Interesting read!
Possible Rules Change
Let’s go ahead and call it official.
Thanks for the good news!
So what is the official phrasing of the rule?
Page 14 has been updated with the rule change regarding land units beginning the turn in contested territories:
Land units that begin the turn in contested territories can only be moved to territories that at the beginning of the turn were either controlled by your power or contained units belonging to your power. (They can also remain at sea if moved by transport.)
(From the FAQ thread)
So one of the issues here is that a player can leave a single infantry in a contested territory as a rear guard, holding up the advance of, say, 20 infantry and 10 artillery for an entire turn. Well, here’s a possibility:
If combat takes place in a contested territory, and the player whose turn it is scores enough hits to kill each defending unit at least 3 times, that player can advance any or all of his victorious units into a new enemy controlled territory, initiating a new combat.