Though if Japan could take India, they would’ve taken Yunnan already.
It’s virtually the only way to move from Europe to China.
Yes, I have been away for quite a while, my new job has played havoc with my opportunities to wargame, however some fans of my 1941 setup on Facebook asked me to create a 1939 setup so here we are.
The world stands on the brink of catastrophe. The rising tide of fascism approaches the breakwater of history, as the dictatorial regimes of Nazi Germany, Imperial Japan, and The Italian Empire seek to expand their rule across the entire planet. A decade of instigation, skirmishes, and attempts to placate these tyrants have failed. And so the world plunges into a new World War. The German Reich, wants “Living Space” to expand it’s nation, which it plans to absorb from it’s west and it’s east. The Italians seek to restore the glory of the Roman Empire and dominate the entire Mediterranean basin. While the Japanese Empire desires to flush out the western colonial powers from Asia, and establish a Pan-Asian Co-Prosperity sphere, with themselves at it’s apex. Their goals are lofty, and if successful these powers would establish a new world order. However, standing against them, weary from the last war, disorganized by purges and economic depressions stand the Allied Powers. The strength of The United Kingdom, its Commonwealth and French Republic may be waning, but they will not see the world fall into a new dark age without a fight. The Soviet Union, stands as their unlikely ally, since it too finds itself in the cross-hairs of the fascist wolves. Will it be able to withstand the coming storm? Though the new world, and the United States stands reluctant to spill blood and treasure in this most trying of times. Political willpower is hard to come by, and though the economy has begun to recover and some strength has been regained, the world holds it’s breath in hope they will decide in time to rescue the world from a new dark age. The year is 1939, and the war to decide the fate of the world has begun.
2nd Edition Rules are in effect with a modified National Objectives package.
Politically the game begins as if it were two turns before a normal 1940 start.
Germany is at war with France, UK, and ANZAC
Japan is at war with China
Special Rules
Soviet naval units in the Pacific Theater must remain adjacent to original Soviet territory while the Soviet Union is neutral to Japan. (Or until Moscow has been captured)
The Japanese Kamikaze special rule is deactivated when using the 1939 setup.
Italy, while not at war may not move naval units out of the Mediterranean. The may declare war at any time, however unless Paris has already been captured by Germany their combat moves may not include attacks on any game space occupied by French or British units on the turn they declare war.
The Benelux Faction (Dutch & Belgians) are an independent faction aligned to no power. However, when and if any territory they posses is attacked by an Axis power, all Benelux territories become treated as Pro-Allied
Factories built on Chinese territory are no longer destroyed/removed if liberated by Allied forces.
Modified National Advantages
Trade with the Soviet Union
5 IPCs while at peace with the Soviet Union
“Liebensraum” - Living Space in the East
5 IPCs for German or Italian control any 7 of the following 9 at the end of your turn. (Baltic States, Belarus, Smolensk, Eastern Poland, Western Ukraine, Ukraine, Bessarabia, Bryansk, Rostov)
Swedish Iron Ore
5 IPCs for control of Norway, Denmark, and pro-axis or neutral Sweden.
Middle Eastern Oil
2 IPCs for each of the following territories occupied by a German land unit. (Persia, Northwestern Persia, Iraq, Saudi-Arabia, Egypt)
Caucasus Oil
5 IPCs for Axis control of the Caucasus
Domination in the East
3 IPCs for Axis control of each or any of the following. (Lenningrad, Stalingrad, Moscow)
Domination in the West
3 IPCs for Axis control of all of the following. (Holland/Belgium, France, Southern France, Normandy/Bordeux)
Lend Lease
3 IPCs for control of any/each of the following combination of territories and sea zones free of hostile axis warships
(Archangel & SZ 125)
(Soviet Far East & SZ 3)
(Western Allied control of Persia & SZ 80)
In the event Moscow is no longer controlled this bonus may be collected and spent in the form of infantry directly on any original Soviet territory. While no Western Allied units are in original Soviet territory. When at war with the European Axis.
Spread of Communism
1 IPC for each Soviet control marker placed on any Axis, Pro-Axis, Pro-Allied, or Neutral territory. (Including Mongolia)
Subjugated People
5 IPCs for control of Korea and if each originally Chinese territory you control contains at least one Japanese land unit.
