• so 3 units…doesn’t matter if its land or air units?


    and Imp, I like your Terrain Ideas….

    and don’t forget Gen AlexanderPatch too  :-)

  • Moderator

    And Gen Patch :-D

    Or lets just force the player to pay 1 IPC per unit that enters the desert… Or maybe for every 2…


  • Hey guys, I researched this Mongolia issue and this is my conclusion.

    During World War II, because of a growing Japanese threat over the Mongolian-Manchurian border, the Soviet Union reversed the course of Mongolian socialism in favor of a new policy of economic gradualism and buildup of the national defense. The Soviet-Mongolian army defeated Japanese forces that had invaded eastern Mongolia in the summer of 1939, and a truce was signed setting up a commission to define the Mongolian-Manchurian border in the autumn of that year.

  • Yes right and thats why Japan wanted nothing to do with attacking the Soviets. They were afraid

  • So, out of this, I think that maybe 2 infantry at least, one could possibly even be Russian, also Russia probably should not be able to invade Mongolia because they were in fact allies at the time. Is this too in-depth?

  • sounds good. 2 inf plus ability for Soviets to reinforce. If Japan invades Mongolia is automatically a soviet satalite possibly allowing some forces to join before the battle

  • Moderator

    Hence the non-aggression treaty against soviet Satellites… Read my posts above…


  • So this solves it… Thanks to rawdwawg.

    But what about others like the Saharan desert?

    And the Himalayas? Also the other neutrals?

    Yes I like the idea of having to pay for entering Sahara (it simulates  paying for desert gear, tank tracks, etc.)

  • But what about others like the Saharan desert?

    And the Himalayas? Also the other neutrals?

    Basically the same thing except Himalayas should stay impassible to land units… possibly only chinese getting thru

    the Desert is covered under NA’s  for Italy and  UK.

  • Moderator

    Well if the mountains are impassable by land, then yes they technically are “neutral”… Sahara is not…


  • @Imperious:

    sounds good. 2 inf plus ability for Soviets to reinforce. If Japan invades Mongolia is automatically a soviet satalite possibly allowing some forces to join before the battle

    ok back to 2 INF for Mongolia

    as for Mngolia joining Soviet on Japanese invasion…yes this is part of the standard neutrals rule…if one team invades Mongolia it joines the other team

    but as for reinforcing we have to look in that, don’t want it to get complicated
    for starters we could extend the defensive air support rule for you to reinforce neutrals with your air units when they are attacked by the other team
    air units are fast so thats certainly realistic

  • ok done add that to the list.

  • Desert terrain (Sahara, Saudi Arabia)
    *All land units must stop on entering a desert terrain. Pay 1 IPC in Collect Income phase for every unit occupying a desert terrain. (Italian NA can reduce this.)

    Snowy terrain (Greenland, Alaska, Soviet Far East)
    *All land units fighting in a snowy terrain fight with -1 modifier, but not reducing below 1.

    Mountainous terrain (Southern Europe, Turkey, Mongolia, Persia, Afghanistan)
    *ARM units may not enter mountainous terrain (is this too drastic?)

    Some terrain maps

    Some climate maps

  • Mountainous terrain (Southern Europe, Turkey, Mongolia, Persia, Afghanistan)
    *ARM units may not enter mountainous terrain (is this too drastic?)

    Yes totally! It should be exactly like snow same move restriction, same combat restriction. easy to remember

  • so more like…

    All land units must stop on entering the following terrains.

    Desert terrain (Sahara, Saudi Arabia)
    *Pay 1 IPC in Collect Income phase for every unit occupying a desert terrain. (Italian NA can reduce this.)

    Snowy terrain (Greenland, Alaska, Soviet Far East)
    Mountainous terrain (Southern Europe, Turkey, Mongolia, Persia, Afghanistan)
    *All land units fighting in a snowy terrain fight with -1 modifier, but not reducing below 1.

  • yes add that to the draft. good.

  • ok

  • currently

    Power Diplomacy Rolls
    Germany 2
    Italy 0
    Japan 1
    USSR 1
    UK 1
    US 2

    shall we make it one dice for every 20 IPCs?

    the starting values would remain the same
    but as Japan gains IPC it’ll have more political power
    as Germany loses IPC it’ll lose political power

  • Thats a nice idea. I think its better to have this on the allowable buys… every 20 IPC above what you started with you can buy one additional tech roll. The problem with the other idea is the game favors the ability of Japan to gain faster money than Germany and this is not historical… the Historical based free rolls must be maintained, while this new idea still has play under the system. The key thing is “every 20 IPC above what you started with” this idea is important but the value ( should it be 20 or 10?) is the matter at hand.

  • so you like increasing diplomactic powers
    but not decreasing diplomatic powers?

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