• Hey, It’s just like in elementary school.  The kid who throws the first punch isn’t seen/caught.  It’s the kid who goes off and makes a scene/escalates the situation.

    Or in sports.  The first taunt/smack on the helmet is unobserved(pre-Instant Replay), but the responding punch/in your faceguard taunt is flagged.

    Responding in kind to insults/taunt lowers you to the child’s/barbarian’s level…
    and you both seem childish/barbaric.

  • im agreeing with yanny. GENERALLY (though not exclusively) it seems to happen that someone will express an offensive opinion, but still a an actual position (not just a personal attack, but an actual political/social/etc. position) and then falk will be offended by it, and retaliate with a personal attack. It has happened the other way, and it has happened that falk simply retaliates with an equally offensive position in an “eye for an eye” mentality. but i tend to see the other situation more. i dont agree with the offensive opinions presented, i find them ignorant, and generally quite stupid as well, but they are still opinions that they are entitled to hold and express. on the locked forum in question, M36 was expressing an offensive (ignorant) opinion, yanny was trying to show him why, and Falk, reading the opinion as a attack perhaps, responded with an attack. so i think yanny acted appropriately. M36’s position may have been way more offensive than the actual attack that falk made, but M36 was entitled to express his opinion, no matter how inflammatory it was, since it was not directed as an attack at a specific member of the board. if he had said “screw all non-americans on this board” i think that would have been different, because he is directing it at people on this board, rather than expressing an ignorant and offensive political position, that non-americans are not less valuable/important (whatever) than americans.

    i would say to anyone who really is bothered by M36 (or anyone else for that matter), make sure what he says is a personal attack before you cry foul, and try to ignore it if its not. if you respond in some way, make it either conducive to a discussion, or just present an equally ignorant political position as a mockery to make them see why their position is flawed. if you respond with a personal attack, then youve done wrong.

  • @El:

    Hey, It’s just like in elementary school.  The kid who throws the first punch isn’t seen/caught.  It’s the kid who goes off and makes a scene/escalates the situation.

    Or in sports.  The first taunt/smack on the helmet is unobserved(pre-Instant Replay), but the responding punch/in your faceguard taunt is flagged.

    Responding in kind to insults/taunt lowers you to the child’s/barbarian’s level…
    and you both seem childish/barbaric.

    This is just a test….only a test…

    Anyway, I think you mods are doing fine.  I know it’s a difficult job, and you know the turf better than I do.  Like I said, no real complaints, I just want to discuss stuff - precisely why this thread is as important, if not more, than the others.  It’s a privilege for everyone to be here, and I’d rather not blow it for myself or anyone else.

    Good luck on your debates, Yanny.  I’m sure this is great practice.

    My only question (in jest):

    Is it the ignorant person that makes the ignorant comment, or the ignorant comment that makes the ignorant person?

  • Well,…. it would really be funny if this thread gets locked next. :-D

    Anyway, I understand Falk. He does get teamed up on sometimes. A polar opposite of Jen… oh, sweet Jesus. He’s a Euro-boy. No big deal. Yo, Falk!! You take these boards too seriously, bro. Axis and Allies dot org has no influence on reality. For the most part, it is just a bunch of people touting out a bunch of bullsh!t by pushing their own beliefs and agendas in a fantasizing fashion. You think anything typed here is going to affect your day to day life. I could spend years on here trying to get M36 or RB or any right wing square to see things in a different light but IT WILL NEVER HAPPEN. Just the same as they are not going to change your mind or mine. Keep that in your head and I think you won’t find yourself having a curse-fest. Trust me, it takes alot of effort but everyone should try. Not just you and me. Everyone :wink:

  • You think anything typed here is going to affect your day to day life

    Very astute observation… I have also pointed out in the past that we play with plastic toy soldiers and tanks and are called adults…because we roll dice instead of using BB guns to “destroy” the enemy forces. That is the only difference. In these political “discussions” we build sandcastles of words, only to watch others throw water on them like so many second graders do. So we are basically still children… just older.

  • First of all, thanks for the support


    on the locked forum in question, M36 was expressing an offensive (ignorant) opinion, yanny was trying to show him why, and Falk, reading the opinion as a attack perhaps, responded with an attack.

    Look, is “Screw you” an attack or a an offensive opinion?
    To any non-american, what M36 wrote was exactly this:
    “Screw you”.

    since it was not directed as an attack at a specific member of the board.

    As i mentioned in the locked thread my attack was also not directed at a specific member, yet Yanny interpreted it like that. I used some “politicians wording” that where interpreted by Yanny. Yannny chose to interprete my wording neglecting that my accusations also fitted and fits on more than one member on the board and in total ignorance of wether i do that attack commonly. As  i can’t repeat it, and you have no idea whatsoever what it was, just be assured, i have criticed people very close to me for for that behavior - although in nicer words, i just copied the starting words of M36 … which as we all know are not attacking or insulting just a bit “offensive”.