Trade with the Western Powers
5 IPCs if you are at peace with the Western Allies
Control of Western Power Centers
5 IPCs for control of each or any of the following: Calcutta, Sydney, Honolulu
Army Plan
5 IPCs for control of Korea and any five originally Soviet territories (May not be collected in any turn with the Navy Plan)
Navy Plan
5 IPCs for control of Borneo, Java, Sumatra, Celebs (May not be collected in any turn with the Army Plan)
Pacific Primacy
5 IPCs for Japanese control of any eight Pacific Islands that have no IPC value.
Continental United States
10 IPCs for control of Western, Central and Eastern US, while at war
5 IPCs for control of the Philippines, while at war
Pacific Defense Obligations
5 IPCs for control of Hawaii, Alaska, Aleutians, Johnston and Line Islands, while at war.
Central American Defense Obligations
5 IPCs for control of Mexico, Southeast Mexico, West Indies, and Central America, while at war.
Pacific Primacy
5 IPCs for US control of any eight Pacific Islands that have no IPC value.
The Second Front
3 IPCs for each/any continental European territory with a printed IPC value that is controlled by the Western Allies and occupied by US land forces, and the land forces of any other Western Allied power(s).
Burma Road
6 IPCs for control of the Burma Road. (India, Burma, Yunnan, Szechwan) (may build artillery)
Industrial Base
5 IPCs for control of any industrial complex (may build artillery)
Shipping Lanes Secure [European Economy]
5 IPCs for control of United Kingdom, Gibraltar, Malta, Egypt, Trans-Jordan, British Somali-land, West India & India and no hostile Axis warships adjacent to these territories.
The Power of the New World [European Economy]
5 IPCs for control of all Canadian territories, the United States is at war, and no axis warships in sea zones 101-109 or 116-123. When the UK does not control London, this bonus and ONLY Canadian marked IPCs, may continue to be collected, saved and spent at any Canadian industrial complex.
Shipping Lanes Secure [Pacific Economy]
3 IPCs for control of United Kingdom, Gibraltar, Malta, Egypt, Trans-Jordan, British Somali-land, West India & India and no hostile Axis warships adjacent to these territories.
Pacific Power Centers [Pacific Economy]
5 IPCs for Control of Hong Kong and Malaya when at war with Japan
Mare Nostrum
5 IPCs if no hostile Allied surface warships are in the Mediterranean (92-99) OR Axis control of all islands in the Mediterranean (Sardinia, Sicily, Malta, Crete, Cyprus)
Italian North African Empire
5 IPCs for Axis control of North Africa (Morocco, Algeria, Tunisia, Libya, Tobruk, Alexandria)
Mediterranean Power Centers
5 IPCs for control of 3 of 4 (Gibraltar, Egypt, Southern France, Greece)
Middle East Oil
2 IPCs for each or any of the following territories occupied by an Italian land unit. (Persia, Northwestern Persia, Iraq, Saudi-Arabia)
War of National Defense
12 IPCs (One Time Only) of units to be placed in Northern Italy or Southern Italy at the end of a combat movement phase if you are attacked by the Western Allies while you are still neutral. (Before Paris has fallen)
