@Amon-Sul I play Europe and I play Italy only, and then give all the allies to the AI on high, and give Germany to the AI on low. Then I play to see if I can save the game from the AI’s German screw-ups
Game against AI crashes
I downloaded the new version. Playing against the AI as axis. At the beginning of USA4 it crashes on me. Triple A Error box states: IllegalStateException - Duplicate key 57e4a9cb-0f98-4f2f-8bef-2828b2f49bb1 (attempted merging values Americans and Americans)
I says to report to TripleA but when I click it I’m not sure what I’ve actually reported. Suggestions? I’m going to redownload the older version and just use that one for now. Thanks.
@GuamSolo Please use the ingame report-function in cases like this one. This will create an issue at Github automatically.
Look here to see examples of what will be reported:
https://github.com/triplea-game/triplea/issuesThe issues created by “tripleabuilderbot” are those that were automatically created by the game’s report function.
Thank you.
@Panther I used the in game report. It said a thread for this problem already existed.
@GuamSolo Fine thanks. In that case chances are that it will be addressed soon.
@GuamSolo :+1: