@Valladares Noted! Will change ASAP
Custom Infantry
I always use this because you get to see all the sculpts in every set
Nice link Imperious Leader!
…in regards to the Aussies, here’s the two reviews:
Airfix: http://www.plasticsoldierreview.com/Review.aspx?id=48
Revell: http://www.plasticsoldierreview.com/Review.aspx?id=342I’m going to vote a win for Airfix on this one… Revell has 7 units that are a no-go right off the bat… 4 firing at paratroopers in the air and 3 surrendering… not exactly what I want for A&A bravado!
Those Aussie hats look pretty stupid too. Looks like something an old lady would wear to the beach.
This is the last Russian set i bought;
http://www.plasticsoldierreview.com/Review.aspx?id=1409I have this one too;
http://www.plasticsoldierreview.com/Review.aspx?id=1410You actually have to glue them together first but they are head and shoulders above any other sets I’ve gotten so far.
I have these ones from Caesar too. I really like them;
http://www.plasticsoldierreview.com/Review.aspx?id=1827This set of Japanese are much better than the Airfix;
http://www.plasticsoldierreview.com/Review.aspx?id=1229 -
I do like the Revell Japanese infantry… there’s nothing super special, but what I like is that they all seem to have natural poses good as standard A&A infantry, and almost all of them wear the hat instead of the helmet, which I really like.
Yes those ones look awesome. That one dude isn’t surrendering, his team just scored a touchdown and he’s totally jacked about it.
These Revell are the ones that I got. The plastic is a little harder, close in color to the OOB Japanese and size is a little larger.
I like that one. Did it come with a leader that isn’t shown there?
Well that’s a very different Revell Japanese set… I guess one has to be careful as to which set one orders if you’re looking for a certain look (I prefer the one with more tropical hats then the set with more helmets).
Yeah, Revell has several 1/76 scale sets that plasticreview.com does not cover.
Fantastic find, Imperious Leader!
I really like adding third party minis to my Axis & Allies games, both to represent new unit types and add additional flavor.
Note that 1:72 does not always mean compatible with OOB units in terms of scale. I have the HAT WW1 Serbians, for instance, and they are about two or three times the bulk of OOB pieces despite being roughly similar in size.
The best size I have seen is 23.5mm or 24mm. Anything over that is too large and under too small. Depends on the company as well.
Sorry for the thread necromancy, but I have an on-topic question.
When selecting paint, if I want to coat a darker plastic with a lighter shade, do a I need to do a white coat first? Say if I want to paint my Italians yellow…
I found that if I didn’t use a primer then the paint would chip off on me. It didn’t matter so much on the complexes because you don’t move them around and pile them with all of the other units in your tray, but certainly on the infantry it made a difference. So yes I recommend you use a white primer. Ask at the model paint store which one would be best for you.
Curiously though, some brands would chip off more than others due to the type of plastic they used. Airfix chipped off big time. OOB units chipped off a lot too. Caesar didn’t chip at all.
Okay, so we’re talking white primer, then one or more coats of the model paint, and then a laquer?
Is all of this from Taimya spray cans?
The primer and laquer weren’t Tamiya. Just ask at the hobby/model store what they would recommend. For the laquer I went to a hardware store and picked up a bigger spray can that was for use on plastics. It was a lot cheaper that way.
Oddly enough, I’m still working on this project… (working as-in I have the Aussie units, bought all the paint I need, and keep staring at my Italians and Aussies thinking "oh yeah, I really need to get around to painting them!)… single-dad issues as usual my usual fall-back reason for not getting this done.
Thanks, General!
Do I need different primer for different shades of color plastic?
Thanks GHG for leading me to hobbylinc and the entire custom infantry thing. I’m hooked…and obsessed:-)
For anyone interested, I’m doing reviews of several of my recent custom infantry purchases on my channel. Search Gijoe axis & allies. I have every country including China. Haven’t uploaded every video yet but will be soon.
No Trenacker. Just get a white primer and don’t forget to put on some sort of clear coat after to protect them.