Game History
Round: 2
Supporting Britain - Canada
Canada collect 0 PUs; end with 28 PUs
Organizing Partisan Operations - ExiledAllies
ExiledAllies collect 0 PUs; end with 11 PUs
Preparing Defense - Egypt
Egypt collect 0 PUs; end with 9 PUs
Marching Orders - SouthAfrica
SouthAfrica collect 0 PUs; end with 7 PUs
Preparing Ambushes - India
India collect 0 PUs; end with 13 PUs
Preparing Naval Operations - Australia
Australia collect 0 PUs; end with 22 PUs
Research Technology - Britain
Trigger britishaTAD: Britain gains access to AdvancedDestroyers
Britain spend 0 on tech rolls
Britain rolls : 1/1 hits, 0,00 expected hits
Britain removing all Technology Tokens after successful research.
Britain discover SpecialWarfare
Combat Move - Britain
Trigger britishMecht3: Setting isLandTransportable to false for unitAttachment attached to britishMech.Infantry
Trigger britishTank1: Setting isLandTransportable to false for unitAttachment attached to britishTank
Trigger britishHvyTank1: Setting isLandTransportable to false for unitAttachment attached to britishHeavyTank
Trigger britishAirtraninfra1: Setting isInfrastructure to false for unitAttachment attached to britishAirTransport
Trigger britishAirtraninfra1: Setting attack to 1 for unitAttachment attached to britishAirTransport
Trigger britishAirtraninfra1: Setting destroyedWhenCapturedBy cleared for unitAttachment attached to britishAirTransport
Trigger ArchangelLLBritain1: Britain takes ownership of territory Archangel
Trigger EasternIranLLBritain1: Britain takes ownership of territory Eastern Iran
Trigger MurmanskLLBritain1: Britain takes ownership of territory Murmansk
Trigger SovietFarEastLLBritain1: Britain takes ownership of territory Soviet Far East
Trigger EasternSzechwanLLBritain1: Britain takes ownership of territory Eastern Szechwan
Trigger LLabLL: Britain has 1 Pg placed in Labrador
Trigger britishMecht4: Setting isLandTransportable to true for unitAttachment attached to britishMech.Infantry
Trigger britishTank2: Setting isLandTransportable to true for unitAttachment attached to britishTank
Trigger britishHvyTank2: Setting isLandTransportable to true for unitAttachment attached to britishHeavyTank
1 britishStrategicBomber moved from London to Eastern France
2 britishMarines moved from Central Britain to 23 Sea Zone
2 britishMarines moved from 23 Sea Zone to Low Countries
1 britishTacticalBomber moved from London to Low Countries
1 britishNavalFighter moved from 23 Sea Zone to Low Countries
1 britishArtillery and 1 britishInfantry moved from Bengal to Rangoon
1 britishDestroyer moved from 14 Sea Zone to 15 Sea Zone
Combat - Britain
Strategic bombing raid in Eastern France
Bombing raid in Eastern France rolls: 1 and causes: 1 damage to unit: Rail
Bombing raid in Eastern France causes 1 damage total.
Battle in Low Countries
Britain attack with 2 britishMarines, 1 britishNavalFighter and 1 britishTacticalBomber
Germany defend with 1 Flagpole, 1 UnitsForExiledAllies and 1 germanEntrenchment
Britain roll dice for 1 britishBattleship and 1 britishCruiser in Low Countries, round 2 : 2/1 hits, 1,08 expected hits
Germany roll dice for 1 germanEntrenchment in Low Countries, round 2 : 1/1 hits, 0,50 expected hits
1 britishMarine owned by the Britain and 1 germanEntrenchment owned by the Germany lost in Low Countries
Some non-combat units are destroyed:
Britain win, taking Low Countries from Germany with 1 britishMarine, 1 britishNavalFighter and 1 britishTacticalBomber remaining. Battle score for attacker is 2
Casualties for Britain: 1 britishMarine
Casualties for Germany: 1 germanEntrenchment
Battle in Rangoon
Britain attack with 1 britishArtillery and 1 britishInfantry
Japan defend with 1 Flagpole, 1 Rail and 1 japaneseInfantry
Britain roll dice for 1 britishArtillery and 1 britishInfantry in Rangoon, round 2 : 0/1 hits, 0,58 expected hits
Japan roll dice for 1 japaneseInfantry in Rangoon, round 2 : 1/1 hits, 0,42 expected hits
1 britishInfantry owned by the Britain lost in Rangoon
1 britishArtillery owned by the Britain retreated to Bengal
Japan win with 1 japaneseInfantry remaining. Battle score for attacker is -3
