Also mech infantry is more like another armor unit. It should not fall into the limitations of infantry builds.
oh I was thinking mechanised infantry is still mostly infantry
have you got some stats about how many % infantry in mechanized divisions and tank divisions?
++++++this would be different for each nation based on need… however the soviets had alot of mechanized divisions about 1/3 of all her land divisions in total were purely mech infantry, while italy had few… Germany had a bit more , while americans mostly had mobile infantry… you may even call them all mechanized infantry.
OK i guess it can be part of the infantry limitations, but it should be counted as an armor in terms of combat causalties. So if tanks get a hit the defender can now select artillery, mech, or tank as combat loss.
so PARA built at VC right?
+++++ yes
+++++ Id would limit para builds based on nation it should cost 5 for para
they are at 2/2 but attack on first round at 3
UK 4
Italy 2
Russia 3
Japan 3
INF (infantry) at US/UK minor VCs are 4 IPC alright
without changes only PARA would come out of minor VCs lol
++= yea right. Para are specialized trained troops. they should be raised only in selected areas.