• We will be deploying a hot fix to Axis & Allies 1942 Online later today to address the main concerns of online multiplayer stability and the gameplay speed.

    A short outage is planned for this patch at 1pm PDT today. Login to the game will be unavailable during the update.

  • @JuliusBorisovBeamdog Sweet. Looking forward to another go at things later tonight.

  • 2024 '22 '21 '19 '15 '14

    Sounds good, will check it out when I get home.
    I know lot of people were struggling to stay connected.

    Speaking of which, any word on the inclusion of a chat feature?

    I think that should really be a top priority before any full release. There are many popular board games I can think of that don’t really require players to interact much outside of the gameplay itself, but A&A just isn’t one them.

    You may have noticed for example that many people who bought the pre-release are returning to Axis and Allies after a rather long hiatus. I saw peeps on the steam forums talking about the excitement of coming back to this after like 10 or 20 years. Many may not have played this game since Classic and the old hasbro CD. They will be looking to other players to bring them up to speed on what’s happened since and how the game has changed etc. A no chat rip and run style of play might work for something like RISK, where the rules and basics have remained largely unchanged over the years, and where there is pretty broad popularity among casual gamers. But A&A is its own kind of beast, and players really need an easy way to talk to each other in game.

  • I personally passed your extensive feedback (thanks for that, btw) to the dev team, and the communication feature request is top on the list of community feature requests. The devs will triage them.

  • 2024 '22 '21 '19 '15 '14

    Thanks man! You’re doing a great job by the way. I see you all over the BG boards too doing the liaison thing since I started posting there. I know it can’t be easy always wading into the fray of internet gaming forums to answer questions or try to track what’s happening with your gamers’ conversations. But its nice to feel heard.

    Sometimes I think peeps get the impression that game development is like this giant faceless monolith, or with like thousands of worker bees buzzing in the hive all intent on ignoring players for whatever crazy ass reason, but I know the reality isn’t like that. It’s probably more like a couple dozen people in some business park here or there just trying to write code and crush bugs and probably not sleeping enough haha. Just trying to get the work done. Its cool they put someone on this gig for outreach, cause otherwise I think it’d be really hard to stay abreast of it all. I can barely keep up with the pace of conversation and I enjoy forums as a format and reading them in the downtime for pleasure. But I can’t imagine it’s a simple task on the other side, cause as group we do tend to talk loud and grumble a fair amount, can be kind of impatient and brash sometimes, cash in hard with a vengeance and high expectations for our 19 bones on the steam payment hehe. But yeah, thanks for checking back and working with us over here too. It’s appreciated for sure.

  • TripleA

    @Black_Elk Dozens of people… Wish I had half that many. 19 bones… wish I got paid that much :)

  • 2024 '22 '21 '19 '15 '14

    I know right! haha

    Well in case I haven’t showed the love lately… thank you Redrum! You’ve been keeping A&A alive and kicking in the digital realm for me for a while now.

    Also HardAI is still rocking the house no contest from what I’ve seen thus far. Maybe you can toss some tips and tricks their way at some point, for like general principles or whatever. In its current state the A&AOnline AI feels a lot like the old AI we had for tripleA before you came along and started working your wizardry to improve it.

  • 2025 2024 '23 '22 '21 '20 '19 '18

    I always forget that we have Mr. TripleA himself ( @redrum ) here. It’s like having royalty among commoners. You really deserve more credit for keeping the A&A community alive for all these years via TripleA.

  • TripleA

    Thanks fellas. And yes to @Black_Elk’s point, game development is difficult and takes a lot more time/effort than most people think. A&A games also have complex rules with a lot of edge cases which can be challenging to make into a robust PC game. Its great to see a new version out there now that hopefully will draw more people to our community of gamers. And its great to see that the Beamdog developers are being very receptive to feedback and making quick fixes.

  • Just as we’ve promised - we’ve got another Hot Fix for Axis & Allies 1942 Online coming out today. We’ll be implementing some updates that should reduce lag, increase stability, improve networking performance, and return the AI player option to Online Multiplayer.

    Note: There will be a brief outage at 1 pm PDT.

  • 2025 2024 '23 '22 '21 '20 '19 '18

    Currently 2-0 in 1v1 games with Allies. Both my opponents surrendered after my R2 for whatever reason. Haven’t been doing anything unusual, just poor opponents I guess.

    Waiting on about 4 multiplayer games to start, but the hosts of those games haven’t launched any of them yet.

  • A big patch rolled out for Axis & Allies 1942 Online, which includes Improvements to Front-end Performance, UX, UI, and more! https://www.beamdog.com/news/patch-1-axis-allies-1942-online/

  • @JuliusBorisovBeamdog You guys have been really on top of things with the patches/hot-fixes and I just wanted to let you know that it’s appreciated.

    Haven’t had a chance to do another really thorough write-up on changes I’d like to see so I’ll just reiterate my main gripe that hasn’t been fixed yet AFAIK (that can be addressed in a realistic amount of time):

    • Between battles in combat and game phases, the map tends to zoom in to maximum. I wish it wouldn’t do this (and just keep whatever zoom level the player is currently using) because I have to spend time zooming back out repeatedly during a turn. I get that most people probably like seeing the little units on the map, but I prefer looking at things from afar so I can see the big picture at all times.

    It might just be a placebo, but I’ve noticed that, during combat move, the units seem to better indicate where they’re going. I don’t know if I’ve just gotten used to the UI or if a fix was made. If a fix was made, thank you from the bottom of my heart.

    Side-note: Currently 3-0. 2-0 as Allies, 1-0 as Axis. Currently in another game where that was supposed to be 3-player, but my teammate got kicked for not making his play so now it’s a 1v1. Probably going to win that one too because Axis are bonkers.

  • We released another hot fix yesterday to fix the AI in Online MP. https://steamcommunity.com/games/898920/announcements/detail/1616149305736279171

  • Based on the feedback we plan to introduce an alternate game setup to the out-of-box experience - https://steamcommunity.com/app/898920/discussions/0/1643170903490462635/?ctp=2#c1639794651166372767

  • 2024 '22 '21 '19 '15 '14

    This is really good news! Thanks man

    I think for many players this will bring the board largely into balance. At least the bid in the tournament patch was much narrower.

  • @Black_Elk @JuliusBorisovBeamdog Interesting news for sure! Is this the LHTR ruleset or a new and unique setup? Can’t check Steam as I’m at work.

    Thanks for doing this, though! I still have my dream of playing other versions on this client but I’m grateful for having OOB + an alternative setup for this map (for free) within ~1 month of launch.

  • @DoManMacgee Larry Harris Gencon v3.0 Variant:
    Added UK-DD to SZ 7
    Moved UK-Cruiser from SZ 14 to SZ 13
    German Bomber in Germany moved to Ukraine
    Remove 1 German sub from SZ 5
    Added 2 UK Infantry to India

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