Island Security
5 IPCs for control of Dutch New Guinea, New Guinea, New Britain, and Solomon Islands, when at war with Japan.
Shipping Security
5 IPCs for allied control of Malaya and all original ANZAC territory, when at war with Japan
Le Grande Armee
12 IPCs (One Time Only) of French units to be placed in France (Paris) if it ever contains US or UK land units.
[Germany] - 14 IPCs
Germany - 16 Infantry, 6 Artillery, 6 Tanks, 1 Fighter, 2 Bombers, 4 AA Guns, Major Industrial Complex
Western Germany - 1 Infantry, 6 Fighters, 4 Tactical Bombers, 4 AA Guns, Major Industrial Complex, Port, Airbase
Greater Southern Germany - 6 Infantry, 2 Mech Infantry, 4 Artillery
SZ 113 - 2 Subs, 1 Destroyer, 2 Cruisers, 1 Battleship, 2 Transports
SZ 112 - 2 Subs, 1 Destroyer
SZ 124 - 1 Sub
SZ 123 - 1 Sub
SZ 86 - 1 Battleship, 1 Transport
Soviet Union - 35 IPCs
Russia - 4 Infantry, 1 Mech Infantry, 1 Artillery, 1 Tank, 1 Fighter, 2 AA Guns, Major Industrial Complex, Airbase
Samara - 2 Infantry
Novosobirsk - 2 Infantry
Timguska - 2 Infantry
Yenisey - 2 Infantry
Yakut S.S.R. - 2 Infantry
Buryatia - 2 Infantry
Sakha - 2 Infantry
Amur - 6 Infantry, 1 Mech Infantry, 2 Artillery, 1 Tank, 1 Fighter, 2 AA Guns
Siberia - 2 Infantry
Soviet Far East - 2 Infantry
Caucasus - 1 Infantry, 1 Artillery
Volgograd - 1 Infantry, 1 Tank, Minor Industrial Complex
Ukraine - 2 Infantry, 1 Mech Infantry, Minor Industrial Complex
Western Ukraine - 1 Infantry
Belarus - 1 Infantry, 1 Artillery
Novgorod - 4 Infantry, 1 Mech Infantry, 1 Fighter, 1 AA Gun, Minor Industrial Complex, Port, Airbase
SZ 5 - 1 Destroyer
SZ 100 - 1 Sub, 1 Destroyer
SZ 115 - 1 Sub, 1 Cruiser, 1 Battleship
SZ 127 - 1 Destroyer
Japan - 24 IPCs
Japan - 11 Infantry, 2 Mech Infantry, 2 Artillery, 2 Tanks, 2 Fighters, 2 Tactical Bombers, 2 Bombers, 2 AA Guns, Major Industrial Complex, Port, Airbase
Korea - 4 Infantry, 1 Mech Infantry, 1 Artillery, 1 Tank, 1 Fighter, 2 AA Guns
Manchuria - 6 Infantry, 1 Artillery, 1 Tank, 2 Fighters, 2 Tactical Bombers, 2 AA Guns, Control Marker
Jehol - 2 Infantry, 1 Artillery, Control Marker
Shantung - 2 Infantry, 1 Artillery, Control Marker
Kiangsu - 2 Infantry, 1 Artillery, 1 Fighter, 1 Tactical Bomber, Minor Industrial Complex (With 6 Points of Damage), Port (With 6 Points of Damage), Control Marker
Iwo Jima - 1 Infantry
Okinawa - 1 Infantry, 1 Fighter, Air Base
Formosa - 1 Infantry, 1 Fighter
Hainan - 1 Infantry
Siam - 3 Infantry, 1 Artillery
Paulau Island - 1 Infantry
Caroline Islands - 2 Infantry, 1 Artillery, 1 AA Gun, Port, Air Base
Marshall Islands - 1 Infantry
Marianas - 1 Infantry
SZ 6 - 1 Sub, 1 Destroyer, 1 Cruiser, 2 Battleships
SZ 19 - 2 Cruisers, 2 Carriers W/ 2 Fighters & 2 Tactical Bombers, 2 Transports
SZ 20 - 1 Sub, 1 Cruiser, 1 Carrier W/ 1 Fighter and 1 Tactical Bomber
SZ 33 - 1 Sub, 1 Destroyer
SZ 36 - 1 Destroyer
United States - 52 IPCs
Eastern United States - 1 Infantry, 2 Mech Infantry, 1 Fighter, 1 Bomber, 2 AA Guns, Minor Industrial Complex, Port, Air Base
Central United States - 1 Infantry, 2 Mech Infantry, Minor Industrial Complex
Western United States - 1 Infantry, 2 Mech Infantry, 1 Fighter, 1 Bomber, 2 AA Guns, Minor Industrial Complex, Port, Air Base
Central America - 1 Infantry, 1 AA Gun
Alaska - 1 Infantry
Hawaii - 1 Infantry, 1 Mech Infantry, 1 Fighter, 1 AA Gun, Port, Air Base
Wake - 1 Infantry, Air Base
Midway - 1 Infantry, Air Base
Guam - 1 Infantry, Air Base
Philippines - 2 Infantry, 1 Fighter, Port, Air Base
SZ 101 - 1 Cruiser
SZ 10 - 1 Sub, 1 Destroyer, 1 Cruiser, 1 Carrier W/ 1 Fighter & 1 Tactical Bomber
SZ 26 - 1 Sub, 1 Battleship, 1 Transport
SZ 29 - 1 Destroyer, 1 Carrier W/ 1 Fighter & 1 Tactical Bomber
SZ 35 - 1 Destroyer, 1 Transport
