Now, extra German planes in the mid-game can be a good investment against a balanced, slow KGF if Allies don’t have excess escorts. They already defend where they are almost like 2 more inf (6 IPC), also threaten 1-2 fleets that will need extra escorts, and swap easier on land. Combined with the Japanese fleet coming throught the Med, they can paralyze the Allied moves sandwiched between each of them.
But, that’s not ships, but anti-ship build…
What do you build in R1? - poll with many options…
I buy a third fighter because I will have to trade three countries with germany most turns.
R1 I only strafe Ukraine to conserve the preciuos tanks. The following turns I build more- with seven I feel comfortable mostly.
These tanks will help to fortify quickly when Japan comes knocking. They will be around to prevent Russia to be squeezed too rapidly and sometimes protect Sinkiang.
Afterwards I switch to Inf/Art and if the tide should turn: TANKS ONLY! -
I´m also often building a 3rd fighter 1st turn, because you can threaten territories more easily then, combined with high defensive power.
I just saw, believe me or not, Russian purchase (round 1) two destroyers off the coast of Caucasus….
Yea, the German navy in the Med was completely destroyed, but Russia fell on round 3. (Heck, Germany even got Evenki, Kaz and Novo before Japan could march there!)
My friend built 2 destroyers as Russia when we first started. =S He had some plan of delaying the med navy or something lol, none of us knew what we were doing back then!
I generally go with one of three options…
8 INF if I’m nervous, or planning on playing defensively…
5 INF, 1 ART, 1 ARM if I want a more balanced buy…
or 3 INF, 3 ARM if I plan on pushing foward…
Our group plays with NAs though, so the build can vary quite a bit (especially with the Non-Agression treaty! :-D )
As for navy, I’ve contemplated an R1 buy of an AC and a TRAN, moving both Russian fighters to the Carrier…could help keep the Nazis out of Egypt, and will certainly allow for an easy retake, plus it gives the Luftwaffe a LOT to deal with on G1…some of those planes will fall.
Worth the ground your going to have to give up as Russia to ensure that Britain holds most of Africa until Japan tries something?
4 Inf, 3 Art is good. You’re pretty low on infantry to artillery ratio at the start of the game anyway. And if you play ultra conservative with Russia, you’re only taking West Russia anyway, so no risk to starting attack units.
4 Inf, 3 Art is good. You’re pretty low on infantry to artillery ratio at the start of the game anyway. And if you play ultra conservative with Russia, you’re only taking West Russia anyway, so no risk to starting attack units.
A girl after my own heart :-D
4 Inf, 3 Art is good. You’re pretty low on infantry to artillery ratio at the start of the game anyway. And if you play ultra conservative with Russia, you’re only taking West Russia anyway, so no risk to starting attack units.
A girl after my own heart :-D
Except in politics. :)
Politicking is not as important as buying 4 inf 3 art or having a sexy avatar :-)
What, no comments on the AC/Tranny buy? :-P
What, no comments on the AC/Tranny buy? :-P
You know, with a strong WRS, and pulling back in the east, it actually MIGHT be viable :-)
What, no comments on the AC/Tranny buy? :-P
You know, with a strong WRS, and pulling back in the east, it actually MIGHT be viable :-)
That’s what I was thinkning…plus, with luck RUSSIA might actually be the one to capture Libya and Algeria.
An extra $2 IPC per turn is always nice.
That, and once the German Med fleet is gone, the Russian navy can slip through the canal and help America bother Japan. :-D
In a non Tournament game, I would even be willing to give that a shot :-)
Even if the Russian Fleet dies to German AF, they still made life a LOT easier for the Allies by taking out the Med Fleet…
So we have what,
CV, Trn, 2 FIG for Russia vs 6 Fig, 1 Bmb, 1 BB, 1 Trn for Germany?
Of course, it DOES prevent Germany from any chance of uniting north and south fleets, ever. Period. End of story. Game over. Not gunna happen. NO SOUP FOR YOU, GERMANY! But at what cost to Russia?
Germany has three attacks to make to clear the Med…if he throws enough at Russia to kill him, he can’t do much else. If he skips the Amphib into Egypt, he risks the British fleet moving through the Canal on B1…
…I still have a good chance of retreating my fighters as well, if attacked.
With all these attacks, Germany is bound to lose a fighter or two…maybe even three.
If I’m going to go after German air-force, I’ll do this and help Britain BIG TIME in a KGF game…odds are he has at least one ship in the Med…more if the canal is open.
Hell, if I’m not attacked, I might just help liberate Egypt if it IS taken. That would let the Brit fleet through on B2.
Would Germany risk attacking the Russian fleet, knowing what might happen?
I still think the cost is too high for Russia. You loose your fighters, at least 1, Germany should have bid extra into Egypt so they have plenty to take and close the canal, they have neough to sink the BB in Gibraltar and can still make serious threats on Russian land, especially with the loss of 6-8 units for Russia’s defense.
Yea, the Med fleet is destroyed, probably. But that only nets England about 6 IPCs, maybe 7 and cost Russia 24-44 IPCs to do.