@leemorrison You’re being polite. Yes I got my bomber and some air shot down during the first two turns but I overextended very badly with Japan, mostly because I underestimated the value the tanks would give you in terms of exploiting openings in my positions.
trulpen's 1st G40 2v2-tourney: Results
This is the thread to be used for posting results.
Unfortunately it’s likely that the hunt was not happy for the posting party…
Exemplified by an axis-win, the prefered way for posting a result is:
- X vs A 1-0
where “X” represent the Axis and “A” the Allies.
The Axis should always be the team on the left and the Allies on the right.
If allies had won the result would’ve been 0-1.
The link to the game thread can either be internalised as in
- [X vs A 1-0](link url)
or provided below as in
- X vs A 1-0
TT 20 BM3 The Rum and the Fury (L+20) vs Oberkommando BrAeV (X)
X vs A 0-1
Wizcats over Rum and the Fury.
I don’t know what to say on this one, but:
Battle in 94 Sea Zone
Italians attack with 2 fighters, 1 submarine and 1 transport
British defend with 1 destroyer
Italians roll dice for 1 submarine in 94 Sea Zone, round 2 : 0/1 hits, 0.33 expected hits
Italians roll dice for 2 fighters and 1 transport in 94 Sea Zone, round 2 : 0/2 hits, 1.00 expected hits
British roll dice for 1 destroyer in 94 Sea Zone, round 2 : 1/1 hits, 0.33 expected hits
1 submarine owned by the Italians lost in 94 Sea Zone
Italians roll dice for 2 fighters and 1 transport in 94 Sea Zone, round 3 : 0/2 hits, 1.00 expected hits
British roll dice for 1 destroyer in 94 Sea Zone, round 3 : 1/1 hits, 0.33 expected hits
1 fighter owned by the Italians lost in 94 Sea Zone
Italians roll dice for 1 fighter and 1 transport in 94 Sea Zone, round 4 : 0/1 hits, 0.50 expected hits
British roll dice for 1 destroyer in 94 Sea Zone, round 4 : 1/1 hits, 0.33 expected hits
1 fighter owned by the Italians lost in 94 Sea Zone
1 transport owned by the Italians retreated to 95 Sea Zone
British win with 1 destroyer remaining. Battle score for attacker is -26
Casualties for Italians: 2 fighters and 1 submarineIt didn’t get any better after that.
Axis (X) Allies (A) Bid Version Result Oberkommando BrAeV The Rum and the Fury A+20 BM3 1-0 The Rum and the Fury Wizcats A+16 BM3 0-1 -
@trulpen no the otherway arround.
TRatF won.
So 0 Oberkommando and 1 tRatF -
Ok, I’ll make a correct post later when I get home.
Axis (X) Allies (A) Bid Version Result Oberkommando BrAeV The Rum and the Fury A+20 BM3 0-1 The Rum and the Fury Wizcats A+16 BM3 0-1 -
@trulpen outstanding, I appreciate your work and the time and effort you put in to this!
Thank you !! -
TT BM3 dawgwasher (L+18) vs Pejones (X)
X vs A 1-0
Pejones Win
Axis (X) Allies (A) Bid Version Result Oberkommando BrAeV The Rum and the Fury A+20 BM3 0-1 The Rum and the Fury Wizcats A+16 BM3 0-1 Pejones dawgwasher A+18 BM3 1-0 -
RoodColtWitt vs majikandrew(+48)X vs A 1-0
Axis (X) Allies (A) Bid Version Result Oberkommando BrAeV The Rum and the Fury A+20 BM3 0-1 The Rum and the Fury Wizcats A+16 BM3 0-1 Pejones dawgwasher A+18 BM3 1-0 MajikAndrew ColtWitt A+48 OOB 1-0 -
Adam-Dominion as axis win over Rum and The Fury allies+18
Axis (X) Allies (A) Bid Version Result Oberkommando BrAeV The Rum and the Fury A+20 BM3 0-1 The Rum and the Fury Wizcats A+16 BM3 0-1 Pejones dawgwasher A+18 BM3 1-0 MajikAndrew ColtWitt A+48 OOB 1-0 adam-dominion The Rum and the Fury A+18 BM3 1-0 -
dawgwashers(X) vs wizcats(L+20) - wizcats win
TT 20 Oberkommando BrAeV (X) vs Wizcats (A) +12 BM3
Axis (X) vs Allies(A)
0 - 1https://www.axisandallies.org/forums/topic/35715/tt-20-oberkommando-braev-x-vs-wizcats-a-12-bm3/200
Axis (X) Allies (A) Bid Version Result Oberkommando BrAeV The Rum and the Fury A+20 BM3 0-1 The Rum and the Fury Wizcats A+16 BM3 0-1 Pejones dawgwasher A+18 BM3 1-0 MajikAndrew ColtWitt A+48 OOB 1-0 adam-dominion The Rum and the Fury A+18 BM3 1-0 dawgwasher Wizcats A+20 BM3 0-1 Oberkommando BrAeV Wizcats A+12 BM3 0-1 -
BM3, A+16
Axis (X) Allies (A) Bid Version Result Oberkommando BrAeV The Rum and the Fury A+20 BM3 0-1 The Rum and the Fury Wizcats A+16 BM3 0-1 Pejones dawgwasher A+18 BM3 1-0 MajikAndrew ColtWitt A+48 OOB 1-0 adam-dominion The Rum and the Fury A+18 BM3 1-0 dawgwasher Wizcats A+20 BM3 0-1 Oberkommando BrAeV Wizcats A+12 BM3 0-1 Pejones adam-dominion A+16 BM3 0-1