Yeah, well, that’s my ego to you. You’e right though.
Converting to KJF
Not sure how that coulda happened, you should have pretty much an abundance of ground units and continually following the standard procedure but you’d have to let me know what happened since I haven’t seen the map
@thedesertfox live stream this morning i think. In two hours or 3. I have vacation
Roger that
Roger that
@crockett36 couldn’t live stream and share screen. I’ll figure it out
No worries man, I know technology can be pretty difficult to deal with.
Just watched the video, and having looked at the setup with your 2 blockers on Seazone 30 and 31, and personally for me I’d send my fighters to go take out that free aircraft carrier, seeing as I don’t think there are any fighters on guam (i’m not super familiar with Triple A so you’d have to let me know of the information) as well as send in some cannon fodder to take some hits as a nice little pick up, Personally I wouldn’t send my transports that far down to 36 since I mean you really don’t have to worry about Southern China until the rest of your Northern Forces cave in on the Chinese as well as the idea that there is still a chance for the UK to declare war if I left myself too open as Japan.
Basically if the UK declared war then I’d likely capitalize on the fact that America is not allowed to join the war until turn 4 (officially perform combat) and proceed to then fight only the British and Chinese, but that’s just my take, you’re demonstration on Triple A was much more in depth and detailed then what I could offer so I give you credit for that.
@thedesertfox obviously my battle with squirecam will be interesting. He did a Sealion buy do I decided to buy strat bombers as Russia.
Very interesting. Do you plan to bomb Berlin or try to take a shot at his transports? Since I know the typical build is a carrier and 3 transports you could potentially take the Russian navy you start with, send in the majority of your aircraft to go along with the start bombers you purchased and you could potentially win and destroy all his transports even with a scramble.
@thedesertfox I define wealth as OPTIONS!!
What do you mean?
@thedesertfox That was the plan. To have both options, bombing or attacking the navy. Either way he loses a lot of units or IPCs.
Ahhh okay. i’ve never really thought of doing something like that before but I can definetly see why
Just a thought that came up in my mind Crockett but let me know what you think
So i think you’re strategy does bode well for the Allies in the pacific, obviously japan would definitely be taking the heat, but more often than not you’ll be trading navy for navy with Japan which isn’t always the most cost effective thing as America since Japan begins with an initially strong navy, so I think something that you could use your strategic bombers for is… well… strategic bomb the hell out of Tokyo.
Japan is limited to one industrial complex to start the game, already putting them in a pretty tough situation to increase their global sphere of influence, Granted while they may put IC’s in places like Shanghai, Hong Kong, Indochina and maybe Malaya, these’ll for the most part only be producing 3 and not much of a threat to the Allies, but bombing Japan can indefinitely decrease their ability to maintain a proper offensive against the Allies and China in mainland Asia as well as limit their ability to reinforce the navy.
Just a thought though.
@thedesertfox EXACTLY. Japan is much more fragile than most of us have thought. And, like in WAR ROOM, the sea of Japan is easy for the Allies to dominate. Especially if the IJN goes south to take Calcutta. I appreciate you thinking outside the box, even for a moment.
My only counter point would be that, by focusing on Japan for four turns, that is enough to allow China and UKpac and Anzac to thrive enough to hold them off. Then you can commit powerfully to Europe. Perhaps with the same air power that has run rough shod over the Pac.
Precisely, you’re right on the money.
See the thing that I feel most American players don’t really take into consideration is that they feel that they’re only limited to either going 100% in the Pacific or 100% in the Atlantic. But from past experiences when playing as America I’ve found them to honestly primarily act as a support role if anything then actually take it to Japan. Obviously they’ll be fighting Japanese warships but really all you need to have as America in the Pacific is a small parameter of island-hopping troops, some strategic bombers to essentially utilize islands such as Guam and Wake Island to quickly maneuver around the Pacific and bomb Japan, and then after that the UK Pacific and Anzac will take the money islands for themselves and have an outstanding incredible boost in IPC’s to go along with their national objectives and they’ll essentially be beating Japan back at this point all the way to Manchuria, since frankly you really don’t have to make landings in Japan per say but just push them out of mainland Asia.
With that, you can still develop your floating bridge as the United States in the Atlantic whilst simultaneously using leftover IPCs you DIDNT use in the Atlantic to build strategic bombers in the Pacific as well as other warships/transports.
@thedesertfox I should do a mock up of a J1 next.
yeah best to try different scenarios since the time at which Japan attack definitely varies.
@thedesertfox So squirecam’s moves have made it clear that an upgrade to the w coast factory would be important, especially if there are no Asian builds. Also, if there are no asian builds, China and the English must push for Hong Kong to stave off an island VC win.