Sweet, thanks man. I’ll give it a shot!
Bgugs painted units
One day I will post a picture and it won’t be sideways…
The last of the Japanese Tactical Bombers are painted. These are the last of the Japanese planes for now until I get taller flight stands for the strategic bombers.
Here are all the different styles I did and all of the planes that are painted together
bgugs, these are looking awesome. Keep up the good work. :-D
First Japanese Artillery. I haven’t decided yet if I like this coloration yet. I will see how it grows on me, I won’t be painting anymore until I have stuff to order from amazon so I can get the Psycho and Insane Detail without having to pay shipping twice. Its getting to hard to get small details in with the brushes I have.
Last picture of it with the one it was modeled after (with some minor changes)
These are looking good Bgugs. :-)
Love the variety! Great colors on the artillery-matched the picture really well. Keep up the good work!
Those are looking good……you will find that the more you paint the better and new techniques you will obtain. I like the Japanese artillery.
Been a while since I painted but I got the psycho paint brush and all of the Japanese units I wanted from HBG so now I will begin my goal of finishing the Japanese Air Force. Here is how I will be painting the Tony fighters. It was my first attempt at this level of detail and it will take some fine tuning but I am happy with the first one.