TripleA Manual Gamesave Post for game: WW2 Path to Victory
Game History
Round: 3 Purchase Units - AmericansCombat Hit Differential Summary :
TripleA Turn Summary for game: Total World War: December 1941 BETA, version:
Game History
Round: 1
Research Technology - Usa
Trigger Starttechtokens: Usa met a national objective for an additional 5 techTokens; end with 5 techTokens
Trigger americanaTIP: Usa gains access to ImprovedProduction
Usa spend 0 on tech rolls
Usa rolls : 1/1 hits, 0,00 expected hits
Usa removing all Technology Tokens after successful research.
Usa discover SpecialWarfare
Combat Move - Usa
Trigger americanHvyTank1: Setting isLandTransportable to false for unitAttachment attached to americanHeavyTank
Trigger americanMecht3: Setting isLandTransportable to false for unitAttachment attached to americanMech.Infantry
Trigger americanTank1: Setting isLandTransportable to false for unitAttachment attached to americanTank
Trigger americanAirtraninfra1: Setting destroyedWhenCapturedBy cleared for unitAttachment attached to americanAirTransport
Trigger SovietFarEastLLUsa1: Usa takes ownership of territory Soviet Far East
Trigger EasternSzechwanLLUsa1: Usa takes ownership of territory Eastern Szechwan
Trigger EasternIranLLUsa1: Usa takes ownership of territory Eastern Iran
Trigger ArchangelLLUsa1: Usa takes ownership of territory Archangel
Trigger MurmanskLLUsa1: Usa takes ownership of territory Murmansk
Trigger americanMecht4: Setting isLandTransportable to true for unitAttachment attached to americanMech.Infantry
Trigger americanHvyTank2: Setting isLandTransportable to true for unitAttachment attached to americanHeavyTank
Trigger americanTank2: Setting isLandTransportable to true for unitAttachment attached to americanTank
Non Combat Move - Usa
Trigger americanMecht1: Setting isLandTransport to true for unitAttachment attached to americanMech.Infantry
Trigger americanMecht2: Setting isLandTransport to false for unitAttachment attached to americanMech.Infantry
Trigger americanAirtraninfra2: Setting isInfrastructure to true for unitAttachment attached to americanAirTransport
Trigger americanAirtraninfra2: Setting attack to 0 for unitAttachment attached to americanAirTransport
Trigger americanAirtraninfra2: Setting destroyedWhenCapturedBy to FROM:Usa for unitAttachment attached to americanAirTransport
Trigger EasternIranLLUsa2: Russia takes ownership of territory Eastern Iran
Trigger MurmanskLLUsa2: Russia takes ownership of territory Murmansk
Trigger ArchangelLLUsa2: Russia takes ownership of territory Archangel
Trigger SovietFarEastLLUsa2: Russia takes ownership of territory Soviet Far East
Trigger americanProd1: Usa has 1 Material placed in Washington
1 Material and 1 Truck moved from San Francisco to Los Angeles
1 Truck moved from Los Angeles to Southern Central US
1 Material and 1 Truck moved from Central US to Los Angeles
1 Material and 1 americanMech.Infantry moved from Detroit to Washington
1 americanStrategicBomber moved from Iceland to London
1 Material and 1 Truck moved from Iceland to 6 Sea Zone
1 Material, 1 Truck, 1 americanDestroyer and 1 americanTransport moved from 6 Sea Zone to 21 Sea Zone
1 Material and 1 Truck moved from 21 Sea Zone to Southern Britain
1 americanTransport moved from 35 Sea Zone to 36 Sea Zone
1 americanNavalFighter moved from Florida Peninsula to Labrador
1 americanInfantry and 1 americanMarine moved from Los Angeles to 156 Sea Zone
1 americanCruiser, 1 americanInfantry, 1 americanMarine and 1 americanTransport moved from 156 Sea Zone to 115 Sea Zone
1 americanInfantry and 1 americanMarine moved from 115 Sea Zone to Hawaiian Islands
1 americanNavalFighter moved from Los Angeles to Hawaiian Islands
1 americanFighter moved from Northwestern US to Hawaiian Islands
1 americanCarrier, 1 americanDestroyer, 1 americanNavalFighter and 1 americanTransport moved from 113 Sea Zone to 115 Sea Zone
1 americanInfantry moved from Western US to 112 Sea Zone
1 americanDestroyer moved from 112 Sea Zone to 115 Sea Zone
1 americanDestroyer moved from 106 Sea Zone to 115 Sea Zone
1 americanFighter moved from Midway to Hawaiian Islands
1 americanNavalFighter moved from Hawaiian Islands to 115 Sea Zone
1 americanInfantry moved from Northwestern US to Western US
1 americanStrategicBomber moved from Los Angeles to Gilbert Islands
1 americanSubmarine moved from 134 Sea Zone to 125 Sea Zone
1 americanTank moved from Detroit to Northern Central US
1 americanInfantry moved from Northern Central US to Northwestern US
1 Material, 1 Train and 1 americanCombatEngineer moved from Chicago to Washington
1 Train moved from Washington to Detroit
1 americanInfantry and 1 americanTransport moved from 112 Sea Zone to 115 Sea Zone
1 americanInfantry moved from 115 Sea Zone to Hawaiian Islands
1 americanCombatEngineer moved from San Francisco to Los Angeles
1 americanArtillery moved from Southwestern US to Southern Central US
1 americanInfantry moved from Southern US to Southeastern US
1 Train and 1 americanAntiTankGun moved from Southeastern US to British Columbia
1 americanAirTransport and 1 americanParatrooper moved from Chicago to Washington
1 americanMarine moved from New York to Washington
1 americanInfantry moved from Northeastern US to New York
1 americanInfantry moved from Eastern Central US to Washington
1 americanInfantry moved from Florida Peninsula to Southeastern US
