OK one downside is that you can’t force the combat to end so I had to kill your third sub and add it back in.
Maxi VS David
Vil du Scramble ved Philippinerne?
nej tak, jeg bliver pænt på øen
TripleA Turn Summary: Japanese round 3
TripleA Turn Summary for game: World War II Global 1940 2nd Edition, version: 4.0
Game History
Round: 3 Purchase Units - Japanese Japanese buy 1 armour, 1 destroyer, 8 infantry and 2 mech_infantrys; Remaining resources: 6 PUs; 0 SuicideAttackTokens; Politics - Japanese Japanese takes Political Action: Political Action Japanese To War With Americans Japanese succeeds on action: Political Action Japanese To War With Americans: Changing Relationship for Japanese and Americans from Neutrality to War Japanese succeeds on action: Political Action Japanese To War With Americans: Changing Relationship for Chinese and Americans from Neutrality to Allied Japanese succeeds on action: Political Action Japanese To War With Americans: Changing Relationship for British and Americans from Neutrality to Allied Japanese succeeds on action: Political Action Japanese To War With Americans: Changing Relationship for UK_Pacific and Americans from Neutrality to Allied Japanese succeeds on action: Political Action Japanese To War With Americans: Changing Relationship for ANZAC and Americans from Neutrality to Allied Japanese succeeds on action: Political Action Japanese To War With Americans: Changing Relationship for Americans and French from Neutrality to Allied Japanese succeeds on action: Political Action Japanese To War With Americans: Changing Relationship for Americans and Dutch from Neutrality to Friendly Japanese succeeds on action: Political Action Japanese To War With Americans: Changing Relationship for Americans and Neutral_Allies from Neutrality to Friendly_Neutral Japanese succeeds on action: Political Action Japanese To War With Americans: Changing Relationship for Americans and Neutral_Axis from Neutrality to Unfriendly_Neutral Trigger Russians Allied Americans 5: Changing Relationship for Russians and Americans from Neutrality to Allied Combat Move - Japanese Trigger Japanese Unrestricted Movement: Setting movementRestrictionTerritories cleared for rulesAttachment attached to Japanese 1 infantry moved from Kwangsi to 36 Sea Zone 1 infantry and 1 transport moved from 36 Sea Zone to 43 Sea Zone 1 infantry moved from 43 Sea Zone to Borneo 1 artillery moved from Kiangsi to 20 Sea Zone 1 artillery moved from Kwangtung to 20 Sea Zone 1 infantry moved from Kiangsi to 20 Sea Zone 2 artilleries, 1 infantry and 2 transports moved from 20 Sea Zone to 36 Sea Zone 2 artilleries, 1 infantry and 2 transports moved from 36 Sea Zone to 37 Sea Zone 1 infantry moved from Siam to 37 Sea Zone 2 artilleries, 2 infantry and 2 transports moved from 37 Sea Zone to 41 Sea Zone 2 infantry moved from 41 Sea Zone to Sumatra 2 artilleries moved from 41 Sea Zone to Sumatra 3 tactical_bombers moved from 42 Sea Zone to Philippines 2 infantry moved from Japan to 6 Sea Zone 1 cruiser moved from 36 Sea Zone to 35 Sea Zone 1 destroyer moved from 36 Sea Zone to 35 Sea Zone 1 cruiser moved from 37 Sea Zone to 35 Sea Zone 2 battleships moved from 37 Sea Zone to 35 Sea Zone 1 infantry moved from Java to 42 Sea Zone 1 infantry and 1 transport moved from 42 Sea Zone to 35 Sea Zone 1 infantry moved from 35 Sea Zone to Philippines 2 infantry and 1 transport moved from 6 Sea Zone to 35 Sea Zone 2 infantry moved from 35 Sea Zone to Philippines 2 fighters moved from 42 Sea Zone to Philippines 1 fighter moved from 42 Sea Zone to 45 Sea Zone 2 destroyers moved from 37 Sea Zone to 35 Sea Zone 1 destroyer moved from 37 Sea Zone to 41 Sea Zone 1 submarine moved from 43 Sea Zone to 41 Sea Zone 1 artillery moved from Amur to Ulaanbaatar 1 armour and 1 mech_infantry moved from Amur to Buryatia Japanese take Buryatia from Russians 1 armour and 1 mech_infantry moved from Buryatia to Ulaanbaatar 9 infantry moved from Amur to Ulaanbaatar 2 fighters moved from Jehol to Ulaanbaatar 5 tactical_bombers moved from Jehol to Ulaanbaatar 1 infantry moved from Kweichow to Szechwan Japanese take Szechwan from Chinese 1 infantry moved from Chahar to Hopei Japanese take Hopei from Chinese Combat - Japanese Battle in Borneo Battle in 45 Sea Zone Japanese attack with 1 fighter ANZAC defend with 1 transport 1 transport owned by the ANZAC lost in 45 Sea Zone Japanese win, taking Borneo from UK_Pacific with 1 fighter remaining. Battle score for attacker is 7 Casualties for ANZAC: 1 transport Battle in Ulaanbaatar Japanese attack with 1 armour, 1 artillery, 2 fighters, 9 infantry, 1 mech_infantry and 5 tactical_bombers Russians defend with 2 aaGuns and 15 infantry AA fire in Ulaanbaatar : 0/6 hits, 1.00 expected hits Japanese roll dice for 1 armour, 1 artillery, 2 fighters, 9 infantry, 1 mech_infantry and 5 tactical_bombers in Ulaanbaatar, round 2 : 9/19 hits, 6.67 expected hits Russians roll dice for 2 aaGuns and 15 infantry in Ulaanbaatar, round 2 : 7/15 hits, 5.00 expected hits 7 infantry owned by the Japanese, 7 infantry owned by the Russians and 2 aaGuns owned by the Russians lost in Ulaanbaatar Japanese roll dice for 1 armour, 1 artillery, 2 fighters, 2 infantry, 1 mech_infantry and 5 tactical_bombers in Ulaanbaatar, round 3 : 6/12 hits, 5.50 expected hits Russians roll dice for 8 infantry in Ulaanbaatar, round 3 : 3/8 hits, 2.67 expected hits 2 infantry owned by the Japanese, 6 infantry owned by the Russians and 1 artillery owned by the Japanese lost in Ulaanbaatar Japanese roll dice for 1 armour, 2 fighters, 1 mech_infantry and 5 tactical_bombers in Ulaanbaatar, round 4 : 4/9 hits, 4.67 expected hits Russians roll dice for 2 infantry in Ulaanbaatar, round 4 : 0/2 hits, 0.67 expected hits 2 infantry owned by the Russians lost in Ulaanbaatar Japanese win, taking Ulaanbaatar from Russians with 1 armour, 2 fighters, 1 mech_infantry and 5 tactical_bombers remaining. Battle score for attacker is 24 Casualties for Japanese: 1 artillery and 9 infantry Casualties for Russians: 2 aaGuns and 15 infantry Battle in 35 Sea Zone Japanese attack with 2 battleships, 2 cruisers, 3 destroyers and 2 transports Americans defend with 1 destroyer and 1 submarine Japanese roll dice for 2 battleships, 2 cruisers, 3 destroyers and 2 transports in 35 Sea Zone, round 2 : 3/7 hits, 3.33 