Global 1940 & 1943 Expansions Game Reports

  • @barnee

    Looks like it is going to be a long War:muscle:

  • @barnee

    Very nice.

  • @barnee

    I am really enjoying the game so far! I hope that I can stop those bad guys from conquering the world this time… :)

  • @VictoryFirst


  • 2024 2023 '22 '21

    As part of the Axis & Allies Global 1940 & 1943 House Rules Expansion, Naval Mines are being play testet during the 2023 Autumn & Winter Axis & Allies gaming season.

    Final results will be posted here.

    Feel free to play test on your own. Rules are attached below.


    1. G40 Naval Mines.pdf

  • 2024 2023 '22 '21

    Global 1940, No. 9 Game Report:

    This is the only post in the Global 1940 No. 9 Game Report.

    Axis: Butch Cassidy
    Allies: The Captain

    From Early 1940, Germany launched only small scale U-Boat attacks in the Atlantic.
    The German U-Boat production was kept at a minimum - just enough to disrupt Allied shipping in the Atlantic.

    In Late 1940 Germany attacked the Soviet Union along the entire Eastern Front.
    Throughout the Barbarossa Campaign Germany was lacking sufficient support in men and equipment in order to threaten Moscow.

    Soviet Union:
    As soon as the German attack on USSR started, the Soviets produced Mines on a massive scale - continuosly placing them in front of the advancing German forces, as the Soviets were withdrawing to their final defensive line at Archangel-Smolensk-Bryansk-Tambov-Volgograd.

    In Late 1940, Japan declared War on the Soviet Union.
    After defeating China in Late 1942, Japan launched a massive attack against a few Soviet Infantry units in Kazakhstan in Early 1943.

    A massive Japanese build-up of Infantry, Artillery and Tank units took place in Early 1943 in Kazakhstan.

    United States:
    In Late 1941 USA declared War on all Axis Nations - and attacked on all fronts.
    Gradually the United States got the upper hand in both the Pacific, Africa and Western Europe.

    United Kingdom:
    Since Japan launched a massive attack against China and the Soviet Union, the United Kingdom had to send equipment to the Soviet Union on a massive scale.
    Infantry, Tank and Fighter units were transported by Strategic Rail Movement to the Soviet Union to bolster the defense against both German, Italian and Japanese attacks.

    Early 1944 and Late 1944:
    Europe was invaded by US and UK forces on a massive scale - forcing Germany to put an end to the reinforcements for the Eastern Front.

    In Early 1944, the Soviet Union launched two Massive Offensive Operations:

    1. The Soviet 1st Tank Army supported by numerous Infantry and Tank units, attacked the Japanese forces in Kazakhstan - and eliminated all Japanese units including 30 % of the Japanese airforce.

    2. On the Eastern Front the Soviets launched an offensive against German units in Caucasus, Western Ukraine, Belarus, Novgorod, Baltic States - eliminating everything on their way.

    With those two Massive Offensive Operations, the Soviets - heavily supported by both US and UK units - had put an end to further Axis offensive operations in Asia and Eastern Europe.

    In Late 1944 the United States attacked Western Germany - effecticely putting an end to further German offensive operations in Western Europe.

    In Asia, US, UK and ANZAC forces eliminated the Imperial Japanese Navy - captured most islands in the Pacific - and pushed back the Japanese land forces in China.

    By the end of Late 1944 both Germany and Japan were surrounded on all sides - and the Allies were closing in on both Berlin and Tokyo.

    With a combined IPC Level at 195, the Allies won an Economic Victory by Late 1944.

    These pictures display the situation at the end of Late 1944:

    IMG_6931.JPG IMG_6932.JPG IMG_6933.JPG IMG_6934.JPG IMG_6927.JPG IMG_6935.JPG IMG_6936.JPG IMG_6929.JPG

  • @The-Captain

    Ouch. Just ow…

    Anyways, the moment you took charge as the Allies, defeat was inevitable for the Axis. I wonder though:

    Did the Axis do worse than historically or did the Allies do better than historically to cause them to win earlier than historically?

