When Germany exercises the Lightning War ability and engages in a second wave of attack, do they get to collect IPPs again or do they get to add the new territories value to their already collected income?
High Quality High Res Global War '36 Map
Does anyone have a high quality/high resolution Global War '36 v3 Map? Asking for a friend (literally!) 8 )
@hbg-gw-enthusiast I would wager that they keep such under a tight lock and key in order to (fairly) prevent people from just printing their own map.
The best one you can probably find, is pulling their 4k resolution image from the store page for the map.
@insanehoshi Oh sure! That makes total sense and I don’t want to jeopardize HBG’s business in any way. I have a friend who is going to come visit for a weekend and he has played A&A, but not Global War. He wanted to see the map and I did a video review of the map.
If no one tells me not to do it, by the time i get off work, ill see if i can send you a version.
@insanehoshi I’d love to see that as well, just to make terrains easier to see! Plus as a reference point for dealing with crammed Soviet territories on my tiny 3x6 map :/
@aldrahill Actually, I downloaded their map and printed out some sheets zoomed in on certain regions for help in planning moves. I was just working on coordinating my first two moves for Japan, and find it easier to plan on a map of the region than to simply write out the moves. I didn’t need a super high quality version of the map, but it’s helpful to see terrain and borders clearly.