expected hits Americans roll dice for 1 submarine in 35 Sea Zone, round 2 : 0/1 hits, 0.17 expected hits Americans roll dice for 1 destroyer in 35 Sea Zone, round 2 : 1/1 hits, 0.33 expected hits Units damaged: 1 battleship owned by the Japanese 1 submarine owned by the Americans and 1 destroyer owned by the Americans lost in 35 Sea Zone Japanese win, taking 35 Sea Zone from UK_Pacific with 2 battleships, 2 cruisers, 3 destroyers and 2 transports remaining. Battle score for attacker is 14 Casualties for Americans: 1 destroyer and 1 submarine Battle in 41 Sea Zone Japanese attack with 1 destroyer, 1 submarine and 2 transports British defend with 1 destroyer Japanese roll dice for 1 submarine in 41 Sea Zone, round 2 : 0/1 hits, 0.33 expected hits Japanese roll dice for 1 destroyer and 2 transports in 41 Sea Zone, round 2 : 1/1 hits, 0.33 expected hits British roll dice for 1 destroyer in 41 Sea Zone, round 2 : 1/1 hits, 0.33 expected hits 1 destroyer owned by the British and 1 destroyer owned by the Japanese lost in 41 Sea Zone Japanese win, taking 41 Sea Zone from Neutral with 1 submarine and 2 transports remaining. Battle score for attacker is 0 Casualties for Japanese: 1 destroyer Casualties for British: 1 destroyer Battle in Sumatra Japanese attack with 2 artilleries and 2 infantry British defend with 2 infantry Japanese roll dice for 2 artilleries and 2 infantry in Sumatra, round 2 : 2/4 hits, 1.33 expected hits UK_Pacific roll dice for 2 infantry in Sumatra, round 2 : 0/2 hits, 0.67 expected hits 2 infantry owned by the British lost in Sumatra Japanese win, taking Sumatra from UK_Pacific with 2 artilleries and 2 infantry remaining. Battle score for attacker is 6 Casualties for British: 2 infantry Battle in Philippines Japanese attack with 2 fighters, 3 infantry and 3 tactical_bombers Americans defend with 1 airfield, 1 fighter, 1 harbour and 2 infantry Japanese roll dice for 2 fighters, 3 infantry and 3 tactical_bombers in Philippines, round 2 : 3/8 hits, 3.33 expected hits Americans roll dice for 1 fighter and 2 infantry in Philippines, round 2 : 1/3 hits, 1.33 expected hits 1 infantry owned by the Japanese, 2 infantry owned by the Americans and 1 fighter owned by the Americans lost in Philippines Japanese win, taking Philippines from Americans with 2 fighters, 2 infantry and 3 tactical_bombers remaining. Battle score for attacker is 13 Casualties for Japanese: 1 infantry Casualties for Americans: 1 fighter and 2 infantry Non Combat Move - Japanese 3 carriers moved from 42 Sea Zone to 35 Sea Zone 1 fighter moved from 45 Sea Zone to 35 Sea Zone 3 tactical_bombers moved from Philippines to 35 Sea Zone 2 fighters moved from Philippines to 35 Sea Zone 1 submarine moved from 43 Sea Zone to 37 Sea Zone 2 fighters moved from Manchuria to Japan 2 bombers moved from Hunan to Kiangsi 2 mech_infantrys moved from Kiangsu to Hunan 1 armour moved from Kiangsu to Hunan 6 infantry moved from Kweichow to Hunan 5 artilleries moved from Kweichow to Hunan 2 fighters moved from Ulaanbaatar to Jehol 5 tactical_bombers moved from Ulaanbaatar to Jehol Place Units - Japanese 8 infantry placed in Japan 1 destroyer placed in 6 Sea Zone 1 armour and 2 mech_infantrys placed in Kiangsu Turn Complete - Japanese Total Cost from Convoy Blockades: 2 Rolling for Convoy Blockade Damage in 44 Sea Zone. Rolls: 2 Japanese collect 52 PUs (2 lost to blockades); end with 58 PUs Objective Japanese 4 Control Dutch East Indies: Japanese met a national objective for an additional 5 PUs; end with 63 PUs
Combat Hit Differential Summary :
AA fire in Ulaanbaatar : : -1.00 British : 0.67 Americans : 0.17 UK_Pacific : -0.67 Russians : 1.67 Japanese : 2.50
Hehe - tænkte jeg nok du ville. Damn, der var meget at tænke over med Japan der. Glemte også et enkelt move og lod et par transports være lige lovligt nemme at ta, men hva faen. Man ka vidst ik komme langt med Japan uden at ofre et par Transports hist og pist :D
TripleA Manual Gamesave Post: Americans round 3
TripleA Manual Gamesave Post for game: World War II Global 1940 2nd Edition, version: 4.0
Game History
Round: 3 Purchase Units - Americans Americans buy 1 carrier, 1 destroyer, 1 fighter, 1 infantry, 2 submarines and 1 transport; Remaining resources: 1 PUs; Politics - Americans Americans takes Political Action: Political Action Americans To War With Germans Americans succeeds on action: Political Action Americans To War With Germans: Changing Relationship for Germans and Americans from Neutrality to War Americans takes Political Action: Political Action Americans To War With Italians Americans succeeds on action: Political Action Americans To War With Italians: Changing Relationship for Italians and Americans from Neutrality to War Trigger Americans War Production Eastern: has removed 1 factory_minor owned by Americans in Eastern United States Trigger Americans War Production Central: has removed 1 factory_minor owned by Americans in Central United States Trigger Americans War Production Western: has removed 1 factory_minor owned by Americans in Western United States Trigger Americans War Production Eastern: Americans has 1 factory_major placed in Eastern United States Trigger Americans War Production Central: Americans has 1 factory_major placed in Central United States Trigger Americans War Production Western: Americans has 1 factory_major placed in Western United States Combat Move - Americans Trigger Americans Unrestricted Movement: Setting movementRestrictionTerritories cleared for rulesAttachment attached to Americans 1 artillery, 4 infantry and 1 mech_infantry moved from Midway to 25 Sea Zone 1 artillery and 2 infantry moved from Eastern United States to 101 Sea Zone 1 mech_infantry moved from Central United States to 101 Sea Zone 1 artillery, 1 cruiser, 1 destroyer, 2 infantry, 1 mech_infantry and 2 transports moved from 101 Sea Zone to 91 Sea Zone 1 bomber moved from Eastern United States to Gibraltar 1 artillery, 2 infantry and 1 mech_infantry moved from 91 Sea Zone to Gibraltar 1 artillery, 2 battleships, 2 carriers, 2 cruisers, 3 fighters, 4 infantry, 1 mech_infantry, 1 submarine, 1 tactical_bomber and 3 transports moved from 25 Sea Zone to 6 Sea Zone 1 artillery, 4 infantry and 1 mech_infantry moved from 6 Sea Zone to Korea Combat - Americans
Combat Hit Differential Summary :
scramble ved japan?
