Ok, running out of ideas again.
Using blank Sektor files the module works fine.
Using Sektor files with something in them it crashes.
Test 1
Made a 4 quadrant SektorInfo.bmp file with black borders and then paint in each of the 4 quadrants with color 1, 2, 3, 4.
converted the map file with b242map.exe the text and Sek files are still empty.
When I open the map and try to look at Sektor stuff the sektors are randomly distributed and have nothing to do with the SektorInfo.bmp or SektorInfo.map file. And then it crashes eventually. Can edit stuff using SektorEditor and it seems to save it but like I said the Sektors are random.
Can you copy some files into a new folder and try to make a Simple sektor file and see if it works for you?
Same as with the previous problem, maybe something in the software isnt working right and there is some missing step that isnt included anywhere. Without going into the program I dont know how to solve this.
send me a screenshot of the windows explorer window with all the relavent files in it, as well as the actual files and I’ll see if I notice anything, but I can’t spend too much time on it.