China - 14 IPCs
Kiangsi - 2 Infantry, 1 Artillery
Kwangsi - 1 Infantry
Yunnan - 1 Infantry, 2 AA Guns
Burma - 1 Infantry, 1 Fighter
Szechwan - 1 Infantry
Hunan - 1 Infantry
Kweichow - 1 Infantry
Hopei - 1 Infantry
Anhwe - 4 Infantry
Shensi - 1 Infantry
Suiyuyan - 1 Infantry
Chahar - 1 Infantry
Kansu - 1 Infantry
Sikang - 1 Infantry
Tsinghai - 1 Infantry
United Kingdom [Europe] - 27 IPCs
United Kingdom - 1 Infantry, 1 Artillery, 1 Tank, 2 Fighers, 1 Bomber, 4 AA Guns, Major Industrial Complex, Port, Air Base
Scotland - 1 Infantry, 1 Mech Infantry, 1 Fighter, 1 AA Gun, Air Base
New Brunswick/Nova Scotia - Port
Quebec - 1 Infantry, 1 Artillery, 1 Tank, 1 Fighter, Minor Industrial Complex
Ontario - 1 Infantry, 1 AA Gun
Alberta, Saskatchewan, Manitoba - 1 Infantry
British Colombia {Western Canada} - 1 Infantry, 1 Mech Infantry
Gibraltar - 1 Infantry, 1 Fighter, 1 AA gun, Port
Malta - 1 Infantry, 1 Fighter, AA gun, Airbase
Alexandria - 1 Infantry
Egypt - 1 Infantry, 1 Tank, 1 AA Gun, 1 Tactical Bomber, Port
Trans-Jordan - 1 Infantry
Anglo-Egypt Sudan - 1 Infantry
Kenya - 1 Infantry, 1 Artillery
Southwest Africa - 1 Infantry
Union of South Africa - 1 Infantry, 1 Mech Infantry, 1 Aritllery, 1 Fighter, 1 AA Gun, Minor Industrial Complex, Port
SZ 106 - 1 Destroyer
SZ 109 - 2 Cruisers, 1 Battleship
SZ 110 - 1 Cruiser, 1 Transport
SZ 119 - 1 Carrier W/ 1 Fighter
SZ 93 - 1 Destroyer, 1 Battleship, 1 Transport
SZ 98 - 1 Sub, 1 Destroyer
SZ 71 - 1 Destroyer, 1 Transport
SZ 84 - 1 Cruiser
SZ 83 - 1 Transport
United Kingdom [Pacific] - 17 IPCs
India - 6 Infantry, 2 Artillery, 2 Fighters, 1 Tactical Bomber, 2 AA Guns, Major Industrial Complex, Port, Air Base
West India - 2 Infantry
Malaya - 3 Infantry, 1 AA Gun, Port
Kwangtung - 2 Infantry, Port
SZ 39 - 1 Sub, 2 Destroyers, 1 Cruiser, 1 Transport
SZ 37 - 1 Battleship
Italy - 10 IPCs
Southern Italy - 6 Infantry, 1 Fighter, 2 AA Guns, Minor Industrial Complex, Port, Air Base
Northern Italy - 2 Infantry, 1 Artillery, 1 Tank, 1 Fighter, 1 Bomber, 2 AA Guns, Major Industrial Complex
Albania - 2 Infantry, 1 Tank
Sicily - 1 Infantry, 1 Tactical Bomber, Air Base
Libya - 4 Infantry, 1 Artillery, 1 Tank, 1 AA Gun
Tobruk - 4 Infantry, 1 Mech Infantry, 1 Artillery
Ethiopia - 2 Infantry, 1 Artillery
Italian Somaliland - 1 Infantry, 1 Mech Infantry
SZ 95 - 1 Sub, 1 Destroyer, 1 Cruiser, 1 Transport
SZ 96 - 1 Destroyer, 1 Transport
SZ 97 - 1 Cruiser, 1 Battleship, 1 Transport
SZ 99 - 1 Sub
New South Wales - 1 Infantry, 1 AA Gun, Minor Industrial Complex, Port
Queensland - 1 Infantry, 1 Artillery, 1 Fighter, 1 AA Gun, Port, Air Base
Northern Territory - 1 Infantry
South Australia - 1 Infantry
Western Australia - 1 Infantry, Airbase
New Zealand - 1 Infantry, 1 Fighter, 1 AA Gun, Minor Industrial Complex, Port, Air Base
Malaya - 1 Infantry
SZ 54 - 1 Destroyer
SZ 62 - 1 Cruiser, 1 Transport
SZ 63 - 1 Sub
SZ 65 - 1 Cruiser
France - 19 IPCs
France - 11 Infantry, 1 Tank, 1 Fighter, 2 AA Guns, Minor Industrial Complex, Air Base
Normandy/Bordeaux - 2 Infantry
Southern France - 1 Infantry, 1 Artillery
Morocco - 1 Infantry
Algeria - 1 Infantry
Tunisia - 1 Infantry
Syria - 1 Infantry
French Central Africa - 1 Mech Infantry
SZ 105 - 1 Battleship, 1 Transport
SZ 93 - 1 Destroyer, 1 Cruiser
SZ 94 - 1 Cruiser
SZ 98 - 1 Destroyer
Pro-Allied Neutrals
Poland - 10 Infantry
Eastern Poland - 0 Infantry
Denmark - 1 Infantry
Norway - 3 Infantry
Iceland - 0 Infantry
Greenland - 0 Infantry
Pro-Axis Neutrals
Vyborg - 2 Infantry
Baltic States - 1 Infantry
Bessarabia - 0 Infantry
Romania - 5 Infantry
Slovakia Hungary - 5 Infantry
Northwestern Persia - 1 Infantry (no longer Pro-Allied)
Persia - 1 Infantry (no longer Pro-Allied)
Eastern Persia - 1 Infantry (no longer Pro-Allied)
