Tutor game: AndrewAAGamer (X) vs trulpen [and everyone else] (A+50) OOB

  • @trulpen said in Tutor game: AndrewAAGamer (X) vs trulpen [and everyone else] (A+50) OOB:

    Another option is the tank and art for Tobruk. I prefer to take that stack out more than Ethiopia.

    Which was suggested by @majikforce.

  • I’ll give you a few more minutes.

    This is the bid on the table now:

    sub 62
    sub 91
    sub 98
    sub 106
    sub 110
    fig Scotland
    tank Egypt
    art Alexandria

  • The bid is hereby finalized.

  • I’ll set up the game for our convenience.

  • Testing Forum poster

    Test summary from TripleA, engine version: 1.9, time: 21:19:25

  • TripleA Manual Gamesave Post: Germans round 1

    TripleA Manual Gamesave Post for game: World War II Global 1940 2nd Edition, version: 4.0

    Game History

    Round: 1
        Purchase Units - Germans

    Combat Hit Differential Summary :


  • Bid is placed. Feel free to comment, @AndrewAAGamer.

  • @trulpen said in Tutor game: AndrewAAGamer (X) vs trulpen [and everyone else] (A+50) OOB:

    sub 62
    sub 91
    sub 98
    sub 106
    sub 110
    fig Scotland
    tank Egypt
    art Alexandria

    An Excellent Bid Placement! You have accomplished your mission with any Bid Placement. You are a) denying, as much as possible, the Axis from accomplishing their Five Scenarios of victory and b) improving the chances of accomplishing the Allied main goals. This Bid Placement is 88% in Europe and 12% in the Pacific which falls in the standard range of Bid Placement.


    • ANZAC SS SZ 62 - This protects ANZAC from the J1 Declaration of War risky attack of the ANZAC DD and transport. For $6 you saved on average $6.3 TUV which is more than a 100% investment. I will note since I am the stronger player it was doubtful I would have made this attack anyway so is the only unit I am not 100% in agreement with. Though an extra ANZAC SS in the Pacific will still be useful.

    • UK SS SZ 91 - This protects the UK DD from an easy G1 attack and provides greater firepower for the UK1 attack on SZ 96. PERFECT!

    • UK SS SZ 98 - This provides greater firepower for Taranto and neutralizing the Italian Navy in the Med, a Primary Goal for the Allies. PERFECT!

    • UK SS SZ 106 - This protects the UK DD and transport from an easy kill on G1 and assists in the Primary Goal of protecting the UK Fleet. VERY GOOD!

    • UK Fighter Scotland + UK SS SZ 110 - This combination makes it a very risky attack for Germany to go for both the Home Fleet (SZ 111) and Channel Fleet (SZ 110). Due to this placement one of them most likely will survive which accomplishes the Primary Goal of protecting the UK Fleet. PERFECT!

    • Armor Egypt + Artillery Alexandria - These two ground units will assist in removing the Italians from North Africa which is a Primary Goal of the Allies. VERY GOOD!

  • 2024 2023 '22 '21 '20

    As the Axis Player I now look at the board after the Allied placement. Since I consider myself to be the stronger player against the World I do not want to make any risky attacks on G1 that may lose me the game immediately or at least put me in such a big hole I may never dig my way out of it. Therefore, I am not going to try and kill both UK Fleets. So at least one of the main UK Fleets is going to survive G1 and add in the three additional placed subs in the Atlantic the prospect of Sealion is definitely off the table; at least as an early game strategy. Due to the two additional ground troops in North Africa and two placed subs projecting force into the Med my grand ideas of Italian Conquest are pretty much already dashed.

    So of my Five WInning Scenarios two are already less than desirable which leaves me:

    • Germany goes for Moscow
    • Japan wins in the Pacific
    • Win the Long Term Money Game

    Since Japan winning in the Pacific is still a viable option and Sealion is not then there is no reason not to do a J1 DoW. Therefore, the Europe Strategy will be Germany goes for Moscow while the Pacific Strategy is to Win in the Pacific. Luckily both of those strategies also can lead to a Long-Term Money Game strategy so I still have all three of my options available to me at this point.

    Since Germany is going for Moscow by G1 Build will be ground troops in Germany.

  • 2024 2023 '22 '21 '20

    Looking at the board nothing was added to Russia so my G1 Build of ground troops can be more offensive, artillery, than defensive, infantry. That also fits in with my Germany goes for Moscow strategy. No destroyers were added to the board; just submarines. So, I could target the SZ 111 fleet and the SZ 106 fleet which means only 1 DD would remain assuming my attacks are successful which means some of my subs should survive a UK1 counter attack. Cool! Unfortunately, the tradeoff is if I do not attack the SZ 110 fleet than Italy is toast because those two cruisers and battleship are going to end up in the Med in SZ 92. Sigh, Italy is often more of a hindrance to Germany than an asset. I guess I will be a good neighbor and attack the SZ 110 fleet.

    Since I do not need my battleship for Sealion I can use it in the SZ 110 battle which removes the 16.5% chance I would lose a plane if I went in with just two subs assuming no scramble. If Sealion was still on the table I would take that chance however with it gone and Moscow being Germany’s target I want all the planes that I can keep for the attack on Russia. That also allows me to go in with 3 subs into SZ 106 which I need due to the extra UK sub and even if it fights it is a decent 84% chance of victory.

