United States: Greatest Country ever, duh?
US should include at the very least : Canada, Japan, South Korea and UK
China: Growing economy, huge army, huge country, huge population
China includes Vietnam, North Korea, and Mongolia
Russia: Actually this country lacks everything I require for a country to be a player nation. And it wouldn’t a player nations unless it wasn’t the biggest country in the world. It is just to much space for a single Neutral Nation
Russia includes all affiliate nations and some eastern bloc nations.
European Union: Although the dream of a Unified Europe travels farther away each day it would be to complicated to split Europe up amongst its many powerful nations.
Germany, Spain, central Europe, poland, Italy,Austria… France is on its own or aligned with them. this coalition is very volital because France cant make up its mind from one day to the next. I would consider a large seperate map for Europe for warfare in these nations because you would want to have more global territories.
India: It has the army, the nukes, the population, the land, the economy, etc., Why not.
On its own they hate China and Pakistan but are not aggressive
Brazil: mentioned above.
All south America is open to either independent or allies of USA… the US player has best chance to convert them.
Japan: although small, very powerfull and a much needed counter balance to China in the south pacific.
Their existence depends on USA the threat of China pushes them as US ally. japan has no natural ally in Asia anymore. At least until China is destroyed…
best book on this… but its 1985 when the war starts. This book is complete with OOB for both sides. You may want to get SPI’s third world war which has a rather good game. its a good starting point for research. The problem is too far in the future had no adeduate research and secondly, the viability of such a conflict is very speculative. At least a 1985 scenario has a complete Soviet Union and other realistic allies and enemies.
Also note you can obtain nice plastic pieces for this game that are cold war styles of equipment from table tactics. Not to mention the other companies that offer pieces of current and past tanks and planes.
The Third World War, August 1985, by General Sir John Hackett, set in a 1980s war based on the NATO scenario