Nope - og nu skriver jeg flere ord, fordi en post skal indeholde minimum 8 bogstaver…
TripleA Turn Summary: Americans round 3
TripleA Turn Summary for game: World War II Global 1940 2nd Edition, version: 4.0
Game History
Round: 3 Purchase Units - Americans Americans buy 1 carrier, 1 destroyer, 1 fighter, 1 infantry, 2 submarines and 1 transport; Remaining resources: 1 PUs; Politics - Americans Americans takes Political Action: Political Action Americans To War With Germans Americans succeeds on action: Political Action Americans To War With Germans: Changing Relationship for Germans and Americans from Neutrality to War Americans takes Political Action: Political Action Americans To War With Italians Americans succeeds on action: Political Action Americans To War With Italians: Changing Relationship for Italians and Americans from Neutrality to War Trigger Americans War Production Eastern: has removed 1 factory_minor owned by Americans in Eastern United States Trigger Americans War Production Central: has removed 1 factory_minor owned by Americans in Central United States Trigger Americans War Production Western: has removed 1 factory_minor owned by Americans in Western United States Trigger Americans War Production Eastern: Americans has 1 factory_major placed in Eastern United States Trigger Americans War Production Central: Americans has 1 factory_major placed in Central United States Trigger Americans War Production Western: Americans has 1 factory_major placed in Western United States Combat Move - Americans Trigger Americans Unrestricted Movement: Setting movementRestrictionTerritories cleared for rulesAttachment attached to Americans 1 artillery, 4 infantry and 1 mech_infantry moved from Midway to 25 Sea Zone 1 artillery and 2 infantry moved from Eastern United States to 101 Sea Zone 1 mech_infantry moved from Central United States to 101 Sea Zone 1 artillery, 1 cruiser, 1 destroyer, 2 infantry, 1 mech_infantry and 2 transports moved from 101 Sea Zone to 91 Sea Zone 1 bomber moved from Eastern United States to Gibraltar 1 artillery, 2 infantry and 1 mech_infantry moved from 91 Sea Zone to Gibraltar 1 artillery, 2 battleships, 2 carriers, 2 cruisers, 3 fighters, 4 infantry, 1 mech_infantry, 1 submarine, 1 tactical_bomber and 3 transports moved from 25 Sea Zone to 6 Sea Zone 1 artillery, 4 infantry and 1 mech_infantry moved from 6 Sea Zone to Korea Combat - Americans Battle in 6 Sea Zone Americans attack with 2 battleships, 2 carriers, 2 cruisers, 3 fighters, 1 submarine, 1 tactical_bomber and 3 transports Japanese defend with 1 destroyer Americans roll dice for 1 submarine in 6 Sea Zone, round 2 : 0/1 hits, 0,33 expected hits Americans roll dice for 2 battleships, 2 carriers, 2 cruisers, 3 fighters, 1 tactical_bomber and 3 transports in 6 Sea Zone, round 2 : 6/8 hits, 4,50 expected hits Japanese roll dice for 1 destroyer in 6 Sea Zone, round 2 : 0/1 hits, 0,33 expected hits 1 destroyer owned by the Japanese lost in 6 Sea Zone Americans win, taking 6 Sea Zone from Japanese with 2 battleships, 2 carriers, 2 cruisers, 3 fighters, 1 submarine, 1 tactical_bomber and 3 transports remaining. Battle score for attacker is 8 Casualties for Japanese: 1 destroyer Battle in Gibraltar Americans attack with 1 artillery, 1 bomber, 2 infantry and 1 mech_infantry Germans defend with 1 harbour and 4 infantry Americans roll dice for 1 cruiser in Gibraltar, round 2 : 1/1 hits, 0,50 expected hits Americans roll dice for 1 artillery, 1 bomber, 2 infantry and 1 mech_infantry in Gibraltar, round 2 : 0/5 hits, 1,67 expected hits Germans roll dice for 4 infantry in Gibraltar, round 2 : 3/4 hits, 1,33 expected hits 1 infantry owned by the Germans, 2 infantry owned by the Americans and 1 mech_infantry owned by the Americans lost in Gibraltar Americans roll dice for 1 artillery and 1 bomber in Gibraltar, round 3 : 2/2 hits, 1,00 expected hits Germans roll dice for 3 infantry in Gibraltar, round 3 : 1/3 hits, 1,00 expected hits 2 infantry owned by the Germans and 1 artillery owned by the Americans lost in Gibraltar Germans win with 1 infantry remaining. Battle score for attacker is -5 Casualties for Americans: 1 artillery, 2 infantry and 1 mech_infantry Casualties for Germans: 3 infantry 1 bomber owned by the Americans retreated Battle in Korea Non Combat Move - Americans 1 bomber moved from Gibraltar to Morocco 1 destroyer moved from 25 Sea Zone to 19 Sea Zone 1 destroyer moved from 25 Sea Zone to 18 Sea Zone 1 armour and 1 infantry moved from Western United States to 10 Sea Zone 1 armour, 1 carrier, 1 infantry and 1 transport moved from 10 Sea Zone to 25 Sea Zone 2 fighters moved from Midway to 25 Sea Zone Place Units - Americans 1 carrier and 1 transport placed in 101 Sea Zone 1 infantry placed in Eastern United States 1 fighter placed in 101 Sea Zone 1 destroyer and 2 submarines placed in 10 Sea Zone Turn Complete - Americans Americans collect 53 PUs; end with 54 PUs Objective Americans 1 Homeland: Americans met a national objective for an additional 10 PUs; end with 64 PUs Objective Americans 3 Defense Obligations: Americans met a national objective for an additional 5 PUs; end with 69 PUs Objective Americans 2 Outer Territories: Americans met a national objective for an additional 5 PUs; end with 74 PUs
Combat Hit Differential Summary :
Germans : 1,67 Americans : 1,00 Japanese : -0,33
TripleA Turn Summary: Chinese round 3
TripleA Turn Summary for game: World War II Global 1940 2nd Edition, version: 4.0
Game History
