Black Elk, did CWO Marc ever propose anything specific in this regard–like propose actual victory conditions that could be implemented. I remember he posted something about it the G40 Redesign thread, but what I recall was mostly conceptual (like “we could have theater based VCs for both sides”) without any specific details.
While its probably beyond the scope of what we’re doing with Balance Mod, I’d be curious to read detail proposals for this kind of thing if they’re out there. Can you provide a link?
Just reread the first dozen or so pages in the thread, revisiting the conversations we had. I think it did indeed stop somewhat short of proposing actual conditions, and then morphed into another discussion as we were wont to do in that thread haha. I think the closest we came was to the concept of a table trying to match specific conditions to the game round, falling within 3 general periods of war he outlined. I think that subject may have become to broad, into a conversation too different from the way victory is tallied OOB to really be applicable without some kind of major overhaul. Though I love the spirit and the concepts. At this point I’m not sure such a system could even be implemented in tripleA, so given that this mod is already up and running, and seems popular, from a practical standpoint it’d make more sense to work within the existing framework. For sure the OOB rules for Allied victory are way too demanding, as pretty much everyone would ignore them and call the game well beforehand. Which while kind of bummer, at least has this one advantage, that almost anything else would probably be more interesting. At least that leaves a lot of room for potential alternatives/improvements on the Allied side of the equation haha.
For now I have to say, I’m just kind of pleased that a larger group of players has coalesced around a single mod, and one that at least includes a good amount of the ideas we kicked around, implemented in a way that is familiar enough to players of global to gain some real traction. And of course that it’s being adapted for a focus on face to face play as well.
I love that it handles the 5 ipc spot in the unit roster for example. And dig that it went with the warships carrying a single marine concept, (despite the various objections raised as to exactly what those units represent at scale) I still think it’s fun for the gameplay. The NOs are engaging and encourage more dynamic play patterns. This mod definitely has a lot going for it, so I wouldn’t want to upend it coming on as I am a little late to the show, hanging up the victory conditions with any proposals that are too radical. Moving in with the lady and living with a 5 year old starting school has eaten way more of my free time than I’d have guessed a few months back, so I’d be hard pressed to come up with them at this late hour. I’m just stoked that when those blue moon game nights do roll around, that we have another cool option to sink our teeth into now!
Again, nice work all!