Will Immigration be the 2008 Election topic??

  • http://www.breitbart.com/news/2006/01/10/D8F1LRCO5.html

    Mid level Mexican bureaucrats demand the US become subserviant to Mexico.

    I tell you what, Mehico.  Open your southern border to Central and South American immigrants or 100 years.  Give them free medical care and elementary education.  Allow them to work without taxing them.

    By that example we will see the benefits.  The US might even open it’s borders after 50 years if it works reallly well.

    The US government reserves the right to open its borders at a time of its choosing and that the current Mexican gvernment sign a treaty giving Americans the rights and privies of Mexican citizens.

  • I have allways advocated we invade Mexico for many years, then we can evict 40 million people w/o due process out of “national safety concerns”, revoke all grandfather clauses to “Anchor Babies” and basically say to these people “the jig is up… now go back” we are taking back our nation, culture and our future! At any rate , nothing like this can happen… we are not in the 1930’s and this is not Germany or America in the early 1940’s WE cannot charge other nations to take their trash out. All we can do is build a 100 foot wall thats manned with gun enplacements, barbed wire, land mines,motion detectors, and a big moat with hungry alligators. We cant solve the internal problems at this juncture. WE have to deal with it and them.

  • automated cruise missles. that outta do it.

  • Marine, I have come to realize that you are either simply being facetious with your posts, or that you don;t care if the rest of the world nukes the US.

    Eitherway… AMF.

  • @Imperious:

    I have allways advocated we invade Mexico for many years, then we can evict 40 million people w/o due process out of “national safety concerns”, revoke all grandfather clauses to “Anchor Babies” and basically say to these people “the jig is up… now go back” we are taking back our nation, culture and our future! At any rate , nothing like this can happen… we are not in the 1930’s and this is not Germany or America in the early 1940’s WE cannot charge other nations to take their trash out. All we can do is build a 100 foot wall thats manned with gun enplacements, barbed wire, land mines,motion detectors, and a big moat with hungry alligators. We cant solve the internal problems at this juncture. WE have to deal with it and them.

    i’m sorry, but how serious are you . . . i mean really??

  • Please re read my post. I basically state how sarcastically that position really is, and the inviability of it , however many people have a similiar opinion of how to solve the problem and i wanted to illustrate the necessary conclusions that follow. How would you deal with the invasion from our southern “friends”?

  • Because of the way Bush planned on giving amnesty to illegals, this is the issue for me in 06 and 08.  I will vote for the person toughest on this issue at the exclusion of all else.  The Dems could nominate hillary or Satan and I would vote for them if they were tough on Illegals.  I feel this way because I do not think that the majority of Americans have a voice on this issue in our government.  Both sides have been paid off to do as they are told.

    God bless the Minutemen for spotlighting this issue and making the government do something about it.

    When you come here, you come legaly or you don’t come at all.

  • right they can invade the united states illegally and become legal citizens somehow, but why cant we invade Mexico illegally and latter make that act legal?

  • The Dems could nominate hillary or Satan

    arent they the same person?

  • @Janus1:

    The Dems could nominate hillary or Satan

    arent they the same person?

    And the the corollary…

    The Republicans could nominate Ralph Reid or Asmodeus.

    Again, same person…

  • asmodeus: kind of an esoteric reference there, huh?
    ralph reid: dont know who he is, and couldnt find out from google.

    as far as hillary: my dislike of her has nothing to do with her politics. i know next to nothing about her politics, and the one issue i actually know her position on, i more or less agree with (more than any other politician ive heard). so why do i dislike her? dont know really. something about her gives me one impression: power-hungry manipulative bitch. i dont know where i got that, nor do i know why or how. but i greatly dislike her, and it has nothing to do with her politics. that said, if she is elected, im moving to canada.

  • Me too… if celery clinton ever became president . Ill sell everything and move to Canada and live in cystic Crypts basement.

  • @Janus1:

    asmodeus: kind of an esoteric reference there, huh?
    ralph reid: dont know who he is, and couldnt find out from google.

    as far as hillary: my dislike of her has nothing to do with her politics. i know next to nothing about her politics, and the one issue i actually know her position on, i more or less agree with (more than any other politician ive heard). so why do i dislike her? dont know really. something about her gives me one impression: power-hungry manipulative b****. i dont know where i got that, nor do i know why or how. but i greatly dislike her, and it has nothing to do with her politics. that said, if she is elected, im moving to canada.

    I can give you a good reason not to like her.  After 911 she charged that the administration should have told the people of Manhatan that the air could be contaminated by the explosions (on 911).  She used it as a mud slinging game with Bush, saying how he doesn’t care about the long term effects of exposure, cover up… all that nonsense.  She is not a stupid woman, she is like you said “a power-hungry manipulative b****”.  She knows very well that telling people on 911 that the air could hurt them would have caused a panic.  Manhattan is an island with only a few bridges.  10s, if not100s of thousands would have died in the ensuing stampede.

    She is not fit to be a senator, much less our president.

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