1 americanCarrier and 1 americanDestroyer moved from 136 Sea Zone to 135 Sea Zone
1 americanTransport moved from 36 Sea Zone to 30 Sea Zone
1 americanInfantry moved from Alaska to British Columbia
Purchase Units - Usa
Usa buy 1 ResearchCenter, 1 americanBattleship, 1 americanFactory, 2 americanNavalFighters and 1 americanSubmarine; Remaining resources: 0 PUs; 0 techTokens;
Trigger EasternSzechwanLLUsa2: China takes ownership of territory Eastern Szechwan
Place Units - Usa
Units in 30 Sea Zone being upgraded or consumed: 1 americanHull
1 americanBattleship placed in 30 Sea Zone
Units in Washington being upgraded or consumed: 2 Materials
1 ResearchCenter placed in Washington
Units in Los Angeles being upgraded or consumed: 2 Materials
1 americanFactory placed in Los Angeles
1 americanSubmarine placed in 156 Sea Zone
2 americanNavalFighters placed in Chicago
Activate Technology - Usa
Usa activating SpecialWarfare
Trigger americanSW2: Setting canInvadeOnlyFrom to all for unitAttachment attached to americanInfantry
Trigger americanSW2: Setting canInvadeOnlyFrom to all for unitAttachment attached to americanAlpineInfantry
Trigger americanSW2: Setting canInvadeOnlyFrom to all for unitAttachment attached to americanParatrooper
Trigger americanSW2: Setting canInvadeOnlyFrom to all for unitAttachment attached to americanCombatEngineer
Trigger americanSW1: Setting isMarine to true for unitAttachment attached to americanMarine
Trigger americanSW3: Usa is added to UnitSupportAttachment attached to:UnitType{name=americanAirTransport} with name:supportAttachmentAirtranamerican
Turn Complete - Usa
Usa collect 70 PUs; end with 70 PUs
Units generate 6 techTokens; Usa end with 6 techTokens
Combat Hit Differential Summary :
Usa rolls : : 1,00
Wanted to know totals for axis and allies, so made something for myself, thought you might be interested.
Interesting though Germany’s income looks a bit low on the graph. Generally, income is a better measure of how well each side is doing on this map than TUV. The main reason is that there is a lot of infrastructure especially railroads that don’t add much actual game value but contribute to TUV. I think combat unit TUV would probably be much more meaningful than total TUV. Usually by round 7-8 the income should be pretty even if its a close game.
Lets see! Even game would be nice for a first one ;-)
TripleA Move Summary for game: Total World War: December 1941 BETA, version:
Game History
Round: 2
Research Technology - Germany
Trigger germanaTIFR: Germany gains access to IncreasedFighterRange
Trigger germanaTITB: Germany gains access to ImprovedTacticalBombers
Germany spend 0 on tech rolls
Germany removing all Technology Tokens after successful research.
Germany discover IncreasedFighterRange
Combat Move - Germany
Trigger germanAirtraninfra1: Setting isInfrastructure to false for unitAttachment attached to germanAirTransport
Trigger germanAirtraninfra1: Setting attack to 1 for unitAttachment attached to germanAirTransport
Trigger germanAirtraninfra1: Setting destroyedWhenCapturedBy cleared for unitAttachment attached to germanAirTransport
Trigger germanHvyTank1: Setting isLandTransportable to false for unitAttachment attached to germanHeavyTank
Trigger germanTank1: Setting isLandTransportable to false for unitAttachment attached to germanTank
Trigger germanMecht3: Setting isLandTransportable to false for unitAttachment attached to germanMech.Infantry
1 unit repaired.
1 germanBattleship-damaged owned by the Germany removed in 25 Sea Zone
1 germanBattleship owned by the Germany added in 25 Sea Zone
1 germanArtillery, 1 germanInfantry and 1 germanTank moved from Orel Kursk to Smolensk
1 germanInfantry moved from Orel Kursk to Smolensk
1 germanArtillery and 1 germanInfantry moved from Pskov to Smolensk
1 germanMech.Infantry moved from Lativa Estonia to Smolensk
1 germanMech.Infantry and 1 germanTank moved from Belorussia to Smolensk
1 germanStrategicBomber and 1 germanTacticalBomber moved from Belorussia to Smolensk
1 germanStrategicBomber and 1 germanTacticalBomber moved from Eastern Poland to Smolensk
1 germanFighter moved from Bessarabia to Voronezh
2 germanInfantrys moved from Kharkov to Voronezh
1 germanArtillery moved from Kharkov to Voronezh
1 germanSubmarine moved from 14 Sea Zone to 15 Sea Zone
1 germanBattleship moved from 27 Sea Zone to 29 Sea Zone
1 germanSubmarine moved from 28 Sea Zone to 29 Sea Zone
2 germanNavalFighters moved from Denmark to 29 Sea Zone
1 germanCombatEngineer moved from French West Africa to Gold Coast
Need scramble and OOL.
no scramble.
Voronezh: keep the tanks longest. As long as there are MI/tanks keep the AT (but not longer than the tanks). Hmm, that’s not very clear:
As long as you have MI/tanks: inf then alp inf, then artillery, then AT then tanks
As soon as your MI/tanks are gone AT die immediately after.
rest standard
TripleA Turn Summary for game: Total World War: December 1941 BETA, version:
Game History
Round: 2
Reconnaissance Missions - Finland
Finland collect 0 PUs; end with 9 PUs
Reinforcing - DanubeAxis
DanubeAxis collect 0 PUs; end with 12 PUs
Counter Intelligence Operations - VichyFrance
VichyFrance collect 0 PUs; end with 17 PUs
Research Technology - Germany
Trigger germanaTIFR: Germany gains access to IncreasedFighterRange
Trigger germanaTITB: Germany gains access to ImprovedTacticalBombers
Germany spend 0 on tech rolls
Germany removing all Technology Tokens after successful research.