Round: 3 Purchase Units - Chinese Trigger Chinese Loses Burma Road: Chinese has their production frontier changed to: productionChinese_Burma_Road_Closed Chinese buy 5 infantry; Remaining resources: 0 PUs; Combat Move - Chinese 1 infantry moved from Suiyuyan to Chahar Chinese take Chahar from Japanese 3 infantry moved from Suiyuyan to Hopei 1 fighter moved from Suiyuyan to Szechwan 2 infantry moved from Yunnan to Szechwan 1 infantry moved from Yunnan to Kweichow Chinese take Kweichow from Japanese Combat - Chinese Battle in Szechwan Chinese attack with 1 fighter and 2 infantry Japanese defend with 1 infantry Chinese roll dice for 1 fighter and 2 infantry in Szechwan, round 2 : 0/3 hits, 0,83 expected hits Japanese roll dice for 1 infantry in Szechwan, round 2 : 0/1 hits, 0,33 expected hits Chinese roll dice for 1 fighter and 2 infantry in Szechwan, round 3 : 0/3 hits, 0,83 expected hits Japanese roll dice for 1 infantry in Szechwan, round 3 : 1/1 hits, 0,33 expected hits 1 infantry owned by the Chinese lost in Szechwan Chinese roll dice for 1 fighter and 1 infantry in Szechwan, round 4 : 2/2 hits, 0,67 expected hits Japanese roll dice for 1 infantry in Szechwan, round 4 : 0/1 hits, 0,33 expected hits 1 infantry owned by the Japanese lost in Szechwan Chinese win, taking Szechwan from Japanese with 1 fighter and 1 infantry remaining. Battle score for attacker is 0 Casualties for Chinese: 1 infantry Casualties for Japanese: 1 infantry Battle in Hopei Chinese attack with 3 infantry Japanese defend with 1 infantry Chinese roll dice for 3 infantry in Hopei, round 2 : 2/3 hits, 0,50 expected hits Japanese roll dice for 1 infantry in Hopei, round 2 : 0/1 hits, 0,33 expected hits 1 infantry owned by the Japanese lost in Hopei Chinese win, taking Hopei from Japanese with 3 infantry remaining. Battle score for attacker is 3 Casualties for Japanese: 1 infantry Non Combat Move - Chinese 1 fighter moved from Szechwan to Yunnan Place Units - Chinese 5 infantry placed in Yunnan Turn Complete - Chinese Chinese collect 10 PUs; end with 10 PUs Objective Chinese 1 Burma Road: Chinese met a national objective for an additional 6 PUs; end with 16 PUs
Combat Hit Differential Summary :
Chinese : 1,17 Japanese : -0,33
TripleA Turn Summary: UK_Pacific round 3
TripleA Turn Summary for game: World War II Global 1940 2nd Edition, version: 4.0
Game History
Round: 3 Purchase Units - Americans Americans buy 1 carrier, 1 destroyer, 1 fighter, 1 infantry, 2 submarines and 1 transport; Remaining resources: 1 PUs; Politics - Americans Americans takes Political Action: Political Action Americans To War With Germans Americans succeeds on action: Political Action Americans To War With Germans: Changing Relationship for Germans and Americans from Neutrality to War Americans takes Political Action: Political Action Americans To War With Italians Americans succeeds on action: Political Action Americans To War With Italians: Changing Relationship for Italians and Americans from Neutrality to War Trigger Americans War Production Eastern: has removed 1 factory_minor owned by Americans in Eastern United States Trigger Americans War Production Central: has removed 1 factory_minor owned by Americans in Central United States Trigger Americans War Production Western: has removed 1 factory_minor owned by Americans in Western United States Trigger Americans War Production Eastern: Americans has 1 factory_major placed in Eastern United States Trigger Americans War Production Central: Americans has 1 factory_major placed in Central United States Trigger Americans War Production Western: Americans has 1 factory_major placed in Western United States Combat Move - Americans Trigger Americans Unrestricted Movement: Setting movementRestrictionTerritories cleared for rulesAttachment attached to Americans 1 artillery, 4 infantry and 1 mech_infantry moved from Midway to 25 Sea Zone 1 artillery and 2 infantry moved from Eastern United States to 101 Sea Zone 1 mech_infantry moved from Central United States to 101 Sea Zone 1 artillery, 1 cruiser, 1 destroyer, 2 infantry, 1 mech_infantry and 2 transports moved from 101 Sea Zone to 91 Sea Zone 1 bomber moved from Eastern United States to Gibraltar 1 artillery, 2 infantry and 1 mech_infantry moved from 91 Sea Zone to Gibraltar 1 artillery, 2 battleships, 2 carriers, 2 cruisers, 3 fighters, 4 infantry, 1 mech_infantry, 1 submarine, 1 tactical_bomber and 3 transports moved from 25 Sea Zone to 6 Sea Zone 1 artillery, 4 infantry and 1 mech_infantry moved from 6 Sea Zone to Korea Combat - Americans Battle in 6 Sea Zone Americans attack with 2 battleships, 2 carriers, 2 cruisers, 3 fighters, 1 submarine, 1 tactical_bomber and 3 transports Japanese defend with 1 destroyer Americans roll dice for 1 submarine in 6 Sea Zone, round 2 : 0/1 hits, 0,33 expected hits Americans roll dice for 2 battleships, 2 carriers, 2 cruisers, 3 fighters, 1 tactical_bomber and 3 transports in 6 Sea Zone, round 2 : 6/8 hits, 4,50 expected hits Japanese roll dice for 1 destroyer in 6 Sea Zone, round 2 : 0/1 hits, 0,33 expected hits 1 destroyer owned by the Japanese lost in 6 Sea Zone Americans win, taking 6 Sea Zone from Japanese with 2 battleships, 2 carriers, 2 cruisers, 3 fighters, 1 submarine, 1 tactical_bomber and 3 transports remaining. Battle score for attacker is 8 Casualties for Japanese: 1 destroyer Battle in Gibraltar Americans attack with 1 artillery, 1 bomber, 2 infantry and 1 mech_infantry Germans defend with 1 harbour and 4 infantry Americans roll dice for 1 cruiser in Gibraltar, round 2 : 1/1 hits, 0,50 expected hits Americans roll dice for 1 artillery, 1 bomber, 2 infantry and 1 mech_infantry in Gibraltar, round 2 : 0/5 hits, 1,67 expected hits Germans roll dice for 4 infantry in Gibraltar, round 2 : 3/4 hits, 1,33 expected hits 1 infantry owned by the Germans, 2 infantry owned by the Americans and 1 mech_infantry owned by the Americans lost in Gibraltar Americans roll dice for 1 artillery and 1 bomber in Gibraltar, round 3 : 2/2 hits, 1,00 expected hits Germans roll dice for 3 infantry in Gibraltar, round 3 : 1/3 hits, 1,00 expected hits 2 infantry owned by the Germans and 1 artillery owned by the Americans lost in Gibraltar Germans win with 1 infantry remaining. Battle score for attacker is -5 Casualties for Americans: 1 artillery, 2 infantry and 1 mech_infantry Casualties for Germans: 3 infantry 1 bomber owned by the Americans retreated Battle in Korea Non Combat Move - Americans 1 bomber moved from Gibraltar to Morocco 1 destroyer moved from 25 Sea Zone to 19 Sea Zone 1 destroyer moved from 25 Sea Zone to 18 Sea Zone 1 armour and 1 infantry moved from Western United States to 10 Sea Zone 1 armour, 1 carrier, 1 infantry and 1 transport moved from 10 Sea Zone to 25 Sea Zone 2 fighters moved from Midway to 25 Sea Zone Place Units - Americans 1 carrier and 1 transport placed