@fasthard Yes. Needs to block Gibraltar.
L20 #1 trulpen (X) vs AndrewAAGamer (A) P2V
@trulpen said in L20 #1 trulpen (X) vs AndrewAAGamer (A) P2V:
Or wait. I’ll consult the rule.
I thought that perhaps it was possible to use the harbour in Rome, but the rule is pretty clear: “Battleships and carriers may only be built from territories that have both factories and harbours.”
Got your posts. Have to go to work. WIll respond tonight my time; about 11-12 hours from now.
Hi @trulpen.
So, I have read your e-mails and I totally understand how it was so easy to make that mistake. In fact, I was making the same mistake. When I saw you build your minor IC with Germany I was like “Ah, he is going to build a carrier there next Turn”. So, I get the mistake and why it happened; especially since this is a new game for both of us.
As you know I do not believe in edits. I think that we all make mistakes in the game and it is not your Opponent’s job to let you fix your mistakes. However, after being on this site a bit I saw that edits are very common here so I, with majikforce’s input and assistance, came up with what I felt was a very fair and relaxed edit policy that hopefully others would like and that I could live with. I have posted that Edit Policy before. I did that for three reasons 1) to increase the chances people would play with me because majikforce felt if I insisted on no edits at all it would reduce the number of people who would play with me 2) to have a set, fair, consistent and stated edit policy to avoid arguments over edits which I abhor and 3) to make sure I was not taken advantage of.
1 is simple enough. I want to play with people. I want to have fun and I want them to have fun. If people feel I am too rigid with no edits at all then I will not get to play with them and if there is a relaxed edit policy that makes them happy that I can live with then why not.
2 is the most important reason to me. I am not here for conflict or to argue. I am here to have fun. I stress out over edits when people ask me to make edits. I always feel that I am the “bad guy” for not granting an edit request and why should that be? They are the ones making the mistake and asking for an edit not me. By having no edits or a simple and consistent edit policy there is no room for arguments. It either is an allowed edit or it is not. That removes the stress for me.
3 Is more of an attempt on my part for a level playing field. Since I will not ask for an edit since I feel it is my mistake and I must live with it in my previous online gaming experience I found I was constantly being taken advantage of. I would make mistakes and never ask for an edit and then my Opponents would make a mistake and argue with me or say I was being unfair by not allowing their edit. This caused me great stress and anxiety and was the reason I stopped playing online. I do not want that to happen again which is why I want a simple, consistent and fair edit policy to live by.
Looking at that edit policy, below, any edits in this case are not allowed. Both A and B have occurred. I posted the ANZAC Turn and Germany conducted rolled combat before any edit request was made. In addition, the Forgotten Unit clause is not applicable because you admit you did not even realize the error until you went to place the purchased units.
a) Once a combat roll is made no edits of any kind before the combat roll occurred are allowed with one exception. Forgotten Units. A “Forgotten Unit” is a unit that never moved during that Power’s Turn and that unit unequivocally and without any doubt was just forgotten to be moved and that the requested edited move is obviously the intended move if the unit had not been forgotten. Any doubt, no matter how small, voids this exception. Including any potential gain of knowledge received due to dice rolls.
b) Once Opponent B has posted in any format a portion of their current Turn no edits of Opponent A’s previous Turns are allowed. This includes “Forgotten Units”.
c) Any Edit necessary to fix an illegal move. Such as flying a plane over a Neutral into combat. Not unloading combat ground troops picked up during the Combat Move phase from a transport during an Amphibious Attack. Not placing all possible units during the Mobilize New Units phase.So unfortunately, no edits would be allowed at this time. And I mean unfortunately. It would be nice if this were not an official League game because then we could just blow it off and allow any edits. But it is an official game. And for me it is very important to be consistent and fair in my edit requests to avoid the stress that comes if I do not. To make sure I am always fair and consistent in my edit policy I have to always have the same answer for any edit whether I am ahead or behind in a game, whether it makes a difference or not, or whether I like my opponent or not. None of those can matter. If I take anything but the actual edit into account that makes me a hypocrite and opens me up to the should I or should I not allow this edit game that is just a) not something my personal integrity will allow and b) just too damn stressful for me.
I like you. You and surfer and majikforce have been the most agreeable and enjoyable players I have met on this site and it bothers me greatly to have to say no to this edit request. I worry that you might be unhappy about it and not want to play with me anymore. Especially since we have been doing our Tutor game together. Yet how can I live with myself if I allow you an edit based on that and not other people? It is a position I do not want to be in and it bothers me greatly. It bothers me so much that last night around 2am when I saw your first post when I got up to get a drink of water I could not stop thinking about it. (Bad habit of mine to check my messages before I go back to bed.) I literally could not fall back to sleep for another 90 minutes, last time I looked at the clock, thinking about this. I have now spent another 120 minutes formulating this response and that is 3.5 hours I really cannot spare. I am so busy right now it is not even funny. I have too much work, too much going on in my personal life and too many games going on. I really should not have joined your Tournament but majikforce asked me and he is such a nice guy I could not say no.
I am spending the time talking about this because I do care. If I did not I could have just taken one minute to say “Nope not allowed.” But I am hoping that you will understand why I am being this way and understanding why it is important to me. While you may not see it as important I do.
Let me provide an example. I have come to realize that taking a Turn within 72 hours is important to you. Due to being busy I missed some time and could not get to a Turn and you bumped me. We talked about it and I told you it was because I was busy and not due to ignoring the game and you said you would be more lenient going forward. Yet recently barely after three days went by you again bumped me. Now I could have gotten upset with “Geez why is he doing that we talked about this” and instead I said to myself “Okay taking a Turn is really important to Trulpen so I need to do a better job and make sure I take a Turn every two days to meet his expectations of what is important.” I realize since it is important to you I need to make it important to me too even though normally it is not important to me. In a recent game with Omega1759 he went 9 days without taking a Turn. I IM’d him to see when he was going to go and he said he would within 24 hours and he did. I did not bump him even after 10 days though I will say if he had not replied to my IM I would have. The point I am trying to make is edits may not be a big deal to you but they are to me so please be understanding.
Finally, and you say geez about time Andrew, let me state if the positions were reversed I would not have asked for an edit. Knowing the rules is the responsibility of the Player. Any mistake made by that Player because of that are still mistakes and not the responsibility of the Opponent to fix. And I have another very recent example of this. In my one and only game of BM3 against ksmckay he was the Allies and on UK1 he got very unlucky and failed to kill the Italian destroyer in SZ 96. In all my years of playing when the Allies fail in this attack the Allies ended up losing assuming competent play by the Axis. That was apparently his experience too as he immediately conceded. Then another player pointed out, rightly, that my experience in BM3 was so limited that he might still be able to beat me so he rescinded his concession and we played on.
Now I cleaned his clock on the Europe side of the board and took Moscow on G6 but due to my BM3 inexperience I made multiple errors on the Pacific side of the board and while I had the game well in hand things were not looking good in the Pacific so I decided to revise my strategy and shorten the game by taking the IJN and air force out of the Pacific and into the Indian Ocean to attack the Middle East and Egypt to finish the game early. While that was successful ksmckay was desperately trying to get one victory city back on the Europe side but was failing in that endeavor and suddenly he moved virtually the entire US forces into the Pacific.
