@krieghund Thank you very much Krieghund. This makes sense…
Usa Stragegy
USA theory 1:
Buy 2TTs, DD, CV, ftr, inf US1 and put them in the Atlantic.With a J2 DOW, these can reach Norway US3 if the Germans don’t block it. I try this every time but it usually goes wrong somewhere along the way. A competent German player will put at least one DD in the water G2, which can be used to block the invasion whether it goes via SZ91 or SZ123. In theory, the USSR can clear the via Iceland route so long as the US planes are left on the airbase. I don’t know but I think if executed correctly this theory should work .
USA theory 2:
invade Korea, reinforce with the USSR far east stack. Generally, if you are able to execute this it is because the IJN is in the money islands and the USN isn’t. Not sure if that is a good idea for the USN or not.USA theory 3:
Buy a lot of subs to back your carrier groups even when defending. Your attack becomes pretty awesome. Don’t worry so much about putting actual US troops on too many islands or the Chinese mainland. Once you control the seas, UK_Pac or ANZAC are likely to be better for taking the islands except Iwo Jima.USA 1 is a standard US play in the European front.
USA 2 isn’t a bad idea, the problem is that it will take US 2 turns to get to Korea and you have to pass Japan and a Kam Zone to reach it.
USA 3 I don’t like. While I try to get India and ANZAC to boost there money and get into the fight, I feel these two nations are better off fighting in China. -
Sure, take Java but at that point, you’d want to make sure Mayla is secured and then go for your NO.
USA theory 1:
Buy 2TTs, DD, CV, ftr, inf US1 and put them in the Atlantic.With a J2 DOW, these can reach Norway US3 if the Germans don’t block it. I try this every time but it usually goes wrong somewhere along the way. A competent German player will put at least one DD in the water G2, which can be used to block the invasion whether it goes via SZ91 or SZ123. In theory, the USSR can clear the via Iceland route so long as the US planes are left on the airbase. I don’t know but I think if executed correctly this theory should work .
USA theory 2:
invade Korea, reinforce with the USSR far east stack. Generally, if you are able to execute this it is because the IJN is in the money islands and the USN isn’t. Not sure if that is a good idea for the USN or not.USA theory 3:
Buy a lot of subs to back your carrier groups even when defending. Your attack becomes pretty awesome. Don’t worry so much about putting actual US troops on too many islands or the Chinese mainland. Once you control the seas, UK_Pac or ANZAC are likely to be better for taking the islands except Iwo Jima.USA 1 is a standard US play in the European front.
I haven’t seen many people do the via Iceland route. Normally USA only builds Atlantic fleet to go after Normandy/Sth France
USA 2 isn’t a bad idea, the problem is that it will take US 2 turns to get to Korea and you have to pass Japan and a Kam Zone to reach it.
Bigger problem is that Japan will probably put down blockers in SZ17. Sometimes even if you put a naval base on Midway they will put down 3 blockers. Kami isn’t much of a problem unless they’re cheeky enough to put in a sub and you don’t have a flotilla of destroyers to fight through the Kamis
USA 3 I don’t like. While I try to get India and ANZAC to boost there money and get into the fight, I feel these two nations are better off fighting in China.Without getting some money from the money islands UK_Pac doesn’t have much income to fight Japan in China. ANZAC are good for hitting the minor islands like Carolines, as has been pointed out.
Sure, take Java but at that point, you’d want to make sure Mayla is secured and then go for your NO.
If Malaya is secured, Japan are well on their way to being defeated!
I feel that it really depends on what each axis side is doing
For example: Germany decides to go full sealion. US should build up a “Liberation force”. Or if Germany is a lot more threating, then the US should build up a substational force and land it where ever its needed. (NA, Italy, Norway, etc.)
If Japan is more threatning, then a large fleet build up is the way to go. Droping 2 dudes on Hawaii per turn is a great idea here.
Personally, Japan is the one that I ususally go for.
Germany first buy -
1 Carrier
2 Transports
1 Destroyer
1 Sub
(Placed in SZ 101)2 Infantry
(Western US)2 left
Japan first buy
2 Carriers
1 BattleshipBalanced(ish) buy
1 Carrier
1 Bomber
(SZ 6)1 Destroyer
1 Sub
1 Transport
(SZ 101)1 Infantry
(Western US or Eastern US) -
I personally prefer a large navy against Japan and a large bomber/fighter force for Germany and then build a navy second. Obviously if Sea Lion is showing up, then you need a navy in the east.
You can ship equipment from Alaska to Soviet Far East since they are next door to each other.
I don’t think it’s worth building a minor on Alaska just to do that when you can reach USSR far east from LA anyways.
Here is another idea. Since the USA can’t do anything until the 4th round, have them save their IPCs in the rounds that they are not at war. When war comes to the USA, they will have a lot of IPCs to spend accordingly on what they need depending on the situation at hand.
Here is another idea. Since the USA can’t do anything until the 4th round, have them save their IPCs in the rounds that they are not at war. When war comes to the USA, they will have a lot of IPCs to spend accordingly on what they need depending on the situation at hand.
