Since the game is slanted in favor of the Axis, what are the best things to do as USA? Here are my suggestions:
Purchase: 2 battleships and 1 cruiser
These are to go on the Pacific coast. I have done the math, and if Anzac builds a destroyer 1st round, and Anzac takes Java and builds an aircraft carrier 2nd round, then the allies will have a sizable navy in the Pacific, leaving USA to concentrate on Europe for 2-4 turns.
Note that if there is a J1 DOW, USA will have a major factory on the west coast, so you could build more than 3 units. If that’s the case, then I would recommend 2 des 1 AC and 2 ftr.
Combat: usually no combat unless axis have declared war. If that’s the case, take over Brazil with 1 trn from East US.
Move 2 inf from Western US to Central US. transport 1 art from Western US to Hawaii.
Move transport from Hawaii to west coast. Note that you should still have a mech inf there. Move both airplanes from AC on west coast to Eastern US. Move AC from west coast to Hawaii, land 2 Hawaiian ftrs on it.
On the east coast (including central USA), you should have enough land units to fill 4 transports.
Place 2 BB and des on west coast (sz 10).
6 des, save 4 IPC’s.
Non-combat: move all ships on west coast to Hawaii, including those built on US1. transport 1 mech inf from west coast to Hawaii. You should have a sizable fleet there now. Don’t forget, Anzac builds an AC this turn. Anzac needs to save its fleet including 2 ftrs (but you can waste the transport taking Java).
Place all 6 des on east coast.
Now in games I play, there is usually a J3 DOW by this point. I will plan for either.
Purchase: 2 AC, 1 ftr, 1 cru (2 IPC’s left) You c should have 3 planes in east US to fill the 2 AC’s.
Combat: watch to see if Tokyo is vulnerable. This doesn’t always happen, but it does sometimes.
Move entire Hawaii fleet including all land units to sz 54. Have Anzac move their fleet there too on their turn.
Place all units in East US.
If there was a J2 DOW, US will have 20-30 IPC’s more, which I would spend all on trn for the east coast.
Purchase: 5 trn, 1 AC with 2 ftrs, 1 cru.
Combat: attack dutch east indies with fleet off Australia. Try to keep the fleet together. Have the Anzac fleet reinforce the US fleet.
Non-combat: move entire east coast fleet to Morocco, including as many land units as you can, including units from Brazil. Now you have a fleet off Morocco that will be difficult for Germany to deal with, even if they are using the “build mainly bombers” strategy.
If axis try to block your fleets with destroyers, then take out the destroyers with planes and non-combat the fleet past that sz on the same turn!