Now I am sitting there looking at the map and going “Why the heck did he move everything into the Pacific?” I mean it made no sense to me and I know ksmckay was a competent player so there had to be a reason to do it. The only reason I could come up with was he wanted to take Tokyo and what difference would that make? A moral victory? “Yeah I lost but I took Tokyo!” I did not believe that could be the only reason so I went back and reread the rules for BM3 and of course, you already know this, I found out that if Tokyo or Berlin falls then the Victory City requirements increase by one on the other side of the board. I did not know this. I made a mistake abandoning the Pacific to speed up the game. Worse yet on the Japan Turn just before the US went I bought 3 fighters for Japan instead of 10 infantry because I did not know that taking Tokyo mattered. Now once he went with the US I could have asked for an edit of my last Japan purchase since I did not know the rule and when ksmckay and I talked about it he even said he was guessing I didn’t know that rule but I didn’t ask for an edit because it was not ksmckay’s fault I did not know the rules so why should he be denied his opportunity due to my mistake?
Luckily for me I was able to reduce his 35% chance of taking Tokyo down to 8% by flying some German bombers that just happened to be close enough to get there in two Turns before the US invaded Japan. Of course, I was only able to do that because I figured out why he was doing what he was doing. And I did win the game because his attack failed.
Okay sorry about the really long post. I hope it helps you understand why I am responding the way I am and you feel comfortable with the resolution. Looking forward to playing more games with you in the future I do like you and enjoy our games.
Thank you for your thorough response.
I feel your anxiety and will try to give you a duly answer. I wanted to give some short and concise replies, but don’t think I’m able to.
Anyway, before trying to answer in the full, I’d like to respond to the bump-issue.
I understand that you felt dissapointed or maybe even agitated about that. It was my bad. I simply forgot about some of our conversation regarding this, although I did remember that about you being stressed.
I’m also super-busy and have 10-15 games going on in parallell. Sometimes I forget things.
Anyway, I wouldn’t worry too much about the bump-thing if I were you. I mainly use it as an heads-up to remind an opponent of a turn, if it by any chance have slipped their mind.
As an example, I’ve bumped koala seven times so far and haven’t claimed a victory even though I could after the fourth.
I have never clamied a game due to time-warnings so far, but I think it mainly has to do with my relation to an opponent.
Basically I’m a nice guy, and I look at games as not the end of the world. Still I, as you, have a strong feeling of urging for what I perceive as fairness.
Most important for me is the good feeling of playing and having fun, which is something I can only do together with others. Winning is secondary.
Thank you for caring. I’m sorry for taking so long time for an answer. I’ve had my kids for two weeks and been rather busy. When I’ve tried to get started writing I just get an anxiety attack along with the stress. Now I’m alone, it’s a bit calmer, and I’m fighting my demons.
I think you and I are very much alike in some aspects and very different in others. That’s interesting in itself and although the focus shouldn’t be there it does impact on the issue at hand.
The example with your game with ksmckay is interesting, but actually not an analogy. In that game his strange move was like big, flashing neon-signs in the sky. In our game neither of us saw this limitation coming, although I should’ve been aware of it. That’s two turns of almost fully wasted production for both Italy and Germany. I’d say that’s kind of crazy.
However, it’s mainly my own fault, as you say, and I won’t press matters. I’d like to suggest a solution though that doesn’t include any edits at all and which I honestly think is fair regarding the present situation, namely that you allow on this occasion only the naval units to be built despite lacking an harbour (or alternatively being able to use the feature of the harbour in Rome).
It would be an exception from the rules. I’m sure you don’t like it. I know I don’t, but considering both of us playing unaware of that rule for two turns I’d consider the proposition to become less fishy atleast.
I know you don’t bend much regarding rules and edits, and I’m basically fine with that. It’s your philosophy and I respect it. I guess I’m the opposite regarding this. If the tables were turned, I’d go to lenghts to find a proper solution. I’d even initiate it or demand it. So it’s like your third reason, just inverted.
Anyway, it’s just a game. You can give me a final decision of yours and I’ll respect it and we can carry on.
Thank you for taking the time to write back on your feelings and opinion. I appreciate the time and effort it takes and shows you also care about this. I agree it seems we are both very different and very alike. Where we are the same is, we both want to have fun; we both want the other person to have fun and we both want a fair game. Both of us feel our integrity is more important than the outcome of the game. We are both passionate about maintaining that integrity. Where we are different is how we maintain that integrity. Your passion is you want to make the gaming experience a fair experience by figuring out some way to make errors fixable and fair to both sides. I get that and I do not say it is wrong; it is just not my way. My way is to have a fair, firm and consistent policy that is the same for both sides all the time and both sides live with the consequences of their errors. It is also a way of making it a fair game for both sides; just a different way. I am not saying my way is the right way either; it does work for me though just as I think your way works for you.
I believe 100% if our positions were reversed and I made this error you would insist on correcting this error because in your world that is what makes it fair. Just as I am sure you know in my world; I would never ask to correct this error if I made it and I would not let you fix it because that is my way of keeping things fair. Interesting how we are so alike in our personal integrity and strive for gaming fun and fairness yet our models of achieving those goals are polar opposites.
I also appreciate you passing the torch to me to make this decision and support it; that shows good character and reaffirms my belief that you, majikforce and surfer are all fine gentlemen that I can enjoy playing with now and in the future. For me I am not comfortable with any edit as it is just not my way; I know you understand that. Please finish the German Turn and we can recommence.