Casualties for Britain: 1 britishInfantry
Battle in 15 Sea Zone
Britain attack with 1 britishDestroyer; Russia loiter and taunt
Germany defend with 1 germanSubmarine
Substrike fire in 15 Sea Zone : 1/1 hits, 0,17 expected hits
1 britishDestroyer owned by the Britain lost in 15 Sea Zone
Germany win with 1 germanSubmarine remaining. Battle score for attacker is -8
Casualties for Britain: 1 britishDestroyer
Non Combat Move - Britain
Trigger britishMecht1: Setting isLandTransport to true for unitAttachment attached to britishMech.Infantry
Trigger UnitsEALowCountries1: Setting switch to false for conditionAttachmentUnitsEALowCountries attached to ExiledAllies
Trigger IncomeRegulation3: Setting switch to true for conditionAttachmentYes attached to ExiledAllies
Trigger britishMecht2: Setting isLandTransport to false for unitAttachment attached to britishMech.Infantry
Trigger britishAirtraninfra2: Setting isInfrastructure to true for unitAttachment attached to britishAirTransport
Trigger britishAirtraninfra2: Setting attack to 0 for unitAttachment attached to britishAirTransport
Trigger britishAirtraninfra2: Setting destroyedWhenCapturedBy to FROM:Britain for unitAttachment attached to britishAirTransport
Trigger ArchangelLLBritain2: Russia takes ownership of territory Archangel
Trigger EasternIranLLBritain2: Russia takes ownership of territory Eastern Iran
Trigger SovietFarEastLLBritain2: Russia takes ownership of territory Soviet Far East
Trigger MurmanskLLBritain2: Russia takes ownership of territory Murmansk
Trigger UnitsEALowCountries1: ExiledAllies has 1 britishInfantry placed in Low Countries
1 britishFighter moved from London to Southern Britain
1 britishNavalFighter moved from Labrador to Central Britain
1 britishNavalFighter moved from Low Countries to 23 Sea Zone
1 britishTacticalBomber moved from Low Countries to Southern Britain
1 britishNavalFighter moved from Central Britain to London
1 britishAlpineInfantry moved from Scotland to Central Britain
1 britishDestroyer moved from 36 Sea Zone to 30 Sea Zone
1 britishDestroyer moved from 21 Sea Zone to 32 Sea Zone
1 britishInfantry and 1 britishMarine moved from Gibraltar to 41 Sea Zone
1 britishCruiser, 1 britishDestroyer, 1 britishInfantry, 1 britishMarine and 1 britishTransport moved from 41 Sea Zone to 21 Sea Zone
1 britishInfantry and 1 britishMarine moved from 21 Sea Zone to Southern Britain
1 britishAirTransport and 1 britishParatrooper moved from Gibraltar to London
1 britishStrategicBomber moved from Eastern France to Southern Britain
1 britishAntiAirGun moved from 101 Sea Zone to Soviet Far East
1 britishArtillery and 1 britishInfantry moved from British Columbia to 104 Sea Zone
1 britishArtillery, 1 britishInfantry and 1 britishTransport moved from 104 Sea Zone to 101 Sea Zone
1 britishArtillery and 1 britishInfantry moved from 101 Sea Zone to Soviet Far East
1 Train moved from British Columbia to Saskatchewan
1 Train and 1 britishArtillery moved from Saskatchewan to British Columbia
1 Train moved from British Columbia to Alberta
1 Material and 1 Truck moved from Calcutta to Bengal
1 Truck moved from Bengal to Western Bengal
1 britishInfantry and 1 britishMech.Infantry moved from Western Bengal to Bengal
3 britishInfantrys moved from Calcutta to Bengal
1 britishNavalFighter moved from Malta to Cairo
1 britishFighter moved from Western Egypt to Cairo
1 britishInfantry moved from Trans Jordan to Sinai
1 britishInfantry moved from Iraq to Trans Jordan
1 britishBattleship, 1 britishCruiser, 1 britishDestroyer and 2 britishTransports moved from 53 Sea Zone to 72 Sea Zone
1 britishAntiAirGun and 1 britishInfantry moved from Bombay to 75 Sea Zone
1 Material, 1 Train and 1 britishAntiAirGun moved from Bombay to Cairo
1 britishAntiAirGun, 1 britishDestroyer, 1 britishInfantry and 1 britishTransport moved from 75 Sea Zone to 72 Sea Zone
1 britishAntiAirGun and 1 britishInfantry moved from 72 Sea Zone to Cairo
1 britishArtillery, 3 britishInfantrys and 1 britishMarine moved from Abyssinia to 72 Sea Zone
1 britishArtillery, 3 britishInfantrys and 1 britishMarine moved from 72 Sea Zone to Cairo
