That’s a better idea, especially since Japan is usually somewhat stretched to the limits on their declaration of war on the US.
Axis & Allies Global 1940 House Rules Expansion
@The-Captain Checking “Army Group” totals. Germany 3, Russia 2, USA 1. Is that correct ?
Hi barnee,
Germany can create a total of 3 Panzer Armies and 4 Waffen-SS Armies. So, when these Armies are combined into Army Groups the maximum number of German Army Groups is 3.
And yes, USSR can create a maximum of 2 Army Groups - and USA only 1 Army Group.
Hi barnee,
When converting the AAG40HRE to TripleA, the following must be corrected:
Home Defense:
The rule says that the first time an amphibious assault takes place against UK or Japan, infantry units and fighter units have an increased defense factor during the first round of combat.
This must be changed, so the UK and Japan players each can decide on their own, when they want to activate the Home Defense rule. It doesn’t necessarily has to be during the first enemy amphibious assault…
Only 1 Army from the same side or Nation can be active in each tty - and get the extra bonus rolls.
It doesn’t matter if this Army is part of an Army Group or not.
If multiple Armies (whether or not they are part of Army Groups) from the same side or Nation are present in the same tty during defense, still only 1 Army gets the bonus rolls in that tty.
@the-captain How often do you see Total War Air builds outside of Moscow ? I guess for all the Big 5. Right now we have :
Germany, W Germany and Romania
UKfor Total War builds.
Original minors or major builds are gonna come into play here. I’m thinking of adding stalingrad for the commies. Keep everyone else as is. I can add the other soviet minors if needed. Probably blow off any German major builds for Norway etc…
It’s kinda time consuming but I guess it doesn’t really matter. I’ll add all original russian minors and if they move and get upgraded, just have to use edit.
I guess maybe India or s Africa too tho ? Yea probably better do India for sure. Anyway, let me know if I need to add more.
Actually I need to add India the same way Romania rolls. I think that should have us pretty well dialed in. Hmm it can be upgraded tho, so gotta make it like London.Korea too. It could be key for scrambling. Guess i better do it too. They’ll all be done at this rate lol
Total War:
- We don’t see Soviet Air Builds outside Moscow very often
- UK: only in London is it it possible to mass produce Total War builds
- Germany doesn’t have an IC in Romania in game setup…
- In some cases it would be necessary to upgrade an IC to Heavy Industry to be able to place the Total War builds.
- Heavy Industry upgrade is only possible by the original owner of the IC - and only IC that exists from game start.
@the-captain so Total War builds are only allowed in original starting factories then ? If Germany builds a major in Romania or Japan in Korea, they can’t build there ?
Heavy Industry is only allowed for IC that exists from game start.
Since Total War production requires an IC capacity of at least 4 units (Air Units) an upgrade to Heavy Industry is necessary to a Minor IC.
In case of a German Major IC in Romania - or Japanese Major IC in Korea, both Nations would be able to do Total War builds at these IC.
Example: Germany builds 5 Panzer units - and gets 1 free bonus Panzer unit, and also builds 3 Fighter units - and gets 1 free Fighter unit.
A total of 10 units, including Total War Bonus Units - all units are placed at the German Major IC in Romania.
If Germany takes over Italy, the original Italian IC can also be used by Germany for Total War builds.
Germany can even upgrade these IC to Heavy Industry, since they exist from game start - and now counts as German Original IC.
@the-captain right on. I’ll add the Italy factories on condition. Yea forgot London only. at least you reminded me before I over achieved. lol
So this is what we have now:
Germany, W Germany and Romania
Russia, Ukraine, lenningrad and stalingrad
Japan and Korea
S and N Italy if German controlledThat ought to cover the most used areas. Edit can be used for other major German or Russian moved factories.
Here’s my G1 builds
I may have gone too heavy on Paras. Idk. I really wanted a sub. Think those wolfpacks could rock. Figure the ss inf and elite are a no brainer. We’ll see how it goes : )
@The-Captain Do damaged BBs and CVs still need to be at a Harbor/Naval base to be repaired ? They need a undamaged factory to defend CVs seems clear but I’m not 100% sure on the other.
Damaged BB and CV can be repaired at sea - they don’t need to be “in port”.
To make repairs, the cost is 3 IPC per Damage Hit.
@the-captain right on. just got through USA turn 1 and no more issues yet :) A lot going on. I fortified every US island I could lol. Was bummed when I couldn’t fortify Alaska too Ha Ha Ha
Definitely makes your brain work. Hope I’m up for the challenge lol -
Really like the way the rulebook is presented. Looks badass with all the photos.
One thing I find myself doing though, is scrolling through the different Sections for when units/rules activate. Some game start or early rounders, are in the later sections, so makes it harder for a quick reference.
Would be cool if there was a chronological one as well. I know you got the chart, which looks sweet, but think it’d be easier to reference.
Just a thought : )
Just to check. Germany bought 2 paras trun1. They can ncm to Romania turn 2 with their air move ?
Paratroopers can move 2 spaces by air - 3 spaces if they take of from an air base. So, yes, they can move to Romania from Germany…and from there to Caucasus…or any other valuable tty :-)
You’ve got a point there…
I’ll see what I can come up with, when I update with rules clarification later this year.
For now, players can use the “Cost of all units” chart and the Timetable. Both should be printed on paper and kept next to the game board.
We always use the Timetable as a quick reference guide - it is kept next to the game board together with the Expanded National Production Chart.
This is too fun lol.
Might need to restart so the commies can buy some landmines. Got a few minor fixes and adjustments. Russia and Italy dont need fortifiication builds. Can just edit in the unlikely scenario they’re needed. I’ll put out later. Think I can get the ships to repair in open sea.
Yea, gonna roll with a restart. Need to keep 1 of those ss boys in Berlin so the Oberst can take over lol. Gotta stock up on landmines too. Maybe not for G1, wanna be aggressive, but uncle joe probably need some.
I can do a text thingy for the rules timeline and I might, but, Idk how to do the badass pictures and stuff though. I guess I should try and learn lol