- Only 1 unit per nation (for perceived balance).
- A different type of unit for each nation (for perceived differences among nations as well as for enjoyment for players).
- If a nation made 1 type of unit disproportionately more than either their economy would allow or more than other nations produced them, then that should be its national unit.
- If a nation made more than 1 type of unit disproportionately more, then choose the unit based on how much more and also to not contradict number 2 above.
- If a nation didn’t produce 1 type of unit disproportionately more (significantly more), then choose the unit based on a unique flare or fame (like kamikaze planes).
OK Soviets:
for them its about the fact that they were able to outproduce more infantry than germany ( manpower) and tanks and artillery as well as planes… but you only ask for one thing? This is tough because to be accurate they really outproduced in every catagory…
so then use the 2 tanks for 8 bucks thing
or roll one d6 = number of infantry that can be created at 2 IPC, so you roll 4 then Soviets get 4 infantry costing 2 IPC each.
They were able to make alot of subs ( not because they were cheaper) but because it was an important function of their strategy against UK… so allow those 6 IPC subs… or use the Xeno rule of one free sub per turn?
the other thing that was important to germany was tanks, so perhaps they can upgrade infantry by spending one IPC and the infantry becomes a tank at the end of the turn?
Another idea is for volkstrum units similiar to russian infantry idea= roll one d6= number of infantry at 2 IPC
on them i favor a break on battleships because thats what they felt would protect the islands
a second choice would also be cheaper fighters ( they out produced germany in fighters in 1940)
destroyers is not a good choice
naval fighters or carrier based fighters would be something that could be done…
battleships could also be done… they loved their battlewagens or destroyers… transports i dont see this. sorry
Liberty ships ( transports) 2 for 14 IPC?
second choice is carriers or bombers they churned out many more carriers (escort class) than anybody else, but liberty ships were by far the easy choice for them…
USA airforce was comprised of a huge bomber force… a break on these would be good…
I feel each nation should have two things that are cheaper not just one.