1 britishDestroyer moved from 73 Sea Zone to 72 Sea Zone
1 britishTransport moved from 73 Sea Zone to 79 Sea Zone
2 britishInfantrys moved from Cape Town to Eastern South Africa
1 Material and 1 Truck moved from Eastern South Africa to Belgian Congo
1 Material and 1 Truck moved from Cairo to Anglo Egyptian Sudan
1 britishArtillery, 1 britishCombatEngineer and 1 britishInfantry moved from Eastern South Africa to Rhodesia
1 britishMech.Infantry moved from Rhodesia to Cameroon
1 britishMech.Infantry moved from Cameroon to Nigeria
2 britishInfantrys moved from Cairo to Western Egypt
1 britishTank moved from Western Egypt to Cairo
2 britishArtillerys moved from Cairo to Western Egypt
1 britishInfantry moved from Central Egpyt to Western Egypt
1 britishSubmarine moved from 88 Sea Zone to 149 Sea Zone
1 Truck and 1 britishAntiAirGun moved from Southwestern Australia to Northwestern Australia
1 Truck moved from Northwestern Australia to Southern Australia
1 britishBattleship, 1 britishCruiser, 1 britishDestroyer and 1 britishTransport moved from 162 Sea Zone to 149 Sea Zone
1 britishArtillery, 1 britishInfantry and 1 britishTransport moved from 160 Sea Zone to 163 Sea Zone
1 britishArtillery and 1 britishInfantry moved from 163 Sea Zone to Southwestern Australia
1 britishInfantry moved from South Island to 159 Sea Zone
1 britishInfantry moved from South Island to 159 Sea Zone
2 britishInfantrys and 1 britishTransport moved from 159 Sea Zone to 152 Sea Zone
2 britishInfantrys moved from 152 Sea Zone to Queensland
1 britishSubmarine moved from 147 Sea Zone to 149 Sea Zone
1 britishInfantry moved from Quebec to Labrador
1 Truck moved from Quebec to Northern Central US
1 britishNavalFighter moved from London to Central Britain
Purchase Units - Britain
Britain buy 1 britishFighter, 1 britishHull, 6 britishInfantrys and 1 britishTransport; Remaining resources: 0 PUs; 0 techTokens;
Trigger EasternSzechwanLLBritain2: China takes ownership of territory Eastern Szechwan
Place Units - Britain
1 britishHull and 1 britishTransport placed in 23 Sea Zone
1 britishFighter placed in Central Britain
2 britishInfantrys placed in London
3 britishInfantrys placed in Scotland
Activate Technology - Britain
Britain activating SpecialWarfare
Trigger britishSW2: Setting canInvadeOnlyFrom to all for unitAttachment attached to britishInfantry
Trigger britishSW2: Setting canInvadeOnlyFrom to all for unitAttachment attached to britishAlpineInfantry
Trigger britishSW2: Setting canInvadeOnlyFrom to all for unitAttachment attached to britishParatrooper
Trigger britishSW2: Setting canInvadeOnlyFrom to all for unitAttachment attached to britishCombatEngineer
Trigger britishSW1: Setting isMarine to true for unitAttachment attached to britishMarine
Trigger britishSW3: Britain is added to UnitSupportAttachment attached to:UnitType{name=britishAirTransport} with name:supportAttachmentAirtranbritish
Turn Complete - Britain
Trigger LLbFS: has removed 1 britishAntiAirGun owned by Britain in Soviet Far East
Trigger LLbAS: has removed 1 britishArtillery owned by Britain in Soviet Far East
Trigger LLbAS: Russia has 1 russianArtillery placed in Soviet Far East
Trigger LLbFS: Russia has 1 russianAntiAirGun placed in Soviet Far East
Britain collect 36 PUs; end with 36 PUs
Objective BelgianCongo2: Britain met a national objective for an additional 2 PUs; end with 38 PUs
Objective Syria2: Britain met a national objective for an additional 1 PU; end with 39 PUs
Objective NewHebrides2: Britain met a national objective for an additional 1 PU; end with 40 PUs
Objective Iceland2: Britain met a national objective for an additional 1 PU; end with 41 PUs
Units generate 6 techTokens; Britain end with 6 techTokens
Units Change Ownership
Some Units in Anglo Egyptian Sudan change ownership: 1 Material
Some Units in Belgian Congo change ownership: 1 Material
Some Units in Cairo change ownership: 1 Material
Some Units in Java change ownership: 1 britishCombatEngineer
Some Units in New South Wales change ownership: 1 Material
Some Units in Northwestern Australia change ownership: 1 britishCombatEngineer