  • @The-Captain Nice ! Hadn’t thought about an early DOW against russia with JPN or vice versa. Doesn’t mean you Have to attack, but when you do, you don’t get penalized.

    I’d think russia being able to sluff a few units to china might make it problematic.

    Idk, something to think about anyways :)

  • 2024 2023 '22 '21

    As the Global 1940, No. 9 Game Report shows, the following should be considered:

    1. When Germany attacks the Soviet Union, the variation and number of German units must be extremely well coordinated in order to achieve succes.

    This means that the German Strategic Plan must be detailed in every aspect. How many Infantry, Panzer and Artillery units are needed during the initial steps of the invasion.

    As well as how are the German Army Groups formed - especially with focus on the combination of Waffen-SS Armies.

    Specialized combat units such as Paratroopers, Combat Pioneers, Landing Crafts and Panzer Grenadiers might also be needed in order to deal with Small Scale Critical Situations that might occur - or even take advantage of any tactical opportunity that would evolve.

    1. How will Germany defend Western Europe against the Allied threat ? Should Germany move the defensive line out into the Atlantic - and mass produce U-Boat units - or should the defense be coordinated with Italian units to build up land and air forces in the Western Europe sphere…

    2. Africa and the Middle East offers an enormous opportunity to gain much needed income - but not without a massive effort…

    3. What role should Japan have - the Japanese Strategic Plan should match the German effort in order to achieve Final Victory.

  • @The-Captain

    Does this work the other way around?

    Does Japan have to be relegated to merely a support role to Germany like Italy, or can it be Japan trying to achieve their strategic goals, assisted by Germany?

  • @The-Captain

    Hi Captain

    Were any Sea Mines used in the Tournament ?

  • @barnee

    We didn’t get that far yet - during our Global 1940 No. 9 Game I think Butch Cassidy was under such extreme pressure, that he simply didn’t consider the use of Naval Mines for the defense of the Imperial Japanese Navy

    The Axis did use Combat Pioneer units with great succes. Both for Japan and Germany.
    These units are highly effective in many ways.

    I expect that the next game (Global 1940 No. 10 Game) where I’m playing against Dark Knight (one of our absolute best Veteran Players) we might see the use of Naval Mines.

    Dark Knight is going to play the Axis…

    The game is planned to begin Friday 27th October at 19.00 CET.

  • @The-Captain

    Awesome !!! Pioneer Units are Engineers ?

  • @barnee

    I think so.

  • @The-Captain

    Exciting! Hopefully the Axis win this time. 😁

  • @barnee

    Yes - Pioneers are Engineers - you can see a picture of the German Combat Engineers on the board German Army Group South.

  • 2023 '22 '21 '20 '19 '18

    @Panzerstahl-Helm and I have completed our EXP 40 Game. This was the first game Panzer ever played using the Awesome “Axis & Allies Global 1940 House Rules Expansion” by the Captain and Company.

    Axis Panzerstahl-Helm
    Allies barnee

    EXP Game 1 Stahl R11 .tsvg

    Quote from Panzer

    …what a fantastic game! I am not sure if I could switch back to the normal Global40 now. There were so much options!..

    TLDR Version :)
    The Allies were Victorious. The Axis invested heavily in Naval Units and while the yanks were hampered, the russians were able to take Berlin due to a lack of boots on the ground.
    JPN eventually was overpowered in china.

    G 1

    The Reich begins it’s war of Conquest by investing heavily in the Kriegsmarine. Admiral Raeder has the fuhrer’s ear.

    Screenshot from 2023-10-27 20-42-41.png

    Strong Attacks against the British Royal Navy, as well as Yugoslavia prove successful.
    Strong French resistance repels there Attack in Normandy.

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    Screenshot from 2023-10-27 20-45-41.png

    German Air concentrates in W GER, with a Tac landing in S Italy
    and a FTR in Tobruk.

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    Raeder has the new Ships launched off W GER.
    The Reich finishes with 80 PUs.

