Global 1943, No. 6 Game Report: Round Early 1946:
This is the 4th post in the Global 1943 No. 6 Game Report.
Axis: The Captain
Allies: Butch Cassidy
In Late 1945, France is liberated by US forces - and the French receives 4 Infantry units in Paris.
During this maneuver all original French territories under Allied control are returned to France - strengthening the French economy - but reducing the US and UK economies as well.
In Early 1946, German Army Group South attacks India - in an attempt to destroy as many UK forces as possible.
On the Eastern Front the German Army Group North has reached the outskirts of Moscow and captured Bryansk as well as several Soviet territories in southern Russia.
On the Western Front, German Army Group Centre is supported by a massive amount of German Wehrmacht Infantry units - and is positioned in Northen Italy.
Army Group South is eliminated in the attack on India - but the door is now open for Japan to capture India - bringing an end to UK reinforcements in Asia.
An overwhelming number of Japanese Tank forces overrun and capture India.
The Allies are making slow progress in the Pacific - but are constantly exposed to Japanese counter attacks.
The balance of the War is still unpredictable - even at this time late in the War.
US forces are supported by massive reinforcements in France and Spain coming from across the Atlantic.
The Soviets have a massive stronghold in Moscow - and even though the Soviet economy has almost totally collapsed, Germany must defend its own borders in Europe, due to the massive US Army and UK Air Force.
This is the situation in Early 1946:
More will follow soon…