TripleA Turn Summary: Germans round 7
TripleA Turn Summary for game: WW2 Path to Victory, version: 3.0.0
Game History
Round: 7 Research Technology - Germans Purchase Units - Germans Turning on Edit Mode EDIT: Removing units owned by Italians from Southern Italy: 1 infantry EDIT: Adding units owned by Italians to Northern Italy: 1 infantry EDIT: Turning off Edit Mode Germans buy 4 artilleries, 1 battleship, 1 carrier, 1 destroyer and 4 infantry; Remaining resources: 0 PUs; Combat Move - Germans 1 infantry moved from Southern Belarus to Bryansk Germans take Bryansk from Russians 1 infantry moved from Northern Belarus to Smolensk Germans take Smolensk from Russians 1 infantry moved from Kirov to Komi Germans take Komi from Russians 1 fighter and 2 tactical_bombers moved from 99 Sea Zone to 96 Sea Zone 1 fighter moved from Southern Italy to 96 Sea Zone 2 fighters moved from Southern Italy to 96 Sea Zone Combat - Germans Battle in 96 Sea Zone Germans attack with 4 fighters and 2 tactical_bombers French defend with 1 destroyer Germans roll dice for 4 fighters and 2 tactical_bombers in 96 Sea Zone, round 2 : 2/6 hits, 3,33 expected hits French roll dice for 1 destroyer in 96 Sea Zone, round 2 : 0/1 hits, 0,33 expected hits 1 destroyer owned by the French lost in 96 Sea Zone Germans win with 4 fighters and 2 tactical_bombers remaining. Battle score for attacker is 8 Casualties for French: 1 destroyer Non Combat Move - Germans 1 transport moved from 118 Sea Zone to 117 Sea Zone 1 infantry moved from Eastern Poland to Northern Belarus 1 infantry moved from Leningrad to Archangel 2 aaGuns, 8 artilleries and 22 infantry moved from Ukraine to Rostov 2 artilleries and 5 infantry moved from Western Ukraine to Ukraine 6 armour and 6 mech_infantrys moved from Ukraine to Rostov 2 armour and 2 mech_infantrys moved from Bessarabia to Rostov 1 aaGun moved from France to Western Germany 2 infantry moved from France to Western Germany 1 battleship and 1 destroyer moved from 115 Sea Zone to 116 Sea Zone 1 fighter moved from Yugoslavia to Leningrad 1 battleship moved from 116 Sea Zone to 115 Sea Zone 2 tactical_bombers moved from 96 Sea Zone to Southern Italy 1 submarine moved from 115 Sea Zone to 93 Sea Zone 1 submarine moved from 127 Sea Zone to 112 Sea Zone 1 destroyer moved from 116 Sea Zone to 128 Sea Zone 1 fighter moved from 96 Sea Zone to Southern Italy 2 infantry moved from Germany to 117 Sea Zone 2 infantry and 1 transport moved from 117 Sea Zone to 118 Sea Zone 2 infantry moved from 118 Sea Zone to Leningrad 3 infantry moved from Poland to Baltic States 3 fighters moved from 96 Sea Zone to Yugoslavia 1 fighter moved from Yugoslavia to Southern Italy 1 fighter moved from Western Germany to Yugoslavia 2 infantry moved from Poland to Baltic States 1 fighter moved from Western Germany to Yugoslavia Place Units - Germans 3 artilleries placed in Ukraine 1 artillery and 2 infantry placed in Leningrad 2 infantry placed in Yugoslavia 1 battleship, 1 carrier and 1 destroyer placed in 115 Sea Zone Turn Complete - Germans Germans collect 55 PUs; end with 55 PUs Trigger Germans 7 Atlantic Wall: Germans met a national objective for an additional 3 PUs; end with 58 PUs Trigger Germans 5 Swedish Iron Ore: Germans met a national objective for an additional 5 PUs; end with 63 PUs Objective Germans 2 Control Stalingrad Or Leningrad Or Russia: Germans met a national objective for an additional 5 PUs; end with 68 PUs
Combat Hit Differential Summary :
French regular : -0,33 Germans regular : -1,33
TripleA Turn Summary: Russians round 7
TripleA Turn Summary for game: WW2 Path to Victory, version: 3.0.0
Game History
Round: 7 Purchase Units - Russians Russians buy 4 artilleries and 7 infantry; Remaining resources: 0 PUs; Combat Move - Russians 1 infantry moved from Russia to Bryansk 1 artillery and 3 infantry moved from Russia to Smolensk 1 fighter and 1 tactical_bomber moved from Russia to Bryansk 1 fighter moved from Russia to Smolensk 2 armour and 2 mech_infantrys moved from Gorky to Kirov Russians take Kirov from Germans 2 armour and 2 mech_infantrys moved from Kirov to Komi 1 infantry moved from Gorky to Komi 1 artillery and 4 infantry moved from Amur to Buryatia 1 infantry moved from Amur to Buryatia 8 infantry moved from Amur to Sakha Combat - Russians Battle in Komi Russians attack with 2 armour, 1 infantry and 2 mech_infantrys Germans defend with 1 infantry Russians roll dice for 2 armour, 1 infantry and 2 mech_infantrys in Komi, round 2 : 1/5 hits, 1.83 expected hits Germans roll dice for 1 infantry in Komi, round 2 : 0/1 hits, 0.33 expected hits 1 infantry owned by the Germans lost in Komi Russians win, taking Komi from Germans with 2 armour, 1 infantry and 2 mech_infantrys remaining. Battle score for attacker is 3 Casualties for Germans: 1 infantry Battle in Buryatia Russians attack with 1 artillery and 5 infantry Japanese defend with 1 infantry Russians roll dice for 1 artillery and 5 infantry in Buryatia, round 2 : 1/6 hits, 1.33 expected hits Japanese roll dice for 1 infantry in Buryatia, round 2 : 0/1 hits, 0.33 expected hits 1 infantry owned by the Japanese lost in Buryatia Russians win, taking Buryatia from Japanese with 1 artillery and 5 infantry remaining. Battle score for attacker is 3 Casualties for Japanese: 1 infantry Battle in Sakha Russians attack with 8 infantry Japanese defend with 1 infantry Russians roll dice for 8 infantry in Sakha, round 2 : 2/8 hits, 1.33 expected hits Japanese roll dice for 1 infantry in Sakha, round 2 : 0/1 hits, 0.33 expected hits 1 infantry owned by the Japanese lost in Sakha Russians win, taking Sakha from Japanese with 8 infantry remaining. Battle score for attacker is 3 Casualties for Japanese: 1 infantry Battle in Smolensk Russians attack with 1 artillery, 1 fighter and 3 infantry Germans defend with 1 infantry Russians roll dice for 1 artillery, 1 fighter and 3 infantry in Smolensk, round 2 : 0/5 hits, 1.50 expected hits Germans roll dice for 1 infantry in Smolensk, round 2 : 1/1 hits, 0.33 expected hits 1 infantry owned by the Russians lost in Smolensk Russians roll dice for 1 artillery, 1 fighter and 2 infantry in Smolensk, round 3 : 1/4 hits, 1.33 expected hits Germans roll dice for 1 infantry in Smolensk, round 3 : 0/1 hits, 0.33 expected hits 1 infantry owned by the Germans lost in Smolensk Russians win, taking Smolensk from Germans with 1 artillery, 1 fighter and 2 infantry remaining. Battle score for attacker is 0 Casualties for Russians: 1 infantry Casualties for Germans: 1 infantry Battle in Bryansk Russians attack with 1 fighter, 1 infantry and 1 tactical_bomber Germans defend with 1 infantry Russians roll dice for 1 fighter, 1 infantry and 1 tactical_bomber in Bryansk, round 2 : 1/3 hits, 1.33 expected hits Germans roll dice for 1 infantry in Bryansk, round 2 : 0/1 hits, 0.33 expected hits 1 infantry owned by the Germans lost in Bryansk Russians win, taking Bryansk from Germans with 1 fighter, 1 infantry and 1 tactical_bomber remaining. Battle score for attacker is 3 Casualties for Germans: 1 infantry Non Combat Move - Russians 1 fighter moved from Bryansk to Stalingrad 1 fighter moved from Smolensk to Russia 1 tactical_bomber moved from Bryansk to Russia 3 aaGuns, 6 artilleries and 34 infantry moved from Vologda to Yaroslavl 2 artilleries and 8 infantry moved from Samara to Stalingrad 1 aaGun moved from Amur to Sakha 1 aaGun moved from Amur to Buryatia 11 infantry moved from Russia to Samara Place Units - Russians 4 artilleries and 6 infantry placed in Russia 1 infantry placed in Urals Turn Complete - Russians Total Cost from Convoy Blockades: 1 Rolling for Convoy Blockade Damage in 5 Sea Zone. Rolls: 2,2 Russians collect 29 PUs (1 lost to blockades); end with 29 PUs Trigger Russians 7 Great Patriotic War: Russians met a national objective for an additional 3 PUs; end with 32 PUs Trigger Russians 2 Persia Lend Lease Lane: Russians met a national objective for an additional 2 PUs; end with 34 PUs
Combat Hit Differential Summary :
Japanese regular : -0.67 Germans regular : -0.33 Russians regular : -2.67
I’ll be gone now on vacation for 3 days. Not sure about the internet, so might not be able to make a move until Tuesday.
