@theveteran Not the tournament rules. You would have to use a lot of edit mode.
Maryland players???
which version do you play?
I’m in Maryland as well and looking for someone to hone my skills against. Still looking for players?
I’m in Mechanicsville Maryland and making a a&a 1940 global table in my garage. which version do you play and are you close to southern Maryland?
I’ll reply via PM.
I live in northern Virginia, can travel to Maryland most days. We have a group that meets at a Fairfax County (VA) recreation center twice a month. I prefer G40 or G41, but the group settings often include 1914 with some house rules. Jonathan Rost / jonkrost@comcast.net
Hi, I’m in Sykesville and play
E40, P40, G40, 1914, DDay, Bulge, minis, minis War at Sea, minis Angels 20
Dameon -
I live in Frederick County, MD. I am new to Axis and Allies, and I am learning 1942 Second Edition as we speak. I haven’t played any other versions, but I would love to find a group to play with. I am open to learning as long as you don’t mind a new guy slowing you down initially!
I am down near Ocean City, not much action down this way….I play most anything except for the global stuff…just not enough time.
In Baltimore. You still looking for players
Baltimore here. You still looking for players