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    R 1

    stalin and his cronies bide there time and reinforce there Army that was Decimated by the Evil Dictator in the '30s.
    They invest heavily in Landmines due to the low confidence in there armed forces.

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    The High Command realizes the threat from the fascists and begins to move there Forces to counter the threat.

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    Max Paratrooper Builds and 1st Commisar are placed in moscow, along with 7 Landmines. They Finish with 37 Pus.

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    J 1

    Nippon buys a mix of units as the Army and Navy continue to fight one another for there preferred War Plan.

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    The IJA continues there Unprovoked attacks against china.

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    All Attacks succeed. They finish with 48 PUs.

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    USA 1

    The Yanks finally realize the War Scare is real and begin to Arm themselves in earnest.
    They also panic and destroy there Air and Naval Bases in the PHI while there INF builds Fortifications.

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    The Aleutians are reinforced.

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    The Bases in the Philippines are Destroyed. Uncle Sam ends with 52 PUs.

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    C 1

    China builds there army.

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    They successfully counterattack in yunnan.

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    They throw more Cannon Fodder into the Fight.

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    UK 1

    The Brits plant explosives to destroy there Naval Bases in Hong Kong and Singapore. They build there Army and a FTR for the RAF.

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    A Daring Raid against the Regia Marina results in the sinking of the Italian Fleet.

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    A U-boat in 110 SZ is sunk, as well as Italian Forces defeated in somalia.

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    British Air lands in Malta from the Taranto Attack.

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    Egypt is reinforced via Rail from South Africa.

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    They also take control of Sumatra with Dutch approval.

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    They take an agressive defensive posture in Burma

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    They finish with 59 PUs.

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    Earthquake lol was talking to one of my Alaska buddies and a 5.3 hit. 30 seconds worth lol

    Anyway back at it.

    I 1

    Italy builds 2 Landing Craft and a Paratrooper.

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    They sink the French fleet off Toulon.

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    Move there Air to W GER

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    End with 9 bucks.

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    ANZAC 1

    They build there Army and Navy.

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    They conduct no combat operations but do take controll of Java in a “Custodianship” role.

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    They end with 16 PUs.

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    France helps the Brits defend.

    End of Round 1

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    Round 2 Tommorrow :)

    Late 1940

    G 2

    The Reich builds for all branches of the military. Including the first two “Me-109T Fighter Planes”.

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    The Luftwaffe attacks the British Mediterranean Fleet and sink it. The Wehrmacht kills the final Normandy defenders.

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    2 waffen INF move via Rail to Slovakia.

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    Panzers and Mechanized Forces concentrate in Austria. A lone U-boat begins convoy raiding off the Western coast of Scotland.


    The “Me-109Ts” deploy to the Med.

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    Germany ends with 66 PUs.

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    R 2

    The soviets continue to build ground units.

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    While continuing to honor the Non Aggression Pact with the hitlerites, no combat operations are conducted.
    Paratroopers deploy to lenningrad and the Caucasus.

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    Far Eastern Forces continue to move West, with some transiting via the Trans-Siberian RR.

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    1st Corps forms in Bryansk.

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    They end with 37 PUs.

    J 2

    Yamamoto and the rest of the Naval High Command win there arguement against the IJA and the majority of the resources go to the IJN.

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    JPN does the unthinkable and attacks the Western Allies. They try to remain Neutral with America by refraining from any attacks on US forces.
    They strike British and Dutch possesions hard as well as ANZAC, while continuing the ground war against china.

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    All Combats succeed.

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    1 Elite is transported by Air to Kwangsi.

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    A Naval Base is constructed in Hainan. They finish with 53 PUs.

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    USA 2

    Uncle Sam, while not being directly attacked by JPN, sides with there ethnic cousins and Declare War on both Japan and Germany.

    They invest in there Navy and Army and begin fortifying the Aleutians.

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    The National Guard is activated.

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    Small strikes are carried out against vulnerable JPN assets.