Germany discover IncreasedFighterRange
Combat Move - Germany
Trigger germanAirtraninfra1: Setting isInfrastructure to false for unitAttachment attached to germanAirTransport
Trigger germanAirtraninfra1: Setting attack to 1 for unitAttachment attached to germanAirTransport
Trigger germanAirtraninfra1: Setting destroyedWhenCapturedBy cleared for unitAttachment attached to germanAirTransport
Trigger germanHvyTank1: Setting isLandTransportable to false for unitAttachment attached to germanHeavyTank
Trigger germanTank1: Setting isLandTransportable to false for unitAttachment attached to germanTank
Trigger germanMecht3: Setting isLandTransportable to false for unitAttachment attached to germanMech.Infantry
1 unit repaired.
1 germanBattleship-damaged owned by the Germany removed in 25 Sea Zone
1 germanBattleship owned by the Germany added in 25 Sea Zone
Trigger germanMecht4: Setting isLandTransportable to true for unitAttachment attached to germanMech.Infantry
Trigger germanHvyTank2: Setting isLandTransportable to true for unitAttachment attached to germanHeavyTank
Trigger germanTank2: Setting isLandTransportable to true for unitAttachment attached to germanTank
1 germanArtillery, 1 germanInfantry and 1 germanTank moved from Orel Kursk to Smolensk
1 germanInfantry moved from Orel Kursk to Smolensk
1 germanArtillery and 1 germanInfantry moved from Pskov to Smolensk
1 germanMech.Infantry moved from Lativa Estonia to Smolensk
1 germanMech.Infantry and 1 germanTank moved from Belorussia to Smolensk
1 germanStrategicBomber and 1 germanTacticalBomber moved from Belorussia to Smolensk
1 germanStrategicBomber and 1 germanTacticalBomber moved from Eastern Poland to Smolensk
1 germanFighter moved from Bessarabia to Voronezh
2 germanInfantrys moved from Kharkov to Voronezh
1 germanArtillery moved from Kharkov to Voronezh
1 germanSubmarine moved from 14 Sea Zone to 15 Sea Zone
1 germanBattleship moved from 27 Sea Zone to 29 Sea Zone
1 germanSubmarine moved from 28 Sea Zone to 29 Sea Zone
2 germanNavalFighters moved from Denmark to 29 Sea Zone
1 germanCombatEngineer moved from French West Africa to Gold Coast
Combat - Germany
Battle in Voronezh
Germany attack with 1 germanArtillery, 1 germanFighter and 2 germanInfantrys
Russia defend with 1 Flagpole, 1 russianAirfield and 1 russianInfantry
Some non-combat units are destroyed:
Germany win, taking Voronezh from Russia with 1 germanArtillery, 1 germanFighter and 2 germanInfantrys remaining. Battle score for attacker is 3
Casualties for Russia: 1 russianInfantry
Battle in 29 Sea Zone
Germany attack with 1 germanBattleship, 2 germanNavalFighters and 1 germanSubmarine
Russia defend with 1 russianCruiser, 1 russianSubmarine and 1 russianTransport
Units damaged: 1 germanBattleship owned by the Germany
1 germanBattleship-damaged owned by the Germany added in 29 Sea Zone
Germany win, taking 29 Sea Zone from Neutral with 1 germanBattleship-damaged, 2 germanNavalFighters and 1 germanSubmarine remaining. Battle score for attacker is 4
Casualties for Russia: 1 russianCruiser, 1 russianSubmarine and 1 russianTransport
Casualties for Germany: 1 germanBattleship
Battle in Smolensk
Germany attack with 2 germanArtillerys, 3 germanInfantrys, 2 germanMech.Infantrys, 2 germanStrategicBombers, 2 germanTacticalBombers and 2 germanTanks
Russia defend with 1 Flagpole, 1 russianAlpineInfantry, 3 russianAntiTankGuns, 3 russianArtillerys, 2 russianInfantrys and 2 russianTanks
1 germanMech.Infantry owned by the Germany lost in Smolensk
Germany win, taking Smolensk from Russia with 2 germanStrategicBombers, 2 germanTacticalBombers and 2 germanTanks remaining. Battle score for attacker is 19
Casualties for Germany: 2 germanArtillerys, 3 germanInfantrys and 2 germanMech.Infantrys
Casualties for Russia: 1 russianAlpineInfantry, 3 russianAntiTankGuns, 3 russianArtillerys, 2 russianInfantrys and 2 russianTanks
Non Combat Move - Germany
Trigger germanMecht1: Setting isLandTransport to true for unitAttachment attached to germanMech.Infantry
Trigger germanAirtraninfra2: Setting isInfrastructure to true for unitAttachment attached to germanAirTransport
Trigger germanAirtraninfra2: Setting attack to 0 for unitAttachment attached to germanAirTransport
Trigger germanAirtraninfra2: Setting destroyedWhenCapturedBy to FROM:Germany for unitAttachment attached to germanAirTransport
Trigger germanMecht2: Setting isLandTransport to false for unitAttachment attached to germanMech.Infantry
2 Materials and 1 Train moved from Eastern Germany to Belorussia
1 Material and 1 germanAirTransport moved from Finland to Orel Kursk
