Though if Japan could take India, they would’ve taken Yunnan already.
It’s virtually the only way to move from Europe to China.
Concerning transportation of landbased units:
See pg. 30 in the Axis & Allies Global 1940 House Rules Expansion rulebook:
Note 5:
A Transport unit can carry 2 land based units in any combination.
If the Transport unit carries 1 Tank unit, the second land based unit cannot be a Tank unit or any other unit that counts as a Tank unit for transport purposes.
A Transport can carry 2 Artillery units - or 1 Artillery unit and 1 Tank unit.
@The-Captain Thank you. I thought I had seen it before but could not find it for the life of me :)
@The-Captain said in Axis & Allies Global 1940 House Rules Expansion:
Rules concerning AAA are OOB - so in this case each AAA can only fire 3 times.
2 Paratrooper units and 2 Fighter units attack an enemy terrirory with one AAA unit.The defender must choose how to direct the 3 “shots” fired at the attacking Paratrooper & Fighter units.
In this example the defender chooses to fire against both Paratrooper units - and to use the last shot against one of the Fighter units.
The dice must be rolled seperately from the Paratrooper units and the Fighter unit.
Here is how it goes:
Two AAA dice are rolled against the Paratrooper units. Any casualties are removed.One AAA dice is rolled against the Fighter unit. Any casualty is removed.
After the AAA fire is resolved, combat continues as normal.
Lol I just spent close to two hours looking for this. I know I asked it before :)
Started out pages 15 to the end then 10 to found it on 13 lol
Kept getting sidetracked reading all the posts :) I tried searching paratrooper but it checks all house rule paratroopers, 43 of em. Only one from you and that wasn’t the one. Don’t really know a better way to search oh well :)
Getting ready todo a detailed example on the triplea thread for Paratroopers and wanted to make sure i got it right.
Hope you and your family had a good Christmas and you’re getting some gaming in :)
Yes - the same AAA can split up its rounds of fire between the Paratrooper units and the Fighter units, since these units must be kept seperately during the defending AAA fire.
We play an average of 1 game each week from October 2023 and until the end of March 2024.
The Fighter Ace units are popular - and always represented on the game board.
In the Pacific the US Navy most often use both Fighter Aces to balance the superior number of Japanese Fighter units.
Naturally, the Aircraft Carrier unit that carries the Fighter Ace units is the Primary Target for Japanese Kamikaze attacks…
Merry Christmas & Happy New Year to you as well :-)
Nice I’m thinking being able to scramble for Axis defense could be pretty sweet too :) Got another 2 years yet before the lads will have enough experience though :)
Concerning United Kingdom Home Defense:
Only Infantry and Elite Infantry units can defend at “3” during the first round of Combat.
Paratrooper units, British Commando units and other specialized Infantry units that operate under Infantry rules must defend at their normal Defense Factor during Home Defense.
The reason is, that specialized Infantry units such as Paratroopers have specialized equipment, training, weapons etc. in order to use them for Special Missions.
Also, for Game Play reasons those specialized Infantry units should not be “mixed up” with regular Infantry units.
Hi, Is there a list of required pieces to play a complete version of the house rules expansion?
If so can you link it please. Many thanks
Hi IronBraydon,
Thank you for your comment.
Yes - we have prepared all units that you need for playing the Global 1940 game with the Axis & Allies Global 1940 House Rules Expansion.
You’ll find all units at pg. 60-63 in the rulebook - ready for printing & cut out.
You can compare the Cost Of All Units list (see pg. 73-74) with the units that you print in order to check if you have all the units you need.
Depending on your overall Global 1940 game experience, we advice that you start implementing the Rules & Units described on pg. 6-23 in order to make the initial games more manageable.
For your inspiration - concerning the use of the new units (printed Markers & Roundels etc.) you should check out the Global 1940 & 1943 Game Reports thread - there you’ll see pictures from FTF games with a combination of hand-painted units as well as printed paper markers & roundels.
Please fell free to contact us anytime if you have any questions.
We guarantee that you’ll find Challenge & Fun on a massive scale.
@IronBraydon Hi i can print the roundels if you want to buy them.
I also painted the pieces myself. So it’s easier to see when you play a game.
Blue for paratrooper
Light blue: elite infantry
Red; all ss units and waffen units. / soviet army guard/ US and UK marines.
Hi Cornelis :-)
I almost forgot about the cardboard counters that you have produced.
I even have a set myself - they are awesome.
Thanks for your effort - you’re doing great.
Concerning the OOB G40 Kamikaze rule, we are working on an Optional Rule for Kamikaze.
The Optional Rule includes regular Japanese Air units as well as the OOB Kamikaze Tokens.
More information will follow soon…
Concerning the Japanese Kamikaze rule, we are play testing following Optional Rule:
sounds pretty good. I’m not sure about the 1 per rd though. In the past i would sometimes launch all six at a single BB and hope it was sunk. Now it would at best do 3 damage and the BB will be unaffected in the battle.
What do you think of two per turn ? Hitting at 5 would probably guarantee to sink it though. Idk, just a first impression :)
Concerning the number of Kamikaze Attacks, we have play tested two options so far:
The unlimited number of Kamikaze Attacks - not only in the same round but from Late 1944 and for the rest of the game - simply pushed the Game Balance.
We reduced the number of Kamikaze Attacks gradually - and ended up with a maximum of 1 Kamikaze Attack each round
For game play reasons we chose to make it possible to use Kamikaze Attacks all over the Pacific, since this would reflect the Historic scenarios in the most realistic way.
We’ll see what the final play testing brings - we’ll most likely have it ready for use during this summer.
As part of the Axis & Allies Global 1940 House Rules Expansion, we hav eadded a new Optional Rule: Flak Tower.
The Flak Tower rule is described in its own thread.
Hi Captain
Running a test game with the new 'kazes. Definitely can change how JPN deploys there Navy :) I like the Historical aspect as well.
So far, although it’s harder for JPN, at least early on, I like it.
Actually pretty impactful imo. Cant rely on those 6 shots to help protect the Kaze zones
Going back to the Wolfpack attacked with no DD present
Did you and the Company come to a conclusion on it ? The way I’ve been playing, is that the surviving U-boats still defend at 3 for the first rd.
Did you guys ever try adding AA Guns to Total War ?
I remember you saying there not bought much in your games. I kinda like them myself :)
Would be better if only one hit counted out of the three imo, so you don’t get diced.
Can make those counterattacks potentially more damaging or require more units if you really want it, if you’re trading a TTy.
We chose to adapt the IPC cost from Classic & Revised to 5 IPC for an AAA unit.
This is the only change compared to the OOB G40 rules.
AAA was not suitable for Total War, due the OOB game mechanisms (1 AAA can roll maximum 3 dice) which seems to work just fine.