TripleA Turn Summary: Japanese round 7
TripleA Turn Summary for game: WW2 Path to Victory, version: 3.0.0
Game History
Round: 7 Purchase Units - Japanese Japanese buy 1 destroyer, 2 fighters, 14 infantry and 1 tactical_bomber; Remaining resources: 0 PUs; 6 SuicideAttackTokens; Combat Move - Japanese 1 infantry moved from Korea to Amur Japanese take Amur from Russians 1 infantry moved from Siberia to 5 Sea Zone 1 infantry and 1 transport moved from 5 Sea Zone to 9 Sea Zone 1 infantry moved from 9 Sea Zone to Aleutian Islands 1 infantry moved from Shan State to Burma Japanese take Burma from UK_Pacific 2 bombers moved from French Indo China to Eastern India 2 infantry and 1 marine moved from Java to 43 Sea Zone 2 battleships, 1 cruiser, 2 infantry, 1 marine and 1 transport moved from 43 Sea Zone to 36 Sea Zone 2 infantry and 1 marine moved from 36 Sea Zone to Paulau 5 fighters and 5 tactical_bombers moved from 43 Sea Zone to Paulau 1 fighter moved from French Indo China to 35 Sea Zone Combat - Japanese Strategic bombing raid in Eastern India UK_Pacific roll AA dice in Eastern India : 2/2 hits, 0,33 expected hits 2 bombers killed by AA Bombing raid in Eastern India causes 0 damage total. Battle in Aleutian Islands Battle in 35 Sea Zone Japanese attack with 1 fighter Americans defend with 1 transport 1 transport owned by the Americans lost in 35 Sea Zone Japanese win, taking Aleutian Islands from Americans with 1 fighter remaining. Battle score for attacker is 6 Casualties for Americans: 1 transport Battle in Paulau Japanese attack with 5 fighters, 2 infantry, 1 marine and 5 tactical_bombers Americans defend with 1 artillery and 1 infantry Japanese roll dice for 2 battleships and 1 cruiser in Paulau, round 2 : 1/3 hits, 1,83 expected hits Japanese roll dice for 5 fighters, 2 infantry, 1 marine and 5 tactical_bombers in Paulau, round 2 : 6/13 hits, 6,50 expected hits Americans roll dice for 1 artillery and 1 infantry in Paulau, round 2 : 1/2 hits, 0,67 expected hits 1 infantry owned by the Japanese, 1 infantry owned by the Americans and 1 artillery owned by the Americans lost in Paulau Japanese win, taking Paulau from Americans with 5 fighters, 1 infantry, 1 marine and 5 tactical_bombers remaining. Battle score for attacker is 4 Casualties for Japanese: 1 infantry Casualties for Americans: 1 artillery and 1 infantry Non Combat Move - Japanese 5 fighters and 5 tactical_bombers moved from Paulau to 36 Sea Zone 5 artilleries and 18 infantry moved from Yunnan to Burma 1 armour and 1 mech_infantry moved from French Indo China to Burma 2 artilleries and 4 infantry moved from Java to 43 Sea Zone 2 artilleries, 4 infantry and 3 transports moved from 43 Sea Zone to 39 Sea Zone 2 artilleries and 4 infantry moved from 39 Sea Zone to Burma 2 artilleries and 1 infantry moved from French Indo China to Yunnan 1 infantry moved from Anhwe to Hopei 1 infantry moved from Hopei to Szechwan 1 infantry moved from Szechwan to Yunnan 1 infantry moved from Kiangsi to Hunan 1 infantry moved from Hunan to Kweichow 1 infantry moved from Kweichow to Yunnan 1 aaGun moved from Kweichow to Yunnan 1 fighter moved from 35 Sea Zone to 36 Sea Zone 5 carriers, 2 cruisers, 4 destroyers and 1 submarine moved from 43 Sea Zone to 36 Sea Zone 1 tactical_bomber moved from French Indo China to 36 Sea Zone 1 transport moved from 6 Sea Zone to 36 Sea Zone 2 fighters moved from 6 Sea Zone to Japan 1 destroyer moved from 6 Sea Zone to 19 Sea Zone 2 carriers and 1 submarine moved from 6 Sea Zone to 36 Sea Zone 2 tactical_bombers moved from Kiangsu to Japan 2 infantry moved from Shan State to Burma 1 submarine moved from 59 Sea Zone to 77 Sea Zone 1 carrier moved from 38 Sea Zone to 36 Sea Zone 1 infantry moved from Anhwe to Jehol 1 infantry moved from Jehol to Southern Manchuria 2 infantry moved from Kiangsu to Anhwe 1 infantry moved from Kiangsu to Kiangsi 1 fighter moved from Kiangsu to Japan 2 submarines moved from 38 Sea Zone to 36 Sea Zone 1 fighter moved from French Indo China to 36 Sea Zone Place Units - Japanese 1 destroyer placed in 20 Sea Zone 2 fighters, 7 infantry and 1 tactical_bomber placed in Japan 3 infantry placed in French Indo China 3 infantry placed in Malaya 1 infantry placed in Kiangsu Japanese undo move 4. 3 infantry placed in Malaya Turning on Edit Mode EDIT: Removing units owned by Japanese from 36 Sea Zone: 1 destroyer EDIT: Adding units owned by Japanese to 37 Sea Zone: 1 destroyer EDIT: Turning off Edit Mode Turning on Edit Mode EDIT: Removing units owned by Japanese from 37 Sea Zone: 1 destroyer EDIT: Adding units owned by Japanese to 36 Sea Zone: 1 destroyer EDIT: Turning off Edit Mode Japanese undo move 5. 1 infantry placed in Kiangsu 2 infantry placed in Malaya Turn Complete - Japanese Japanese collect 65 PUs; end with 65 PUs Objective Japanese 6 Home Islands: Japanese met a national objective for an additional 3 PUs; end with 68 PUs Objective Japanese 4 Control Dutch East Indies: Japanese met a national objective for an additional 5 PUs; end with 73 PUs Objective Japanese 2 Strategic Defense Perimeter: Japanese met a national objective for an additional 5 PUs; end with 78 PUs
Combat Hit Differential Summary :
Americans regular : 0,33 Japanese regular : -1,33 UK_Pacific AA : 1,67
Two HITS?!?!? OUCH!!!