Benelux [Dutch/Belgian] (Treat as Pro-Allied after any of their possessions are attacked)
Holland Belgium - 4 Infantry
Belgian Congo - 1 Infantry
Java - 1 Infantry
This looks great! Are there any special rules for a Soviet-Finnish Winter War? Can USSR walk into Eastern Poland while neutral?
If the Soviets can attack Finland and win, its all theirs. So Germany might want to get there first.
Yes, the Soviets can attack pro-axis forces, or activate pro Allied territories before it is at war with the germans
Wow these rules look really fun. Can’t wait to set the board up to start to see the nuances of the 1939 version. I bet I might have some questions after I do that. First thing that comes to mind though is when and if the axis attack the Dutch. I can see a scenario where the Germans wait to take Belgium to allow the Japanese to focus elsewhere before focusing on the money islands.
This looks great! I will definitely give this a spin in the future. We played your 1941 set up earlier this year via YouTube and we really enjoyed it. Keep up the good work Oztea!
Wow these rules look really fun. Can’t wait to set the board up to start to see the nuances of the 1939 version. I bet I might have some questions after I do that. First thing that comes to mind though is when and if the axis attack the Dutch. I can see a scenario where the Germans wait to take Belgium to allow the Japanese to focus elsewhere before focusing on the money islands.
Ah, we discovered this in a playtest also. However, without control of Belgium/Holland on turn 1. German fighters and tactical bombers can’t attack the Allied fleets in the Channel Area. So it let the allies move them around with no fear, and could send the UK fighters away that were there for scramble cover to do other things.
Great to see the 1939 version. Absolutely love your 1941 version, which is my favorite of all the house rule set ups I’ve seen.
Hello, haven’t done the set up yet but I was curious, if you were to make Canada a separate power, how would you change the setup, if any?
On the subject of Benelux neutrality.
I have run this set up twice, once as Japan now Germany, currently turn 3 and still not taken.
It seems the only motivation for taking Belgium, besides possible landing spot, is the printed Ipc and a 3 Ipc N.O. I figure the 6 Ipc loss is worth keeping Anzac and FEC out of the money islands. Coordinating with J for simultaneous assault.
Maybe the Maginot needs to be put in? One of the reasons for them going through Belgium. Either nerf the Germans or buff the French in some way when France is attacked while Benelux neutral.
My first thought was -1 G rolls. Considered bypassed when half of F inf. is lost. And/or a preemptive barrage, like shelling amphibious landing troops in1914.
Just ideas so far, nothing has been tested yet.
Have fun.
Would love to play this on triple a!!!
I’ve been wanting to add it for a while along with his 42. I’ll look it over again and see what it’d take as it’s a little different than just adjusting units and game start.
yea this will take some time. Think triplea should be able to do everything except the russian LendLease infantry placement if moscow is captured. That should be pretty easy to player enforce though.
I guess for countries not listed (Finland,Sweden,etc…) I’ll just go with oob set up. Have a couple other things to finish up and then I’ll give it a go
The landing spot is pretty important for turn 2 to threaten UK ships with the German airforce, without it your fighters range is extremely limited so the UK has more of a free hand. When and if Japan takes the money islands anyway then all the other Benelux territories become pro-allied too.