in 101 Sea Zone 1 infantry placed in Eastern United States 1 fighter placed in 101 Sea Zone 1 destroyer and 2 submarines placed in 10 Sea Zone Turn Complete - Americans Americans collect 53 PUs; end with 54 PUs Objective Americans 1 Homeland: Americans met a national objective for an additional 10 PUs; end with 64 PUs Objective Americans 3 Defense Obligations: Americans met a national objective for an additional 5 PUs; end with 69 PUs Objective Americans 2 Outer Territories: Americans met a national objective for an additional 5 PUs; end with 74 PUs Purchase Units - Chinese Trigger Chinese Loses Burma Road: Chinese has their production frontier changed to: productionChinese_Burma_Road_Closed Chinese buy 5 infantry; Remaining resources: 0 PUs; Combat Move - Chinese 1 infantry moved from Suiyuyan to Chahar Chinese take Chahar from Japanese 3 infantry moved from Suiyuyan to Hopei 1 fighter moved from Suiyuyan to Szechwan 2 infantry moved from Yunnan to Szechwan 1 infantry moved from Yunnan to Kweichow Chinese take Kweichow from Japanese Combat - Chinese Battle in Szechwan Chinese attack with 1 fighter and 2 infantry Japanese defend with 1 infantry Chinese roll dice for 1 fighter and 2 infantry in Szechwan, round 2 : 0/3 hits, 0,83 expected hits Japanese roll dice for 1 infantry in Szechwan, round 2 : 0/1 hits, 0,33 expected hits Chinese roll dice for 1 fighter and 2 infantry in Szechwan, round 3 : 0/3 hits, 0,83 expected hits Japanese roll dice for 1 infantry in Szechwan, round 3 : 1/1 hits, 0,33 expected hits 1 infantry owned by the Chinese lost in Szechwan Chinese roll dice for 1 fighter and 1 infantry in Szechwan, round 4 : 2/2 hits, 0,67 expected hits Japanese roll dice for 1 infantry in Szechwan, round 4 : 0/1 hits, 0,33 expected hits 1 infantry owned by the Japanese lost in Szechwan Chinese win, taking Szechwan from Japanese with 1 fighter and 1 infantry remaining. Battle score for attacker is 0 Casualties for Chinese: 1 infantry Casualties for Japanese: 1 infantry Battle in Hopei Chinese attack with 3 infantry Japanese defend with 1 infantry Chinese roll dice for 3 infantry in Hopei, round 2 : 2/3 hits, 0,50 expected hits Japanese roll dice for 1 infantry in Hopei, round 2 : 0/1 hits, 0,33 expected hits 1 infantry owned by the Japanese lost in Hopei Chinese win, taking Hopei from Japanese with 3 infantry remaining. Battle score for attacker is 3 Casualties for Japanese: 1 infantry Non Combat Move - Chinese 1 fighter moved from Szechwan to Yunnan Place Units - Chinese 5 infantry placed in Yunnan Turn Complete - Chinese Chinese collect 10 PUs; end with 10 PUs Objective Chinese 1 Burma Road: Chinese met a national objective for an additional 6 PUs; end with 16 PUs Purchase Units - British British buy 1 armour, 1 factory_minor, 1 fighter and 1 infantry; Remaining resources: 0 PUs; Purchase Units - UK_Pacific UK_Pacific buy 1 infantry and 2 mech_infantrys; Remaining resources: 0 PUs; Combat Move - British 1 artillery and 1 infantry moved from Egypt to Trans-Jordan 1 armour moved from Egypt to Trans-Jordan 1 mech_infantry moved from Yunnan to Siam 2 fighters and 1 tactical_bomber moved from Yunnan to Kiangsi 1 armour moved from Yunnan to Siam Combat - British Battle in Siam British attack with 1 armour and 1 mech_infantry Japanese defend with 1 infantry British roll dice for 1 armour and 1 mech_infantry in Siam, round 2 : 0/2 hits, 0,67 expected hits Japanese roll dice for 1 infantry in Siam, round 2 : 0/1 hits, 0,33 expected hits British roll dice for 1 armour and 1 mech_infantry in Siam, round 3 : 1/2 hits, 0,67 expected hits Japanese roll dice for 1 infantry in Siam, round 3 : 1/1 hits, 0,33 expected hits 1 infantry owned by the Japanese and 1 mech_infantry owned by the British lost in Siam British win, taking Siam from Japanese with 1 armour remaining. Battle score for attacker is -1 Casualties for British: 1 mech_infantry Casualties for Japanese: 1 infantry Battle in Kiangsi British attack with 2 fighters and 1 tactical_bomber Japanese defend with 2 bombers British roll dice for 2 fighters and 1 tactical_bomber in Kiangsi, round 2 : 2/3 hits, 1,67 expected hits Japanese roll dice for 2 bombers in Kiangsi, round 2 : 0/2 hits, 0,33 expected hits 2 bombers owned by the Japanese lost in Kiangsi British win with 2 fighters and 1 tactical_bomber remaining. Battle score for attacker is 24 Casualties for Japanese: 2 bombers Battle in Trans-Jordan British attack with 1 armour, 1 artillery and 1 infantry Italians defend with 2 infantry British roll dice for 1 armour, 1 artillery and 1 infantry in Trans-Jordan, round 2 : 2/3 hits, 1,17 expected hits Italians roll dice for 2 infantry in Trans-Jordan, round 2 : 1/2 hits, 0,67 expected hits 2 infantry owned by the Italians and 1 infantry owned by the British lost in Trans-Jordan British win, taking Trans-Jordan from Italians with 1 armour and 1 artillery remaining. Battle score for attacker is 3 Casualties for British: 1 infantry Casualties for Italians: 2 infantry Non Combat Move - British 1 transport moved from 81 Sea Zone to 71 Sea Zone 1 mech_infantry moved from Kenya to Egypt 1 artillery moved from Kenya to Anglo Egyptian Sudan 1 infantry moved from Belgian Congo to Anglo Egyptian Sudan 1 infantry moved from Tanganyika Territory to Kenya 2 infantry moved from Rhodesia to Belgian Congo 2 mech_infantrys moved from India to Yunnan 1 armour moved from India to Yunnan 2 fighters and 1 tactical_bomber moved from Kiangsi to Yunnan 1 artillery and 2 infantry moved from India to Burma 1 bomber moved from British Guiana to United Kingdom 1 artillery and 1 infantry moved from Quebec to New Brunswick Nova Scotia Place Units - British 1 factory_minor placed in Persia 1 armour and 1 infantry placed in Union of South Africa 1 fighter placed in United Kingdom Turn Complete - British British collect 31 PUs; end with 31 PUs Place Units - UK_Pacific 1 infantry and 2 mech_infantrys placed in India Turn Complete - UK_Pacific Total Cost from Convoy Blockades: 5 Rolling for Convoy Blockade Damage in 37 Sea Zone. Rolls: 3,3 UK_Pacific collect 6 PUs (5 lost to blockades); end with 6 PUs Some Units in India change ownership: 1 infantry and 2 mech_infantrys
