This is full bid placement (no restrictions)
5 bids - 5
6 bids - 19
7 bids - 31
8 bids - 28
9 bids - 6
Winners (Allies/Axis):
5 bids - 2/3
6 bids - 8/11
7 bids - 18/13
8 bids - 16/12
9 bids - 3/3
Percentages (Allies win %):
Overall - 47/42 - Allies win 52.8
5 bids - Allies win 40% (too small of a sample)
6 bids - Allies win 42.1%
7 bids - Allies win 58.1%
8 bids - Allies win 57.1%
9 bids - Allies win 50% (too small of a sample)
Eliminating the 5 and 9 bids and focusing on 6, 7, 8 we get:
6-8 bids - 42/36 - Allies win 53.8%
And if we just focus on 7 and 8 bids (which seems to be the norm now):
7-8 bids - 34/25 - Allies win 57.6%
Okay, I went back and went through games up until early Oct. (58 more games). So, now thru 147 games:
This is full bid placement (no restrictions)
5 bids - 5
6 bids - 27
7 bids - 39
8 bids - 58
9 bids - 16
10 bids - 2
Winners (Allies/Axis):
5 bids - 2/3
6 bids - 15/12
7 bids - 23/16
8 bids - 32/26
9 bids - 10/6
10 bids - 1/1
Percentages (Allies win %):
Overall - 83/64 - Allies win 56.5%
5 bids - Allies win 40% (only 5 games played)
6 bids - Allies win 55.6%
7 bids - Allies win 58.9%
8 bids - Allies win 55.2%
9 bids - Allies win 62.5%
10 bids - Allies win 50.0% (only 2 games played)
Eliminating the 5 and 10 bids and focusing on 6, 7, 8, 9 we get:
6-9 bids - 80/60 - Allies win 57.1%
And if we just focus on 6, 7 and 8 bids:
6-8 bids - 70/54 - Allies win 56.5%
Well, taking into account more games fixed the 6 bid anomaly. It now falls more into line with the 7 and 8. Probably do to that fact that 5-6 bids may have won early but later showed to be beatable and the bid moved up to the 7-8 range. 97 games have had a 7 or 8 bid with 58 games having an 8 bid.