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    Alaska is reinforced by rail, even though no RR existed then and still doesn’t today :)

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    GIB is reinforced, as well as morocco.

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    The first B-17s arrive in England.

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    Queensland is reinforced with a squadron of P-40s from Hawaii.

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    The USS Iowa is launched off the East Coast. They finish with 91 PUs.

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    C 2

    china has more peasants pressed into the Army.

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    Chahar and Hunan are liberated unopposed.

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    The “Flying Tigers” move to Burma.

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    The newly pressed men are dispersed throughout china and they end with 12 PUs.

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    UK 2

    Britain primarily builds there Army, with heavy emphasis on Airborne Units.

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    They successfuly attack the Italians in kenya as well as the japanese in yunnan.

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    Burma is reinforced. Egypt as well.

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    Brazil is activated.

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    Sumatra is Fortified.

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    Britain loses 1 PU to Scotland Blockade. Finish with 53 PUs.

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    I 2

    Italy conscripts 3 INF.

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    Syria is conquered by a Paratooper and Army LCV landings.
    Greece is attacked by Land, Sea and Air.
    98 SZ is also attacked along with Alexandria.
    All attacks succeed, although the Bmbr is shot down in 98 SZ.

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    Italy now controls the Mediterranean Sea and finish with 20 PUs.

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    ANZAC 2

    ANZAC begins fortifying islands and purchase a FTR and Mech Inf.

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    They send a DD to hunt Submarines off Borneo. While successful in locating an Enemy SS, they both perish in the Battle.

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    They reinforce Java.

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    They send a Ftr from Sumatra to support India.

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    They end with 26 PUs.

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    F 2

    France continues to support the Western Allies. End of 1940.

    Allies 224 PUs
    Axis 139 PUs

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    Early 1941

    G 3

    The Reich builds all Branches of there Military.

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    Air and Naval Forces sink the British DD in 110 SZ, although the Royal Navy lands a hit on the BB.

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    Normandy is reinforced via Trprt.

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    The Luftwaffe flies in strong support for Italian Forces in Alexandria and Syria.

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    2 LCVs move to Romania via Rail. and The Wehrmacht concentrates there as well. 1st Panzer is Formed.

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    The Italian Fleet is reinforced.

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    They end with 66 PUs.

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    R 3

    The communists build the red army.

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    Far Eastern Forces continue to move West. Stavka prepares for an expected German invasion, despite there dicktator stalin’s orders.

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    1st AG Forms in Bryansk and 3rd Corps in moscow. 4 Orange LMs Arm in Belarus at E POL.

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    Screenshot from 2023-10-29 13-48-16.png

    They finish with 37 PUs

    J 3

    JPN continues to invest heavily in there Navy.

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    They conduct major Ground Operations in china.

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    Singapore faces a Massive Attack.

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    Admiral Hasley and the American Fleet are attacked off the Aleutians.

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    Halsey is sunk. A major blow to US Naval power in the Pacific.

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    Singapore falls and yunnan changes hands again. All Attacks against china succeed.

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    Strong Naval Forces are launched from Nagasaki. They end with 57 PUs.

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    USA 3

    After the sinking of Halsey, the Americans invest heavily in there Navy.

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    American B-17s bomb S FRA.

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    GIB and Alaska are reinforced.

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    They finish with 91 PUs.

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    C 3

    china recruits for there Army.

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    A small Attack is made against yunnan.

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    It does no damage.

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    They concentrate in Sikang and finish with 8 PUs.

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    UK 3

    Britain invests heavily in Infrastructure and Armor.

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    They successfully Attack yunnan, while there massive counterattack in syria falls short.

    British Paras successfully Attack across W EUR.

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    Forces from Burma withdraw to India.

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    GIB and morocco are reinforced. Scotland as well.

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    Screenshot from 2023-10-30 16-52-48.png

    An Air base is constructed in GIB and 2 Airborne Divisions are activated in England.
    Armor Units continue to deploy in S AF and India. They end with 59 PUs.