A rule to solve this might perhaps be that for each turn that Beneulux is not attacked, it either trades with the allies in some way, or simply adds some quantity of units to Belgium per turn (allowing it to spend all 15 of it’s cash on hand as if it was China would probably be ludicrous, thats 5 more infantry Germany would have to deal with so they would never ignore attacking it first turn and would make the whole point of the rule pointless. Hypothetically creating a new set of allied National Objectives might be a way to solve this.
Gateway to Europe
While neutral, and all original Benelux territories are controlled by Benelux 5 IPCs of collected income is distributed to each of United Kingdom, United States, ANZAC
However that again would probably just mean Germany attacks the first turn to get their own bonus, and rob the allies of this one.
You are correct in establishing the reason why Germany attacked the low countries, for a better attack path on to Paris. But that requires new mechanical special rules for the maginot line and whatnot. Even though the Maginot line was never intended to totally stop Germany, it was only designed to absorb an attack for 60 days while France could ramp up to full mobilization, so don’t treat it as an impenetrable line in your mind. Germany could very well ignore Belgium all game, and the Japanese can ignore it too and go for an attack on the USSR and get that new bonus.
I am considering a Vichy France special rule as well. Considering it’s pretty dramatic how the game lacks it.
Special Rules
@oztea good timing. Figured you probably still checked in once in a while. I’m pretty close to finishing this for triplea. Have a unit issue slowing me down at the moment.
Anyway, I can add any changes or most probably, as a “Map Option” so it’s not hardcoded into the mod if you like a idea but haven’t tested it fully. Just a thought.
Could do something simple such as adding 1 or 2 Dutch dudes per turn if you wanted for the above Dutch issue.
Also could add a “Bunker” unit to France if you wanted to represent the Maginot and have it disappear if you attacked Belgium first. Maybe not disappear but have their defense value go to 0. They’d still soak a hit that way though. I use them as D3 takes 2 hits to kill. Can bomb them too. The trick would be to find the right balance so you wouldn’t automatically go one way or the other. Anyway, just another thought.
@barnee I try to avoid adding new pieces or stuff that people might not have because it didn’t come with the game box itself. France kinda doesn’t need a Maginot rule because I don’t want them to survive too long, if they do then the game will probably end up in a broken state anyway. Nor do I want to force Germany to attack Holland/Belgium because they didn’t do that in the first world war and they may have broken through the maginot line anyway with their tanks in 1940, based on how they obliterated the Belgian forts.
@oztea right on makes sense
This is up on triplea now. It’s under “Experimental”. I just tested things as they were added and am still on the first full test game, so keep an eye out for incorrect behavior.
Added a Dutch option:
Dutch Assist. Beginning round 2, adds 1 Infantry to Holland Belgium after German Non Combat Move every turn until Holland is attacked and conquered. Activates via “Map Options”.
Didn’t do anything for the Vichy. You can use the in game dice roller and “Edit” if you want for it. For anyone who doesn’t know, the dice roller is located on the top bar under “Game”.
Years ago Xeno Games had a vichy rule that went something like this: After France fell you rolled for each of the remaining French Territories and Sea Zones. 1-3 they stayed Free. 4-6 they turned Vichy. Their units, if any, turned German. It didn’t have Italy. The Sea Zones was “1” = turn German, “2-4” scuttled and “5-6” turned British. Something like that.
Anyway, just a thought for whatever you decide on. Will try and add any changes that triplea can do when they’re posted.
Clarification on a couple objectives needed. “MidEast Oil” and “Med Power Centers” for Italy. Currently in triplea one just needs Axis control not Italian for “Power Centers” and need Italian control instead of presence for “Mideast Oil”.
The way it’s written it seems that it is Italian control and Italian presence. Is that correct ?
Don’t see how France can be saved turn 2. Even sending all UK air, if Germany doesn’t, Italy should still dust it. May be by design, but with game start 2 turns in advance, seems they’d get one more. Would leave a large Allied Fleet, but killing France would be the objective after consolidating the neutrals, I would think.
Anyway, gonna start another one, this was just a couple round tester : )
Hmm…seems Egypt is gonna be hard to save rd 3. Might be able to dust the Italian Fleet, but maybe not. Even so, a pretty big land army for Italy and they have that somalia force that needs to be dealt with as well. We’ll see how it plays out :)
Looks as if the French ships are gonna have to help. Still won’t stop the army but …might be enough. Looks pretty touch and go heh heh
Idk, maybe that Italian Army needs to be reduced a bit. Sure seems tough for Egypt. I could easily be missing something though : )