• Hey guys i have a few questions about the Combat Board of axis and allies 1914, in this video by Harsh Rules it displays a seperate box for attacking artillery, and artillery combined with infantry. When does it get combined and when not? and if you can choose why would you ever choose 1 unit with 3 attack over 2 units with 2 attack and 3 attack? if someone could clear this up for me thatll be a great help! Thanks! <3

  • @SelfishPopcorn said in Combat Rules:

    Hey guys i have a few questions about the Combat Board of axis and allies 1914, in this video by Harsh Rules it displays a seperate box for attacking artillery, and artillery combined with infantry. When does it get combined and when not? and if you can choose why would you ever choose 1 unit with 3 attack over 2 units with 2 attack and 3 attack? if someone could clear this up for me thatll be a great help! Thanks!

    Artillery combines with infantry and tanks on a one-for-one basis. Example:

    You are attacking with a force of 10 infantry, 4 tanks, and 6 artillery. You can choose to combine the 6 artillery with any combination of 6 infantry or tanks, to include 6 infantry, 4 tanks and 2 infantry, and any other mix up of infantry and tanks not to exceed number of artillery on hand.

    You choose to combine 6 infantry with your 6 artillery. That means that 6 infantry get the attack bonus, 4 infantry do not, and none of the tanks get the attack bonus.

    Does that answer your question?


  • two additional questions (recently purchased A&A WWI 1914):

    1. Crossing the Suez canal is well defined in the rule book. Crossing between Bulgaria and Constantinople is not. Are transports needed if one power controls both sides of the straits?
    2. “fighters must end their move in a territory where there are land units belonging to your power”. Can fighters attack from 2 zones away into a ‘virgin’ territory, while land units attack from one zone away if it is mathematically impossible to lose all the attacking land units in the one combat round?

    1. The Turkish Straits are entirely contained within the territory of Constantinople, so moving from Constantinople to Bulgaria does not require crossing the straits. As the straits are contained within a single territory and not at a border between territories, transports are never needed to cross them.
    2. It doesn’t matter what the odds are. Fighters may attack a hostile territory as long as at least one infantry also attacks (all of the units end their move in the same territory, so the infantry satisfies the fighters’ land unit requirement). Of course, if there is only one infantry, all of the fighters will have to be taken as casualties before it can be taken (see page 19 of the rulebook).

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