1st Annual Cellar Gaming TripleA Octathalon – Brackets and Win Posts

  • '20 '16 '15 '14

    So, on the above list, as neutrals join one side or the other, it would not change the number of player changes with one exception: if Spain joined the Axis then there would be 8 player changes per round instead of 6.

  • '23 '21 '20 '19 '17 '16 '15 '13

    I would rather have Domination 1914 replace the Great War.

  • TripleA

    @Dizz - I think we’d probably want a test game on either Civil War or TWW 1941 to make sure they are 100% functional and get a feel for duration. I think Domination 1914 – No Man’s Land and Big World v3 are both proven entities with reasonable durations. I’d like to see all 4 in but haven’t ever played a real game of Civil War or TWW 1941 so can’t vouch for them.

  • '20 '16 '15 '14


    I would rather have Domination 1914 replace the Great War.

    Domination 1914 No Man’s Land is already in, that one is replacing Total Ancient War.  :)

    @redrum: since I think that it’s best to only change two games per tourney, let’s see if Total World War works – who’s up for a test game?  I should be able to get something started tomorrow if you or anyone else is interested… I do think that the way TWW is structured that tech should be on for this game.  [Hopefully we can get a feel for the first 4-5 turns to see if it is viable]

    Options proposed:

    check the boxes for Tech Development, Use Politics, and Choose AA Casualties ONLY (3 boxes total checked).  For the beginning options, I propose none be selected by Germany unless one of them helps balance the game (I so far haven’t been able to find better info on this on the TripleA site).

  • '18 '16 '15

    I’m up for testing TWW

  • '20 '16 '15 '14

    Cool Balladeer, if you want Axis go ahead and start with the options listed above (if you have any questions on setup let me know, but you basically set the options and then don’t pick anything special as Germany).  If you want allies just let me know and I’ll get this started later this morning!  When setting up, an AI should be used for the “Neutral” slots from my understanding.  I’ll let you write the startup manual on this one lmao.

  • '18 '16 '15

    Allright, game is set up here (posting here, so interested people can follow :):  http://www.axisandallies.org/forums/index.php?topic=38553.0

    First things:

    • The rulebook is quite long, so if we add in this game we might not get as many players as other maps might draw… The map however is cool, so I’d still consider it.
    • Given how long the rulebook is and how different from other games I feel we might need a short starters guide:
    • A d12 is used instead of a d6 to determine battle outcomes
    • Technology matters in this game! There are a lot of things you can’t do without tech. Get Research centers.
    • There are unit specific factories - you can’t build tanks, infantry and fighters out of 1 factory
    • Terrain impact is huge, I’d advice to just keep the Terrain Effect chart at hand before you plan a battle… Luckily it is intuitive (jungle is pretty bad for vehicles, hills and mountains are easy to defend, etc). The battle calculator takes these terrain modifiers into account, so that helps…
    • Allies can’t move into Russian territories, they can only lend-lease units into 4 specific territories (Archangel, Murmansk, Eastern Iran and Soviet Far East) and only limited types and amounts of units can be transferred
    • Lend-lease is also available for America-UK, America/UK - China and Russia-China (allies also can’t move into China)
    • PU’s can’t be captured if capitals are taken, but are destroyed instead (for the countries with 2 capitals both have to be taken before PU’s are destroyed).

    So far for now ;-)

  • '20 '16 '15 '14

    TRS DizzKneeLand33 (Axis) wins over Entek (Allies)


  • '20 '16 '15 '14

    NE DizzKneeLand33 (Carolingians) wins over Entek (Coalition)


  • '20 '16 '15 '14

    WaW redrum (Allies) wins over DizzKneeLand33 (Axis)


  • '20 '16 '15 '14

    Napoleonic Empires:

    DizzKneeLand33 [Sides: even is Coalition, odd is Carolingians] vs dawgoneitDiceRolling 1d20:

    World at War:

    redrum [Sides: even is Allies, odd is Axis] vs Bacala DiceRolling 1d20:

    Balladeer vs Dizzkneeland33, 2nd game: Balladeer = Allies, DizzKneeLand33 = Axis

  • '18 '16 '15

    Ah and so we meet again! Lets hope the allies prevail once more! Will you set it up?

  • '20 '16 '15 '14

    Any word from dawg?  I’m going to have to forfeit him if we don’t hear by the weekend for the sake of keeping things moving.  It’s been a month now….  :|

  • '18 '16 '15

    I saw a post from him in a forum that everything he had got fried and he’s busy getting back online. Not sure where I saw it…

  • '20 '16 '15 '14


    sorry for the delay.
    lightning hit my house and messed up all my electronics so I have to have things replaced or fixed.
    I will be a couple of days and I will be back

    That was here in our thread.  But note the date – 8/31…

  • '18 '16 '15

  • '20 '16 '15 '14

    Same date there too – no word for 30 days…

  • '18 '16 '15

    Right, my bad, thought he posted there later. Well, I can understand declaring his games lost given tournament progress, but I’d be sad to see him go.

  • '20 '16 '15 '14

    Sadly, since it has been well over 30 days, I am forced to withdraw dawgoneit from our tournament – he will remain in good standing for future events.  So, I will be updating the tourney brackets and so forth.

    As you know, our games are rated here (tournament ratings), so if you feel that you are winning the game let me know and I will adjudicate it.  Otherwise, the games will not count for rating purposes.

  • '20 '16 '15 '14

    The Rising Sun:

    captain walker [Sides: even is Allies, odd is Axis] vs redrumDiceRolling 1d20:

    Great War:

    Balladeer vs Dizzkneeland33, 2nd game: Balladeer = Allies, DizzKneeLand33 = Axis

    Total Ancient War:

    Entek [Sides: even is Roman Alliance, odd is Anti-Roman Alliance] vs BacalaDiceRolling 1d20:

    Napoleonic Empires:

    DizzKneeLand33 [Sides: even is Coalition, odd is Carolingians] vs BalladeerDiceRolling 1d20:

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