That would backfire so fast against USA because if that was the case, I would proceed to take Hawaii and Philli on the same turn and now USA cannot counter right away leaving Japan to freely secure Pacific Islands. If USA stays at peace, USA needs to buff their military.
that would defiantly be the case
Every single Axis and Allies version to date always sets up Japan to smash Hawaii for obvious reasons.
yes but attacking Hawaii without killing a grand fleet and only mopping up a few surface ships is
to awaken a sleeping giant
yes but attacking Hawaii without killing a grand fleet and only mopping up a few surface ships is
to awaken a sleeping giant
So the options are, do a Peral Harbor and wipe out surface vessels or dont and let it build. I think you should. It sets the US back a turn or two depending how they respond.
personally, no way. On US 1, Japan can only kill 3 combatants, and the counterattack is not good.
You only make the US economy stronger by prompting a direct confrontation without reaching threshold income first. Japan doesn’t gain money off “at war” NOs like the US does. It loses income.
Japan can spend the whole game threatening that area, if however they fail to take Hawaii when they make their move, the counterattack is…miserable as every USA plane can come and land on Hawaii.
If the USA is KGF-ing, or a noob, then Hawaii is yours, its his backdoor.
in G40, there is no “clean” PH because its set in 1940. In other versions like 42.2 you get a chance to attack a real fleet, but its at the cost of losing your momentum because of the counterattack.
In every version I have played (Classic, 42.2, 42.3, G42, G40, G41) attacking PH in the early game is meant to be a tempting wild goose chase, IMO
personally, no way. On US 1, Japan can only kill 3 combatants, and the counterattack is not good.
You only make the US economy stronger by prompting a direct confrontation without reaching threshold income first. Japan doesn’t gain money off “at war” NOs like the US does. It loses income.
Japan can spend the whole game threatening that area, if however they fail to take Hawaii when they make their move, the counterattack is…miserable as every USA plane can come and land on Hawaii.
If the USA is KGF-ing, or a noob, then Hawaii is yours, its his backdoor.
in G40, there is no “clean” PH because its set in 1940. In other versions like 42.2 you get a chance to attack a real fleet, but its at the cost of losing your momentum because of the counterattack.
In every version I have played (Classic, 42.2, 42.3, G42, G40, G41) attacking PH in the early game is meant to be a tempting wild goose chase, IMO
What is 42.3?
Yes it does, smashing the fleet at Pearl Harbor gives Japan great advantage for Japan to gain great strength in the Pacific. This is how I advise J2 or J3, what you do is you build transports and infantry and artillery and place your Combined Fleet at Japan, then you declare war the US, half of the fleet attacks Hawaii, the other half goes for Philli, by taking both, you just denied to bomber base AND two NO for US, then you take both your remaining navy from Philli and Hawaii and you can now attack Queensland and if you have a good army, you will take Sidney so within two turns, you just destroyed 40% of the US Pacific Fleet, denied two NO and you now will be able to smash ANZAC the next turn.
Awaking the sleeping giant is a pointless argument because US will go to war with Japan regardless of what you do. The advantage of J1 Pearl Harbor is that you cripple the Pacific Fleet forcing them to rebuild off and you take out 1/3 starting transports leaving Japan to freely operate taking Allied Island so the US won’t get their bombers in range of Tokyo.
Yes it does, smashing the fleet at Pearl Harbor gives Japan great advantage for Japan to gain great strength in the Pacific. This is how I advise J2 or J3, what you do is you build transports and infantry and artillery and place your Combined Fleet at Japan, then you declare war the US, half of the fleet attacks Hawaii, the other half goes for Philli, by taking both, you just denied to bomber based AND two NO for US, then you take both your remaining navy from Philli and Hawaii and you can now attack Queensland and if you have a good army, you will take Sidney so within two turns, you just destroyed 40% of the US Pacific Fleet, denied two NO and you now will be able to smash ANZAC the next turn.
Awaking the sleeping giant is a pointless argument because US will go to war with Japan regardless of what you do. The advantage of J1 Pearl Harbor is that you cripple the Pacific Fleet forcing them to rebuild off and you take out 1/3 starting transports leaving Japan to freely operate taking Allied Island so the US won’t get their bombers in range of Tokyo.
If you’re doing a J2 or J3, any competent USA player won’t let PH happen, usually by putting a blocker DD at Midway.
Sure block it with Midway however very rarely do I ever see it.
both japan and us block those 2 passing squares, every game and without fail as long as they have anything left to do it with (and buying dds in anticipation of doing so)
42.3 is the post-patch version of 42.2. I like to call it that because its so different than 42.2, but there no printed game called 1942 Third Edition.
I think a lot of players over look the power of Midway Island SZ25.
So Japan blocks SZ16 with a DD and the USA throws out their DD in SZ25 and we all move along.
But Midway has a airfield, SZ16 is open ocean.
On USA 1 they can put 2 xDD 1 sub and 3 FTRS on midway.
So Japan pushes their DD out into SZ16. USA comes in with a Sub and 3 FTR and kills their DD and moves the air craft back to midway.
How long does japan want to keep just throwing out a DD into SZ16 knowing full well that the midway task force will just kill them at will?
Japan goes at Midway, well now they have a fight on their hands, air craft can scramble and Japan will take some hits and most likely get a counter attack from the main USA fleet in Hawaii or W. Coast.
So by stacking Midway with 3 FTRS, a sub or two and 2 DD, you can project a lot of power on SZ16. Does Japan commit enough naval power into that SZ16 or give it up and retreat back to the home waters and turtle there?
If you are feeling your oats on USA1 the Hawaii TRS takes 2 inf from Hawaii and puts them on Midway and the W. coast TRS brings down the INF/ART to Hawaii.