This was how I did it (more or less)
1st Round
Purchase: 50 IPC
1x Transport, 1x Destroyer (SZ101)
2x Infantry (CUS)
1x Submarine, 1x Carrier, 1x Transport (SZ10)
SZ35 -> SZ54
to Guam with 1x Fighter
to SZ10 with SZ26
to SZ10 with 2x Fighter (Hawaii)
to WUS with 1x Str. Bomber
to WUS with 1x Fighter (EUS) (because there was no German Submarine at SZ106)
2nd Round
Purchase: 53 IPC
4x Transport, 1x Carrier (SZ101)
3x Infantry (WUS)
SZ10 (except 1x Submarine and 2x Destroyer) -> SZ89
to Southeast Mexico with 2x Infantry, 1x Artillery (WUS)
to Wake Island with 1x Fighter (Guam)
to SZ101 with 1x Fighter (WUS)
to CUS with 2x Infantry, 1x Mech. Infantry (WUS)
3rd Round
Purchase: 53 IPC
2x Transport, 1x Carrier, 2x Fighter (SZ101)
1x Infantry (CUS)
to SZ86 with 3x Transport
to Brazil with 2x Infantry, 1x Artillery (SE Mexico)
to SZ106 with the remaining Atlantic fleet
to Quebec with all ground (except AAA)
to WUS with 1x Fighter (Wake Island)
to CUS with 3x Infantry (WUS)
to SZ101 with 1x Fighter (EUS)
4th Round
Purchase: 72 IPC
4x Submarine, 3x Destroyer (SZ10)
2x Str. Bomber (WUS)
Attack: on Spain with Quebec, Brazil, EUS, CUS (to SZ91 with SZ86, SZ101, SZ106)
5th Round
Purchased 20 land units (EUS + CUS) but not yet a Minor IC in Spain, but this depends on the Axis play.