Lt. Dan’s :)

    Thanks for doing these :)

  • @VictoryFirst

    Very worrying for the Axis…

  • Global 1940 House Rule Expansion Game Report
    via TripleA

    This is our 4th game.

    Axis: barnee
    Allies: VictoryFirst

    Link to our game thread:

    Save file: a6-f6.tsvg

    Round: Late 1942 (Round 6)

    Eastern Front:
    Germany and Russia are engaged in a war of attrition. Both sides capture and recapture all territories on the frontline, to make sure the large Army Formations of the opposing side can’t push through and create a breakthrough.
    The Russians formed an Army Group in Rostov, as well as 2nd Tank Army in Moscow, although in Ukraine another Panzer and Waffen army have arrived.

    Three UK fighters have finally arrived in Caucasus for lend-lease, to help with the small-scale counter-attacks.

    The assault on Egypt is reaching a peak again. Italy moved three fully loaded LCVs to Syria, ready to attack Egypt on the next turn. Paratrooper assaults against Anglo-Egyptian Sudan to cut the railway make sure the number of UK units that can reinforce is limited.
    The British built a factory in Egypt so that they could reinforce the area more easily. Three ANZAC fighters from the Pacific have also flown over to help with the defense.

    Heavy fighting here continues, with both sides fighting over the important oil resources of Iraq and Iran.

    The American and British fleets have combined in SZ 91, having 55 defense combat factors in total. More American reinforcements are coming, but the German U-boat fleet, together with the Luftwaffe, is still a force to be reckoned with…

    The Japanese assault is slowing down as continuous streams of UK units from India are consistently recapturing lost territories.

    Japan made an amphibious landing against Malaya, denying the 5 IPCs bonus for ANZAC. No Allied units were in range to counter-attack.

    The Japanese Army in Russia is still marching through Siberia unopposed and is coming closer to Moscow…

    A major defeat yet again for the Imperial Japanese Navy. The Japanese counter-attack in SZ 6, consisting of almost all Japanese air force and the rest of the IJN, was successful, destroying all US naval units including three Carriers, a Battleship, and a Super Heavy Battleship, with a TUV swing of 46.

    However, a new American fleet of air units and submarines was ready to pounce back. It would be a close battle, but due to exceptionally well rolling (+6 hits on average), the Japanese were absolutely destroyed. The Japanese lost all of their ships and almost all of their aircraft, while four submarines and all American aircraft survived. The TUV swing was 69

    During this Naval battle, American troops landed in Iwo Jima and Soviet Far East.

    A new Japanese carrier with Carrier-based fighters that spawned due to Increased Pacific Ship Building was destroyed immediately upon arrival by ANZAC submarines. Okinawa was also captured by Australian troops.

    Income Totals:
    Germany: 49 / 71
    Japan: 36 / 44
    Italy: 20 / 30

    USSR: 21 / 21
    US: 54 / 93
    China: 8 / 14
    UK: 50 / 56
    ANZAC: 23 / 28

    Axis: 105 / 145
    Allies: 156 / 212

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    China is wrong in this picture. There should be 1 inf in Szechwan and Shensi, and 7 inf in Sikang.

    IMG_0008.JPG !

  • @VictoryFirst

    Where are the Japanese Carrier Based Fighter units that were onboard the Japanese Aircraft Carrier unit ?

    If the Japanese Aircraft Carrier unit was eliminated by ANZAC Submarine units, the Japanese Carrier Based Fighter units can land in Japan after battle, since the ANZAC Submarine units cannot fire at Air units…

  • @The-Captain

    The Carrier Fighters landed in Japan after the battle. Thanks for pointing that out, I forgot to put those on the board. I realized I forgot to place the American Carrier too 😂

  • @VictoryFirst

    sadly I don’t think those Ftrs ever gonna fly again lol

  • @VictoryFirst

    Looks like the end for Japan and the Axis. Oh well.

  • Global 1940 House Rule Expansion Game Report
    via TripleA

    This is our 4th game.

