I’ve decided to start hatching a plan to go after Tokyo, basically the starting units in the Pacific will create a southern force that will go down to Queensland and wait there until the northern force builds and moves toward Tokyo. This should eventually force Japanese ships north and away from the money Islands where the southern American force will strike and take away income. This will only work if the Northern force is strong enough to threaten Tokyo, and not just strong enough to convoy, if Japan builds stacks of infantry on Tokyo before taking Calcutta, that would be a good sign of reverse economics for Japan, but it will cost the Americans a lot and they might possibly need a factory in Alaska.
US1 I almost exclusively by 3 CV.
Placed in the Pacific, I can land 8 FTR/TAC on them (start with 1 CV already). Max production for US is 7 FTR, so it works out pretty well considering where I will send them (see below).
US2 I typically buy at least 2 BB and a SB. I buy 3 BB if at war and a SB.
US3 I buy/fill TT
US4 I send US 1 - 3 purchases to SZ 7
US5 I take Korea or Japan depending on where I have better odds; obviously I go for Tokyo if I can take it - even with massive casualties Japan will be hard pressed to liberate its island capitol.
Japan in most incarnations of a KIF has a hard time addressing this type of pressure near Tokyo if it’s fleet goes anywhere south of Flip in the Pacific. By waiting as long as I do, Japan is only going to have 1 purchase round to address the threat which makes it difficult to truly defend.
I also make every single DEI expensive for Japan to take (flying ANZAC/India aircraft) to slow down Japan’s economic expansion and stymie them trying to get economic gains from the DEI while also putting their navy in positions that require multiple turns to return to Tokyo. Every loss of hardware, ground units or aircraft by Japan to achieve this end is, in my mind, fairly traded.
This also applies to the Burma Road. I’ll continue to send ground units from India to force Japan to fight in a corner it wants to control. It may have to trade aircraft to achieve this objective - which is again, part of the strategy.
It does leave Germany free to run around in Europe of course… but if I beat Japan before Moscow falls, I feel I’ve won with the US.