TripleA Turn Summary: Americans round 7
TripleA Turn Summary for game: WW2 Path to Victory, version: 3.0.0
Game History
Round: 7 Purchase Units - Americans Americans buy 2 carriers, 2 destroyers and 4 fighters; Remaining resources: 0 PUs; Combat Move - Americans 6 fighters and 3 tactical_bombers moved from 22 Sea Zone to 20 Sea Zone 1 submarine moved from 22 Sea Zone to 20 Sea Zone Americans take 22 Sea Zone from Japanese 1 submarine moved from 22 Sea Zone to 19 Sea Zone 3 fighters moved from 22 Sea Zone to 19 Sea Zone 2 fighters and 2 tactical_bombers moved from 24 Sea Zone to 19 Sea Zone 1 fighter and 1 tactical_bomber moved from Wake Island to 19 Sea Zone 1 bomber moved from Wake Island to Aleutian Islands 2 infantry moved from Hawaiian Islands to 27 Sea Zone 2 infantry and 1 transport moved from 27 Sea Zone to 9 Sea Zone 2 infantry moved from 9 Sea Zone to Aleutian Islands 1 tactical_bomber moved from Western United States to 9 Sea Zone Combat - Americans Americans creates battle in territory 23 Sea Zone Battle in 9 Sea Zone Americans attack with 1 tactical_bomber and 1 transport Japanese defend with 1 transport 1 transport owned by the Japanese lost in 9 Sea Zone Americans win, taking 23 Sea Zone from Japanese with 1 tactical_bomber and 1 transport remaining. Battle score for attacker is 6 Casualties for Japanese: 1 transport Battle in 19 Sea Zone Americans attack with 6 fighters, 1 submarine and 3 tactical_bombers Japanese defend with 1 destroyer Americans roll dice for 1 submarine in 19 Sea Zone, round 2 : 0/1 hits, 0.33 expected hits Americans roll dice for 6 fighters and 3 tactical_bombers in 19 Sea Zone, round 2 : 7/9 hits, 5.00 expected hits Japanese roll dice for 1 destroyer in 19 Sea Zone, round 2 : 1/1 hits, 0.33 expected hits 1 submarine owned by the Americans and 1 destroyer owned by the Japanese lost in 19 Sea Zone Americans win with 6 fighters and 3 tactical_bombers remaining. Battle score for attacker is 2 Casualties for Americans: 1 submarine Casualties for Japanese: 1 destroyer Battle in 20 Sea Zone Americans attack with 6 fighters, 1 submarine and 3 tactical_bombers Japanese defend with 1 destroyer Americans roll dice for 1 submarine in 20 Sea Zone, round 2 : 0/1 hits, 0.33 expected hits Americans roll dice for 6 fighters and 3 tactical_bombers in 20 Sea Zone, round 2 : 2/9 hits, 5.00 expected hits Japanese roll dice for 1 destroyer in 20 Sea Zone, round 2 : 0/1 hits, 0.33 expected hits 1 destroyer owned by the Japanese lost in 20 Sea Zone Americans win, taking 20 Sea Zone from Japanese with 6 fighters, 1 submarine and 3 tactical_bombers remaining. Battle score for attacker is 8 Casualties for Japanese: 1 destroyer Battle in Aleutian Islands Americans attack with 1 bomber and 2 infantry Japanese defend with 1 infantry Americans roll dice for 1 bomber and 2 infantry in Aleutian Islands, round 2 : 1/3 hits, 0.83 expected hits Japanese roll dice for 1 infantry in Aleutian Islands, round 2 : 0/1 hits, 0.33 expected hits 1 infantry owned by the Japanese lost in Aleutian Islands Americans win, taking Aleutian Islands from Japanese with 1 bomber and 2 infantry remaining. Battle score for attacker is 3 Casualties for Japanese: 1 infantry Non Combat Move - Americans 1 bomber moved from Aleutian Islands to Alaska 1 tactical_bomber moved from 9 Sea Zone to Alaska 3 tactical_bombers moved from Western United States to Wake Island 2 carriers moved from 11 Sea Zone to 27 Sea Zone 1 carrier and 1 destroyer moved from 27 Sea Zone to 24 Sea Zone 1 marine moved from Guam to 22 Sea Zone 1 artillery and 1 infantry moved from Guam to 22 Sea Zone 1 artillery, 1 battleship, 6 carriers, 3 cruisers, 2 destroyers, 1 infantry, 1 marine and 1 transport moved from 22 Sea Zone to 24 Sea Zone 1 destroyer and 1 transport moved from 23 Sea Zone to 24 Sea Zone 6 fighters and 3 tactical_bombers moved from 19 Sea Zone to 24 Sea Zone 6 fighters and 3 tactical_bombers moved from 20 Sea Zone to 24 Sea Zone 1 artillery, 1 infantry and 1 marine moved from 24 Sea Zone to Wake Island Place Units - Americans Turning on Edit Mode EDIT: Removing units owned by Americans from Marianas: 1 infantry and 1 mech_infantry EDIT: Adding units owned by Americans to Wake Island: 1 infantry and 1 mech_infantry EDIT: Turning off Edit Mode 2 carriers and 2 destroyers placed in 11 Sea Zone 4 fighters placed in Western United States Turn Complete - Americans Americans collect 50 PUs; end with 50 PUs Trigger Americans 7 North Africa Beach Head: Americans met a national objective for an additional 5 PUs; end with 55 PUs Objective Americans 1 Homeland: Americans met a national objective for an additional 10 PUs; end with 65 PUs Objective Americans 8 Pacific Airfields: Americans met a national objective for an additional 5 PUs; end with 70 PUs Objective Americans 3 Defense Obligations: Americans met a national objective for an additional 5 PUs; end with 75 PUs Objective Americans 2 Outer Territories: Americans met a national objective for an additional 5 PUs; end with 80 PUs Turning on Edit Mode EDIT: Adding units owned by Americans to 93 Sea Zone: 1 transport EDIT: Adding units owned by British to 93 Sea Zone: 1 armour and 1 infantry EDIT: Removing units owned by British from 88 Sea Zone: 1 armour and 1 infantry EDIT: Removing units owned by Americans from 88 Sea Zone: 1 transport EDIT: Turning off Edit Mode
Combat Hit Differential Summary :
Americans regular : -1.50 Japanese regular : 0.00
TripleA Turn Summary: Chinese round 7
TripleA Turn Summary for game: WW2 Path to Victory, version: 3.0.0
Game History
Round: 7 Purchase Units - Chinese Trigger Chinese Loses Burma Road: Chinese has their production frontier changed to: productionChinese_Burma_Road_Closed Chinese buy 2 infantry; Remaining resources: 2 PUs; Combat Move - Chinese 3 infantry moved from Inner Mongolia to Honan 1 fighter moved from Northern Sinkiang to Honan 12 infantry moved from Tsinghai to Hopei Combat - Chinese Battle in Honan Chinese attack with 1 fighter and 3 infantry Japanese defend with 1 infantry Chinese roll dice for 1 fighter and 3 infantry in Honan, round 2 : 0/4 hits, 1.00 expected hits Japanese roll dice for 1 infantry in Honan, round 2 : 0/1 hits, 0.33 expected hits Chinese roll dice for 1 fighter and 3 infantry in Honan, round 3 : 0/4 hits, 1.00 expected hits Japanese roll dice for 1 infantry in Honan, round 3 : 1/1 hits, 0.33 expected hits 1 infantry owned by the Chinese lost in Honan Chinese roll dice for 1 fighter and 2 infantry in Honan, round 4 : 1/3 hits, 0.83 expected hits Japanese roll dice for 1 infantry in Honan, round 4 : 0/1 hits, 0.33 expected hits 1 infantry owned by the Japanese lost in Honan Chinese win, taking Honan from Japanese with 1 fighter and 2 infantry remaining. Battle score for attacker is 0 Casualties for Chinese: 1 infantry Casualties for Japanese: 1 infantry Battle in Hopei Chinese attack with 12 infantry Japanese defend with 1 infantry Chinese roll dice for 12 infantry in Hopei, round 2 : 2/12 hits, 2.00 expected hits Japanese roll dice for 1 infantry in Hopei, round 2 : 0/1 hits, 0.33 expected hits 1 infantry owned by the Japanese lost in Hopei Chinese win, taking Hopei from Japanese with 12 infantry remaining. Battle score for attacker is 3 Casualties for Japanese: 1 infantry Non Combat Move - Chinese 1 fighter moved from Honan to Tsinghai Place Units - Chinese 2 infantry placed in Honan Turn Complete - Chinese Chinese collect 8 PUs; end with 10 PUs
Combat Hit Differential Summary :
Chinese regular : -1.83 Japanese regular : -0.33
TripleA Manual Gamesave Post: British round 7
TripleA Manual Gamesave Post for game: WW2 Path to Victory, version: 3.0.0
Game History
Round: 7 Combat Move - British 1 transport moved from 100 Sea Zone to 101 Sea Zone 2 infantry moved from Cyprus to 101 Sea Zone 2 infantry and 1 transport moved from 101 Sea Zone to 98 Sea Zone 2 infantry and 1 transport moved from 98 Sea Zone to 96 Sea Zone 2 infantry moved from 96 Sea Zone to Malta 2 fighters moved from Gibraltar to Malta 3 fighters moved from Morocco to 99 Sea Zone 1 artillery and 1 infantry moved from Crete to 100 Sea Zone 1 tactical_bomber moved from Egypt to 99 Sea Zone 1 bomber moved from Egypt to 99 Sea Zone 1 fighter moved from 100 Sea Zone to Greece 1 artillery, 2 battleships, 2 carriers, 4 cruisers, 5 destroyers, 3 fighters, 1 infantry, 4 submarines and 1 transport moved from 100 Sea Zone to 99 Sea Zone 1 artillery and 1 infantry moved from 99 Sea Zone to Greece 1 submarine moved from 98 Sea Zone to 99 Sea Zone 1 submarine moved from 83 Sea Zone to 99 Sea Zone Combat - British British creates battle in territory 93 Sea Zone
Combat Hit Differential Summary :
Scramble Greece with Italian FIghter or SZ99 with German aircraft?