Combat Hit Differential Summary :
Germans : 1,67 British : 0,83 Italians : 0,33 Americans : 1,00 Chinese : 1,17 Japanese : -0,67
TripleA Manual Gamesave Post: Italians round 3
TripleA Manual Gamesave Post for game: World War II Global 1940 2nd Edition, version: 4.0
Game History
Round: 3 Purchase Units - Italians Italians buy 1 artillery, 1 infantry and 3 transports; Remaining resources: 0 PUs; Politics - Italians Italians takes Political Action: Political Action Axis To War With Russians Italians succeeds on action: Political Action Axis To War With Russians: Changing Relationship for Italians and Russians from Neutrality to War Italians succeeds on action: Political Action Axis To War With Russians: Changing Relationship for Russians and British from Neutrality to Allied Italians succeeds on action: Political Action Axis To War With Russians: Changing Relationship for Russians and French from Neutrality to Allied Italians succeeds on action: Political Action Axis To War With Russians: Changing Relationship for Russians and Neutral_Allies from Neutrality to Friendly_Neutral Italians succeeds on action: Political Action Axis To War With Russians: Changing Relationship for Russians and Neutral_Axis from Neutrality to Unfriendly_Neutral Combat Move - Italians 1 armour moved from Yugoslavia to Eastern Poland Italians take Eastern Poland from Russians 2 artilleries moved from Yugoslavia to 97 Sea Zone 2 infantry moved from Greece to 97 Sea Zone 1 transport moved from 98 Sea Zone to 99 Sea Zone 2 infantry moved from Greece to 99 Sea Zone 2 artilleries, 2 infantry and 2 transports moved from 97 Sea Zone to 98 Sea Zone 2 artilleries moved from 98 Sea Zone to Trans-Jordan 1 infantry moved from 98 Sea Zone to Trans-Jordan 2 infantry and 1 transport moved from 99 Sea Zone to 98 Sea Zone 3 infantry moved from 98 Sea Zone to Trans-Jordan 1 artillery moved from Tobruk to Alexandria 3 infantry moved from Tobruk to Alexandria 1 mech_infantry moved from Algeria to Morocco 1 armour moved from Algeria to Morocco 1 artillery moved from Algeria to Morocco 1 infantry moved from Algeria to Morocco Combat - Italians Battle in Morocco Italians attack with 1 armour, 1 artillery, 1 infantry and 1 mech_infantry French defend with 2 infantry; Americans defend with 1 bomber Italians roll dice for 1 armour, 1 artillery, 1 infantry and 1 mech_infantry in Morocco, round 2 : 1/4 hits, 1.33 expected hits
Combat Hit Differential Summary :
Italians : -0.33
Der står en Bomber, så tænkte det var på sin plads at spørge ind til casualties, selvom jeg tror den dør uanset hvad… Har lavet en post om det.
bomberen ryger selvfølgelig først i det her tilfælde:) Ved situationer som den her kan du bare tage beslutningen.
TripleA Turn Summary: Italians round 3
TripleA Turn Summary for game: World War II Global 1940 2nd Edition, version: 4.0
Game History
Round: 3 Purchase Units - Italians Italians buy 1 artillery, 1 infantry and 3 transports; Remaining resources: 0 PUs; Politics - Italians Italians takes Political Action: Political Action Axis To War With Russians Italians succeeds on action: Political Action Axis To War With Russians: Changing Relationship for Italians and Russians from Neutrality to War Italians succeeds on action: Political Action Axis To War With Russians: Changing Relationship for Russians and British from Neutrality to Allied Italians succeeds on action: Political Action Axis To War With Russians: Changing Relationship for Russians and French from Neutrality to Allied Italians succeeds on action: Political Action Axis To War With Russians: Changing Relationship for Russians and Neutral_Allies from Neutrality to Friendly_Neutral Italians succeeds on action: Political Action Axis To War With Russians: Changing Relationship for Russians and Neutral_Axis from Neutrality to Unfriendly_Neutral Combat Move - Italians 1 armour moved from Yugoslavia to Eastern Poland Italians take Eastern Poland from Russians 2 artilleries moved from Yugoslavia to 97 Sea Zone 2 infantry moved from Greece to 97 Sea Zone 1 transport moved from 98 Sea Zone to 99 Sea Zone 2 infantry moved from Greece to 99 Sea Zone 2 artilleries, 2 infantry and 2 transports moved from 97 Sea Zone to 98 Sea Zone 2 artilleries moved from 98 Sea Zone to Trans-Jordan 1 infantry moved from 98 Sea Zone to Trans-Jordan 2 infantry and 1 transport moved from 99 Sea Zone to 98 Sea Zone 3 infantry moved from 98 Sea Zone to Trans-Jordan 1 artillery moved from Tobruk to Alexandria 3 infantry moved from Tobruk to Alexandria 1 mech_infantry moved from Algeria to Morocco 1 armour moved from Algeria to Morocco 1 artillery moved from Algeria to Morocco 1 infantry moved from Algeria to Morocco Combat - Italians Battle in Morocco Italians attack with 1 armour, 1 artillery, 1 infantry and 1 mech_infantry French defend with 2 infantry; Americans defend with 1 bomber Italians roll dice for 1 armour, 1 artillery, 1 infantry and 1 mech_infantry in Morocco, round 2 : 1/4 hits, 1.33 expected hits French roll dice for 1 bomber and 2 infantry in Morocco, round 2 : 0/3 hits, 0.83 expected hits 1 bomber owned by the Americans lost in Morocco Italians roll dice for 1 armour, 1 artillery, 1 infantry and 1 mech_infantry in Morocco, round 3 : 1/4 hits, 1.33 expected hits French roll dice for 2 infantry in Morocco, round 3 : 1/2 hits, 0.67 expected hits 1 infantry owned by the French and 1 infantry owned by the Italians lost in Morocco Italians roll dice for 1 armour, 1 artillery and 1 mech_infantry in Morocco, round 4 : 1/3 hits, 1.17 expected hits French roll dice for 1 infantry in Morocco, round 4 : 0/1 hits, 0.33 expected hits 1 infantry owned by the French lost in Morocco Italians win, taking Morocco from French with 1 armour, 1 artillery and 1 mech_infantry remaining. Battle score for attacker is 15 Casualties for Americans: 1 bomber Casualties for Italians: 1 infantry Casualties for French: 2 infantry Battle in Alexandria Italians attack with 1 artillery and 3 infantry British defend with 1 infantry Italians roll dice for 1 artillery and 3 infantry in Alexandria, round 2 : 1/4 hits, 1.00 expected hits British roll dice for 1 infantry in Alexandria, round 2 : 0/1 hits, 