@Witt Yeah NA so far behind you
Find Opponents Here!
Post your questions regarding online play, find opponents, or discuss games in this topic area.
For your actual games, please post those in the Games in Progress topic area.
And to make it as easy as possible for others who may be following your game, be sure that your subject header includes at least the screen name of the players, and who is on which side. If you also include any bid amount, GREAT!
looking for a game
Looking for a game this weekend if anyone is up for it. I’ll be around the whole time, so we can maybe knock out a decent game within the three or four days.
what do I need to have and to know to play a game online?
I am interested in trying to play a forum game…but have no idea how to go about it. I have the old school Axis and Allies, Europe, and Pacific. Anybody willing to play a game and explain the by forum method?
what do I need to have and to know to play a game online?
There are a couple threads here that deal with some of the basics, like the PBEM hints/tips, and Tcnance’s help thread.
Basically, you just need a computer. :-)
There is a map program that can make things easier (link in the Tips thread), and a couple of online dice rollers that can be used that email results for combat.
In the “Games in Progress” section you can kind of see how turns are done as well.
I am interested in trying to play a forum game…but have no idea how to go about it. I have the old school Axis and Allies, Europe, and Pacific. Anybody willing to play a game and explain the by forum method?
We also refer to the Old school A&A as “Classic”, just in case you see that term.
We have a few Classic players, including myself but I’ve been tied up with a few other games. Infact I’m supposed to start a game with another new player Puntific. Sorry Puntific, my current battle with NoMercy has reached Epic proportions.If you are interested you two might be able to play each and learn together. I think he had a post in the 1 on 1 help thread.
If you two do set up a game I can provide a link to pretty good dicey for Old school A&A and help you get started. But it is really easy.
Also many players just use their boards at home and not the map program.
Speaking of which, I need to kick TC’s buttocks at AAR soon. :)
why do you want to kiss my butt jen?
Kick, and cause you havn’t lost to me yet. :P Then again, people who’ve played me havn’t lost to me yet either, but that’s just a matter of time. hehe.
if sime doesnt post in our game soon, im gonna be looking for a new game
wait i get to kick her butt first.
I will play either one of you guys…or should I just get in line to kick Jen’s butt?
UNlike some, I am perfectly capable of managing multiple games simultaniously. :P
Sorry, I like my low-tech method.
And with my win record using my board… I am perfectly happy with it :-)
Though Jen, I AM going to have to slap you down when the Tournament is over. :evil:
Aight guys, I’m ready to get spanked by someone who wants to play me. …having said that, how the crap do I start a game with an opponent? Not sure where to go from here.
Love ta play ya. Nice friendly game of slaughter the moderator! :)
I sent you a PM
I have 1 in progress and 2+ in the queue.
Don;t worry, I plan on spanking you in teh very near future. :mrgreen:
I want to play a game through the forum but it will be my first one so maybe someone with patience would be preferred :-D if anyone is interest you can PM me.
I need two opponents for Triple A, Revised, Total elimination
I need two opponents for Triple A, Revised, Total elimination
I’ll play but I don’t know how to use TripleA PBEM but I do have it downloaded onto my computer so I have to learn how to do that b4 the game starts