Yeah I don’t know how to do the stats with all the multis and the learning games but at least I can document them in the list of all games 😀
Axis & Allies Global 1940 House Rules Expansion
I have two questions.
Can a Tank Army amphibiously assault, and still fight as a Tank Army? Or are the dice advantages lost?
When forming an Army Group with four armies, two armies should function as the “armies”, while the other two function as the land-based combat units. Only one army can be active in an Army Group. Should the army that’s active be one of the “armies”, or can you also choose an army that functions as a part of the land-based combat units?
For example, Smolensk contains two Panzer Armies and two Waffen armies, nothing else. Germany wants to create an Army Group. He can do so by selecting the Waffen armies as the “armies”, and the two Panzer armies as the 10 land-based combat units. Can one of the Panzer armies be active during combat, or can only a Waffen-army get its dice advantages when fighting?
Tank Armies cannot amphib attack as an Army. They would lose there bonus. They can reform after battle, if there are enough to do so.
If I remember correctly, 1 of the 2 Armies/Corps, must be the active one. If you are in your Capital, you can have both Armies/Corps active.
The other Armies/Corps can be part of the 10 required land units.
For individual Armies/Corps, only 1 can be a Oberst, PG or Commiesar. So can’t have 2 TG and 4 Tanks make up a Tank Army.
So in your example, only one of the Waffen Armies would get the bonus.
However, You could have 1 waffen and 1 PG be the Armies and the other two make up the 10 land units. -
When calculating the total Allied income value to check for an Economic Victory, is the income value of France included as well, when Paris is occupied by the Axis? Or only once Paris has been liberated?
@VictoryFirst all ipc is counted including French.
Even when French is not liberated. After the French turn, you count all allies or axis ipc -
Just the ones printed on the map. The Pacific island increases don’t count.
Or they do ?
@barnee we always count the ipc tracker. If you conquer an island for example Caroline islands, then the US will get 3 extra ipc income.
Also japan decrease 3 ipc income.
It’s very important to use a ipc chart card.
Always checking the total income. -
so the pacific island bonuses do count. OK thanks for that. It wasn’t clear to me
Only when you conquer an island or country then the ipc level is changed correctly.
From game start, yes the additional ipc level of the islands is not changed in the ipc tracker -
yes but for Economic victory they do count. I thought it was just game start IPC values that are used for convoy values throughout the game that counted.
Thanks for clarifying it.
@VictoryFirst I didn’t mean to doubt you :) I just thought they didn’t count because it said no bonuses in the rulebook :)
@barnee, because of the extra ipc value given to the pacific islands, the islands become extremely important.
For the axis it is vital that Japan attacks this islands as fast as possible before the allies will get the upper-hand in the pacific. -
yes Victory has pointed out several errors the way i was playing them. They definitely play differently than how i thought. :)
Kinda like a new puzzle to figure and i never figured the last one :)
Thanks for the replies. I think Victory not too far from you. Maybe you guys can hook up at one of the The Captain’s Tournaments :)
@barnee I have already visited the Captain multiply times. We play every year around Christmas a whole weekend axis en allies.
I saw in the last game report that you took Moscow
That’s quit impressive 💪🏻
Never being able to achieve that 😂
Anyway goodluck in you’re next game -
heh heh it was a moral victory and the first time i have ever done it :)
Barnee has nerves of steel! The attack was pretty risky, but he decided against it and actually managed to roll well enough to capture it! Sadly it didn’t change the outcome of the game though. It’s for me the first time too that Moscow got sacked :) -
The Winning Conditions are described at pg. 11.
An Economic Victory includes (only) the Combined IPC Level for all Nations of the same alliance on the Expanded National Production Chart (ENPC).
Any IPC that are collected according to Advanced Production Capacity and National Objective Bonus Income do not count towards the Economic Victory Conditions.Example:
When the US player captures Caroline Islands, the US player’s IPC Income Level is increased with 3 IPC at the Expanded National Production Chart- and Japan’s IPC Level is decreased with 3 IPC accordingly.
The US IPC increase at 3 IPC naturally counts towards the Economic Victory Conditions. -
Hey Captain! Your House Rules are absolutely magnificent and outstanding. You are right that once your play with your set of HR, it’s impossible to go back to OOB. Have been enjoying playing G40 with my 14-year old son who has declared this to be the greatest game in the world with no close second! Thanks to how your HR have inspired him, he is now devouring world geography and world history from that great conflict about 80 years ago and teaching his friends about both as well. We do have a question though that we can’t find answer to in this forum. With regard to the Non-Aggression Pact house rules on page 22. Are these in addition to OOB or replace them? For example, would a Japan attack of Amur in Late 1941 only result in a 7 IPC penalty or would Soviet Union also receive the 6 infantry in Mongolia? What about a Japan attack of Kazakhstan in Late 1942? Would that only result in a 5 IPC penalty since not adjacent to Mongolia? Thanks
Hi @Trout
Thank you for your comment. We truly appreciate your feedback.
We also have one of our Axis & Alllies Veteran Members who’s 14-year old son also plays with the complete G40 Expansion rulebook.
- When the Japanes-Soviet Non-Aggression Pact is active, it replaces the OOB Mongolian rule.
- If Japan attacks Amur in Late 1941, Japan must pay 7 IPC to the bank - and the Soviet player receives 7 IPC from the bank. That’s it.
The Japanes-Soviet Non-Aggression Pact can only be broken once - after that the game continues as usual.
Yes we are going to meet in the future with victoryfirst. Next year if this is possible the next tournament will likely be in the Netherlands.💪🏻 -
When moving across a border with mines during combat movement, do you roll for the mines immediately after the move, or do you wait until all moves have been made?
All units must move simultaneously across a line.
If any Mines detonate, the player who is moving must choose which units are lost.