No scramble.
TripleA Turn Summary: UK_Pacific round 7
TripleA Turn Summary for game: WW2 Path to Victory, version: 3.0.0
Game History
Round: 7 Purchase Units - Americans Americans buy 2 carriers, 2 destroyers and 4 fighters; Remaining resources: 0 PUs; Combat Move - Americans 6 fighters and 3 tactical_bombers moved from 22 Sea Zone to 20 Sea Zone 1 submarine moved from 22 Sea Zone to 20 Sea Zone Americans take 22 Sea Zone from Japanese 1 submarine moved from 22 Sea Zone to 19 Sea Zone 3 fighters moved from 22 Sea Zone to 19 Sea Zone 2 fighters and 2 tactical_bombers moved from 24 Sea Zone to 19 Sea Zone 1 fighter and 1 tactical_bomber moved from Wake Island to 19 Sea Zone 1 bomber moved from Wake Island to Aleutian Islands 2 infantry moved from Hawaiian Islands to 27 Sea Zone 2 infantry and 1 transport moved from 27 Sea Zone to 9 Sea Zone 2 infantry moved from 9 Sea Zone to Aleutian Islands 1 tactical_bomber moved from Western United States to 9 Sea Zone Combat - Americans Americans creates battle in territory 23 Sea Zone Battle in 9 Sea Zone Americans attack with 1 tactical_bomber and 1 transport Japanese defend with 1 transport 1 transport owned by the Japanese lost in 9 Sea Zone Americans win, taking 23 Sea Zone from Japanese with 1 tactical_bomber and 1 transport remaining. Battle score for attacker is 6 Casualties for Japanese: 1 transport Battle in 19 Sea Zone Americans attack with 6 fighters, 1 submarine and 3 tactical_bombers Japanese defend with 1 destroyer Americans roll dice for 1 submarine in 19 Sea Zone, round 2 : 0/1 hits, 0.33 expected hits Americans roll dice for 6 fighters and 3 tactical_bombers in 19 Sea Zone, round 2 : 7/9 hits, 5.00 expected hits Japanese roll dice for 1 destroyer in 19 Sea Zone, round 2 : 1/1 hits, 0.33 expected hits 1 submarine owned by the Americans and 1 destroyer owned by the Japanese lost in 19 Sea Zone Americans win with 6 fighters and 3 tactical_bombers remaining. Battle score for attacker is 2 Casualties for Americans: 1 submarine Casualties for Japanese: 1 destroyer Battle in 20 Sea Zone Americans attack with 6 fighters, 1 submarine and 3 tactical_bombers Japanese defend with 1 destroyer Americans roll dice for 1 submarine in 20 Sea Zone, round 2 : 0/1 hits, 0.33 expected hits Americans roll dice for 6 fighters and 3 tactical_bombers in 20 Sea Zone, round 2 : 2/9 hits, 5.00 expected hits Japanese roll dice for 1 destroyer in 20 Sea Zone, round 2 : 0/1 hits, 0.33 expected hits 1 destroyer owned by the Japanese lost in 20 Sea Zone Americans win, taking 20 Sea Zone from Japanese with 6 fighters, 1 submarine and 3 tactical_bombers remaining. Battle score for attacker is 8 Casualties for Japanese: 1 destroyer Battle in Aleutian Islands Americans attack with 1 bomber and 2 infantry Japanese defend with 1 infantry Americans roll dice for 1 bomber and 2 infantry in Aleutian Islands, round 2 : 1/3 hits, 0.83 expected hits Japanese roll dice for 1 infantry in Aleutian Islands, round 2 : 0/1 hits, 0.33 expected hits 1 infantry owned by the Japanese lost in Aleutian Islands Americans win, taking Aleutian Islands from Japanese with 1 bomber and 2 infantry remaining. Battle score for attacker is 3 Casualties for Japanese: 1 infantry Non Combat Move - Americans 1 bomber moved from Aleutian Islands to Alaska 1 tactical_bomber moved from 9 Sea Zone to Alaska 3 tactical_bombers moved from Western United States to Wake Island 2 carriers moved from 11 Sea Zone to 27 Sea Zone 1 carrier and 1 destroyer moved from 27 Sea Zone to 24 Sea Zone 1 marine moved from Guam to 22 Sea Zone 1 artillery and 1 infantry moved from Guam to 22 Sea Zone 1 artillery, 1 battleship, 6 carriers, 3 cruisers, 2 destroyers, 1 infantry, 1 marine and 1 transport moved from 22 Sea Zone to 24 Sea Zone 1 destroyer and 1 transport moved from 23 Sea Zone to 24 Sea Zone 6 fighters and 3 tactical_bombers moved from 19 Sea Zone to 24 Sea Zone 6 fighters and 3 tactical_bombers moved from 20 Sea Zone to 24 Sea Zone 1 artillery, 1 infantry and 1 marine moved from 24 Sea Zone to Wake Island Place Units - Americans Turning on Edit Mode EDIT: Removing units owned by Americans from Marianas: 1 infantry and 1 mech_infantry EDIT: Adding units owned by Americans to Wake Island: 1 infantry and 1 mech_infantry EDIT: Turning off Edit Mode 2 carriers and 2 destroyers placed in 11 Sea Zone 4 fighters placed in Western United States Turn Complete - Americans Americans collect 50 PUs; end with 50 PUs Trigger Americans 7 North Africa Beach Head: Americans met a national objective for an additional 5 PUs; end with 55 PUs Objective Americans 1 Homeland: Americans met a national objective for an additional 10 PUs; end with 65 PUs Objective Americans 8 Pacific Airfields: Americans met a national objective for an additional 5 PUs; end with 70 PUs Objective Americans 3 Defense Obligations: Americans met a national objective for an additional 5 PUs; end with 75 PUs Objective Americans 2 Outer Territories: Americans met a national objective for an additional 5 PUs; end with 80 PUs Turning on Edit Mode EDIT: Adding units owned by Americans to 93 Sea Zone: 1 transport EDIT: Adding units owned by British to 93 Sea Zone: 1 armour and 1 infantry EDIT: Removing units owned by British from 88 Sea Zone: 1 armour and 1 infantry EDIT: Removing units owned by Americans from 88 Sea Zone: 1 transport EDIT: Turning off Edit Mode Purchase Units - Chinese Trigger Chinese Loses Burma Road: Chinese has their production frontier changed to: productionChinese_Burma_Road_Closed Chinese buy 2 infantry; Remaining resources: 2 PUs; Combat Move - Chinese 3 infantry moved from Inner Mongolia to Honan 1 fighter moved from Northern Sinkiang to Honan 12 infantry moved from Tsinghai to Hopei Combat - Chinese Battle in Honan Chinese attack with 1 fighter and 3 infantry Japanese defend with 1 infantry Chinese roll dice for 1 fighter and 