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    Italy 3

    Italy invests in Air, Land and Sea.

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    Egypt is successfully attacked from Alexandria, as well as a Naval Landing from Greece with 2 LCVs coming from syria for fodder purposes.
    Italian Air sorties form S Italy.

    Screenshot from 2023-11-02 14-18-12.png

    Air Assets land in Alexandria, while a Paratrooper Div activates sympathetic Axis Forces in Iraq.
    A INF Div moves via rail to Greece for future deployment to Africa/Middle East.

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    Reinforcements are placed in N and S Italy. They end with 21 PUs.

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    ANZAC 3

    ANZAC upgrades the Factory in New South Wales to “Heavy Industry”. They also build for there Navy and Army.

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    They conduct no Combat Operations. Air and Land Units move to Queensland.
    They finish with 27 PUs.

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    F 3

    Free French INF move towards Italian Forces in Egypt. There DD withdraws to 72 SZ.

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    End of RD 3

    Allies 222 PUs
    Axis 144 PUs

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    Late 1941

    G 4

    Germany builds all Branches of there Armed Forces and repair the Damaged BB in 110.

    Screenshot from 2023-11-02 14-48-59.png

    Attacks are made against British Paratroopers, as well as the Yank DD in 104.

    Screenshot from 2023-11-02 15-23-27.png

    All Attacks succeed.

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    The Wehrmacht concentrates in Romania, with Units moving via Rail to Normandy and Romania.

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    The Kriegsmarine moves there CV to support Italian Naval Forces in the Med.

    Screenshot from 2023-11-02 15-30-57.png

    1st Waffen Forms in Romania and along with 1st Panzer, they Create “Army Group Center”.

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    Replacements deploy and they finish with 66 PUs.

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    R 4

    The godless communists buld 6 Guard INF as well as an Elite and a couple Rockets.

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    stalin tears up the NAP with hitler and orders an immediate Attack against any German Forces in reach.

    Bulgaria and POL are taken with Heavy support from Airborne Forces.

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    Karelia is reinforced via Rail from the Far East.

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    3rd Corps moves to Bryansk. Soviet Forces concentrate to the South to counter the German threat from Romania.

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    LMs are Armed in Belarus and Rostov.

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    Reinforcements deploy to moscow. They end with 63 PUs.

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    J 4

    JPN produces 4 DDs and 2 Air Trprts. They also upgrade the Tokyo Factory to “Hvy Industry”.
    The Army conscripts more INF.

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    The PHI are Attacked.

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    Yunnan is counterattacked along with a move against Shan ST.

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    All Attacks succeed.

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    IJA concentrates in kweichow and a Naval Task force is sent to Java.

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    Screenshot from 2023-11-02 17-40-10.png

    They end with 62 PUs

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    USA 4

    Uncle Sam invests heavily in his Navy.

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    A U-boat is attacked in 104.

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    B-17s from England bomb the occupied Fctry in Normandy.

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    Max Damage to the Fctry and the U-boat is sunk.

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    morocco is reinforced.

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    LL Units are delivered to soviet Far East.

    Screenshot from 2023-11-02 18-14-59.png

    AK is reinforced.

    Screenshot from 2023-11-02 18-16-25.png

    Naval Units Launch off both the East and West Coast with the Missourri launching from Norfolk.

    They end with 81 PUs.

    Screenshot from 2023-11-02 18-21-14.png

    C 4

    china buys 2 INF.

    Screenshot from 2023-11-02 18-23-57.png

    With help from the American Flying Tigers, they liberate Suiyuyan.

    Screenshot from 2023-11-02 18-25-08.png

    They reinforce Szechwaun by foot and Rail. They end with 11 PUs.

    Screenshot from 2023-11-02 18-27-53.png

    UK 4

  • 2023 '22 '21 '20 '19 '18

    Backup spot in case the above post maxes out :)

    UK 4

    UK builds there Army, along with a Ftr for the RAF.

    Screenshot from 2023-11-02 18-44-59.png

    Yunnan is Attacked from FIC and Burma. Air from India also Attacks.