1 germanCombatEngineer moved from Belorussia to Orel Kursk
1 germanAntiTankGun moved from Southern Ukraine to Eastern Ukraine
1 germanArtillery moved from Southern Ukraine to Eastern Ukraine
5 germanInfantrys moved from Southern Ukraine to Eastern Ukraine
1 germanAntiTankGun moved from Kharkov to Orel Kursk
1 germanCombatEngineer, 1 germanMech.Infantry and 3 germanTanks moved from Southern Ukraine to Orel Kursk
1 germanArtillery and 1 germanMech.Infantry moved from Western Ukraine to Orel Kursk
1 germanInfantry moved from Pinsk Marshes to Orel Kursk
1 germanInfantry moved from Western Ukraine to Southern Ukraine
1 germanAntiTankGun and 1 germanInfantry moved from Western Ukraine to Kharkov
4 germanInfantrys moved from Romania to Western Ukraine
1 germanFighter moved from Southern Yugoslavia to Kharkov
1 germanFighter moved from Voronezh to Kharkov
1 germanTank moved from Eastern Poland to Orel Kursk
1 germanAntiTankGun, 1 germanArtillery and 1 germanInfantry moved from Belorussia to Orel Kursk
1 Train moved from Belorussia to Poland
1 Train, 1 germanCombatEngineer and 1 germanInfantry moved from Poland to Belorussia
1 Train moved from Belorussia to Poland
1 Train moved from Belorussia to Eastern Poland
1 Truck and 1 germanArtillery moved from Eastern Poland to Orel Kursk
1 germanArtillery and 2 germanInfantrys moved from Eastern Poland to Belorussia
1 germanArtillery moved from Lativa Estonia to Belorussia
1 germanArtillery moved from Lithuania to Belorussia
1 germanInfantry moved from Lativa Estonia to Pskov
1 germanInfantry moved from Lithuania to Belorussia
2 germanInfantrys moved from Poland to Lithuania
1 germanArtillery and 1 germanMech.Infantry moved from Eastern Germany to Lithuania
1 germanAlpineInfantry and 1 germanMech.Infantry moved from Hungary Slovakia to Belorussia
1 germanArtillery, 1 germanMech.Infantry and 1 germanTank moved from Northern Italy to Romania
2 germanInfantrys and 2 germanMech.Infantrys moved from Vichy France to Northern Yugoslavia
1 germanCombatEngineer moved from Paris to Northern France
1 Truck and 1 germanAntiAirGun moved from Paris to Northern France
1 Truck moved from Western Germany to Berlin
1 Truck and 1 germanAntiAirGun moved from Berlin to Northern Germany
1 Truck moved from Paris to Southern Germany
1 Truck moved from Northern France to Eastern France
2 germanNavalFighters moved from 29 Sea Zone to Eastern Finland
1 germanAntiTankGun moved from Western Karelia to Eastern Finland
1 germanAlpineInfantry moved from Eastern Finland to Western Karelia
1 germanAlpineInfantry and 1 germanInfantry moved from Northern Finland to Eastern Finland
1 germanArtillery, 1 germanCombatEngineer, 2 germanInfantrys and 1 germanParatrooper moved from Finland to Eastern Finland
1 germanAlpineInfantry and 1 germanArtillery moved from Northern Norway to Northern Finland
1 Truck and 1 germanArtillery moved from Central Norway to Northern Finland
1 Truck moved from Northern Finland to Northern Norway
1 germanCombatEngineer and 1 germanParatrooper moved from Central Norway to Northern Norway
2 germanTacticalBombers moved from Smolensk to Belorussia
2 germanStrategicBombers moved from Smolensk to Belorussia
1 germanAirTransport moved from Poland to Eastern Germany
4 germanInfantrys moved from Eastern Germany to Poland
1 germanBattleship, 1 germanCruiser and 1 germanDestroyer moved from 25 Sea Zone to 27 Sea Zone
2 germanInfantrys moved from Low Countries to 25 Sea Zone
2 germanInfantrys and 1 germanTransport moved from 25 Sea Zone to 27 Sea Zone
2 germanInfantrys moved from 27 Sea Zone to Lithuania
2 germanInfantrys moved from Northern Germany to Eastern Germany
2 germanFighters moved from Northern Germany to Orel Kursk
2 germanFighters moved from Northern Germany to Belorussia
1 germanInfantry moved from Norway to Central Norway
1 germanInfantry moved from Central Norway to Northern Norway
2 germanSubmarines moved from 7 Sea Zone to 2 Sea Zone
1 germanSubmarine moved from 61 Sea Zone to 64 Sea Zone
1 germanSubmarine moved from 37 Sea Zone to 63 Sea Zone
1 germanTransport moved from 50 Sea Zone to 48 Sea Zone
1 Train moved from Tunisia to 48 Sea Zone
1 Train and 1 germanTransport moved from 48 Sea Zone to 50 Sea Zone
1 Train moved from 50 Sea Zone to Greece
1 germanInfantry moved from Cyrenaica to Tobruk
1 Truck and 1 germanArtillery moved from Tripolitania to Tobruk
1 germanInfantry moved from Tunisia to Algeria
1 germanInfantry moved from Morrocco to Algeria
1 germanAirTransport moved from Orel Kursk to Belorussia
