And I guess I’ll post how we have been running the site sponsored online Tournaments…
Sign up in advance, and we limit signups to allow for even brackets (after the problems we had with ‘by’ rounds in the Spring 2006 Tournament) but otherwise anyone can join.
Single Ellimination, with a Consoldation Game to determine 3rd place.
Larry Harris Tournmanet Rules, current edition (right now that is 1.3).
No Technology, No National Advantages
Blind Bid, with random selection in the event of a tie.
10 Victory Cities or surrender
Actual Dice Server (I do not use low or no luck for Tournaments)
DAAK has been the primary online Dicey, with Frood and our in-site dicey as alternates.
And because of the size of our Tournaments, and the amount of time it takes to play an online game…
24 hour posting requirement with one warning for delay of game (exceeding that results in default).
3 Week game duration, with possible extension up to an additional week.
If you want to see a sample of the online Tournaments, go to the Play By Forum area, then Games in Progress, then the sub-thread Tournaments.