    Screenshot from 2023-11-02 18-49-11.png

    Middle East Forces, along with a Tac from India, combined with a Naval Landing from S AF, attack Iraq.

    Screenshot from 2023-11-02 18-51-46.png

    Screenshot from 2023-11-02 18-53-20.png

    Norway is attacked by Paras with RAF support.

    Screenshot from 2023-11-02 18-55-59.png

    The Norway Attack is successful and the RAF Ftrs land in Karelia as LL Units.

    Screenshot from 2023-11-02 18-57-21.png

    Sudan is reinforced via Rail from S AF.

    Screenshot from 2023-11-02 19-00-07.png

    Strong Forces are moved to Burma.

    Screenshot from 2023-11-02 19-01-23.png

    The upgraded Fctry in S AF produces 2 Tanks and 2 INF.

    Screenshot from 2023-11-02 19-02-33.png

    Airborne and RAF Units are deployed in England. They finish with 56 PUs.

    Screenshot from 2023-11-02 19-04-23.png

    I 4

    Italy buys for there Army and a Air Trprt.

    Screenshot from 2023-11-02 19-38-55.png

    They make a minor Attack to undefended Jordan.

    Screenshot from 2023-11-02 21-19-41.png

    A INF is transported via Air to Egypt.

    Screenshot from 2023-11-02 21-21-21.png

    Alexandria Air moves to Egypt. Trans-Jordan is reinforced from Greece.

    Screenshot from 2023-11-02 21-25-29.png

    They place there builds and finish with 23 PUs.

    Screenshot from 2023-11-02 21-29-39.png

    ANZAC 4

    ANZAC purchase a Trprt, 2 Tanks and an INF.

    Screenshot from 2023-11-02 21-32-39.png

    No Combat takes place. NG is reinforced.

    Screenshot from 2023-11-02 21-34-35.png

    A CA sails to block 55. They lose 4 to Blockades and end with 25 PUs.

    Screenshot from 2023-11-02 21-36-21.png

    F 4

    They make no moves.

    End RD 4

    Allies 236 PUs
    Axis 149


    Screenshot from 2023-11-02 21-41-58.png

    Screenshot from 2023-11-02 21-42-08.png

    Early 1942

    G 5

    The Deutsche build heavy for there Wehrmacht. Some Air and Naval builds are also produced.

    Screenshot from 2023-11-02 22-23-36.png

    2nd Waffen Forms in Germany and Leads the Attack on POL.
    AG Center attacks Bessarabia.
    Norway is attacked with Luftwaffe and Wehrmacht Units transported by the Kriegsmarine.
    Bulgaria and E POL are also attacked as well as a US DD in 104.

    A Massive Bombing Raid is sent against England.

    Screenshot from 2023-11-02 22-32-53.png

    Massive Damage is done to the London Fctry.
    The yank DD is sunk.
    E POL Attack fails while all other succeed.

    Screenshot from 2023-11-02 22-41-09.png

    Rail movement supports Normandy and Slovakia.

    Screenshot from 2023-11-02 22-44-38.png

    German replacements deploy and they end with 66 PUs.

    Screenshot from 2023-11-02 22-48-45.png

    R 5

    The soviets spend 5 PUs for much needed Lend Lease Units and begin Mass Conscription. Able or not, men are Forced into the Red Army.

    Screenshot from 2023-11-02 22-59-02.png

    American LL tanks are delivered.

    Screenshot from 2023-11-02 23-02-15.png

    British Ftrs also convert to russian control in occupied Finland.

    Screenshot from 2023-11-02 23-03-33.png

    With new LL UK Ftrs, Finland is successfully attacked.

    Screenshot from 2023-11-02 23-06-12.png

    A Ftr Bmbr reinforces Caucasus from lenningrad.

    Screenshot from 2023-11-02 23-09-13.png

    Armor and INF move to the Middle East to support the UK and defend against Italian Axis Attacks.