1 Truck moved from Southern Ukraine to Western Ukraine
Purchase Units - Germany
Germany buy 4 Materials, 1 Truck, 1 germanAirfield, 1 germanArtillery, 1 germanCombatEngineer, 1 germanFactory, 2 germanFighters, 3 germanInfantrys and 2 germanMarines; Remaining resources: 0 PUs; 0 techTokens;
Place Units - Germany
Units in Orel Kursk being upgraded or consumed: 1 Material
1 germanAirfield placed in Orel Kursk
Units in Belorussia being upgraded or consumed: 2 Materials
1 germanFactory placed in Belorussia
3 Materials and 1 germanArtillery placed in Eastern Germany
1 germanCombatEngineer, 1 germanInfantry and 2 germanMarines placed in Northern Germany
2 germanInfantrys placed in Berlin
2 germanFighters placed in Southern Germany
1 Material and 1 Truck placed in Western Germany
Activate Technology - Germany
Germany activating IncreasedFighterRange
Trigger germanIFR2: Setting givesMovement to 3:germanNavalFighter for unitAttachment attached to germanCarrier
Trigger germanIFR1: Setting givesMovement to 3:germanFighter for unitAttachment attached to germanAirfield
Trigger germanIFR1: Setting givesMovement to 3:germanNavalFighter for unitAttachment attached to germanAirfield
Turn Complete - Germany
Germany collect 71 PUs; end with 71 PUs
Units generate 9 techTokens; Germany end with 9 techTokens
Units Change Ownership
Some Units in Algeria change ownership: 1 germanCombatEngineer
Some Units in Eastern Finland change ownership: 1 germanCombatEngineer
Some Units in Gold Coast change ownership: 1 germanCombatEngineer
Purchase Units - VichyFrance
VichyFrance buy 1 Material and 1 germanFighter; Remaining resources: 1 PUs;
Place Units - VichyFrance
1 Material and 1 germanFighter placed in Vichy France
Turn Complete - VichyFrance
VichyFrance collect 17 PUs; end with 18 PUs
Units Change Ownership
Some Units in Algeria change ownership: 1 germanCombatEngineer
Some Units in Gold Coast change ownership: 1 germanCombatEngineer
Some Units in Vichy France change ownership: 1 Material and 1 germanFighter
Purchase Units - DanubeAxis
DanubeAxis buy 4 germanInfantrys; Remaining resources: 0 PUs;
Place Units - DanubeAxis
4 germanInfantrys placed in Romania
Turn Complete - DanubeAxis
DanubeAxis collect 12 PUs; end with 12 PUs
Some Units in Romania change ownership: 4 germanInfantrys
Purchase Units - Finland
Finland buy 3 germanInfantrys; Remaining resources: 0 PUs;
Place Units - Finland
3 germanInfantrys placed in Finland
Turn Complete - Finland
Finland collect 8 PUs; end with 8 PUs
Units Change Ownership
Some Units in Eastern Finland change ownership: 1 germanCombatEngineer
Some Units in Finland change ownership: 3 germanInfantrys
TripleA Move Summary for game: Total World War: December 1941 BETA, version:
Game History
Round: 2
Research Technology - Russia
Trigger russianaTIDS: Russia gains access to ImprovedDefensiveStructures
Trigger russianaTIP: Russia gains access to ImprovedProduction
Russia spend 0 on tech rolls
Combat Move - Russia
Trigger russianAirtraninfra1: Setting isInfrastructure to false for unitAttachment attached to russianAirTransport
Trigger russianAirtraninfra1: Setting attack to 1 for unitAttachment attached to russianAirTransport
Trigger russianAirtraninfra1: Setting destroyedWhenCapturedBy cleared for unitAttachment attached to russianAirTransport
Trigger russianHvyTank1: Setting isLandTransportable to false for unitAttachment attached to russianHeavyTank
Trigger russianTank1: Setting isLandTransportable to false for unitAttachment attached to russianTank
Trigger russianL4: Setting movement to 6 for unitAttachment attached to Train
Trigger russianMecht3: Setting isLandTransportable to false for unitAttachment attached to russianMech.Infantry
Trigger russianL2: Setting movement to 3 for unitAttachment attached to Truck
Trigger AltayLLRussia1: Russia takes ownership of territory Altay
2 russianInfantrys moved from Moscow to Smolensk
2 russianInfantrys moved from Novgorod to Pskov
1 russianInfantry moved from Leningrad to Pskov
1 russianTank moved from Novgorod to Smolensk
1 russianFighter moved from Caucasus to Smolensk
1 russianTacticalBomber moved from Stalingrad to Pskov
1 russianFighter moved from Moscow to Smolensk
1 russianFighter moved from Leningrad to Pskov
1 russianStrategicBomber moved from Moscow to Pskov
1 russianFighter moved from Urals to Smolensk
1 russianFighter moved from Leningrad to Pskov
1 russianSubmarine moved from 107 Sea Zone to 120 Sea Zone
Scramble / OOL plz
Kinda tricky for Russia with all these air fields / scrambles… Takes some getting used to ;-)
No scramble. Standard OOL.