    If the Allies scramble in SZ 110 on average I lose two planes and they will lose three so that is a trade I like. In fact, the TUV goes up by $1 if the Allies scramble so I am not worried if they do and would be happier if they did though I doubt they would. I would like to save the Tobruk Italians however being that it would take at least 4 German planes that is not an option as I need them for the SZ 110 battle to be overwhelming odds. Being a good neighbor only goes so far. Tough break Italy…

    France is a no-brainer. Every ground troop I can get goes there as it is a game losing play if I fail to take it. I could bring one tactical bomber to combine with one of my armor. However, this is a risky attack. On average without the tactical bomber my casualties are 7.5 or 7 infantries and ½ artillery. With the tactical bomber, the average casualties drops to 7.25. That makes no sense. Every 6th game I must fight without a precious tactical bomber so the other five games I can keep ¼ of an artillery? Not happening.

    G1 on the way!!!

  • 2024 2023 '22 '21 '20

    TripleA Manual Gamesave Post: Germans round 1

    TripleA Manual Gamesave Post for game: World War II Global 1940 2nd Edition, version: 4.0

    Game History

    Round: 1
        Purchase Units - Germans
            Germans buy 6 artilleries and 2 infantry; Remaining resources: 0 PUs; 
        Combat Move - Germans
            1 submarine moved from 103 Sea Zone to 110 Sea Zone
            1 submarine moved from 108 Sea Zone to 106 Sea Zone
            1 submarine moved from 117 Sea Zone to 106 Sea Zone
            1 submarine moved from 118 Sea Zone to 106 Sea Zone
            1 battleship moved from 113 Sea Zone to 110 Sea Zone
            1 fighter moved from Norway to 110 Sea Zone
            1 fighter moved from Holland Belgium to 110 Sea Zone
            2 fighters and 3 tactical_bombers moved from Western Germany to 110 Sea Zone
            2 bombers moved from Germany to 110 Sea Zone
            3 armour, 2 artilleries and 4 infantry moved from Holland Belgium to France
            1 artillery, 3 infantry and 4 mech_infantrys moved from Western Germany to France
            3 armour moved from Greater Southern Germany to France

    Combat Hit Differential Summary :


  • 2024 2023 '22 '21 '20

    Okay WORLD! I need to know if the sub fights in SZ 106 and if you want to scramble SZ 110.

    @trulpen I figure 48 hours to get a consensus? What do you think?

  • This will be controversial but my vote is to scramble because we can inflict 80% damage on the German Air Force and ensure that the battleship sinks. We should take 2 German fighters down for 2 UK fighters and the French fighter.

    Then next turn we have a fresh fleet from 111, 109 + 1 Scottish plane + 2 new planes + 1 new destroyer taunting the Luftwaffe directly in 110. We should make sure to fill the Med with ships in 96/97 to cause further attrition next round.

    Too many targets for Germany/Italy to destroy. If 110 is liquidated on next turn, the luftwaffe will still be down to 6 planes or less. If 110 is not eliminated then we have immediate pressure on the continent, enabling trading ground and picking up some income. If 110 is spared, there should still be luftwaffe attrition from sinking 97 (2 additional planes down bringing Lufwaffe to 8 planes)

    The subs in 106 can wait for the Americans, they will disperse and be annoyance but this is the cost to pressure the Luftwaffe.

    Sub in 106 would submerge to head to the Med/convoy as soon as possible.

    Can’t see map, is one sub not on the attack?

  • @Omega1759 said in Tutor game: AndrewAAGamer (X) vs trulpen [and everyone else] (A+50) OOB:

    Can’t see map, is one sub not on the attack?

    I don’t see the map either, but the sub in z124 can’t reach anything except z109 and z111, right?

  • That sure is controversial. @Omega1759! :grin:

    I don’t think we have to wait 48 h for a decision, but maybe we should?

    I think it’s a no-brainer.

    Agree to submerge the sub in z106.

    Disagree on scrambling. We want to cripple G, but don’t want to cripple the UK. With Bismarck entering the scene, scrambling won’t risk enough german air, unfortunately. It’s a risky move to scramble, with lots of potential drawbacks. Better to let Bismark survive and then knock the sucker out with a pair or more of figs along with sweet subs.

    The sub in z110 of course should submerge. That was the intent in regard to an all-out attack on the channel.

  • Also, the french fig may seem like it’s got nothing to do most of the game, but just wait until that sweet can-opening moment…

  • I’d only scramble if there were a 10 TUV-difference or more against not doing it.

    Sorry guys, but I think it’s better to get this Colossus going. The decision is made. Submerge all and no scramble.

    However, feel free to chip in while we wait for Andrew’s execution of battles and the turn.

  • If this goes too slow, I think a lot of interest will be lost. Maybe it’s just me being impatient? :grimacing: I’ll try and get a good balance though between listening in and proceeding. It’s a complex game, but waiting 2-3 days for every little decision isn’t particularly rational. Would you agree?

  • '17 '16 '13 '12

    @trulpen said in Tutor game: AndrewAAGamer (X) vs trulpen [and everyone else] (A+50) OOB:

    I’d only scramble if there were a 10 TUV-difference or more against not doing it.

    Sorry guys, but I think it’s better to get this Colossus going. The decision is made. Submerge all and no scramble.

    However, feel free to chip in while we wait for Andrew’s execution of battles and the turn.

    Once decided no reason to wait.

    Understand the reluctance to scramble, the move considers the long game and puts lots of value in reducing options for the Luftwaffe (In hands of a good player the starting Luftwaffe is worth a lot more than IPC swing).

    Another way to think about this, pretty sure Andrew doesn’t want us to scramble :) and risk attrition on the Luftwaffe.

    Moves such as this (when you can afford them, let’s not be reckless) end up reducing options for the adversary. If Andrew knows that we aren’t afraid to force attritional battles and if this is against his declared style, we expand our range of options and reduce his range of options. This is a bit like playing aggressive at poker which may be slightly suboptimal/risky for this particular hand, but good in the long run. A very good Allied player once said that to win as the allies, drink a beer and play a bit looser! ;)

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