    I as the only one who was targeted by M36 should really start to understand that his attack wasn’t meant as such. As we say in germany:  “You me too”.

    if he had said “screw all non-americans on this board” i think that would have been different, because he is directing it at people on this board

    I did not direct it at members on the this board at all. It was all Yannys interpretation. I can’t help it that he admitted that he is partly agreeing with M36 on that matter. This helps me to understand why he chose his interpretation though (that i was not personally attacked, yet my attack was personal)

    Anyway ….

    this board has been overrun by Nazi adoring idiots lately. It is populated people who admit they are fascist, and is a forum to the most disgusting and inhumane ideas and ideologies. Personal integrity is higher ranked than the truth, in general the truth has a very hard stand here. There once was a time where “Painting with a broad brush” was critized (well, only if it was against the USA). Now it is in fact protected (only if it comes from the USA).

  • @F_alk:

    First of all, thanks for the support


    on the locked forum in question, M36 was expressing an offensive (ignorant) opinion, yanny was trying to show him why, and Falk, reading the opinion as a attack perhaps, responded with an attack.

    Look, is “Screw you” an attack or a an offensive opinion?

    Depends on the context.

    To any non-american, what M36 wrote was exactly this:
    “Screw you”.

    what he actually wrote was:

    You are absoulty right. Screw anyone that not American (with a few  exceptions) Im happy with that.

    which was a reply to Jermofoots post (sorry to drag you into this) containing the following:

    Now we are setting an anti-Muslim tone in the United States, which is a lovely addition to our resume of intolerance to other groups, such as native Spanish-speakers (defined by some in the all-inclusive term Mexicans) and humans of darker hues.  We create conflict in the Middle East - I guess we assumed there wasn’t enough already - and, in return, they resort to bombings and guerrilla tactics to drive us from “their” land, which seems fair as we went in with bombs and guns ablazing.  Honestly, I think the US acts like an attention-whore.

    Where it seems to me that M36 was being sarcastic.  Or maybe this is really his viewpoint, ignorant though it may be.  But the context clearly indicates to me that this isn’t directed at you personally Falk, the “you” part was added by yourself…or else there is another instance in another locked thread you can show me.  I’ll also give you the benefit of a possible misunderstanding here as English is not your native language (though it is very good, much better than my German).  But this being the case, you should allow for misunderstandings on your part.

    since it was not directed as an attack at a specific member of the board.

    As i mentioned in the locked thread my attack was also not directed at a specific member, yet Yanny interpreted it like that. I used some “politicians wording” that where interpreted by Yanny. Yannny chose to interprete my wording neglecting that my accusations also fitted and fits on more than one member on the board and in total ignorance of wether i do that attack commonly. As  i can’t repeat it, and you have no idea whatsoever what it was, just be assured, i have criticed people very close to me for for that behavior - although in nicer words, i just copied the starting words of M36 … which as we all know are not attacking or insulting just a bit “offensive”.

    I as the only one who was targeted by M36 should really start to understand that his attack wasn’t meant as such. As we say in germany:  “You me too”.

    if he had said “screw all non-americans on this board” i think that would have been different, because he is directing it at people on this board

    I did not direct it at members on the this board at all. It was all Yannys interpretation. I can’t help it that he admitted that he is partly agreeing with M36 on that matter. This helps me to understand why he chose his interpretation though (that i was not personally attacked, yet my attack was personal)

    I don’t have your reply available so I cannot judge whether or not Yanny is inconsistent here.  But part of being a moderator is that moderators have to make a judgement call.  It isn’t always going to be perfect.  And if you or I disagree we do need to live with the decision.

    Anyway ….

    this board has been overrun by Nazi adoring idiots lately. It is populated people who admit they are fascist, and is a forum to the most disgusting and inhumane ideas and ideologies. Personal integrity is higher ranked than the truth, in general the truth has a very hard stand here. There once was a time where “Painting with a broad brush” was critized (well, only if it was against the USA). Now it is in fact protected (only if it comes from the USA).

    Did saying this part make you feel any better?

  • he didnt say “screw you”, he said “screw anyone who is not american”. while you are not american, and thus, fall into this grouping, that does not make it a personal attack, since he wasnt singling you out, or directing it at you. when you said “screw anyone who hasnt mastered their own language”, you were directing it at marine (that was the intent i read, and apparently yanny did as well. if this wasnt the case, then i apologize for misunderstanding you). the difference is subtle, and you dont need to be all happy and content that marine says things like that. but its a point of view (albeit ignorant). if you just alter your retorts to be more general, as a satirical response, you will not only be able to express your anger, but i think the point will be made better. i dont think yanny acted innappropriately here. personally, i say just ignore the ignorant posts, or else try to reply to them by trying to educate them. but if you find you cant do that, at least refrain from personal attacks.

  • Maybe its a little late, but…

    My post was meant to sum up a growing view of Americans who are fed up with other countires trying to regulate us. It was not my intention to make a personnal attack.

  • Moderator

    I think it is a little late seeing a thread is locked…

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