0.33 expected hits 1 infantry owned by the British lost in Alexandria Italians win, taking Alexandria from British with 1 artillery and 3 infantry remaining. Battle score for attacker is 3 Casualties for British: 1 infantry Battle in Trans-Jordan Italians attack with 2 artilleries and 4 infantry British defend with 1 armour and 1 artillery Italians roll dice for 2 artilleries and 4 infantry in Trans-Jordan, round 2 : 2/6 hits, 1.67 expected hits British roll dice for 1 armour and 1 artillery in Trans-Jordan, round 2 : 0/2 hits, 0.83 expected hits 1 artillery owned by the British and 1 armour owned by the British lost in Trans-Jordan Italians win, taking Trans-Jordan from British with 2 artilleries and 4 infantry remaining. Battle score for attacker is 10 Casualties for British: 1 armour and 1 artillery Non Combat Move - Italians Place Units - Italians 3 transports placed in 97 Sea Zone 1 artillery and 1 infantry placed in Southern Italy Turn Complete - Italians Italians collect 19 PUs; end with 19 PUs Objective Italians 1 Control The Mediterranean: Italians met a national objective for an additional 5 PUs; end with 24 PUs Objective Italians 3 North Africa: Italians met a national objective for an additional 5 PUs; end with 29 PUs Objective Italians 2 Roman Empire: Italians met a national objective for an additional 5 PUs; end with 34 PUs
Combat Hit Differential Summary :
Italians : -0.50 British : -1.17 French : -0.83
Jeg var rimelig heldig med Italien og mistede kun 1 enhed i de 3 slag. Men der ska vidst også lidt vind i sejlene fra vest, hvis fascisterne skal vinde :D
TripleA Turn Summary: ANZAC round 3
TripleA Turn Summary for game: World War II Global 1940 2nd Edition, version: 4.0
Game History
Round: 3 Purchase Units - ANZAC ANZAC buy 1 fighter, 1 infantry and 1 transport; Remaining resources: 0 PUs; Combat Move - ANZAC 1 transport moved from 62 Sea Zone to 54 Sea Zone 2 infantry moved from Queensland to 54 Sea Zone 2 infantry and 1 transport moved from 54 Sea Zone to 42 Sea Zone 2 infantry moved from 42 Sea Zone to Java 1 destroyer moved from 54 Sea Zone to 41 Sea Zone ANZAC take 42 Sea Zone from Japanese 1 cruiser moved from 44 Sea Zone to 43 Sea Zone Combat - ANZAC Battle in 43 Sea Zone ANZAC attack with 1 cruiser Japanese defend with 1 transport 1 transport owned by the Japanese lost in 43 Sea Zone ANZAC win, taking 43 Sea Zone from Neutral with 1 cruiser remaining. Battle score for attacker is 7 Casualties for Japanese: 1 transport Battle in Java Battle in 41 Sea Zone ANZAC attack with 1 destroyer Japanese defend with 1 submarine and 2 transports ANZAC roll dice for 1 destroyer in 41 Sea Zone, round 2 : 1/1 hits, 0,33 expected hits Japanese roll dice for 1 submarine in 41 Sea Zone, round 2 : 0/1 hits, 0,17 expected hits 1 submarine owned by the Japanese lost in 41 Sea Zone 2 transports owned by the Japanese lost in 41 Sea Zone ANZAC win, taking Java from Japanese, taking 41 Sea Zone from Japanese with 1 destroyer remaining. Battle score for attacker is 20 Casualties for Japanese: 1 submarine and 2 transports Non Combat Move - ANZAC 2 fighters moved from Queensland to Malaya 1 submarine moved from 62 Sea Zone to 56 Sea Zone 1 submarine moved from 62 Sea Zone to 54 Sea Zone Place Units - ANZAC 1 transport placed in 62 Sea Zone 1 fighter and 1 infantry placed in New South Wales Turn Complete - ANZAC ANZAC collect 14 PUs; end with 14 PUs Trigger ANZAC 1 Control Original And Malaya: ANZAC met a national objective for an additional 5 PUs; end with 19 PUs Objective ANZAC 2 Control Strategic Islands: ANZAC met a national objective for an additional 5 PUs; end with 24 PUs
Combat Hit Differential Summary :
ANZAC : 0,67 Japanese : -0,17
TripleA Turn Summary: French round 3
TripleA Turn Summary for game: World War II Global 1940 2nd Edition, version: 4.0
Game History
Round: 3 Purchase Units - ANZAC ANZAC buy 1 fighter, 1 infantry and 1 transport; Remaining resources: 0 PUs; Combat Move - ANZAC 1 transport moved from 62 Sea Zone to 54 Sea Zone 2 infantry moved from Queensland to 54 Sea Zone 2 infantry and 1 transport moved from 54 Sea Zone to 42 Sea Zone 2 infantry moved from 42 Sea Zone to Java 1 destroyer moved from 54 Sea Zone to 41 Sea Zone ANZAC take 42 Sea Zone from Japanese 1 cruiser moved from 44 Sea Zone to 43 Sea Zone Combat - ANZAC Battle in 43 Sea Zone ANZAC attack with 1 cruiser Japanese defend with 1 transport 1 transport owned by the Japanese lost in 43 Sea Zone ANZAC win, taking 43 Sea Zone from Neutral with 1 cruiser remaining. Battle score for attacker is 7 Casualties for Japanese: 1 transport Battle in Java Battle in 41 Sea Zone ANZAC attack with 1 destroyer Japanese defend with 1 submarine and 2 transports ANZAC roll dice for 1 destroyer in 41 Sea Zone, round 2 : 1/1 hits, 0,33 expected hits Japanese roll dice for 1 submarine in 41 Sea Zone, round 2 : 0/1 hits, 0,17 expected hits 1 submarine owned by the Japanese lost in 41 Sea Zone 2 transports owned by the Japanese lost in 41 Sea Zone ANZAC win, taking Java from Japanese, taking 41 Sea Zone from Japanese with 1 destroyer remaining. Battle score for attacker is 20 Casualties for Japanese: 1 submarine and 2 transports Non Combat Move - ANZAC 2 fighters moved from Queensland to Malaya 1 submarine moved from 62 Sea Zone to 56 Sea Zone 1 submarine moved from 62 Sea Zone to 54 Sea Zone Place Units - ANZAC 1 transport placed in 62 Sea Zone 1 fighter and 1 infantry placed in New South Wales Turn Complete - ANZAC ANZAC collect 14 PUs; end with 14 PUs Trigger ANZAC 1 Control Original And Malaya: ANZAC met a national objective for an additional 5 PUs; end with 19 PUs Objective ANZAC 2 Control Strategic Islands: ANZAC met a national objective for an additional 5 PUs; end with 24 PUs Combat Move - French 1 infantry moved from French Equatorial Africa to Anglo Egyptian Sudan Non Combat Move - French Turn Complete - French
Combat Hit Differential Summary :
ANZAC : 0,67 Japanese : -0,17
Ja det går lidt for godt for de italienere:)
TripleA Turn Summary: Germans round 4
TripleA Turn Summary for game: World War II Global 1940 2nd Edition, version: 4.0
Game History