TripleA Turn Summary for game: Total World War: December 1941 BETA, version:
Game History
Round: 2
Research Technology - Russia
Trigger russianaTIDS: Russia gains access to ImprovedDefensiveStructures
Trigger russianaTIP: Russia gains access to ImprovedProduction
Russia spend 0 on tech rolls
Russia rolls : 0/1 hits, 0,00 expected hits
Combat Move - Russia
Trigger russianAirtraninfra1: Setting isInfrastructure to false for unitAttachment attached to russianAirTransport
Trigger russianAirtraninfra1: Setting attack to 1 for unitAttachment attached to russianAirTransport
Trigger russianAirtraninfra1: Setting destroyedWhenCapturedBy cleared for unitAttachment attached to russianAirTransport
Trigger russianHvyTank1: Setting isLandTransportable to false for unitAttachment attached to russianHeavyTank
Trigger russianTank1: Setting isLandTransportable to false for unitAttachment attached to russianTank
Trigger russianL4: Setting movement to 6 for unitAttachment attached to Train
Trigger russianMecht3: Setting isLandTransportable to false for unitAttachment attached to russianMech.Infantry
Trigger russianL2: Setting movement to 3 for unitAttachment attached to Truck
Trigger AltayLLRussia1: Russia takes ownership of territory Altay
Trigger russianHvyTank2: Setting isLandTransportable to true for unitAttachment attached to russianHeavyTank
Trigger russianTank2: Setting isLandTransportable to true for unitAttachment attached to russianTank
Trigger russianMecht4: Setting isLandTransportable to true for unitAttachment attached to russianMech.Infantry
2 russianInfantrys moved from Moscow to Smolensk
2 russianInfantrys moved from Novgorod to Pskov
1 russianInfantry moved from Leningrad to Pskov
1 russianTank moved from Novgorod to Smolensk
1 russianFighter moved from Caucasus to Smolensk
1 russianTacticalBomber moved from Stalingrad to Pskov
1 russianFighter moved from Moscow to Smolensk
1 russianFighter moved from Leningrad to Pskov
1 russianStrategicBomber moved from Moscow to Pskov
1 russianFighter moved from Urals to Smolensk
1 russianFighter moved from Leningrad to Pskov
1 russianSubmarine moved from 107 Sea Zone to 120 Sea Zone
Combat - Russia
Battle in Pskov
Russia attack with 2 russianFighters, 3 russianInfantrys, 1 russianStrategicBomber and 1 russianTacticalBomber
Germany defend with 1 Flagpole and 1 germanInfantry
Russia roll dice for 2 russianFighters, 3 russianInfantrys, 1 russianStrategicBomber and 1 russianTacticalBomber in Pskov, round 2 : 1/1 hits, 1,67 expected hits
Germany roll dice for 1 germanInfantry in Pskov, round 2 : 0/1 hits, 0,33 expected hits
1 germanInfantry owned by the Germany lost in Pskov
Russia win, taking Pskov from Germany with 2 russianFighters, 3 russianInfantrys, 1 russianStrategicBomber and 1 russianTacticalBomber remaining. Battle score for attacker is 3
Casualties for Germany: 1 germanInfantry
Battle in Smolensk
Russia attack with 3 russianFighters, 2 russianInfantrys and 1 russianTank
Germany defend with 1 Flagpole and 2 germanTanks
Russia roll dice for 3 russianFighters, 2 russianInfantrys and 1 russianTank in Smolensk, round 2 : 2/1 hits, 2,08 expected hits
Germany roll dice for 2 germanTanks in Smolensk, round 2 : 1/1 hits, 0,67 expected hits
1 russianInfantry owned by the Russia and 2 germanTanks owned by the Germany lost in Smolensk
Russia win, taking Smolensk from Germany with 3 russianFighters, 1 russianInfantry and 1 russianTank remaining. Battle score for attacker is 9
Casualties for Russia: 1 russianInfantry
Casualties for Germany: 2 germanTanks
Battle in 120 Sea Zone
Russia attack with 1 russianSubmarine
Japan defend with 1 japaneseCruiser and 2 japaneseTransports
Russia roll dice for 1 russianSubmarine in 120 Sea Zone, round 2 : 0/1 hits, 0,33 expected hits
Japan roll dice for 1 japaneseCruiser and 2 japaneseTransports in 120 Sea Zone, round 2 : 0/1 hits, 0,67 expected hits
Russia roll dice for 1 russianSubmarine in 120 Sea Zone, round 3 : 0/1 hits, 0,33 expected hits
Japan roll dice for 1 japaneseCruiser and 2 japaneseTransports in 120 Sea Zone, round 3 : 1/1 hits, 0,67 expected hits
1 russianSubmarine owned by the Russia lost in 120 Sea Zone
Japan win with 1 japaneseCruiser and 2 japaneseTransports remaining. Battle score for attacker is -7
Casualties for Russia: 1 russianSubmarine
Non Combat Move - Russia
Trigger russianMecht1: Setting isLandTransport to true for unitAttachment attached to russianMech.Infantry
Trigger russianAirtraninfra2: Setting isInfrastructure to true for unitAttachment attached to russianAirTransport
Trigger russianAirtraninfra2: Setting attack to 0 for unitAttachment attached to russianAirTransport
Trigger russianAirtraninfra2: Setting destroyedWhenCapturedBy to FROM:Russia for unitAttachment attached to russianAirTransport
Trigger russianL5: Setting movement to 5 for unitAttachment attached to Train
Trigger russianMecht2: Setting isLandTransport to false for unitAttachment attached to russianMech.Infantry
Trigger russianL3: Setting movement to 2 for unitAttachment attached to Truck
Trigger AltayLLRussia2: China takes ownership of territory Altay
Trigger russianProd1: Russia has 1 Material placed in Moscow
1 Material and 1 Truck moved from Murmansk to 14 Sea Zone
1 Material, 1 Truck, 1 russianDestroyer and 1 russianTransport moved from 14 Sea Zone to 15 Sea Zone
1 Material and 1 Truck moved from 15 Sea Zone to Archangel
1 russianAlpineInfantry moved from Far Eastern Republic to Yakut
1 russianArtillery moved from Soviet Far East to Far Eastern Republic
1 Truck moved from Irkutsk to Yakut
1 Truck and 1 russianInfantry moved from Yakut to Soviet Far East
1 Truck and 1 russianInfantry moved from Kansk to Sverdlovsk
1 russianInfantry moved from Volgarod to Tula
1 russianStrategicBomber and 1 russianTacticalBomber moved from Pskov to Moscow