3 infantry in Honan, round 2 : 0/4 hits, 1.00 expected hits Japanese roll dice for 1 infantry in Honan, round 2 : 0/1 hits, 0.33 expected hits Chinese roll dice for 1 fighter and 3 infantry in Honan, round 3 : 0/4 hits, 1.00 expected hits Japanese roll dice for 1 infantry in Honan, round 3 : 1/1 hits, 0.33 expected hits 1 infantry owned by the Chinese lost in Honan Chinese roll dice for 1 fighter and 2 infantry in Honan, round 4 : 1/3 hits, 0.83 expected hits Japanese roll dice for 1 infantry in Honan, round 4 : 0/1 hits, 0.33 expected hits 1 infantry owned by the Japanese lost in Honan Chinese win, taking Honan from Japanese with 1 fighter and 2 infantry remaining. Battle score for attacker is 0 Casualties for Chinese: 1 infantry Casualties for Japanese: 1 infantry Battle in Hopei Chinese attack with 12 infantry Japanese defend with 1 infantry Chinese roll dice for 12 infantry in Hopei, round 2 : 2/12 hits, 2.00 expected hits Japanese roll dice for 1 infantry in Hopei, round 2 : 0/1 hits, 0.33 expected hits 1 infantry owned by the Japanese lost in Hopei Chinese win, taking Hopei from Japanese with 12 infantry remaining. Battle score for attacker is 3 Casualties for Japanese: 1 infantry Non Combat Move - Chinese 1 fighter moved from Honan to Tsinghai Place Units - Chinese 2 infantry placed in Honan Turn Complete - Chinese Chinese collect 8 PUs; end with 10 PUs Purchase Units - British British buy 1 artillery, 2 destroyers, 6 infantry and 1 submarine; Remaining resources: 0 PUs; Purchase Units - UK_Pacific UK_Pacific buy 1 armour and 1 mech_infantry; Remaining resources: 0 PUs; Combat Move - British 1 transport moved from 100 Sea Zone to 101 Sea Zone 2 infantry moved from Cyprus to 101 Sea Zone 2 infantry and 1 transport moved from 101 Sea Zone to 98 Sea Zone 2 infantry and 1 transport moved from 98 Sea Zone to 96 Sea Zone 2 infantry moved from 96 Sea Zone to Malta 2 fighters moved from Gibraltar to Malta 3 fighters moved from Morocco to 99 Sea Zone 1 artillery and 1 infantry moved from Crete to 100 Sea Zone 1 tactical_bomber moved from Egypt to 99 Sea Zone 1 bomber moved from Egypt to 99 Sea Zone 1 fighter moved from 100 Sea Zone to Greece 1 artillery, 2 battleships, 2 carriers, 4 cruisers, 5 destroyers, 3 fighters, 1 infantry, 4 submarines and 1 transport moved from 100 Sea Zone to 99 Sea Zone 1 artillery and 1 infantry moved from 99 Sea Zone to Greece 1 submarine moved from 98 Sea Zone to 99 Sea Zone 1 submarine moved from 83 Sea Zone to 99 Sea Zone Combat - British British creates battle in territory 93 Sea Zone Battle in 99 Sea Zone British attack with 2 battleships, 1 bomber, 2 carriers, 4 cruisers, 5 destroyers, 6 fighters, 6 submarines, 1 tactical_bomber and 1 transport Italians defend with 1 battleship, 2 carriers, 2 cruisers, 4 destroyers, 1 fighter and 1 transport British roll dice for 6 submarines in 99 Sea Zone, round 2 : 2/6 hits, 2.00 expected hits Units damaged: 2 carriers owned by the Italians British roll dice for 2 battleships, 1 bomber, 2 carriers, 4 cruisers, 5 destroyers, 6 fighters, 1 tactical_bomber and 1 transport in 99 Sea Zone, round 2 : 13/19 hits, 9.17 expected hits Italians roll dice for 1 battleship, 2 carriers, 2 cruisers, 4 destroyers, 1 fighter and 1 transport in 99 Sea Zone, round 2 : 8/10 hits, 4.33 expected hits Units damaged: 2 battleships owned by the British 4 destroyers owned by the Italians, 3 destroyers owned by the British, 1 transport owned by the Italians, 2 cruisers owned by the Italians, 1 fighter owned by the Italians, 1 battleship owned by the Italians, 3 submarines owned by the British and 2 carriers owned by the Italians lost in 99 Sea Zone British win, taking 99 Sea Zone from Neutral with 2 battleships, 1 bomber, 2 carriers, 4 cruisers, 2 destroyers, 6 fighters, 3 submarines, 1 tactical_bomber and 1 transport remaining. Battle score for attacker is 78 Casualties for British: 3 destroyers and 3 submarines Casualties for Italians: 1 battleship, 2 carriers, 2 cruisers, 4 destroyers, 1 fighter and 1 transport Battle in Malta British attack with 2 fighters and 2 infantry Italians defend with 1 airfield and 1 infantry British roll dice for 2 fighters and 2 infantry in Malta, round 2 : 1/4 hits, 1.33 expected hits Italians roll dice for 1 infantry in Malta, round 2 : 1/1 hits, 0.33 expected hits 1 infantry owned by the Italians and 1 infantry owned by the British lost in Malta British win, taking Malta from Italians with 2 fighters and 1 infantry remaining. Battle score for attacker is 0 Casualties for British: 1 infantry Casualties for Italians: 1 infantry Battle in Greece Non Combat Move - British 1 armour and 1 infantry moved from 93 Sea Zone to Morocco 1 fighter moved from Gibraltar to United Kingdom 1 fighter moved from Greece to Syria 3 fighters moved from 99 Sea Zone to Syria 1 bomber moved from 99 Sea Zone to Syria 2 fighters moved from Malta to Tobruk 1 artillery and 2 infantry moved from Union of South Africa to 73 Sea Zone 1 artillery, 2 infantry and 2 transports moved from 73 Sea Zone to 81 Sea Zone 1 artillery and 2 infantry moved from 81 Sea Zone to Western India 1 armour and 1 mech_infantry moved from Southern Persia to Western India 1 infantry moved from Southern Persia to Iraq 2 artilleries and 2 infantry moved from Egypt to Trans-Jordan Place Units - British 3 infantry placed in Egypt 1 destroyer and 1 submarine placed in 73 Sea Zone 1 destroyer placed in 109 Sea Zone 1 artillery and 3 infantry placed in United Kingdom Turn Complete - British Total Cost from Convoy Blockades: 5 Rolling for Convoy Blockade Damage in 112 Sea Zone. Rolls: 6,2 Rolling for Convoy Blockade Damage in 101 Sea Zone. Rolls: 4,3 British collect 35 PUs (5 lost to blockades); end with 35 PUs Objective British 4 Control Convoy Lanes: British met a national objective for an additional 3 PUs; end with 38 PUs Objective British 1 Original: British met a national objective for an additional 3 PUs; end with 41 PUs Place Units - UK_Pacific 1 armour and 1 mech_infantry placed in Eastern India Turn Complete - UK_Pacific UK_Pacific collect 6 PUs; end with 6 PUs Some Units in Eastern India change ownership: 1 armour and 1 mech_infantry