Round: 4 Research Technology - Germans Purchase Units - Germans Germans buy 10 mech_infantrys and 1 tactical_bomber; Remaining resources: 0 PUs; Politics - Germans Germans takes Political Action: Political Action Axis To War With Russians Germans succeeds on action: Political Action Axis To War With Russians: Changing Relationship for Germans and Russians from Neutrality to War Combat Move - Germans 1 transport moved from 112 Sea Zone to 126 Sea Zone 1 infantry moved from Norway to 126 Sea Zone 1 infantry and 1 transport moved from 126 Sea Zone to 127 Sea Zone 1 infantry moved from 127 Sea Zone to Archangel 5 infantry moved from Finland to Karelia Germans take Karelia from Russians 7 armour moved from Poland to Baltic States Germans take Baltic States from Russians 7 armour moved from Baltic States to Eastern Poland 2 artilleries moved from Poland to Eastern Poland 3 mech_infantrys moved from Poland to Eastern Poland 5 mech_infantrys moved from Germany to Eastern Poland 3 artilleries moved from Slovakia Hungary to Eastern Poland 10 infantry moved from Slovakia Hungary to Eastern Poland 1 infantry moved from Slovakia Hungary to Eastern Poland 7 armour moved from Slovakia Hungary to Eastern Poland 3 bombers moved from Western Germany to 91 Sea Zone 2 fighters moved from Western Germany to Eastern Poland 9 infantry moved from Poland to Eastern Poland 1 tactical_bomber moved from Western Germany to Eastern Poland 1 infantry moved from Poland to Eastern Poland Combat - Germans Russians scrambles 3 units out of Novgorod to defend against the attack in 127 Sea Zone Russians scrambles to create a battle in territory 127 Sea Zone Battle in 127 Sea Zone Germans attack with 1 transport Russians defend with 2 fighters and 1 tactical_bomber Russians roll dice for 2 fighters and 1 tactical_bomber in 127 Sea Zone, round 2 : 1/3 hits, 1.83 expected hits 1 transport owned by the Germans lost in 127 Sea Zone 1 infantry owned by the Germans lost in Archangel Russians win with 2 fighters and 1 tactical_bomber remaining. Battle score for attacker is -7 Casualties for Germans: 1 transport Battle in 91 Sea Zone Germans attack with 3 bombers Americans defend with 1 cruiser, 1 destroyer and 2 transports Germans roll dice for 3 bombers in 91 Sea Zone, round 2 : 2/3 hits, 2.00 expected hits Americans roll dice for 1 cruiser, 1 destroyer and 2 transports in 91 Sea Zone, round 2 : 2/2 hits, 0.83 expected hits 1 cruiser owned by the Americans, 1 destroyer owned by the Americans and 2 bombers owned by the Germans lost in 91 Sea Zone 2 transports owned by the Americans lost in 91 Sea Zone Germans win with 1 bomber remaining. Battle score for attacker is 10 Casualties for Germans: 2 bombers Casualties for Americans: 1 cruiser, 1 destroyer and 2 transports Moving scrambled unit from 127 Sea Zone back to originating territory: Novgorod Moving scrambled unit from 127 Sea Zone back to originating territory: Novgorod Moving scrambled unit from 127 Sea Zone back to originating territory: Novgorod Non Combat Move - Germans 1 bomber moved from 91 Sea Zone to Southern France 1 aaGun moved from Poland to Eastern Poland 2 aaGuns moved from Slovakia Hungary to Eastern Poland Place Units - Germans 10 mech_infantrys placed in Germany 1 tactical_bomber placed in Western Germany Turn Complete - Germans Germans collect 43 PUs; end with 43 PUs Trigger Germans 5 Swedish Iron Ore: Germans met a national objective for an additional 5 PUs; end with 48 PUs
Combat Hit Differential Summary :
Germans : 0.00 Americans : 1.17 Russians : -0.83
TripleA Turn Summary: Russians round 4
TripleA Turn Summary for game: World War II Global 1940 2nd Edition, version: 4.0
Game History
Round: 4 Purchase Units - Russians Russians buy 7 infantry and 4 mech_infantrys; Remaining resources: 0 PUs; Combat Move - Russians 3 infantry moved from Novgorod to Karelia 2 fighters moved from Novgorod to Karelia 1 tactical_bomber moved from Novgorod to Karelia 1 mech_infantry moved from Ukraine to Romania Russians take Romania from Germans 1 infantry moved from Belarus to Baltic States Russians take Baltic States from Germans 1 fighter moved from Bryansk to Karelia 1 fighter moved from Russia to Karelia Combat - Russians Battle in Karelia Russians attack with 4 fighters, 3 infantry and 1 tactical_bomber Germans defend with 5 infantry Russians roll dice for 4 fighters, 3 infantry and 1 tactical_bomber in Karelia, round 2 : 3/8 hits, 3,17 expected hits Germans roll dice for 5 infantry in Karelia, round 2 : 2/5 hits, 1,67 expected hits 2 infantry owned by the Russians and 3 infantry owned by the Germans lost in Karelia Russians roll dice for 4 fighters, 1 infantry and 1 tactical_bomber in Karelia, round 3 : 3/6 hits, 2,83 expected hits Germans roll dice for 2 infantry in Karelia, round 3 : 1/2 hits, 0,67 expected hits 1 infantry owned by the Russians and 2 infantry owned by the Germans lost in Karelia Russians win with 4 fighters and 1 tactical_bomber remaining. Battle score for attacker is 6 Casualties for Russians: 3 infantry Casualties for Germans: 5 infantry Non Combat Move - Russians 2 fighters moved from Karelia to Bryansk 1 tactical_bomber moved from Karelia to Bryansk 2 fighters moved from Karelia to Novgorod 1 aaGun moved from Belarus to Novgorod 1 infantry moved from Belarus to Baltic States 1 armour and 2 mech_infantrys moved from Bryansk to Novgorod 1 armour moved from Bryansk to Novgorod 1 aaGun, 1 artillery and 12 infantry moved from Belarus to Bryansk 1 infantry moved from Ukraine to Bessarabia 2 aaGuns, 2 artilleries and 13 infantry moved from Western Ukraine to Bryansk 1 mech_infantry moved from Ukraine to Bryansk 2 infantry moved from Tsagaan Olom to Olgiy 2 infantry moved from Russia to Bryansk 1 submarine moved from 112 Sea Zone to 125 Sea Zone Place Units - Russians 7 infantry and 3 mech_infantrys placed in Russia 1 mech_infantry placed in Volgograd Turn Complete - Russians Russians collect 36 PUs; end with 36 PUs Trigger Russians 1 Lend Lease: Russians met a national objective for an additional 5 PUs; end with 41 PUs Objective Russians 2 Spread Of Communism: Russians met a national objective for an additional 3 PUs; end with 44 PUs
Combat Hit Differential Summary :
Germans : 0,67 Russians : 0,00