2 russianFighters moved from Pskov to Leningrad
2 russianFighters moved from Smolensk to Stalingrad
1 russianFighter moved from Smolensk to Moscow
1 Train and 1 russianAntiAirGun moved from Omsk to Stalingrad
1 Train moved from Stalingrad to Novosibirsk
1 russianInfantry moved from Northern Kazahk to Sverdlovsk
1 russianAlpineInfantry and 1 russianInfantry moved from Sverdlovsk to Volgarod
1 russianAlpineInfantry, 1 russianAntiAirGun, 1 russianArtillery, 2 russianInfantrys, 1 russianMarine and 1 russianMech.Infantry moved from Caucasus to Stalingrad
1 Truck moved from Caucasus to Omsk
1 Train and 1 russianAntiAirGun moved from Novosibirsk to Omsk
1 Train moved from Urals to Archangel
1 Train, 1 russianAntiTankGun and 1 russianArtillery moved from Archangel to Leningrad
1 Train moved from Leningrad to Urals
1 russianMarine moved from Eastern Karelia to Leningrad
1 Truck moved from Urals to Archangel
1 Material and 1 Truck moved from Archangel to Leningrad
1 russianTank moved from Moscow to Stalingrad
1 britishAntiAirGun and 1 russianTransport moved from 104 Sea Zone to 101 Sea Zone
1 russianInfantry moved from Crimea to 56 Sea Zone
1 russianInfantry moved from Astrakhan to Stalingrad
1 russianInfantry moved from 56 Sea Zone to Caucasus
1 russianInfantry moved from Urals to Volgarod
1 russianMech.Infantry moved from Novgorod to Leningrad
3 russianTanks moved from Novgorod to Moscow
1 Truck and 1 russianAntiAirGun moved from Novgorod to Leningrad
1 Truck moved from Leningrad to Vologda
1 russianInfantry moved from Vologda to Eastern Karelia
Purchase Units - Russia
Russia buy 2 russianAntiTankGuns, 3 russianArtillerys and 16 russianInfantrys; Remaining resources: 0 PUs; 6 techTokens;
Place Units - Russia
2 russianInfantrys placed in Irkutsk
2 russianInfantrys placed in Omsk
3 russianInfantrys placed in Urals
2 russianInfantrys placed in Vologda
2 russianInfantrys placed in Leningrad
Russia undo move 3.
3 russianInfantrys placed in Volgarod
1 russianAntiTankGun and 1 russianArtillery placed in Novosibirsk
1 russianAntiTankGun, 1 russianArtillery and 1 russianInfantry placed in Stalingrad
1 russianArtillery and 2 russianInfantrys placed in Moscow
2 russianInfantrys placed in Urals
Turn Complete - Russia
Russia collect 65 PUs; end with 65 PUs
Units generate 6 techTokens; Russia end with 12 techTokens
Combat Hit Differential Summary :
Russia rolls : : 0,00
Japan : -0,33
Germany : 0,00
Russia : -1,42
TripleA Move Summary for game: Total World War: December 1941 BETA, version:
Game History
Round: 2
Research Technology - Japan
Japan spend 0 on tech rolls
Japan removing all Technology Tokens after successful research.
Japan discover SpecialWarfare
Combat Move - Japan
Trigger japaneseAirtraninfra1: Setting isInfrastructure to false for unitAttachment attached to japaneseAirTransport
Trigger japaneseAirtraninfra1: Setting attack to 1 for unitAttachment attached to japaneseAirTransport
Trigger japaneseAirtraninfra1: Setting destroyedWhenCapturedBy cleared for unitAttachment attached to japaneseAirTransport
Trigger japaneseTank1: Setting isLandTransportable to false for unitAttachment attached to japaneseTank
Trigger japaneseMecht3: Setting isLandTransportable to false for unitAttachment attached to japaneseMech.Infantry
Trigger japaneseHvyTank1: Setting isLandTransportable to false for unitAttachment attached to japaneseHeavyTank
1 japaneseAlpineInfantry, 3 japaneseArtillerys and 3 japaneseInfantrys moved from Fo Kien to Hong Kong
1 japaneseInfantry moved from Kwangtung to Hunan
1 japaneseArtillery moved from Anhwei to Hunan
1 japaneseInfantry moved from French Indochina to Yunnan
Japan take Yunnan from China
1 japaneseInfantry moved from Burma to Rangoon
Japan take Rangoon from Britain
1 japaneseAntiTankGun and 1 japaneseMech.Infantry moved from Kwangsi to Kweichow
2 japaneseInfantrys moved from Inner Mongolia to Kansu
2 japaneseFighters moved from Shansi to Kansu
1 japaneseInfantry moved from Shensi to Hupeh
1 japaneseMech.Infantry and 2 japaneseTanks moved from Shensi to Hupeh
1 japaneseArtillery and 1 japaneseInfantry moved from Shensi to Hupeh
4 japaneseMarines moved from Wake Island to 120 Sea Zone
2 japaneseMarines and 1 japaneseTransport moved from 120 Sea Zone to 127 Sea Zone
2 japaneseMarines moved from 127 Sea Zone to Phillippines
2 japaneseMarines and 1 japaneseTransport moved from 120 Sea Zone to 127 Sea Zone
2 japaneseMarines moved from 127 Sea Zone to Phillippines Islands
1 japaneseNavalFighter moved from 148 Sea Zone to Brunei
1 japaneseNavalFighter moved from 126 Sea Zone to Phillippines Islands
4 japaneseNavalFighters moved from 126 Sea Zone to Phillippines
1 japaneseFighter moved from Manchuria to Khabarovskiy Kray
1 japaneseInfantry moved from Northern Manchuria to Khabarovskiy Kray
1 japaneseArtillery moved from Vladivostok to Khabarovskiy Kray
1 japaneseNavalFighter moved from 126 Sea Zone to Phillippines
1 japaneseTacticalBomber moved from French Indochina to Hunan
1 japaneseFighter, 1 japaneseNavalFighter and 1 japaneseStrategicBomber moved from French Indochina to Kweichow
1 japaneseFighter moved from Manchuria to Khabarovskiy Kray
1 japaneseBattleship-damaged moved from 148 Sea Zone to 93 Sea Zone
1 japaneseCruiser moved from 127 Sea Zone to 93 Sea Zone
1 japaneseCruiser moved from 120 Sea Zone to 127 Sea Zone
1 japaneseBattleship-damaged moved from 127 Sea Zone to 96 Sea Zone
2 japaneseMarines moved from Borneo to Brunei
1 japaneseTransport moved from 93 Sea Zone to 128 Sea Zone
2 japaneseMarines moved from Luzon to 128 Sea Zone
2 japaneseMarines and 1 japaneseTransport moved from 128 Sea Zone to 93 Sea Zone
2 japaneseMarines moved from 93 Sea Zone to Brunei
1 japaneseSubmarine moved from 115 Sea Zone to 133 Sea Zone
Need OOL and scramble?