    Screenshot from 2023-11-02 23-10-50.png

    Communist Forces Concentrate in Bryansk. They finish with 47 PUs.

    Screenshot from 2023-11-02 23-14-09.png

    JPN 5

    Interservice riavlries continue and the IJN and Army divide resources.

    Screenshot from 2023-11-02 23-23-30.png

    Yunnan, Java and the Trprt off NG are attacked.

    Screenshot from 2023-11-02 23-29-09.png

    All Attacks succeed. A Major Naval Presence is established off the Marshall Ilands.

    Screenshot from 2023-11-02 23-31-16.png

    They end with 65 PUs.

    Screenshot from 2023-11-02 23-34-32.png

    USA 5

    Uncle Sam goes with a heavy Naval buy.

    Screenshot from 2023-11-03 00-50-58.png

    They successfuly Attack S FRA.

    Screenshot from 2023-11-06 21-04-33.png

    GIB is reinforced as well as the Aleutians.

    Screenshot from 2023-11-06 21-08-05.png

    A NB is constructed in Dutch Harbor and strong Naval builds deploy off the West Coast. They end with 85 PUs.

    Screenshot from 2023-11-06 21-10-21.png

    C 5

    Chinese Attacks agaisnt IJA all succeed. They end with 20 PUs.

    Screenshot from 2023-11-06 21-13-31.png

    UK 5

    Britain builds Air and Land and Repair Damage to the London Fctry.

    Screenshot from 2023-11-06 23-39-07.png

    They conduct Combats in SE Asia, Egypt and Paratrooper Attacks in Belgium and the Netherlands.

    Screenshot from 2023-11-06 22-05-01.png

    Screenshot from 2023-11-06 22-05-33.png

    Screenshot from 2023-11-06 22-06-12.png

    The Egypt Attack fails. S FRA and N AF are reinforced. Armor deploys from S AF. They end with 55 PUs.

    Screenshot from 2023-11-06 22-11-02.png

    Screenshot from 2023-11-06 22-09-28.png

    Screenshot from 2023-11-06 22-09-42.png

    I 5

    Italia builds a CV and a Ftr.

    Screenshot from 2023-11-06 22-57-36.png

    They successfully Attack S FRA. The Navy moves to 97. Egypt is reinforced. They finish with 22 PUs.

    Screenshot from 2023-11-06 23-01-46.png

    Screenshot from 2023-11-06 23-04-57.png

    ANZAC 5

    They build Army and Naval as well as Fortifications.

    Screenshot from 2023-11-06 23-20-27.png

    They conduct no combat. DNG and Queensland are reinforced. The Solomons are Fortified. They end with 22 PUs.

    Screenshot from 2023-11-06 23-23-27.png

    France continues to support there allies.

    End RD 5

    Allies 229 PUs
    Axis 153


    Screenshot from 2023-11-06 23-31-29.png

    Screenshot from 2023-11-06 23-33-01.png

    Late 1942

    G 6

    The Reich perform extensive repairs to the Normandy Fctry and invest Heavily in the Kriegsmarine.

    Screenshot from 2023-11-06 23-44-20.png

    Luftwaffe and Wehrmacht units successfully attack against British Airborne Forces.

    Screenshot from 2023-11-06 23-46-56.png

    The majority of the German Fleet move to 104. Egypt is reinforced via ATrprt and Luftwaffe Forces move to S Italy from Jordan.
    They end with 61 PUs.

    Screenshot from 2023-11-06 23-56-41.png

    R 6

    The soviets continue to build the Red Army using Mass Tank Builds, while also activating Guard INF units and 2 Airborne Divisions.

    Screenshot from 2023-11-07 00-05-35.png

    They conduct no combat. W UKR is Heavily reinforced spearheaded by 1st AG. 3rd Corps moves to Belarus.
    More Troops move to Caucasus as well as Archangel and Scandanavia.

    They Finish with 42 PUs.

    Screenshot from 2023-11-07 00-15-49.png

    J 6

    Nippon builds are split between the IJA and Navy and they begin construction of a Minor Fctry in Kwangtung.