Combat Hit Differential Summary :
Chinese regular : -1.83 Americans regular : -1.50 Italians regular : 4.33 Japanese regular : -0.33 British regular : 3.50
TripleA Turn Summary: Italians round 7
TripleA Turn Summary for game: WW2 Path to Victory, version: 3.0.0
Game History
Round: 7 Purchase Units - Italians Italians buy 1 artillery and 3 infantry; Remaining resources: 2 PUs; Combat Move - Italians 1 armour and 1 mech_infantry moved from Rostov to Tambov Italians take Tambov from Russians 1 bomber moved from Ukraine to 96 Sea Zone Combat - Italians Battle in 96 Sea Zone Italians attack with 1 bomber British defend with 1 transport 1 transport owned by the British lost in 96 Sea Zone Italians win with 1 bomber remaining. Battle score for attacker is 6 Casualties for British: 1 transport Non Combat Move - Italians 1 bomber moved from 96 Sea Zone to Southern Italy 1 infantry moved from Northern Italy to Southern Italy 1 armour and 1 mech_infantry moved from Rostov to Tambov 1 infantry moved from Ukraine to Kursk 1 submarine moved from 101 Sea Zone to 99 Sea Zone Place Units - Italians 1 infantry placed in Northern Italy 1 artillery and 2 infantry placed in Southern Italy Turn Complete - Italians Total Cost from Convoy Blockades: 8 Rolling for Convoy Blockade Damage in 99 Sea Zone. Rolls: 1,4,6,6,2,5,4,2,1,2,2,2,4,5,6,5,4,3,3,3,6,1 Italians collect 6 PUs (8 lost to blockades); end with 8 PUs
Combat Hit Differential Summary :
TripleA Turn Summary: French round 7
TripleA Turn Summary for game: WW2 Path to Victory, version: 3.0.0
Game History
Round: 7 Purchase Units - ANZAC ANZAC buy 2 infantry and 1 transport; Remaining resources: 0 PUs; Combat Move - ANZAC 3 fighters moved from New South Wales to Queensland 3 infantry moved from New South Wales to Queensland 1 artillery moved from South Australia to Queensland 2 armour moved from New South Wales to Queensland Non Combat Move - ANZAC Place Units - ANZAC 1 transport placed in 64 Sea Zone 2 infantry placed in New South Wales Turn Complete - ANZAC ANZAC collect 10 PUs; end with 10 PUs Combat Move - French Non Combat Move - French 1 infantry moved from Egypt to Trans-Jordan 2 infantry moved from Tobruk to Alexandria Turn Complete - French
Combat Hit Differential Summary :
TripleA Turn Summary: Germans round 8
TripleA Turn Summary for game: WW2 Path to Victory, version: 3.0.0
Game History
Round: 8 Research Technology - Germans Purchase Units - Germans Germans buy 5 artilleries, 1 carrier, 1 fighter, 4 infantry and 1 tactical_bomber; Remaining resources: 0 PUs; Combat Move - Germans 1 infantry moved from Archangel to Vologda Germans take Vologda from Russians 1 infantry moved from Leningrad to Novgorod Germans take Novgorod from Russians 1 submarine moved from 93 Sea Zone to 112 Sea Zone 1 battleship and 1 destroyer moved from 115 Sea Zone to 93 Sea Zone 1 armour and 1 mech_infantry moved from Rostov to Southern Caucasus Germans take Northern Caucasus from Russians Germans take Southern Caucasus from Russians Combat - Germans Battle in 93 Sea Zone Germans attack with 1 battleship and 1 destroyer Americans defend with 1 transport 1 transport owned by the Americans lost in 93 Sea Zone Germans win with 1 battleship and 1 destroyer remaining. Battle score for attacker is 6 Casualties for Americans: 1 transport Non Combat Move - Germans 1 infantry moved from Yugoslavia to Bulgaria 1 infantry moved from Yugoslavia to Albania 2 aaGuns, 5 armour, 8 artilleries, 22 infantry and 5 mech_infantrys moved from Rostov to Tambov 5 artilleries and 5 infantry moved from Ukraine to Kursk 1 infantry moved from Northern Belarus to Novgorod 5 infantry moved from Baltic States to Northern Belarus 1 aaGun, 8 artilleries and 25 infantry moved from Leningrad to Novgorod 1 transport moved from 118 Sea Zone to 115 Sea Zone 1 battleship moved from 115 Sea Zone to 112 Sea Zone 1 destroyer moved from 128 Sea Zone to 115 Sea Zone 1 tactical_bomber moved from Southern Italy to Yugoslavia 1 carrier moved from 115 Sea Zone to 113 Sea Zone 1 cruiser moved from 115 Sea Zone to 93 Sea Zone 3 armour and 3 mech_infantrys moved from Leningrad to Novgorod 1 tactical_bomber moved from Leningrad to Yugoslavia 1 aaGun moved from Western Germany to France 2 infantry moved from Western Germany to France 2 aaGuns moved from Western Germany to France 1 armour and 1 mech_infantry moved from Rostov to Tambov 1 armour and 1 mech_infantry moved from Rostov to Southern Caucasus Place Units - Germans 2 artilleries and 1 infantry placed in Ukraine 3 artilleries placed in Leningrad 3 infantry placed in Yugoslavia 1 carrier, 1 fighter and 1 tactical_bomber placed in 113 Sea Zone Turn Complete - Germans Total Cost from Convoy Blockades: 2 Rolling for Convoy Blockade Damage in 99 Sea Zone. Rolls: 2,3,5,3,5,2,4,5,2,2,5,3,5,4,5,2,4,1,6,5,3,3 Germans collect 55 PUs (2 lost to blockades); end with 55 PUs Trigger Germans 7 Atlantic Wall: Germans met a national objective for an additional 3 PUs; end with 58 PUs Trigger Germans 5 Swedish Iron Ore: Germans met a national objective for an additional 5 PUs; end with 63 PUs Objective Germans 3 Control Caucasus: Germans met a national objective for an additional 5 PUs; end with 68 PUs Objective Germans 2 Control Stalingrad Or Leningrad Or Russia: Germans met a national objective for an additional 5 PUs; end with 73 PUs Turning on Edit Mode EDIT: Removing units owned by Germans from Tambov: 1 armour and 1 mech_infantry EDIT: Adding units owned by Germans to Southern Caucasus: 1 armour and 1 mech_infantry EDIT: Turning off Edit Mode
Combat Hit Differential Summary :