No scramble, normal OOL.
I feel this turn is so straightforward in OOL/scrambles that you don’t even have to ask. If there are no serious choices, as far as I’m concerned, feel free to just play ‘normal’. Do you agree?
Yeah, probably could have just assumed no scramble on this one. I was running out the door so posted it quickly but if OOL/scramble are obvious then usually can just make those choices.
Emailed you the file as getting an upload error from the forum. Think it might be running out of space or something.
TripleA Move Summary for game: Total World War: December 1941 BETA, version:
Game History
Round: 2
Research Technology - China
China spend 0 on tech rolls
Combat Move - China
Trigger chineseMecht3: Setting isLandTransportable to false for unitAttachment attached to chineseMech.Infantry
Trigger chineseTank1: Setting isLandTransportable to false for unitAttachment attached to chineseTank
1 chineseArtillery moved from Ningsia to Kansu
2 chineseFighters moved from Eastern Szechwan to Kansu
1 chineseAlpineInfantry and 1 chineseInfantry moved from Northern China to Kansu
No scramble.
TripleA Turn Summary for game: Total World War: December 1941 BETA, version:
Game History
Round: 2
Research Technology - China
China spend 0 on tech rolls
China rolls : 0/1 hits, 0,00 expected hits
Combat Move - China
Trigger chineseMecht3: Setting isLandTransportable to false for unitAttachment attached to chineseMech.Infantry
Trigger chineseTank1: Setting isLandTransportable to false for unitAttachment attached to chineseTank
Trigger chineseTank2: Setting isLandTransportable to true for unitAttachment attached to chineseTank
Trigger chineseMecht4: Setting isLandTransportable to true for unitAttachment attached to chineseMech.Infantry
1 chineseArtillery moved from Ningsia to Kansu
2 chineseFighters moved from Eastern Szechwan to Kansu
1 chineseAlpineInfantry and 1 chineseInfantry moved from Northern China to Kansu
Combat - China
Battle in Kansu
China attack with 1 chineseAlpineInfantry, 1 chineseArtillery, 2 chineseFighters and 1 chineseInfantry
Japan defend with 1 Flagpole, 1 Rail and 2 japaneseInfantrys
China roll dice for 1 chineseAlpineInfantry, 1 chineseArtillery, 2 chineseFighters and 1 chineseInfantry in Kansu, round 2 : 2/1 hits, 1,42 expected hits
Japan roll dice for 2 japaneseInfantrys in Kansu, round 2 : 1/1 hits, 0,67 expected hits
1 chineseInfantry owned by the China and 2 japaneseInfantrys owned by the Japan lost in Kansu
China win, taking Kansu from Japan with 1 chineseAlpineInfantry, 1 chineseArtillery and 2 chineseFighters remaining. Battle score for attacker is 3
Casualties for China: 1 chineseInfantry
Casualties for Japan: 2 japaneseInfantrys
Non Combat Move - China
Trigger chineseMecht1: Setting isLandTransport to true for unitAttachment attached to chineseMech.Infantry
Trigger chineseMecht2: Setting isLandTransport to false for unitAttachment attached to chineseMech.Infantry
2 chineseFighters moved from Kansu to Northern China
1 chineseAntiTankGun and 1 chineseCombatEngineer moved from Ningsia to Northern China
1 Material and 1 Truck moved from Tsinghai to Northern China
1 Material and 1 Truck moved from Chungking to Northern China
2 chineseInfantrys moved from Chungking to Eastern Szechwan
1 chineseInfantry moved from Singkiang to Ningsia
1 Truck moved from Eastern Szechwan to Chungking
Purchase Units - China
Trigger chinaRC1: Setting maxBuiltPerPlayer to 1 for unitAttachment attached to ResearchCenter
China buy 2 chineseAlpineInfantrys, 1 chineseEntrenchment and 5 chineseInfantrys; Remaining resources: 0 PUs; 3 techTokens;
Place Units - China
Units in Northern China being upgraded or consumed: 1 Material
1 chineseAlpineInfantry, 1 chineseEntrenchment and 1 chineseInfantry placed in Northern China
1 chineseAlpineInfantry and 2 chineseInfantrys placed in Chungking
2 chineseInfantrys placed in Singkiang
Turn Complete - China
China collect 18 PUs; end with 18 PUs
Units generate 3 techTokens; China end with 6 techTokens
Combat Hit Differential Summary :
China : 0,58
Japan : 0,33
China rolls : : 0,00