This stupid thread is closed.
My last thread
While I doubt I’ll be logging on again after this, I decided to call it my last thread instead of my last post. :)
I’ll see you all in 17 weeks, assuming nothing really bad happens before I ship to Ft. Benning. (I’ll be back around Christmas, allegedly, but I may or may not be posting during that time.)
I know you’ll all miss your most conservative hearted, Axis and Allies Mistress of destruction and doom, but I think you’ll live - even those of you who dislike my politics!
Well all miss you Jen! :)
Miss you Jen! You were always a good arguement.
Good Luck Jen,
Be careful. I’m glad you’re on my side. :lol:
Rune Blade
Good Luck Jen!
Sorry I missed a chance to say goodbye fer now.
Already asked about this today(too late) on another thread.
Stomach in! Chest out!
Oh, nevermind! They probably don’t do that anymore in todays US Army basic training.
We’ll miss you Jen…Have fun and God Bless!
Now finally I might be able to overtake her stealing my 6th place :evil: :(
GG :wink:
See ya later Jen, be cool; looking forward to your return, and we can work together again (slash and burn, slash and burn… ;) ) :lol:.
God speed, Jen.
Good Luck Jen, Take care a bidness…