    Axis: barnee
    Allies: VictoryFirst

    Link to our game thread:

    Save file: exp-game-4-victory-a7-f7-edit.tsvg

    Round: Early 1943 (Round 7)

    Eastern Front:
    It’s 1943 and all sides have entered Total War! Germany made use of this by producing 5 tanks and 5 mechs, receiving an extra one of each. They pushed further into the Soviet Union, and moved AGC to Smolensk, threatening to Moscow. They also bombed the Moscow factory for 7 damage.
    The three UK fighters in Caucasus were converted to Russian units and helped counterattack some of the captured areas.
    The Soviets moved most of their Armies to Moscow to defend against the German threat, however, Zhukov with his tank army was ordered to move forward and capture Ukraine, in the hope of posing some threats to the Germans in the south.

    The defense of Moscow is looking good for now, especially with the Capital Defense rule, although more and more angry Germans are arriving… and the German Luftwaffe is looking pretty healthy too.

    Germany reinforced Africa with a paratrooper and a grenadier that moved by air transport.
    However, after the UK turn, seeing 6 Allied fighters, 5 tanks, and some other units defending Egypt and no good odds of attacking, Italy decided to move some troops away from the siege of Cairo. They retreated from Alexandria and moved their army from Syria to Iraq, capturing the important oil fields. The UK is low on land units in the Middle East and has to scramble troops to defend. Three more Italian paratroopers moved to Syria to pose more threats.

    Although Cairo is safe for now, it can still come under pressure very quickly from Axis LCVs and Paratroopers…

    The Allies cleared the Atlantic of some U-boats, with the help of the American SHB, as well as lots of aircraft and destroyer units.
    The Americans bought 4 Total War Bombers, two more destroyers, as well as a Fighter Ace to help with the attacks on the Western side of the board.
    Likewise, the UK bought 4 Total War Fighters in London.

    The Japanese are losing ground everywhere. As they have no navy anymore, the Allies have an easy time capturing Japanese islands and coastal territories with amphibious landings, depriving them of valuable income. Also, the numerous submarines stationed in coastal sea zones don’t help either. 15 IPCs were lost to convoy disruption this round.

    On top of that, the Russians gathered their air force in Moscow and their eastern army to finally put an end to the Japanese advance through Siberia, and attacked Yenisey in force. Due to some good rolling once again, the Japanese army was obliterated. The Russians now have free rein to recapture their lost eastern territories.

    All in all, this game is likely going to be a race for Moscow…

    Income Totals:
    Germany: 49 / 71
    Japan: 25 / 33
    Italy: 20 / 30

    USSR: 22 / 22
    US: 57 / 96
    China: 12 / 18
    UK: 53 / 59
    ANZAC: 23 / 33

    Axis: 94 / 134
    Allies: 167 / 228

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  • @VictoryFirst
    Looks like a imminent defeat for the Axis!

  • @VictoryFirst

    Ouch. Nothing says Japan losing like their income being equal to ANZAC.

  • @SuperbattleshipYamato @Cornelis-Post

    Yeah Japan is having a hard time, but it also got diced hard in every single major battle. In Yunnan, two times in SZ 6, as well as in Yenisey. So the poor Japs couldn’t really do much about it.

    Still, Germany is looking quite good. Lots of reinforcements are moving towards Russia and AGC is knocking at the door, so the game is still not over! Ivan is sweating! :)

  • Global 1940 House Rule Expansion Game Report
    via TripleA

    This is our 4th game.

    Axis: barnee
    Allies: VictoryFirst

    Link to our game thread:

    Save file: exp-game-4-victory-A8-F8.tsvg

    Round: Late 1943 (Round 8)

    Eastern Front:
    The war wages on. Neither side has achieved a breakthrough so far. The Russian Tank Army in Ukraine was forced to a halt, so it gave up on the attack and retreated to Moscow for the defense.
    Germany was running low on fodder units, but Tanks and Mechs from Germany are now driving towards the Eastern Front.
    3rd Army Corps, containing three guard units, moved out and attacked Vologda.
    Germany continued bombing the Moscow factory. The Russians now have to spend valuable IPCs to repair damage. A defensive air force in Moscow of 6 fighters and a Fighter Ace will hopefully deter any future bombing

    The Axis retreated completely from the siege of Cairo. German units from Africa moved back to Europe, to help on the Eastern Front.
    The UK made a big attack against the Italian forces in Iraq, but it didn’t end up in a success. The Italians were tougher than expected and managed to destroy all UK land units, including two British aircraft.
    Italy started making suicide attacks with its land units in Africa so that a German Takeover of Italy could happen in the future. There is still one Italian artillery left in Alexandria.
    Still, Italian paratroopers are making relentless attacks against the Middle Eastern territories.

