The only Armies that could include units with a movement of only 1 space, would be the Soviet Army Corps - since the Soviets can combine any kind of land based combat units within their Army Corps.
In a German Waffen-SS Army, all Waffen-SS units can move 2 spaces.
In a Panzer Army (or Tank Army) all units can move 2 spaces.
Concerning a Blitz move, only a Panzer Army/Tank Army can do so, since all units in this type of Army are able to make a Blitz move on their own.
Let’s take this scenario to the next step:
Only an Army Group that consists of 2 Panzer Amies/Tank Armies - and 10 Panzer/Tank units - would be able to make a Blitz move as an Army Group (this scenario is most likely quite rare…).
So, I would narrow it down to the Soviet Army Corps:
From game start - Early 1940 - the Soviets should create their Soviet Army Corps - each with 1 Commissar unit and 3 Tank units.
Later, as the Soviet Tank Armies require multiple Tank units, it might be a good idea - during Non-Combat Movement - to move the Tank units from the Soviet Army Corps to the Tank Armies.
The Soviet Army Corps could then include:
1 Commissar, plus 3 Soviet Guard Infantry units. This would give the Soviet Army Corps a defense capacity equal to that of the Tank units within the Soviet Army Corps.