Some Units in Quebec change ownership: 1 britishCombatEngineer
Some Units in Western Egypt change ownership: 1 britishCombatEngineer
Purchase Units - Canada
Canada buy 1 britishArtillery and 2 britishNavalFighters; Remaining resources: 2 PUs;
Place Units - Canada
2 britishNavalFighters placed in Quebec
1 britishArtillery placed in Ontario
Turn Complete - Canada
Canada collect 15 PUs; end with 17 PUs
Units Change Ownership
Some Units in Ontario change ownership: 1 britishArtillery
Some Units in Quebec change ownership: 1 britishCombatEngineer and 2 britishNavalFighters
Trigger chineseLLftc2b: Setting isAir to true for unitAttachment attached to chineseFighter
Trigger chineseLLftc22b: Setting isAir to true for unitAttachment attached to chineseTacticalBomber
Trigger chineseLLftc22b: Setting isStrategicBomber to true for unitAttachment attached to chineseTacticalBomber
Purchase Units - ExiledAllies
ExiledAllies buy nothing; Remaining resources: 11 PUs;
Turn Complete - ExiledAllies
ExiledAllies collect 25 PUs; end with 36 PUs
Objective Syria1: ExiledAllies met a national objective for an additional -1 PU; end with 35 PUs
Objective BritishDutch1: ExiledAllies met a national objective for an additional -2 PUs; end with 33 PUs
Objective BritishDutch2: ExiledAllies met a national objective for an additional -3 PUs; end with 30 PUs
Objective NewHebrides1: ExiledAllies met a national objective for an additional -1 PU; end with 29 PUs
Objective Iceland1: ExiledAllies met a national objective for an additional -1 PU; end with 28 PUs
Objective BritishDutch4: ExiledAllies met a national objective for an additional -2 PUs; end with 26 PUs
Objective BritishDutch5: ExiledAllies met a national objective for an additional -2 PUs; end with 24 PUs
Objective BritishDutch6: ExiledAllies met a national objective for an additional -2 PUs; end with 22 PUs
Objective BelgianCongo1: ExiledAllies met a national objective for an additional -2 PUs; end with 20 PUs
Units Change Ownership
Some Units in Belgian Congo change ownership: 1 Material
Some Units in Java change ownership: 1 britishCombatEngineer
Some Units in Low Countries change ownership: 1 britishInfantry
Purchase Units - Egypt
Egypt buy 3 britishInfantrys; Remaining resources: 0 PUs;
Place Units - Egypt
3 britishInfantrys placed in Cairo
Turn Complete - Egypt
Egypt collect 9 PUs; end with 9 PUs
Units Change Ownership
Some Units in Anglo Egyptian Sudan change ownership: 1 Material
Some Units in Cairo change ownership: 1 Material and 3 britishInfantrys
Some Units in Western Egypt change ownership: 1 britishCombatEngineer
Purchase Units - SouthAfrica
SouthAfrica buy 2 britishInfantrys; Remaining resources: 1 PUs;
Place Units - SouthAfrica
2 britishInfantrys placed in Cape Town
Turn Complete - SouthAfrica
SouthAfrica collect 7 PUs; end with 8 PUs
Some Units in Cape Town change ownership: 2 britishInfantrys
Purchase Units - India
Trigger DutchMaterialI: 1 Material gained by PlayerID named:India
India buy 4 britishInfantrys; Remaining resources: 1 PUs;
Place Units - India
2 britishInfantrys placed in Calcutta
1 Material and 2 britishInfantrys placed in Bombay
Turn Complete - India
India collect 13 PUs; end with 14 PUs
Units Change Ownership
Some Units in Bombay change ownership: 1 Material and 2 britishInfantrys
Some Units in Calcutta change ownership: 2 britishInfantrys
Purchase Units - Australia
Trigger DutchMaterialA: 1 Material gained by PlayerID named:Australia
Australia buy 1 britishCruiser and 1 britishDestroyer; Remaining resources: 2 PUs;
Place Units - Australia
1 britishCruiser and 1 britishDestroyer placed in 162 Sea Zone
1 Material placed in New South Wales
Turn Complete - Australia
Australia collect 17 PUs; end with 19 PUs
Units Change Ownership
Some Units in 162 Sea Zone change ownership: 1 britishCruiser and 1 britishDestroyer
Some Units in New South Wales change ownership: 2 Materials
Some Units in Northwestern Australia change ownership: 1 britishCombatEngineer
Combat Hit Differential Summary :
Britain rolls : : 1,00
Substrike fire in 15 Sea Zone : : 0,83
Japan : 0,58
Britain : 0,33
Germany : 0,50