Nice job! The “solution” for decals is Microsol. Most hobby stores will carry it, and its a must-have for Dom’s Decals. The I-94 decals available in the decal section of HBG don’t need it and are much easier to use than Dom’s because of the way they’re made. You’ll also want to protect the decals by spraying your pieces with flat lacquer. The 2 I-94 versions of the Japanese meatball, with and without the white border, are nice but only about a third of each decal sheet is usable on A&A planes. However, each decal is printed separately on the sheet and comes off in it’s natural shape. With Dom’s Decals, the whole sheet is one big decal with lots of little roundels printed on it, which makes it more difficult to use. Imagine cutting out 2 millimeter fuselage decals for your Spitfires (a job I just finished and I only lost one) and trying not to leave too much clear border that will hang over. Then the decal has to dry, and then you have to Microsol it carefully so you don’t move it (if you’ve taken the time to line it up with the one on the other side) and then wait for the Microsol to dry. If you’re REALLY serious about it, you can also buy one of those magnifying glasses with a light around it on a stand for around 50 bucks at Office Depot. I also suggest finding some Army Painter brand brushes and getting one called “Insane Detail” and another called “The Psycho”. They’re nice and small and will allow you to get really tight, crisp lines between colors, like on cockpit canopies and camo detail.
Keep it up and keep posting!