    Seeing the strong Allied naval presence in the Atlantic, all U-boats have fled to SZ 112. The US has built a transport fleet with land units, including a full tank army, so that it can make attacks against mainland Europe.
    The UK bought 4 more Total War Fighters so that it has a total of 8 fighters in London.
    The Germans and Italy have started heavily defending their coastal territories. 2nd Waffen army was formed in Western Germany.

    Pacific & Asia:
    Japan started only producing units for the defense of the homeland. Because of massive IPC loss due to convoy disruption, its defensive options are limited. All of China and Russia will likely be captured in the next couple of rounds.
    ANZAC now has a total of 10 transports operating in the Pacific, amphibiously assaulting all kinds of territories.

    Income Totals:
    Germany: 49 / 69
    Japan: 19 / 27
    Italy: 21 / 33

    USSR: 23 / 23
    US: 57 / 96
    China: 14 / 20
    UK: 57 / 73
    ANZAC: 23 / 33

    Axis: 87 / 129
    Allies: 174 / 245

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  • @VictoryFirst

    Great Game Report. Good idea to post pictures of the Table Top Game Board - this makes it easier to keep a good overview.

    Another hard won 15 IPC and Victory goes to the Allies.

  • Global 1940 House Rule Expansion Game Report
    via TripleA

    This is our 4th game.

    Axis: barnee
    Allies: VictoryFirst

    Link to our game thread:

    Save file: exp-game-4-victory-A9-F9.tsvg

    Round: Early 1944 (Round 9)

    Eastern Front:
    This turn was very exciting! Due to a careless defense of the Allied player, the Germans tempted fate and attacked Moscow. Even though the odds were not completely in their favor, they decided to risk it and hope for good dice to turn the tide. After a very suspenseful battle, all that was left was one German Waffen Panzer - and therefore Moscow was conquered.
    However, the Russians had enough stuff to take it back. Still, their money was ceded to Germany - and therefore the Germans have a stack of 104 IPCs in their hand.
    Numerous German reinforcements are moving towards the east, while UK tanks and Allied fighters start moving into Russia, to help defend.

    UK tanks started massively maneuvering to the Middle East, to recapture the Oil Fields, as well as reinforce Russia. They retreated from Cairo so that the lone Italian artillery couldn’t suicide attack - and therefore disallow a German Takeover of Italy. The artillery then captured empty Egypt - including the Cairo factory.

    Atlantic & Western Europe:
    Allied troops started their first landing on Mainland Europe. First, the Americans attacked Normandy with all their ground units and air power and managed to take it with their air force and one elite remaining. Then, the UK attacked the Axis surface fleet in SZ 112 with 8 fighters, destroyed it without any casualties, and reinforced Normandy with as many fighter and land units as possible. Almost all IPCs are spent on the Western side of the board, to have the best chances to slow down Germany and win the game.

    Pacific & Asia:
    Allied air units start flying towards Russia because they are not needed anymore in the Pacific. Almost all Japanese territories and islands have been captured, including the Carolines.

    Income Totals:
    Germany: 47 / 69
    Japan: 8 / 16
    Italy: 24 / 37

    USSR: 21 / 21
    US: 59 / 98
    China: 21 / 27
    UK: 57 / 68
    ANZAC: 29 / 39

    Axis: 79 / 122
    Allies: 187 / 253

    Edit: Due to a misunderstanding of the rules, the income level of France was not included in our game when totaling the Allied income. When adding up the French income of 7 for this turn, the total Allied income level is 194 IPCs, therefore, this game has ended in an Allied Economic Victory.

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