    They conduct Heavy Ground Attacks in china, as well as multiple Naval engagements in the Pacific against Allied Blockers and Trprts.
    A major landing against Sumatra takes place.

    All Attacks succeed.

    Screenshot from 2023-11-07 00-25-36.png

    Screenshot from 2023-11-07 00-30-42.png

    Hopei is reinforced via Air Trprt.
    The Naval Task Force off Carolines is strengthened.
    They End with 73 PUs.

    Screenshot from 2023-11-07 00-35-51.png

    USA 6

    Hmm … I guess I’m just not very good with brevity. : ) I will try to shorten some more :)

    The US continues to make Heavy Naval Builds to offset the sinking of the overconfident Halsey.

    Screenshot from 2023-11-07 01-03-04.png

    Small Naval Attacks succeed in the Pacific. Tobruk is taken unopposed.

    Screenshot from 2023-11-07 01-10-11.png

    Using the newly constructed Harbor in the Aleutians, the Pacific Fleet sails to Pearl Harbor. The Fleet in the Med move to 92. GIB is reinforced.
    They End with 77 PUs.

    Screenshot from 2023-11-07 01-13-41.png

    Screenshot from 2023-11-07 01-17-49.png

    C 6

    China builds 6 INF. They conduct no Combat. End with 8 PUs.

    Screenshot from 2023-11-07 01-28-35.png

    UK 6

    Britain continues repaires to the London Fctry as well as additional Air and Land Builds.

    Screenshot from 2023-11-07 01-33-05.png

    Combat is conducted in Asia against Singapore and Yunnan as well as a Airborne and Naval Attack against S FRA. Alexandria is liberated unopposed.
    All Attacks succeed.

    Screenshot from 2023-11-07 01-35-38.png

    Screenshot from 2023-11-07 01-37-27.png

    Egyptian Sudan and GIB are reinfoced. They End with 55 PUs.

    Screenshot from 2023-11-07 01-40-40.png

    I 6

    Italy builds 2 Trprts and ground troops for them.

    Screenshot from 2023-11-07 01-49-14.png

    A landing is made unopposed in Algeria, while Jordan is attacked from Egypt. The lone UK Trprt in 93 is also attacked.

    Screenshot from 2023-11-07 01-51-02.png

    All Attacks succeed. They finish with 17 PUs.

    ANZAC 6

    ANZAC build Naval and Army Forces.

    Screenshot from 2023-11-07 01-58-38.png

    They land unopposed in Java and conduct a combined Naval/Air attack on a lone JPN Trprt off New Britain.
    The Trprt surprises the Aussies with an unknown 4 inch gun and sink the ANZAC Submersible.
    The Ftr is able to exact revenge and sink the Trprt before being hit itself.

    Screenshot from 2023-11-07 02-00-15.png

    They End with 19 PUs.

    Free Fench Inf make a Daring Attack on Egypt and kill the Air Trprt and Flak Unit.

    Screenshot from 2023-11-07 02-12-34.png

    End RD 6

    Allies 204 PUs
    Axis 151


    Screenshot from 2023-11-07 02-18-17.png

    Screenshot from 2023-11-07 02-19-31.png

    Early 1943

    G 7

    It is early 1943 and the Major Powers have commited to Total War.
    The reich invests heavily in the Wehrmacht, as well as uprading the Berlin Fctry.

    Screenshot from 2023-11-11 18-20-00.png

    A Major Attack is launched against GIB and S FRA. E POL is also attacked. All attacks succeed.

    Screenshot from 2023-11-11 18-24-23.png

    London is Convoyed. The Wehrmacht concentrates in Romania.
    11 Total War Inf deploy to the upgraded Fctry in Berlin.
    They End with 57 PUs.

    Screenshot from 2023-11-11 18-32-03.png

    R 2

  • 2023 '22 '21 '20 '19 '18

    This post is deleted!

  • @barnee

    Nice. Still looks even. Hope the Axis win!

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